My 8150 Bulldozer experience - so far!


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
As I mentioned in a few posts recently, I "bit" on the Bulldozer 8150. Before I am "pillaged" as the town lunatic by some please, read my sig below. I own 2 SB rigs that are my gaming delights. I own a Asus Sabertooth 990FX mb that I had for sale but the prices offered convinced me to keep it. I also own 2 5850s that again were for sale but the prices offered convinced me to keep them. Finally the Bulldozer 8150s dropped in price ($170) that I was willing to take a chance building a "Bulldozer" rig.
WARNING (sorry for yelling but many newbies read this). For those of you contemplating building a 8150 rig to replace your old one so you can "compete" against the Ivy Bridge chips and even Sandy Bridge chips DON"T DO IT unless you first experience a SB or Ivy Bridge rig. They are FAST! The Bulldozer lives up to its name but more of that later. Also, as correctly pointed out by Ferzerp below I used different and slower components with the Bulldozer so a true "comparison" with the SB rigs in 1 & 2 cannot be made ( Frankly, I didn't want to tear either of them apart, just build a Bulldozer rig)

I had on hand my trusty old Chieftec 1200 server case (old but tons of room) with 3 great Panaflo 80mm fans and a fan controller, 8g Gskill ddr3-1866, the Asus 990FX Sabertooth mb, 2 5850s (both running 765Mhz stock), an Intel x25M 80g ssd, DVD, Antec Green 750W PSU and a licensed version of Win7-64 HP. I had an AMD rig running an 1100T but sold it and some other parts when the Bulldozers were still higher in price and I wanted $$ to buy Nvidia 680/670 cards.

When the price dropped enough, I bought a new 8150 plus a CM Hyper 212+ to cool it.

My first problem was this "new" 8150" had a few bent pins. I carefully straightened them and it fit in the socket fine. The tin it was shipped in appeared to be unopened but bent pins are frustrating. Thank goodness it was correctable. I used ArticSilver5 as the thermal paste and and used a CM Hyper 212+ with push/pull fans to cool it. Let me say it is VERY wise to use an aftermarket cooler with this chip if you want to do any OCing. It get very hot quickly when pushed. In the process of assembly I was using a WD Blue 320g HD that I found was failing. Lost an entire day until I figure this out. I switched to a WD Green 1 TB that was sitting in my Home server not being used.

Obviously all the parts surrounding the Bulldozer are not all the newest (video cards and HD).

Impressions? Smooth. Benchmarks show it as a plodder. However, after a frusting time with the bad HD and now using a solid, but slightly slower one, I must say this is an interesting chip. Since I own 2 2500Ks I see four cores all the time in read outs. Was fun to see 8 cores!

Game play? I only had time to install COD MW3 through steam. Game plays very smooth with this rig. The Sb rigs are faster in benchmarks but with COD MW3 I couldn't tell a difference. That might be due to the 2 5850s CF on a single monitor.

OCing? Well it gets hot and unstable fast if you go too far. I could run it at 4.4 Ghz but when I ran Intel Burn test on a 10 time run the temps climbed too high. I had upped the voltage, perhaps too much but decided to back it to 4.2 Ghz on all 8 cores stable. Interestingly the stock chip runs 3.6GHZ on 8 cores, 3.9 on 8 cores turbo and 4.2GHZ on a few cores for other things. I opted to run it flatout at 4.2GHZ on all 8 all the time. What I decided was to disable the turbo features and move the chip from its stock 3.6 on all 8 cores to 4.2 Ghz on all 8. That setting survived all of the stability tests and yielded an OK OC with great stability coupled with good (not great) cooling. If you want to buy one of these to OC at 4.4 or above constantly, my limited experience says you better pony up for some serious cooling (Noctua air or H100 liquid) and a big case with plenty of ventilation.

For me at 4.2Ghz coupled with my cooling, the 8150 is smooth as silk and stable as all get out. When it is not pushed the temps are way down on the CPU ( have a licensed version of Aida64 that gives good temp reads). A solid chip. I think with better (but much more expensive) cooling I could get it to perhaps 4.5/4.6 Ghz stable.

How do I feel so far? If it was my only rig I would be a little disappointed. Clearly Intel SB and now Ivy bridge is a better "bang for the buck"

IF you already have a SB/Ivy Bridge rig for gaming and have an AM3+ mb it is worth a shot. Be warned about cooling.

