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Jun 9, 2016
While reading this post I just had to do the following....
  • Play the world's smallest violin
  • Donate to starving kids in Ethiopia
  • Pull and tug at my bleeding heart
It's so hilarious how liberals like to argue things not because of logic, reasoning, facts, or economics, but simply "because it's the right thing to do"

Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and learn the language. That's not going to affect our country down the road since it makes a language barrier right? We will all still hold hands 24/7 and sing lullaby's, just in 2 languages at the same time. Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and want to impose theirs upon us with Sharia law. I'm sure we can get along just fine and co-mingle with those completely 2 different points of view, right?

You should get together with roflmouth to discuss some kind of conclusive solution for those people.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I love immigrants.

Why? Because they aren't entited like so many Americans. Most will work harder and have a stronger sense of gratitude than most Americans.

There are many who become millionaires. Shattering the myth that upward mobility doesn't exist in America anymore. The real reason is many Americans are just plain lazy. Me included. I'm working on it though.

Can't argue with that. A woman I know is from Pakistan. She was setup on an arranged marriage and dropped shipped to her husband to Missoula, Montana in the middle of the winter. And she didn't speak a lick of English when she came here. 15 years later she's a highly trained pharmacist working in one of top heart transplant programs in the country. My kids will never face that sort of adversity. And neither will millions of others that grew up here. I spent a couple hours talking to her and her husband last week at a party and their stories were fascinating.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2014
Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and learn the language. That's not going to affect our country down the road since it makes a language barrier right? We will all still hold hands 24/7 and sing lullaby's, just in 2 languages at the same time. Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and want to impose theirs upon us with Sharia law. I'm sure we can get along just fine and co-mingle with those completely 2 different points of view, right?

Oh lordy. How many of your ancestors were incompatible with being American for totally justified reasons back when they came over?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
While reading this post I just had to do the following....
  • Play the world's smallest violin
  • Donate to starving kids in Ethiopia
  • Pull and tug at my bleeding heart
It's so hilarious how liberals like to argue things not because of logic, reasoning, facts, or economics, but simply "because it's the right thing to do"

Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and learn the language. That's not going to affect our country down the road since it makes a language barrier right? We will all still hold hands 24/7 and sing lullaby's, just in 2 languages at the same time. Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and want to impose theirs upon us with Sharia law. I'm sure we can get along just fine and co-mingle with those completely 2 different points of view, right?

So, you've engaged these people you speak of? You've taken the time to interact and get to know these people individually? You've befriended some even? If the answer is no then you truly know nothing of what you speak and show yourself to be small and ugly in your heart and soul.

How do you suppose Canadians manage with having both French and English as primary languages? For the most part both languages are represented. Do you imagine it's led to the ugliness you envision?

Tell you what, stop being a fool and I bet you stop seeing problems as bigger than they truly are. OR I suppose you can live in constant fear of something happening to you that isn't real. Would you call that a form of schizophrenia?

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
He's not completely wrong, in that there are a non-zero number of immigrants who do wish the country were a Muslim theocracy. That number pales, however, next to the number of non-immigrants (which is to say, people who are several generations removed from the genocide of the natives) who want a fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

Perspective, people. We've met the enemy, and he is us, or at least those of us who read the Bible entirely too literally.
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Golden Member
Oct 14, 2014
He's not completely wrong, in that there are a non-zero number of immigrants who do wish the country were a Muslim theocracy. That number pales, however, next to the number of non-immigrants (which is to say, people who are several generations removed from the genocide of the natives) who want a fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

Perspective, people. We've met the enemy, and he is us, or at least those of us who read the Bible entirely too literally.

Ahh, don't worry, it's not like we've had a president hire a ton of his staff from a "university" like Liberty University, notable for being run by Jerry Falwell and son, and when governor pass a law allowing faith-based institutions to opt out of state licensing requirements, which served nearly entirely (only seven of over 2k faith-based institutions did so) to allow the reopening of the nakedly abusive facilities opened by Lester Roloff, about which this was written:

The only literature permitted to those living in the Roloff homes was the King James Version of the Bible. Television was forbidden, and only one hour of radio per day was permitted to listen to Roloff's radio sermons. Daily church attendance was mandatory; each Roloff home had its own church and pastor on the grounds. Other policies, in accordance to the state, included windows being locked and alarm systems in order to prevent any truancy or escape. Contact with the outside world was denied except for monitored phone calls with parents. In addition, each dorm room had an intercom and loudspeaker.

