News Mueller Day - Thursday 4.18.19

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Jul 17, 2003
And off we go...

I want to see Lindsey Graham's 1999 speech on impeachment in constant rotation. Choke on that shit and die republicans, you and Trump deserve every bit of what's coming.

If you can impeach someone for lying about a consensual blowjob between adults, you should be apoplectic over the need to do it now.
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Nov 11, 1999
You could wait until after the term is done. If not, why not impeach and have it roll over to the next in line? if it's bad enough, the party protecting them would implode or popularity would decrease due to a president not being able to carry out their duties. I think more worrisome is a runaway presidency into autocracy than this silly worry about a president presidenting from Leavenworth. People ignorantly think nothing much must be wrong if no one is doing anything about it ie. no crime, no foul! So it seems obvious what's worse.

Even the Democrats are foolishly going along with the GOP talking points. This sounds so idiotic.

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgement,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told @DanaBashCNN .

That's just one man's opinion at this point. Should the HOR decide to impeach it will be at a time of their choosing. For now they'll be taking testimony, subpoenaing the complete report & pursuing it in court if need be.

I'm not concerned about presidenting from prison, anyway, simply because DoJ policy rightfully prevents the possibility. There are other structural issues, as well, namely that a President can summarily dismiss any US Attorney who tries to prosecute him. If fired, they have no standing in court. It would just lead us right back around to the Constitutional remedy of impeachment.


Jul 17, 2003
Like who?

A pair of guys I know who have for a long time bought all the billionaire BS about Trump. One of them owns an establishment where FOX is the only channel allowed on for customers, he's on record as saying he doesn't care that Fox leads the PoTUS around by the nose if it means lower taxes.

I'm starting to see it from others I don't know personally though, that teaparty guy who just called out Barr for instance. Seems most are digging in their heels though. They've been in denial up to this point, what's another 18 months or so I guess.


Feb 6, 2002
The policy of not indicting a sitting president has been in place since Nixon, at least. It's the only logically consistent policy available. Otherwise we could conceivably get presidenting from a prison cell. The possibility of Trump being indicted while in office never existed. Mueller had no choice to make in that regard & said so.

The only Constitutional remedy to a criminal President is impeachment & removal from office. The law treats ex-Presidents just like everybody else at that point.

Should Trump survive to lose in 2020, I figure Pence will go down in the history books as President for a day, just so he can pardon Trump.
Problem with that rule it potentially makes the President above the law. I already gamed out how that could happen.
Dec 10, 2005
Problem with that rule it potentially makes the President above the law. I already gamed out how that could happen.
The rule is stupid and unnecessary. There already is a solution if the president was arrested and in prison: he'd be considered incapacitated and the vice president could take over, per the Constitution.


Nov 11, 1999
The rule is stupid and unnecessary. There already is a solution if the president was arrested and in prison: he'd be considered incapacitated and the vice president could take over, per the Constitution.

That's ridiculous. As the chief federal law enforcement officer the Prez can order any federal LEO who tries to arrest him to cease & desist. Basic chain of command. There's no legal way to take a sitting Prez into custody.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
I'm mostly finished reading the report. I wouldn't even know where to begin discussing the granular details. On "collusion," Trump's behavior was anywhere from sleazy to the point of disloyalty to country to a criminal conspiracy which simply can't be proven by direct evidence. We may never know. But on the issue of obstruction: FFS. Out of three possible conclusions Mueller could have drawn: prosecute, do not prosecute, or punt the decision to someone else, I can only speculate as to why he choose option 3. The sheer quantity of things Trump did - whether successful or not - to obstruct this investigation is staggering. This is one of the best cases I've ever seen for obstruction. It's a slam dunk IMO.

