My Abit IP35 -Pro Bearlake Review


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2006
Universal Abit IP35-Pro review

I am sure we all have heard of Intel?s new generation chipset entitled ?bearlake?. After the Intel announcement a slew of motherboards were brought out by various manufacturers of varying specifications. I received my board soon after. The board I received was the Abit IP35 Pro (off limits)

I greeted this board with a little sceptism, in all honesty as we all know the X38 chipset is on its way, which promises to be much faster.

The following are the screenshots from the box art itself, however I shall not repeat the motherboard specifications here instead it would be wise to direct the reader to the following link.


Box art images.

A brief note on testing Equipment IF I may
TESTING equipment
Q6600 quadcore
2GIGS of corsair XMS 2 SLI Mem @ 4-4-4-12
1X SATA 2 500GIG Seagate Hard Disk Drive
Corsair HX620 psu (WHICH Is actually a rebadged Seasonic)
COOLING equipment (water cooled)
THermochil PA120.3 Radiator in push/pull config (best WC rad around)
DDV 5 vario pump
Apogee gt waterblock
All tubing 1/2 " Id
All nickel High-Flow Barbs

Upon reading the box before opening the product, I glanced over the specifications, and one line caught my eye.
?Abit Silent OTES? Heat-pipe cooling? As a result my first thought was ?oh dear not ANOTHER board that is passively cooled? I am pretty well known to be an advocate of active cooling especially when Overclocking is being carried out. So initially my thoughts where ?this board is going to get HOT? however I am pleased to tell you I could not have been more WRONG! More on this aspect later!

Inside the motherboard box we have various SATA cables USB connectors and of course the manual.

A brief word about the manual if I may. As most abit users in the last few motherboard releases have been aware, the BIOS section in the manual has been very poor with only ONE page only for the BIOS section. Well abit has listened to us and have included a comprehensive chapter on how to set the BIOS.

Upon looking at the SATA cables themselves I admittedly was a little puzzled on why they have only chosen to include straight SATA cables only. Since the board itself has right-angled SATA connectors then logically it would be better to have a SATA cable that has a straight through connector on ONE end, this part connects to the board itself and the other end of the cable should be RIGHT-angled to connect to the hard drive or DVD RW ! Why abit did not do this as they have with the AB9 Quad GT and the IN932MAX. However I have had a word with abit on this minor issue and this is now being corrected.

Straight-through cable

Right angled Cable at one end

Board design

Now we come to the board itself. As you can see by the layout that the basics are very similar to the QUAD GT. Since the insane placement of the AB9 Pro board, Abit boards have radically undergone a design re-think, based in part from the users? comments. Upon looking long and hard at the motherboard layout, I honestly cannot really find ANY fault with it. All critical components on the board have been placed at locations that make sense.

Board shots

What does appeal to me is that abit (on this board anyway) have done away with the HOT running digital MOSFET chip and as such have reverted back to the good old tried and tested ones that you find on most boards. This actually appeals to me as this means we have a MUCH cooler running motherboard. Upon speaking with abit they mentioned that the digital chip was the first generation and on the X38 board the chip will be a MUCH improved second generation type. Interesting to note that most of the CPU area is clean of MOSFETS so third party coolers and water cooling blocks are not a problem unlike the ?Gigabyte Model? You will also note by the photograph below that I have attached a ?Swiftech Apogee GT? block to the board, you will also note that there is AMPLE clearance on all sides of the block

Cpu Area
CPU area with WATER block

Next we take a look at the heat-pipe array! Once again we have aluminium heats-sinks made to look like copper. However I could have been wrong, so I carried out the good old ?scratch test?. The results were indeed what I surmised before hand, the heat sink array was indeed Aluminium. However later I was to conclude that COPPER is not need for this board.

Scratch test

As in the last motherboard release the IN932 Max abit have once again utilised the EZ-Clear CMOS switch at the back of the board. This is for when you have set the BIOS incorrectly and the board no longer POST?s correctly. You can then reach around the back of your case, flip the switch, and hey presto your back to default settings. This is a nice feature as then you have no need to crack your case open to clear CMOS!

Lastly it is noted that the fan headers on this board have their own MOSFET so you can connect a high performance fan without blowing the fan header.


Motherboard installation in my case was a breeze. It must be noted that I have a Lian-Li V2000b+ case at the time of writing this review and that the board is INVERTED in this case. The reason why I have mentioned this is that some Heat pipe based systems do not work very well whilst the board is inverted. The abit system handles this with EASE, so for those whom have esoteric cases out there that require an inverted motherboard, please be rest assured that the abit solution will work for you!

Board inside the case


The onboard Soundcard is basically the same as the IN932 Max solution, however with the IP35 pro there is no output to DTS.

Lastly upon looking at the board, I noticed the ?JMicron? Controller for the IDE ports. Why Abit decided to utilise this I have no idea, there are far more effective solutions out there. Admittedly Jmicron have improved, but still it?s not the best.


Abit have done a nice job on the BIOS, notice the manual adjustment of the ?GTL ?Regs in the setup.

A few criticisms were that the BIOS timings for the RAM would go no lower then CL4 and that the command rate for the RAM could not be set. However updated BIOS has been released which addresses these issues.