In December 2001, Texas Monthly reported on the (then closed) Rebekah Home:[2]

"Discipline at the Rebekah Home was rooted in a verse from Proverbs: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die." The dictum was liberally applied. Local authorities first investigated possible abuse at the Rebekah Home in 1973, when parents who were visiting their daughter reported seeing a girl being whipped. When welfare workers attempted to inspect the home, Roloff refused them entry on the grounds that it would infringe on the separation between church and state. Attorney General John Hill promptly filed suit against Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises, introducing affidavits from sixteen Rebekah girls who said they had been whipped with leather straps, beaten with paddles, handcuffed to drainpipes, and locked in isolation cells—sometimes for such minor infractions as failing to memorize a Bible passage or forgetting to make a bed. Roloff defended these methods as good old-fashioned discipline, solidly supported by Scripture, and denied that any treatment at Rebekah constituted abuse. During an evidentiary hearing, he made his position clear by declaring, "Better a pink bottom than a black soul." Attorney General Hill bluntly replied that it wasn't pink bottoms he objected to, but ones that were blue, black, and bloody.
Still refusing to submit his youth homes to state oversight, Roloff met with Hill, and with the Honeybee Quartet in tow, he prayed and wept for the salvation of Hill's soul. Unmoved, Hill pressed his case, and in 1974 a state district judge found Roloff in contempt of court and sentenced the preacher to five days behind bars. Roloff headed off to jail – as he would two more times during the state's long-running case against him – wearing a smile, his well-worn Bible tucked under his arm."

Oh no, wait, that's GWB. That happened in my lifetime.

Not to worry though, after that, we haven't had a Christian Dominionist be a serious presidential candidate.

Sorry. Ted Cruz. Right.


Jun 9, 2016
Ahh, don't worry, it's not like we've had a president hire a ton of his staff from a "university" like Liberty University, notable for being run by Jerry Falwell and son, and when governor pass a law allowing faith-based institutions to opt out of state licensing requirements, which served nearly entirely (only seven of over 2k faith-based institutions did so) to allow the reopening of the nakedly abusive facilities opened by Lester Roloff, about which this was written:

Oh no, wait, that's GWB. That happened in my lifetime.

Not to worry though, after that, we haven't had a Christian Dominionist be a serious presidential candidate.

Sorry. Ted Cruz. Right.

Every time Falwell is mentioned I'm inclined to bring up the reason why "abortion" and such are political issues: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133

TL;DR: the gubmint through the IRS was applying pressure to segregated businesses like Falwell's Christian schools, and the "christian" leaders looked to use their flock as political recourse via the ballot. Ie racists join republicans to maintain segregation.

Sometime I'd told I harp on about white nationalism too much, but the reality is modern american politics is basically molded by the tipping point of klan votes.
Reactions: xthetenth


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2014
Every time Falwell is mentioned I'm inclined to bring up the reason why "abortion" and such are political issues: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133

TL;DR: the gubmint through the IRS was applying pressure to segregated businesses like Falwell's Christian schools, and the "christian" leaders looked to use their flock as political recourse via the ballot. Ie racists join republicans to maintain segregation.

Sometime I'd told I harp on about white nationalism too much, but the reality is modern american politics is basically molded by the tipping point of klan votes.

Yup. That's why the "confederate flag" (actually a rectangular version of the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia or the second confederate navy jack) saw its massive upsurge in popularity to what it is now in the 1960s (which is why it has the nickname stars and bars despite that being the first national flag's nickname), and is why German neo-nazis who can't use any of their own symbols use it as it's the next best symbol for their ideology.

It's about race in a ton of obvious and subtle ways that aren't even intentionally about race but are very much so in practice. It always has been, and it will be for a long time. The pushback against "identity politics" isn't opposed to identity politics, it's a strain of white identity politics that goes all the way back to when the institutions of slavery and unfree labor in the colonies incorporated a racial caste system to get the buy-in of poor whites. It was at the heart of the Civil War, even more so during Reconstruction, and what we've been living through since the 60s will probably be recognized as being a second try at Reconstruction and the resulting pushback to it.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
While reading this post I just had to do the following....
  • Play the world's smallest violin
  • Donate to starving kids in Ethiopia
  • Pull and tug at my bleeding heart
It's so hilarious how liberals like to argue things not because of logic, reasoning, facts, or economics, but simply "because it's the right thing to do"

Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and learn the language. That's not going to affect our country down the road since it makes a language barrier right? We will all still hold hands 24/7 and sing lullaby's, just in 2 languages at the same time. Nevermind facts, such as certain immigrants that refuse to adapt to our culture and want to impose theirs upon us with Sharia law. I'm sure we can get along just fine and co-mingle with those completely 2 different points of view, right?