I have to think that Mueller for whatever reason doesn't want to be the one to recommend that Trump be prosecuted for attempting to obstruct Mueller's own investigation. Maybe Mueller thinks it would be perceived as a vendetta over Trump trying to fire Mueller more than once. So he wants another prosecutor to make that call. And Mueller knows Barr is a toady who would never prosecute Trump but that it doesn't matter anyway because Trump can't be prosecuted until he's out. Yet he also knows that a DoJ under a future administration can use this evidence he has marshalled to prosecute Trump if it so desires. That's my best guess at trying to understand why Mueller's conclusion doesn't seem to track the facts he laid out because if Trump isn't guilty of obstruction on those facts, then I'm the Dalai Lama.

The best theory I've heard... Mueller is an institutionalist, he got the OLC's guidance and that said the President couldn't be indicted because of not being able to do his work as President if under a cloud, etc etc. And if he can't be indicted for those reasons, saying he committed a crime if he couldn't be indicted would be the same thing and also not afford him the ability to prove his non guilt in court. So, his hands were pretty much tied, hence all the "language"


May 15, 2000
The best theory I've heard... Mueller is an institutionalist, he got the OLC's guidance and that said the President couldn't be indicted because of not being able to do his work as President if under a cloud, etc etc. And if he can't be indicted for those reasons, saying he committed a crime if he couldn't be indicted would be the same thing and also not afford him the ability to prove his non guilt in court. So, his hands were pretty much tied, hence all the "language"

That is correct and its also what Mueller said in his report.


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2019
I want to see Lindsey Graham's 1999 speech on impeachment in constant rotation. Choke on that shit and die republicans, you and Trump deserve every bit of what's coming.

If you can impeach someone for lying about a consensual blowjob between adults, you should be apoplectic over the need to do it now.

Holy moly are you stupid? Thats not what clintion got impeached for.
Reactions: spaceman


Feb 1, 2008
I want to see Lindsey Graham's 1999 speech on impeachment in constant rotation. Choke on that shit and die republicans, you and Trump deserve every bit of what's coming.

If you can impeach someone for lying about a consensual blowjob between adults, you should be apoplectic over the need to do it now.

Forget little Lindsey.
Donald Trump was right about one thing...

Donald Trump: “I think Lindsey Graham is a disgrace, and I think you have one of the worst representatives of any representative in the United States, and I don’t think he should run,” Trump said about the South Carolina senator at a campaign event in front of the lawmaker's home-state crowd. “I don’t think he could run for dog catcher in this state and win again. I really don’t. Other than that, I think he’s wonderful.”

Besides THAT, remember poor Lindsey is a widow now.
John McCain passed away and Lindsey is a lost soul.


Feb 1, 2008
Also, one thing that haunts me is we're talking Hillary Clinton here.
Hillary Clinton who lost to Obama. Damaged goods.
Hillary SHOULD HAVE won easily against Trump, but female democrats were not for Hillary.
Even loyal democrats just could not stomach Hillary. Especially after Obama.
Again, damaged goods is a very hard sell for the voters.
At least Mitt Romney was smart enough to understand THAT.
And Richard Nixon's ultimate success was an absolute fluke of nature.
Fact is, nothing Donald Trump could have done or colluded with would have made any difference.
Hillary had her own problems, and from democrats within her own party.
That's why they had to screw Bernie Sanders, even though that too did not help Hillary.
It wasn't so much what Donald Trump did, it was what Hillary Clinton did not do.
Some things people just won't swallow. Orange Coke and Hillary Clinton.
And then to add insult to injury, Bill Clinton. Enough said?
Biden should have gone up against Trump in 2016, but the Clinton machine would have attacked Joe as well as attacking Bernie.
And least us not forget, it was NOT necessarily the attacking of Sanders that did it, it was THE WAY they did it to Bernie.
THAT, many democrats just wouldn't stand for. And thus we got Donald Trump.
Was that con artist Trump's fault? Or Hillary Clinton's fault?


