Multiple fatalities in shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
White people sure love shooting up public places. How do we fix white culture?

Racist white people are even worried that people will misunderstand them due to this.

I love how Dylann's peers say he was soft spoken....not racist..but used to make a lot of racist jokes! He was a good boy who was just overly medicated! Lets not jump to conclusions on motive! Whats wrong with standing up for what you believe in!? ( of you assholes actually said this)

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

But, when a white person does something, he/she is always a lone wolf and their behaviors are not indicative of white culture or white values. Fuck this whole situation. The typical P&N dickheads are out in full effect too, no surprise there. Your dicks get so hard when a black person kills a white person or when a black kid gets shot, you can't wait to dive in with the character assasinations...but when white people kill.....lets discuss their mental state and how we can't jump to conclusions about this shit being race motivated.

This fucking forum, man.

<<----White guy here.... White conservative no less... Non religious though if that counts.

I see the shooter for what he is... A racist. He isn't crazy. It isn't a drug issue.

He is just fucking as racist as they come. Yeah, maybe something set him off. Maybe he is crazy... But crazy fuckers don't generally care who they kill. This fucker decided and planned to kill just blacks and made it a point to let them know why. He is a fucking racist. End of story, drop the mic.


Jun 23, 2004
Racist, terrorist?

Who !@#$ng cares what we label him? He's a loner. He's in custody. Charge him, try him, convict him, and kill him.


Oct 10, 2006
White people sure love shooting up public places. How do we fix white culture?

Racist white people are even worried that people will misunderstand them due to this.

I love how Dylann's peers say he was soft spoken....not racist..but used to make a lot of racist jokes! He was a good boy who was just overly medicated! Lets not jump to conclusions on motive! Whats wrong with standing up for what you believe in!? ( of you assholes actually said this)

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

But, when a white person does something, he/she is always a lone wolf and their behaviors are not indicative of white culture or white values. Fuck this whole situation. The typical P&N dickheads are out in full effect too, no surprise there. Your dicks get so hard when a black person kills a white person or when a black kid gets shot, you can't wait to dive in with the character assasinations...but when white people kill.....lets discuss their mental state and how we can't jump to conclusions about this shit being race motivated.

This fucking forum, man.

Lol calm down man, have you read this thread at all? No one outside of a few cited tea party kooks is denying this was racially motivated, and they're framing it as an attack on Christians in general because it was a church, which isn't anti-black in this case. Sure the drugs may have been the tipping point, but he chose a black church for a reason and had those retarded license plates. Damn right he was racist.

I honestly don't know what you're angry about, just spoiling for a fight? Assuming racism where there isn't any (meaning this thread)? Hate to say it, but those are two black stereotypes you just reinforced with this post.


Nov 4, 1999
White people sure love shooting up public places. How do we fix white culture?

Racist white people are even worried that people will misunderstand them due to this.

I love how Dylann's peers say he was soft spoken....not racist..but used to make a lot of racist jokes! He was a good boy who was just overly medicated! Lets not jump to conclusions on motive! Whats wrong with standing up for what you believe in!? ( of you assholes actually said this)

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

But, when a white person does something, he/she is always a lone wolf and their behaviors are not indicative of white culture or white values. Fuck this whole situation. The typical P&N dickheads are out in full effect too, no surprise there. Your dicks get so hard when a black person kills a white person or when a black kid gets shot, you can't wait to dive in with the character assasinations...but when white people kill.....lets discuss their mental state and how we can't jump to conclusions about this shit being race motivated.

This fucking forum, man.


Jon Stewart covered this quite well...


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2010
White people sure love shooting up public places. How do we fix white culture?

Racist white people are even worried that people will misunderstand them due to this.

I love how Dylann's peers say he was soft spoken....not racist..but used to make a lot of racist jokes! He was a good boy who was just overly medicated! Lets not jump to conclusions on motive! Whats wrong with standing up for what you believe in!? ( of you assholes actually said this)

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

But, when a white person does something, he/she is always a lone wolf and their behaviors are not indicative of white culture or white values. Fuck this whole situation. The typical P&N dickheads are out in full effect too, no surprise there. Your dicks get so hard when a black person kills a white person or when a black kid gets shot, you can't wait to dive in with the character assasinations...but when white people kill.....lets discuss their mental state and how we can't jump to conclusions about this shit being race motivated.

This fucking forum, man.

