Muslim bashing sets off furor

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Amazing! I'm actually shocked that a politician doesnt keep giving us the "PC" jazz n jive about how the Great White Satan is to blame, everythings ok yada yada.

There may be many who are aghast, but theres also some who agree and are glad SOMEONE in a position of power has the nads to say it like it is!

Muslim bashing sets off furor
A high-powered couple assert Islam is a ?hateful, frightening religion.? Many are aghast.

BROOKSVILLE ? A Hernando County commissioner said Tuesday that he is ?in total agreement? with a letter his wife wrote calling Islam a ?hateful, frightening religion.?

?Overall, worldwide, it certainly is,? said Commissioner Tom Hogan Sr. ?Don?t you read your own paper??
He went on to say, ?There?s a saying out there, and there?s some truth to it, that not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. It?s their thing.?

The Hogans are widely considered the first couple of Hernando County?s Republican Party, and both have helped lead the party since the 1960s. Their comments earned wide condemnation Tuesday from political colleagues.
Local Muslim leaders reacted with shock and dismay, with one Islamic advocacy group saying it will call for Hogan?s ouster from the County Commission.

?We?re deeply concerned about the hateful and racist nature of these comments,? said Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, promising to call on Gov. Jeb Bush to remove Hogan from office.

?They can call it whatever they want to,? Mary Ann Hogan responded Tuesday. ?I?m calling them barbarians. ?

Tom Hogan Sr., often affectionately called ?Mr. Republican,? was a co-founder of the county Republican Executive Committee and served as its first chairman. He?s been a state committeeman for four decades. Bush appointed him to a vacant County Commission seat in August. Mary Ann Hogan served as a state committeewoman, then as the party?s chairwoman during the 1970s. A former School Board member, she remains active in the party and in Republican clubs, and serves as a GOP precinct captain.

A letter of complaint

Mary Ann Hogan wrote the letter complaining about the county?s assistance in a local mosque?s celebration of the Muslim holiday Eid-al-Fitr. The Oct. 23 festivity marked the end of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month that calls for daylight fasting.

She sent the letter to the St. Petersburg Times last week, but it wasn?t delivered to the paper?s Hernando office until late Monday.

?Don?t the administrators of this county know that in honor of Ramadan the Muslims in Iraq have killed an even greater number of our soldiers and Marines than in the preceding months?? she wrote.

?The stated goal of the Muslim faith is to kill us, the 'infidels.? By providing county employees for their use Hernando County is sanctioning this hateful, frightening religion.?

Dr. Adel Eldin helped organize the mosque event, and said Tuesday that he was saddened by the Hogans? comments.

?We have nothing to do with the people in Iraq. We are your neighbors.?

Eldin made a $200 donation to the county parks department. In exchange, the department loaned the mosque some outdoor children?s games, explained Pat Fagan, director of parks and recreation.

The games are available to any group for a $50 deposit, Fagan said. A county employee dropped off and picked up the games. That is not standard practice, but the delivery took place during regular business hours and didn?t cost the county any overtime pay, Fagan said.

The department planned to send one staffer to help out. After a complaint by Tom Hogan Sr., the county decided that it was inappropriate to use county resources to staff a religious event, Fagan said.

Mary Ann Hogan complained that the use of county tax dollars to support religion is illegal.

?Illegal is bad enough,? she wrote, ?but helping to promote the Muslim religion is immoral and un-American.?
Fagan called the letter ?sick.?

?We?re all Americans,? he said.

'They want to kill us?

Mary Ann Hogan responded in a telephone interview Tuesday morning. ?Even if they have gotten citizenship, they are not true Americans in my opinion. They all want to kill us,? she said.

She said political correctness keeps many from speaking out. ?These people are trying to kill us. They want to kill us. Why can?t you understand that? They say that. It?s written in their bible,? she said.

She said moderate Muslims haven?t done enough to condemn and stop terrorists. ?I don?t want to sound like a raving maniac, but I think some raving is in order,? she said.

When she was finished, she put Tom Hogan Sr. on the phone. ?I was in the room. I know what Mary Ann said. I am in total agreement.?

Eldin said he considered Tom Hogan Sr. a friend and had met Mary Ann Hogan several times. ?We?ll respond with kindness, education and prayer for her and Mr. Hogan,? he said.

State Rep. Dave Russell, a longtime friend and ally of the Hogans, said Tuesday that he was shocked by the comments.

Russell credited a local Muslim doctor with insisting that Russell?s father get a test that detected early stages of cancer. The doctor saved his father?s life.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
She speaks the truth.