BIOS Screenshots

IP35 Pro/IN932 MAX Results comparison

In the first instance it could be said that it is an unfair to compare these two motherboards as they are two totally different chipsets. However when we ask the following questions then the compassion then makes sense.

Does the User want/ or need SLI?
Is the user going to overclock? If so then HEAT issues come into effect here
Does the user need a Out-of-the-box Solution or are they happy to modify the board?
Price Point

When we factor into account these questions then it is worth testing these two boards.

The In932 Max is a great board however, due to the nature of the Nvidia chipset the motherboard gets hot, as a great many users have reported, and to overclock the board to higher levels. Therefore a new heatsink solution with fans is needed.

Generally the IP 35 Pro board is faster in most departments than the IN932max as the following test results will prove. This leaves the only real advantage of the IN932MAX is its SLI facility.

Test Results for the IP35 Pro

3DMARK 05 results with a 8800gts quadcore AT STOCK

CPU Queen
FPU Julia

Test Results for the IN932 Max
cache mem
CPU Queen

In short if you have a use for SLI then go for the IN932 MAX! If this is not the case then your attention would be better direct towards the IP35 Pro, especially if we factor in the price point of these two boards


Test for this are still being carried out and an update will be posted to you ASAP. However my initial results are positive. On a QUAD core 6600 472mhz FSB is achievable WITHOUT any board modification, which is BETTER than the IN932 MAX!


I am most impressed by how COOL this motherboard runs, and therefore how stable it is. Pushing this board at the above FSB on a QUADCORE says it all really. True water cooling has been used, however if you note that the board has been utilised with the STANDARD default cooling method only, then you realise the boards true potential.

Despite how good this board is, one can not help feeling that Abit are saving the best for the X38. So with this said, this is another factor that must be taken into consideration.

Once again I must say that I am impressed by the overall speed of the chipset, how cool and stable it is. The Overclocking potential as an Out-Of-The-Box situation is very impressive indeed. I have found a few glitches which can be improved, which I have mentioned above, however Abit?s implementation of this board is superb.

I must confess that I have not tested the RAID potential on this board as of yet as I have only one test drive, so as soon as I mange to get hold of another , will then keep you updated.
All in all the IP 35 pro is just does what it says on the tin. It?s a very good implemented board and is a great performer. It just what we want from Abit, rock solid and a great Overclocker. I am glad to know that abit have NOT included fancy stuff like some other boards that I can name and instead concentrated on a decent board.

In all honesty I would not be surprised if Abit won a award or two for this board, even considering the x38 will be released soon.


Fast motherboard
Great overclocking potential
Runs very cool
Sorry did I mention Stable, ahem I meant VERY stable
Clear area around the CPU
NO Flashy onboard LED?s I.E around the edge like in previous boards


J-Micron controller for IDE (grrr)
Soundcard has no DTS output like the IN932MAX
Firewire performance is not always up to scratch.
Bundled SATA leads (minor observation only)
UGURU CPU temperature is WAY out (under windows)
Shipping Bios does not support CL3 and command rate of 1T (however that has now been fixed)
X38 out soon!

If I had to give this board a rating, I would say between a 89 and 91% percent mark, which therefore should put the board in the ?gold award? category.

Lastly if Abit continues to produce work of this quality then I see a return to the glory days of the IC7 MAX 3 (I still have one) All in all a job well done!




May 20, 2007
Abit's IP35-E is equally good, minus a lot more bells and whistles. I was able to get my unit up to 488MHz FSB. Could probably go higher with a better CPU. I like to KISS...therefore no RAID and SLI.


May 22, 2007
I just bought this board in preparation for jul 22 upgrade. I'm not quite as experienced in motherboard reviews but I'll put in my 2c when I get it up and running.


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2006
important Update for IP35 PRO review OVERCLOCKING!!


As promised I will include an overclocking section in my review

disclaimer: If you blow your board and or cpu through overclocking dont hold me responsible people

Equipment used:

AS in the main review, but also now tested with Crucial ballstix DDR2 1000 @5-5-5-15
qaudcore cpu is again used
Very few reviews that I have seen have included the BIOS screen shots with the adjustments needed TO overclock.

You will notice that with the 3.8 (480FSB X8 overclock) that I have had to set the vcore on CRAZY voltages to get anywhere! This does confirm the fact the QUADCORES especially the q6600 are much much harder to overclock, generate more heat and need MORE volts to get anywhere. It also confirms the fact that the latter week numbers of various Core 2 Duos and Quads need a lot more voltage to get to the same levels as erlier week numbers. THe proof of this is that when I lowered the vcore to a safe level of 1.55 the PC refused to boot.

All overclock results have had 'Orthos' running for 3 hours

The following are the BIOS screenshots:

The next is the super pi score

After playing about some more, I further managed to increase the FSB to a wopping 498FSB !
and for a QAUDCORE thats a massive acheivement!

Below is a screenshot

You may note that this is the limit that this CPU would do, I have hit an FSB wall and could not even get 500FSB x8 stable, which is the 4 gig barrier. However using a qaudcore q6600 model thats very hard to do, BUT as you can see I came VERY close.