American culture IS a culture of immigrants. At what point did you stamp a label on it and call it complete? Once you saw that pearly white racial hegemony we've taken for granted for so long under threat? Pretty much any 2nd immigration immigrant you find is nearly indistinguishable from a native born American, which means the melting pot is working just fine. All they need is opportunity and for xenophobic assholes, perhaps like yourself, to stay out of their way.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
You were the only one who found my humor humorous...

So one person found you funny, you must be funny? Very low standards chucky. Moonie has no discernable sense of humor (he admitted it). If he's laughing, be confused... very confused.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You were the only one who found my humor humorous...
Not just humorous but genius level so, dare I say.. Perfectly done.

I understand the conundrum that represents, getting a complement from somebody so especially worthless as I am, but it is easier to look up to people from that position.

What I see in this thread is a differing opinion on immigration that contains two factual realities, the positive and negative facts about immigration. The natural tendency is for the two sides to demonize the other instead of first acknowledging the reality of the other's concerns., natural in the sense that it represents a history of accumulated bitterness.

Seeing that causes a couple of things to happen, I think. One is that it makes me slightly more aware that I will fall in that trap and thus slightly less likely that I will, but that saying this on the forum will sound like bragging, that I need to say I am better than others. You know my pet theory as to why that is and I know you think it's crazy.

But what I see is your kindness in coming back to the thread and announcing that I got what you were doing. I appreciate it. The value for me is that, as I said above, you were not who others think you are, but a mirror to how liberals too easily react, in least my opinion, and something I have been guilty of only a few million times. It is a claimed scientific fact that conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives and I think you turned your insight of how we react into a delicious bit of humor.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
So one person found you funny, you must be funny? Very low standards chucky. Moonie has no discernable sense of humor (he admitted it). If he's laughing, be confused... very confused.
I find this to be extremely funny.


Dec 9, 1999
So one person found you funny, you must be funny? Very low standards chucky. Moonie has no discernable sense of humor (he admitted it). If he's laughing, be confused... very confused.

Haha, I don't even care if one person found me funny. What, you think what you guys post has some actual value to me? LOL...


Dec 9, 1999
Not just humorous but genius level so, dare I say.. Perfectly done.snip

But what I see is your kindness in coming back to the thread and announcing that I got what you were doing. I appreciate it. The value for me is that, as I said above, you were not who others think you are, but a mirror to how liberals too easily react, in least my opinion, and something I have been guilty of only a few million times. It is a claimed scientific fact that conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives and I think you turned your insight of how we react into a delicious bit of humor.

Haha, np...


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I find this to be extremely funny.

So disappointing.

Wait... Did you just lose your will to stop not talking to me after losing your will to talk to me? Mooner, you are one confused shielded soul. On the up side, I now understand why I don't make you laugh. Ugliness is what amuses you and apparently you think it's deliciously genius to a level worth appreciating. *smh* you have so much work to do but I guess the good news is that you think you're ahead of the game, you'll hardly notice the time marching by as you toil.

The other good news is that I will concede to chucky. He is better suited to be your bestie. Happy?


Apr 19, 2001
That is not who we are. If that's who we are that wouldn't be a story, it would be met with a shrug. The only reason anyone noticed strangers working together for a selfless purpose is because it was an aberration. That's who we're not.
Wanna see who we are, let a disaster hit that place so that the people couldn't get out and supplies couldn't get in. That chain of humanitarians would turn into Thunderdome in a heartbeat.

We are post-Katrina New Orleans.
We are inner city Chicago
We are the country with the highest per capita incarceration rate in the entire world
We are the country with the highest infant mortality rate among the 50 richest countries
We are passing laws to make it legal to teach creationism as science in public schools.
We have elected officials publicly advocating genocide against unapproved religions
We are the country that flat out stole our land from the people who had it before we got here.
We are the country with a poor health care system and a higher education system that is open only to the wealthiest while spending more on the military than the next 20 countries combined.
We are race riots. We are homeless veterans. We are government spying, we are homophobes, we are racial profilers, we have corrupt banks that are too big to fail and kids too small to bother saving.

We are the people that ran Donald Trump against Hilary Clinton and guaranteed that whoever won we all lost.

That's who we are all day, every day. Those people on the beach are who we tell ourselves we are even when it's clear we're not.
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