The Religon of Peace has an agenda and we should not help them out.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
whereas i agree for the most part, that adage they use is false. there are terrorists of all ethnicities to some degree, try visiting the Murrah (sp?) Building in OKC, or some of the Planned Parenthood clinics in or around North Carolina, and Georgia. Granted these guys do seem fewer and further between. That all being said, I am sick of hearing people have to dance around those so overly sensitive that they go off the handle every time some idiot says something that isn't to their liking. But generalizing doesn't help the situation either.


Sep 28, 2002
Bwahaha....she speaks the truth?

?Don?t the administrators of this county know that in honor of Ramadan the Muslims in Iraq have killed an even greater number of our soldiers and Marines than in the preceding months?? she wrote.

?The stated goal of the Muslim faith is to kill us, the 'infidels.? By providing county employees for their use Hernando County is sanctioning this hateful, frightening religion.?
Bwhawha! Absolute raving idiocy! Yes - ramadan is not a time for Charity, or to help others, or to understand what it is like to be hungry always, or to pause and reflect about God...All that stuff Muslims are taught and tell other non muslims are liess!! They have secret conspiracy meetings in which they relax around a fire and talk about the deaths in Iraq - I've been to many and one claimed he killed FIVE soliders in 2 seconds with a pencil with no eraser! Remember....the situation is really about Killing American Soliders! Of course lets miss the fact that there are countless more Iraqis themselves that die....
For the second one - someone show me it please, because that is news to me. Again - she is a lunatic to the worst degree. As if we have anything to do with what is going in in Iraq. Remember- the violence in Iraq ISN'T about the invasion of a country with no real plan that let it descended into chaos so that there is no security and deaths are a common thing as various political entities strive for no no it isn't about that.
The ISLAMISTS made us go to war so they can kill our soliders!!!! It is all the muslo-facsco-arabo-islamo-MENTALITS fault that Iraq is in the situation it is in! Conspiracy I say! Or rather...Islamophobia I say!

Eldin made a $200 donation to the county parks department. In exchange, the department loaned the mosque some outdoor children?s games, explained Pat Fagan, director of parks and recreation.
Careful - who knows what the mooslemans will do with...CHILDREN'S TOYS! And clearly they are BRIBING our official to do their bidding, because they donated 200 dollars instead of putting down the 50 dollar deposit! Get rid of their filthy charitable souls!

?Illegal is bad enough,? she wrote, ?but helping to promote the Muslim religion is immoral and un-American.?
Fagan called the letter ?sick.?

?We?re all Americans,? he said.

'They want to kill us?

Mary Ann Hogan responded in a telephone interview Tuesday morning. ?Even if they have gotten citizenship, they are not true Americans in my opinion. They all want to kill us,? she said.

She said political correctness keeps many from speaking out. ?These people are trying to kill us. They want to kill us. Why can?t you understand that? They say that. It?s written in their bible,? she said.

I really can't think of much to say here. She INSISTS that they are not real Americans, she INSISTS that our "bible" tells us to kill them...I think she is missing a few screws in her head, because aparantly she understands that we secretly don't think we are Americans and we want to kill all non Muslims!!!

The fact that you three totally agree with this without realizing how RIDICULOUS this woman is shows that in any serious discussion about religion of or relating to Islam your comments should be ignored simply because of irrational opinions relating to Islam. Especially when she explicitly states that Muslims are not "true Americans" (makes me wonder what a true American is....let me guess, a Christian?) and you three agree without reservation.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: judasmachine
whereas i agree for the most part, that adage they use is false. there are terrorists of all ethnicities to some degree, try visiting the Murrah (sp?) Building in OKC, or some of the Planned Parenthood clinics in or around North Carolina, and Georgia. Granted these guys do seem fewer and further between. That all being said, I am sick of hearing people have to dance around those so overly sensitive that they go off the handle every time some idiot says something that isn't to their liking. But generalizing doesn't help the situation either.

Its clear she is a raving lunatic. But do you agree with the fact that Muslim Americans "Are not true Americans"? That Muslims have it state in their book to "Kill all Non Muslims"and that is their secret goal that they will do?

I'm not so overly concerned by her. She is probably someone in a backwater place in Florida that only learns what she sees on TV. What concerns me is when people totally agree with her in an area where most of us are supposed to be a little more enlightened when it comes to discussing issues of the day.


Nov 23, 2001
?They can call it whatever they want to,? Mary Ann Hogan responded Tuesday. ?I?m calling them barbarians. ?