Sep 6, 2000
Also, one thing that haunts me is we're talking Hillary Clinton here.
Hillary Clinton who lost to Obama. Damaged goods.
Hillary SHOULD HAVE won easily against Trump, but female democrats were not for Hillary.
Even loyal democrats just could not stomach Hillary. Especially after Obama.
Again, damaged goods is a very hard sell for the voters.
At least Mitt Romney was smart enough to understand THAT.
And Richard Nixon's ultimate success was an absolute fluke of nature.
Fact is, nothing Donald Trump could have done or colluded with would have made any difference.
Hillary had her own problems, and from democrats within her own party.
That's why they had to screw Bernie Sanders, even though that too did not help Hillary.
It wasn't so much what Donald Trump did, it was what Hillary Clinton did not do.
Some things people just won't swallow. Orange Coke and Hillary Clinton.
And then to add insult to injury, Bill Clinton. Enough said?
Biden should have gone up against Trump in 2016, but the Clinton machine would have attacked Joe as well as attacking Bernie.
And least us not forget, it was NOT necessarily the attacking of Sanders that did it, it was THE WAY they did it to Bernie.
THAT, many democrats just wouldn't stand for. And thus we got Donald Trump.
Was that con artist Trump's fault? Or Hillary Clinton's fault?

Off topic for this thread but Romney made a mistake getting the nominee in 2012 instead of 2016 as he likely would have won. I'm guessing there's not a single Democratic voter out there who wouldn't rather have president Romney instead of president Trump if they had that choice.

Now back on topic, I can't really see the Dem leadership making a big and ongoing push for the grand jury part of the report. There's just too much damaging stuff in the redacted report already and continuing to make a big stink about the redacted portions will just hand Trump a talking point about how he's being "unfairly persecuted." Which is bullshit of course, but still. Focusing on picking the best nominee and beating Trump in 2020 would be the more productive use of Dem time at this point instead of the diminishing returns of seeking the redacted parts of the report. The redacted parts should be released for transparency, but as a political tactic not so much.
Reactions: ivwshane


Jun 17, 2005
That's ridiculous. As the chief federal law enforcement officer the Prez can order any federal LEO who tries to arrest him to cease & desist. Basic chain of command. There's no legal way to take a sitting Prez into custody.

It would be an illegal order and could be lawfully ignored. The idea that the President is not bound by the law is laughable at best. It literally makes him a king. What would happen if, for example, he just murdered congress and declared himself President for life? Would we all have to just shrug our shoulders and hope that someone assassinated him because there is no legal way to remove him since he could simply fire anyone that tried?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It would be an illegal order and could be lawfully ignored. The idea that the President is not bound by the law is laughable at best. It literally makes him a king. What would happen if, for example, he just murdered congress and declared himself President for life? Would we all have to just shrug our shoulders and hope that someone assassinated him because there is no legal way to remove him since he could simply fire anyone that tried?

I asked him this before and his answer was ‘that wouldn’t happen so it doesn’t count’.

That argument is...unconvincing.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Off topic for this thread but Romney made a mistake getting the nominee in 2012 instead of 2016 as he likely would have won. I'm guessing there's not a single Democratic voter out there who wouldn't rather have president Romney instead of president Trump if they had that choice.

Now back on topic, I can't really see the Dem leadership making a big and ongoing push for the grand jury part of the report. There's just too much damaging stuff in the redacted report already and continuing to make a big stink about the redacted portions will just hand Trump a talking point about how he's being "unfairly persecuted." Which is bullshit of course, but still. Focusing on picking the best nominee and beating Trump in 2020 would be the more productive use of Dem time at this point instead of the diminishing returns of seeking the redacted parts of the report. The redacted parts should be released for transparency, but as a political tactic not so much.

I think they will push for the grand jury information as if they are smart their goal will be a steady stream of hearings and revelations from today up through November 2020.

Not a full court press, not the most important thing they are doing, just something so that like once a month we find out something new and ugly about Trump. (They can combine this with other investigations too) You basically make it into an ‘oh Christ, what now?’ situation. That’s exactly what the Benghazi investigation was all about and it was really effective.

About Romney though I 100% agree, although I think he wouldn’t have won the 2016 primary. I have a lot of problems with Mitt Romney but he appears to be intelligent, hardworking, sane, and not corrupt. That’s a lot more than I can say for Trump.