As for the PileDriver, I hope it is an improvement, but from what I read to make it worthwhile the 8350 will have to sell under $225 and have much better thermals along with a performance bump. That's a lot to ask, especially in light of the inherent Bulldozer design. Sorry for rambling but thought these comments might help someone. Besides, why did you spend money on that :\ do you have any questions?
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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
BD is trash, but I don't think you've really made a good comparison here. WD green will make the whole system feel slow any time it's accessing disk.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Ferzerp, the OS is installed on an Intel X25M 80g, hardly a slowpoke is getting a little old in the tooth compared to my 520s. The WD Green was pressed into service late in the wee hours of the morning so yes it will affect access time some but the OS is on the ssd. Steam was on the WD Green but played VERY well.

BTW, to do a "comparison" I would have to used the same HD, memory, etc. My post was not intended to do a direct comparison using the same components simply because I don't want to spend the time tearing down my rigs in 1 & 2.

Without being offensive,have you owned and used a BD? Is the trash comment from your own experience or from what you read?

I own and use 2 2500ks in my sig below, so I know the power and feel of them. No doubt they are better chips that have better benchmark scores etc.

I won't argue that the SB/Ivy bridge chips are better for gamers - they are. I won't argue that the Bulldozer uses heaps of power when OC'd and doesn't OC like the SB/Ivy Bridge but TRASH? Bulldozer was probably released too soon and over-hyped by a marketing department in the worst possible way.

Trash to me is a dead chip that can't be replaced.
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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Durvelle27; I'm on babysitting duty for our 6 week old grandson tonight but I'll be glad to run some when I get a chance.

Please give me a list of what benchmarks you want and I'll do my best to run and post the results.


Oct 10, 1999
Durvelle27; I'm on babysitting duty for our 6 week old grandson tonight but I'll be glad to run some when I get a chance.

Please give me a list of what benchmarks you want and I'll do my best to run and post the results.

How far would you be willing to go? I'd love to see Povray 3.7 compiled with gcc 4.7 (-march=bdver1) on a Linux system.


Oct 12, 2011
So your conclusion is that you can play MW3 with a bulldozer, therefore bulldozer is awesome. Good to know.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
So your conclusion is that you can play MW3 with a bulldozer, therefore bulldozer is awesome. Good to know.

That's actually funny. The "therefore bulldozer is awesome" are your words. Reread my post and nowhere did I use awesome, sorry not even close:sneaky:


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
How far would you be willing to go? I'd love to see Povray 3.7 compiled with gcc 4.7 (-march=bdver1) on a Linux system.
jhu; If I can find a spare hdd to install Linux on I'm willing to give it a shot. What Linux version?


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
That's actually funny. The "therefore bulldozer is awesome" are your words. Reread my post and nowhere did I use awesome, sorry not even close:sneaky:

Thanks for the write-up. Much more balanced review of BD than you will usually find. Now for the hard question! If you did it again, would you go the same route?

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Oct 10, 1999
jhu; If I can find a spare hdd to install Linux on I'm willing to give it a shot. What Linux version?

If you already have Windows installed, it's easiest to install Ubuntu 12.04 via wubi. No need to partition or anything since the filesystem resides as a file within Windows. Then comes the hard part: installing gcc 4.7 and getting Povray 3.7 to compile.
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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Thanks for the write-up. Much more balanced review of BD than you will usually find. Now for the hard question! If you did it again, would you go the same route?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
That's a hard question. I bought a good 990FX mb in anticipation of Bulldozer being a serious competitor then the bottom fell out with all of the negative reviews. Bulldozer 8120/8150s were well over $200 and I saw no reason to get them. I actually sold my 1100 Thuban for a good price and was going to write AMD off and stay with solely Intel. I had my Sabertooth for sale and almost got rid of it but the prices offered were too low AND the 8120/8150 started to fall under $200. When the 8150 retail was at $170 I jumped. It might go lower but how much more is anybody's guess. If I did not have the 990FX mb I probably would not have gone that route. Another reason was the urge to put the 990FX back into service now instead of waiting for PileDriver. Couple that with some reports that the Piledriver 8350 will release near $300 and might be delayed and I made my decision to snag the 8150.

BTW your 2011 WRX DGM Limited is an Uber car. Fast and furious!


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
That's a hard question. I bought a good 990FX mb in anticipation of Bulldozer being a serious competitor then the bottom fell out with all of the negative reviews. Bulldozer 8120/8150s were well over $200 and I saw no reason to get them. I actually sold my 1100 Thuban for a good price and was going to write AMD off and stay with solely Intel. I had my Sabertooth for sale and almost got rid of it but the prices offered were too low AND the 8120/8150 started to fall under $200. When the 8150 retail was at $170 I jumped. It might go lower but how much more is anybody's guess. If I did not have the 990FX mb I probably would not have gone that route. Another reason was the urge to put the 990FX back into service now instead of waiting for PileDriver. Couple that with some reports that the Piledriver 8350 will release near $300 and might be delayed and I made my decision to snag the 8150.