Although there is some truth in what you say, remember that comedians like Chris Rock say stuff about black people all the time and people think it's funny because there's some truth in that too. Same with things like StuffWhitePeopleLike, there's a bit of truth in there. But it's only a partial truth.

I mean, you say "white culture" and "white values" as if they were monolithic. They aren't. You have gays, hipsters, geeks, jocks, trust fund babies, born again Christians, and what some people call "white trash." Similarly among black people there is a spectrum there as well.

In any case, I don't think many people are trying to pretend like he wasn't a racist. The photos of him make me think he's mentally ill, possibly paranoid schizophrenic (which often hits men in their early to mid 20s which is why you see shooters like the guy who shot up the Batman movie theater).


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Jon Stewart:

“I honestly have nothing other than sadness that once again we have to peer into the abyss of the depraved violence that we do to each other and the nexus of a just gaping racial wound that will not heal yet we pretend doesn’t exist. I’m confident though that by acknowledging it—by staring into it—we still won’t do jack shit. That’s us. And that’s the part that blows my mind…What blows my mind is the disparity of response. When we think people that are foreign are going to kill us and us killing ourselves…We invade two countries and spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of American lives and now fly unmanned death machines over like five or six different counties, all to keep Americans safe. We’ve got to do whatever we can—we’ll torture people. We’ve got to do whatever we can to keep Americans safe. But nine people shot in a church— ‘Hey, what are you going go to do? Crazy is as crazy is, right?’ That’s the part that, for the life of me, I can’t wrap my head around. And you know it’s going to go down the same path.”


“Nine people were shot in a black church by a white guy who hated them who wanted to start some sort of civil war. The confederate flag flies over South Carolina. And the roads are named for confederate generals. And the white guy is the one who feels like his country is being taken away from him. We’re bringing it on ourselves. And that’s the thing—al Qaeda, ISIS, they’re not shit compared to the damage we can do to ourselves on a regular basis.”
Nailed it.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I mean, you say "white culture" and "white values" as if they were monolithic. They aren't. You have gays, hipsters, geeks, jocks, trust fund babies, born again Christians, and what some people call "white trash." Similarly among black people there is a spectrum there as well.

Here's her? his? quote. The part I bolded appears to be the part you're directly addressing:

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

But, when a white person does something, he/she is always a lone wolf and their behaviors are not indicative of white culture or white values.

To the bolded: I think what SheHateMe is saying is that it's not fair that black people (at least on this forum) seem to always be lumped together when there's a big news story like this involving a black person (or persons) as the perpetrator, whereas when it's a white person, that's not the case.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Just wanted to point out something I noticed... maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing.

This whole situation makes me so angry. White people love talking about us so fucking much when one black person does something...ALL of us are considered the fucking same. You talk shit about what we do and don't value like you actually have a clue what we feel on an individual level. There are constant threads on why Black People do X or why Black People think Y, etc.

As a white guy, I don't think I've ever considered myself, or referred to myself, as part of a group just based on the fact that someone else was also white. On one hand, you want to be respected as an individual (which of course you deserve), but on the other you're speaking as if your voice is unanimous with "we" and "us" other black people. You're upset that all black people are getting lumped together, but the way you're speaking, you seem to be doing it yourself as well.

Maybe it's part of being a minority. The closest I can come to somewhat relating to that is that I'm an atheist, and I do feel like a minority in that regard sometimes. I suppose I may feel more more kinship with people who have similar views on religion than I would with just some random white person.


Oct 10, 2000
White people sure love shooting up public places. How do we fix white culture?

It is rather odd that there's a large number of young white men that are fucked in the head and decide to murder whole bunch of people.

I'm guessing it's a cultural thing in the US - white yuppy helicopter parents shielding their kids from any adversity and when they finally hit it as adults, they go batshit crazy.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Nov 25, 2013
On a better note, the story of the woman who helped get the killer arrested is quite wonderful. She not only tipped the police, she followed the guy to make sure they were able to find him.

BREAKING: Tip from Kings Mountain florists led to Charleston shooting suspect's arrest

"After first spotting Roof's car in south Gastonia, Dills said, she followed him to the Kings Mountain exit on the U.S. 74 bypass, then exited to head to work at the florist shop in downtown Kings Mountain. Something didn’t feel right to her, so she headed back to the bypass and drove west to attempt to catch up to Roof to provide more details.