Jul 17, 2003
Holy moly are you stupid? Thats not what clintion got impeached for.

Are you capable of posting anything that doesn't make you out to be a knuckle dragging right wing blowhard?

Piss off clown. If we need to hear someone regurgitate Fox Noise, and do it poorly, we'll let you know. Until then please return to your pathetic efforts of posting fake news whenever you see people extend sympathy to muslims. Remember, you and your kind are always the victim. Just remember to check article dates next time too huh?
Reactions: dank69


Feb 24, 2009
I heard the new communications lady, forget her name, today being asked questions on NPR. It was hilarious. You could tell that woman was just seething, wouldn't answer a straight question and brought up the Clinton Foundation in under 6 seconds. She sounded like she had just received a firm kick to the cat, and the host maintained a perfect tempo and polite, even voice. It was glorious.

And it's only going to get worse for him from here on out haha. I keep thinking of the "My presidency is over. I'm fucked." comment.

Awesome stuff!
Oh so they've already thrown Sarah over the transom.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Oh so they've already thrown Sarah over the transom.

I like how her excuse for her lie was that it was a slip of the tongue made in the heat of the moment.

Which of course totally explains why she repeated it several more times over the span of multiple days.


Aug 2, 2001
I think they will push for the grand jury information as if they are smart their goal will be a steady stream of hearings and revelations from today up through November 2020.

Not a full court press, not the most important thing they are doing, just something so that like once a month we find out something new and ugly about Trump. (They can combine this with other investigations too) You basically make it into an ‘oh Christ, what now?’ situation. That’s exactly what the Benghazi investigation was all about and it was really effective.

About Romney though I 100% agree, although I think he wouldn’t have won the 2016 primary. I have a lot of problems with Mitt Romney but he appears to be intelligent, hardworking, sane, and not corrupt. That’s a lot more than I can say for Trump.

I agree with this.

Some of the smart analysis I've read of the report also suggests Mueller left a lot of loose ends or other threads he couldn't pull on due to out of scope or lack of cooperation.

Plenty to follow-up with for two years easily. Some key figures also lied to Congress (sessions, Jr, etc) and are still exposed to legal action.

In some way it needs to be decided if impeachment is the end goal for Trump's first term, or let it play out and keep in in the back pocket of he gets reelected somehow.

Danger with that being it can look like sore loserism.


Feb 24, 2009
I want to see Lindsey Graham's 1999 speech on impeachment in constant rotation. Choke on that shit and die republicans, you and Trump deserve every bit of what's coming.

If you can impeach someone for lying about a consensual blowjob between adults, you should be apoplectic over the need to do it now.
Saw that last night. Republicans, hypocrisy be thy name.


Feb 24, 2009
Also, one thing that haunts me is we're talking Hillary Clinton here.
Hillary Clinton who lost to Obama. Damaged goods.
Hillary SHOULD HAVE won easily against Trump, but female democrats were not for Hillary.
Even loyal democrats just could not stomach Hillary. Especially after Obama.
Again, damaged goods is a very hard sell for the voters.
At least Mitt Romney was smart enough to understand THAT.
And Richard Nixon's ultimate success was an absolute fluke of nature.
Fact is, nothing Donald Trump could have done or colluded with would have made any difference.
Hillary had her own problems, and from democrats within her own party.
That's why they had to screw Bernie Sanders, even though that too did not help Hillary.
It wasn't so much what Donald Trump did, it was what Hillary Clinton did not do.
Some things people just won't swallow. Orange Coke and Hillary Clinton.
And then to add insult to injury, Bill Clinton. Enough said?
Biden should have gone up against Trump in 2016, but the Clinton machine would have attacked Joe as well as attacking Bernie.
And least us not forget, it was NOT necessarily the attacking of Sanders that did it, it was THE WAY they did it to Bernie.
THAT, many democrats just wouldn't stand for. And thus we got Donald Trump.
Was that con artist Trump's fault? Or Hillary Clinton's fault?
Em, kay..............
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