BTW your 2011 WRX DGM Limited is an Uber car. Fast and furious!

Makes sense. You can almost get 2x 8150 for the price of a 1100 thuban. Crazy...

Love my car BTW! Been a great ride so far, especially in the winter.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Feb 2, 2009

Put Vcore at 1.425v, raise the NB to 240MHz and be careful of the RAM frequency, turn off turbo. You should be able to do 4.4-4.6GHz.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006

Put Vcore at 1.425v, raise the NB to 240MHz and be careful of the RAM frequency, turn off turbo. You should be able to do 4.4-4.6GHz.
I've only got a CM Hyper212+ with P/P as the cpu cooler. I have ram rated at 1866. What ram speed would you recommend? I have the turbo off now.


Feb 2, 2009
If you leave Vcore at Auto it raises the value way higher than necessary. Put it manually at 1.425v and raise the NB from 200 to 240MHz, then raise the Multi to 17 or above. Your ram is fine at 1866MHz, when raising the NB be careful not to pass the frequency your ram can operate.

I believe that the CM Hyper is fine for up to 4.4 or 4.6GHz on an 8-core BD if your ambient is 25c or below.


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2012
Who knows maybe AMD can greatly improve their position with Piledriver, but they have to really focus on value/$. It happened with Phenom 1 -> Phenom 2. I would be curious to know what gains were netted from overclocking and if these are worth the huge power consumption increase. If you didn't have the motherboard already, the bulldozer is a hard sell when you can get the Intel i5 2310 for $180 and overclock it to 3.6-3.7 without increasing the voltage, therefore power consumption wouldn't go up.

When you say that you weren't able to get a good price for the 5850s what are we talking? I'm actually looking to buy 1-2 5850s and they are pretty hard to find. Are you still looking to sell one or both?


Senior member
Mar 31, 2011
If you didn't have the motherboard already, the bulldozer is a hard sell when you can get the Intel i5 2310 for $180 and overclock it to 3.6-3.7 without increasing the voltage, therefore power consumption wouldn't go up.

Power consumption goes up with increased frequency. Even with modern power saving techniques.


Oct 12, 2011
The increase, though, is quite minor. Power scales exponentially with a voltage change, and lineally with a frequency change. It would be about a 10% increase in power usage.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2009
Hey guskline - If you're doing Linux, I have a Linux benchmark request: Can you compile the Linux kernel? If you can, let me know, and I will show you what steps I use when I benchmark Linux kernel compile time on my machine.


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2012
I guess I should have rephrased that as "the increase in power consumption would be minimal".

My point was that the i5 2310 overclocked to 3.7 and currently priced $10 cheaper at $180 on newegg than a Bulldozer 8150 is a much better deal. A lot of people don't realize that the non-k Intel processor will overclock, up to 4 bins over turbo usually with no need to increase voltage. Based on OP's experience he couldn't get Bulldozer stable at 2 bins over turbo (4.4ghz) with more voltage and hence more power consumption / heat. So basically you could get a "free" 28% increase in speed with the Intel i5 2310, whereas the Bulldozer's max turbo is already at its limits for stock voltage. To get the same 400mhz over turbo overclock would bring the Bulldozer at 4.6ghz which would require lots of voltage and good cooling to deal with the heat. Beyond 4.6ghz on Bulldozer is going to be tough without water cooling or extreme cooling. Some might say while comparing a Bulldozer and an i5 2310 that the fact that it's not a k version processor and has a limited locked multiplier would be a disadvantage compared to the Bulldozer which is unlocked. Considering the challenges to run the bulldozer over 4.6ghz (4 bins over max turbo), the limited locked multiplier of the i5 2310 isn't really a disadvantage.

Once again it shows the only reason to buy a Bulldozer is if you already have a socket AM3+ motherboard.
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Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
...the only reason to buy a Bulldozer is if you already have a socket AM3+ motherboard.

A friend just upgraded his AM3+ to a Bulldozer. On one hand his is happy because now with his new CPU he can game, trans-code and upload a 1080p video of himself gaming all at the same time. In a way the Bulldozer was about the best upgrade he could make for ~$175.

On the other hand my 3770 destroys his FailDozer and he knows it, so he is Jonesing for some Intel action. This in spite of the fact that he has been a loyal AMD fanboy for years...


Jan 13, 2000
I have a 8120 running at 4.5ghz. I have 32GB of ram with a HD6970 and use it with my compiler builds on ubuntu. I play the occasional game and its absolutely perfect in every way.
Sure, it's probably slower than an Intel 2770 in gaming but it's likely a lot faster in other things such as doing the stuff that I do (since I use all 8 cores).
I would highly recommend it if you want to save some money and still want an awesome experience.
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