“What if that really was him?” she thought. “I have friends going to the mountains this weekend, so if it that was him and something would happen again, what would I do? It kept eating at me, and something told me to keep following him."


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
To me it doesn't matter who he killed or why. He killed people. If he did it as a hate crime, it is even more disgusting. Even one person in the manner he did is enough to where I do not want him to live. When convicted (he just admitted to it apparently) he should be executed. Not dragging it out for years, taking tax payers money. Just fucking killed. He cannot be rehabilitated and he forfeited his right to live by committing this crime. I do not believe these pills forced him to pull the trigger. He knew full well what he was doing. Unless some infallible evidence comes out that he was so deranged that he was unaware of his acts, I stand by my earlier statements.

His .45mm wasn't even an assault weapon though. It only has a 7 round clip. We need to ban all of the guns and outlaw the NRA and its sister organization, the KKK.

Pet peeve of mine. That is not a clip, it's a magazine. A clip if something from like a M1 Garand. Making guns illegal isn't going to work. So many people commit crimes with guns that already are not legally allowed to own them. Don't be so naïve. In that or linking the NRA to the KKK.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Here's her? his? quote. The part I bolded appears to be the part you're directly addressing:

To the bolded: I think what SheHateMe is saying is that it's not fair that black people (at least on this forum) seem to always be lumped together when there's a big news story like this involving a black person (or persons) as the perpetrator, whereas when it's a white person, that's not the case.

no. SheHateMe is a just a racist. That's what his post says.


Jan 31, 2010
no. SheHateMe is a just a racist. That's what his post says.

No, SheHateMe has a valid point. The media creates more racial tension by the way they word their report/articles and I can respect her anger when it comes to the disparity in reporting.

Though she can mistake a sarcastic post as being something it isn't from time to time as we all do, I do not see her as a racist either.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
Racist, terrorist?

Who !@#$ng cares what we label him? He's a loner. He's in custody. Charge him, try him, convict him, and kill him.

But if we just leave it at that, there's no political gain to be made. We can't press for gun control. We can't blame all white people for causing this. We can't use this to further divide our country along racial lines. Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.

My wife was reading a couple articles this morning. There were some people claiming 'white privilege because the cops didn't shoot him during the arrest.

The shooting was a horrific event, perpetrated by a malevolent pig. In some ways it actually would have been better if he'd resisted arrest and had been gunned down.


Oct 12, 2009
To me it doesn't matter who he killed or why. He killed people. If he did it as a hate crime, it is even more disgusting. Even one person in the manner he did is enough to where I do not want him to live. When convicted (he just admitted to it apparently) he should be executed. Not dragging it out for years, taking tax payers money. Just fucking killed. He cannot be rehabilitated and he forfeited his right to live by committing this crime. I do not believe these pills forced him to pull the trigger. He knew full well what he was doing. Unless some infallible evidence comes out that he was so deranged that he was unaware of his acts, I stand by my earlier statements.
The anti death penalty crowd won't go for that. Now, if he was still in the womb....


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
The anti death penalty crowd won't go for that. Now, if he was still in the womb....

Oh yeah, it'd be different then.

But I don't care what the anti death penalty say, I don't change my opinion on things to pacify people. He should not be allowed the privilege of life after taking 9 lives.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
It is rather odd that there's a large number of young white men that are fucked in the head and decide to murder whole bunch of people.

I'm guessing it's a cultural thing in the US - white yuppy helicopter parents shielding their kids from any adversity and when they finally hit it as adults, they go batshit crazy.

I have 4 millennial aged kids. My wife and I did NOT shield our kids from adversity and we actually let them try, and fail, at things. But, what I bolded is very prevalent. We saw a lot of that with other parents.


Feb 6, 2002
Although there is some truth in what you say, remember that comedians like Chris Rock say stuff about black people all the time and people think it's funny because there's some truth in that too. Same with things like StuffWhitePeopleLike, there's a bit of truth in there. But it's only a partial truth.

I mean, you say "white culture" and "white values" as if they were monolithic. They aren't. You have gays, hipsters, geeks, jocks, trust fund babies, born again Christians, and what some people call "white trash." Similarly among black people there is a spectrum there as well.

In any case, I don't think many people are trying to pretend like he wasn't a racist. The photos of him make me think he's mentally ill, possibly paranoid schizophrenic (which often hits men in their early to mid 20s which is why you see shooters like the guy who shot up the Batman movie theater).

Why is he any different from the ISIS guy with British accent beheading people?
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