I tend to agree. Not all muslims, but Islamic culture as a whole. The world would be a better place if Islam did not exist.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
She does sound like a raving lunitic.

She also sounds like a real expert on Islam with her reference to their holy book as "their bible".

Yes, their are a number of fanatics that are Muslem. But mainstream Christians rightly protest when others equate them with the extreme nutjobs who call themselves Christians too. The ones who claim their holy book complels them to act like they do.

I am not a fan of any religion, nor am I an advocate of PC speach. But this kind of hateful dialogue only adds to the problem.

Witness the fruits of the Bushco fear campaign folks. More to come.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: judasmachine
whereas i agree for the most part, that adage they use is false. there are terrorists of all ethnicities to some degree, try visiting the Murrah (sp?) Building in OKC, or some of the Planned Parenthood clinics in or around North Carolina, and Georgia. Granted these guys do seem fewer and further between. That all being said, I am sick of hearing people have to dance around those so overly sensitive that they go off the handle every time some idiot says something that isn't to their liking. But generalizing doesn't help the situation either.

You are right, there are nutjobs of all faiths. However there is an appearence of collusion and organization within the Muslim world with regards to theirs you wont see in other faiths or causes.

I think the biggest example of this is looking at the edge of influence of the religion. All along its axis of advance there is civil strife, war, and killing in the name of the faith.



Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Originally posted by: magomago
For the second one - someone show me it please, because that is news to me.

You do realize that just because it is not written word-for-word (in the koran), then that's not a valid defense?
What we're dealing with is interpertation, or simply put: what is preached.

Given the recent cats & meat fiasco, the Van Gogh murder, other material coming from Iran, and the Middle East in general -- as well as the actual terror attacks in London, and other attemps -- I'd say Islam doesn't end up in such a good light.


Jan 10, 2002
Since George Bush (US President) is a Christian should we put all 50,000 plus deaths by his military as being caused by Christianity?


Feb 6, 2002
I see a growing trend for may governmental regulations trying to appease or protect muslims. What about protecting the rest of us from the Muslims.

Take a look at what is going on in France and imagine your hometown like that.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Islam is no different from Christianity... the difference is that Islam is practiced by poor countries and christians by richer countries.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Bwahahahahaha. There are also a few million rednecks with the same opinion. County commissioner is one step above school board treasurer; so who really cares what his nutjob wife thinks? I came into this thread thinking there was a real politician who made a statement bashing Muslims.

You really think he was going to argue right there with his wife in public, even if he didn't agree? That's political/personal suicide.



Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
I tend to agree. Not all muslims, but Islamic culture as a whole. The world would be a better place if Islam did not exist.

No, it wouldn't. Europe came out of the Dark Ages in a VERY large part due to the influence of Islam. (Read up on how the Crusades brought many new and radical ideas to a stagnate Christian world)



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Bwahahahahaha. There are also a few million rednecks with the same opinion. County commissioner is one step above school board treasurer; so who really cares what his nutjob wife thinks? I came into this thread thinking there was a real politician who made a statement bashing Muslims.

You really think he was going to argue right there with his wife in public, even if he didn't agree? That's political/personal suicide.



A freakin county commissioner? How does something like this get so much publicity?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Christians are just as damaging to the world as Muslims. Both have members with agendas that they try to force on those around them. Both Have Radicals and both lack empathy for things they cannot understand.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Since George Bush (US President) is a Christian should we put all 50,000 plus deaths by his military as being caused by Christianity?

No, by ignorance, is that a religion?


Senior member
Mar 10, 2006
So every Muslim, even American Muslims, is "out to get" Americans. They ALL want American's dead???

This sounds like the medieval stories of Jews who are "out to get" Gentile babies for rituals.
The black men who are "out to get" our dear precious white women.
The Russians who are "out to get" every single American....

Just simple fear mongering by people with anxiety issues and ignorance.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
All terrorists are not Muslims - See white peoples history in the entire continent of Africa except Liberia and Ethiopia...........One face of terrorism people choose to ignore.


Jan 5, 2003
what a moron.

Making fun of a religion that has 1.2 billion followers is going to accomplish nothing.

If the religion was violent we would all be dead. Targetting a group of people that numbers in the 1.2 billion range is global suicide.

Thankfully only small puppies open their mouths. Nobody cares what the small puppies have to say.

Luckily for uthe world, the President of the U.S says the complete opposite. His voice is what matters, not some nobody.
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