Note do not use a X9 multiplier if you have a q6600 when overclocking as this will hit a wall around 410FSB !


GREAT overclocking board only let down by the CPU itsself, 4 GIG barrier VERY nearly Broken. THE CRAZY VCORE needed to achieve this shows that its the LIMIT of the CPU NOT the board that stops myself breaking the F500FSB X8 Barrier!

Again I am very very impressed with this board.

Soon to follow OVERCLOCKING with a CORE 2 DUO!!

Hope you like my scores folks




May 22, 2005
so at stock voltages (or close to), what have you gotten a reg c2d up to fsb wise?


Jun 7, 2006
Hey good stuff man :thumbsup: I saw in your ocing SC that you disabled all the fuctions allowed on the board. Is it recommended to do so? Also what types of volts did you increase to get that cpu to stable?


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2006

Yes it is recommended oterhwise you cant overlock as far. This is needed on ALL make of boards. You should also see the crazy voltage needed to get anywhere of which i commented on my review and oc update.




Jul 26, 2007
Greetings to All,

Nice board with great reviews...specially about the one thing that has driven me around here, that is Abit IP35 Pro.
Maybe someone here could help me out in troubleshoting my current probleme.

I just received and installed my newly bought IP35 but nothing seems to work as planned. After installation when i fire up the system it stays on for only 5 seconds then goes Off !!

Here is my configuration:

Intel Core 2 duo E6600
Abit IP 35
Corsair 2x1024 CL4
Asus EN7600GS
Antec Atlas Server

Steps i already took in trying to fix the problem :
1. i removed the motherboard from the case and put it on an anti static support.
2. also removed the graphic card from the pcie slot
3. i cleared the cmos by shorting the jumper 2&3
4. i then replugged all the switching cables and the Power cable to the motherboard
When i retried the system it stayed up till i turned it off. I did this twice and everything seemed ok.

But after i put the Graphic card and plugged in a Testin HD on Ide, things quickly got back to the "5 seconds mode".
I went back the previous good working configuration but no way to experience again a normal running system.

NB: im using the supplied Fan attached to the E6600 and it is horribly difficult to fix it on the motherboard.

Please help me to find a solution to this matter.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and support.

PS: i will be glad to provide you with more details if needed.
And i don't know if this is the right place for my topic, so Admin forgive me if i post in the wrong section.


May 20, 2007
Plain IP35? IP35 and IP35-E will double post during cold start. RAM rated at 2 or 2.2V? Can you manually set 5-5-5-15-2T timing and voltage in BIOS? Remove the battery and clear CMOS. Did you follow the instruction by plugging both power plugs to the board?

Model number of PSU?

Did you reseat the CPU?

Did you wipe the HDD before use?


Jul 26, 2007
Hello There SerpentRoyal,

You are providing me with a crutial information when you talked about plugging both power plugs into the board. I didn't !! i went on plugging only the 24 pin Power cable. Must be the reason why things are not fuctionning, i hope.

I can't unfortunatly get to the Bios because the system didn't give me that chance so far. As for the Cmos clearance, i did it by shortening the jumpers 2&3.

The power supply came with my Antec Tower and its a 550W, branded TruePower 2.0

I didn't reset the CPU and as for the HDD, i have a new not yet formated seagate SATA, so i went for my current operating system Drive for Testing purposes. I therefore could not wipe it.

Can you please give me more details about the second Power cable that needs to be plugged in ? From the Abit Manual i can See : "ATX12V1", "ATXPWR1" (only one currently plugged in) and "ATX4P1".
Im having the Abit IP35 Pro.

Thank you for your prompt reply. Much appreciated.


Jul 26, 2007
Greetings Heidfirst,

Thanks for the info, im going to try it on the fly and i keep you posted on the outcome.

Muchas Gracias,


Jul 26, 2007
YaY !! the "miracle" happened ))
I'am going to try my current OS IDE drive and let you know if everything is running smoothly.

Thanks very much to you all for the prompt replies and the solution.

Merci beaucoup.


Senior member
May 20, 2000
Originally posted by: FLegman
YaY !! the "miracle" happened ))
I'am going to try my current OS IDE drive and let you know if everything is running smoothly.

Thanks very much to you all for the prompt replies and the solution.

Merci beaucoup.

i doubt your old OS installation will like all the new hardware. typically when you switch motherboards its recommended you do a clean install of your OS. it will give you less headaches in the long run.


Jul 26, 2007
Hello AlucardX,

True what you said about the ole OS installation and new hardware "incompatibility". I got nice blue screen greetings just after POST and a flash Windows Logo display. Was hopping to be able to copy my current system onto a new HDD and run it...seems that all "safe" routes to escaping a new installation rigmorale are closed, hehe. Will dive in and put it behind me once for all (hopefully--Windows oblige).

Thanks for alerting me.


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2006


One of the major critisms for this baord in my review above, were the fact that it as a J-Micron ide controller. If I were you I would part company with IDE and go SATA altogether!



Junior Member
Jul 28, 2007
Getting ready to build my new system on this board this weekend. I have never overclocked until reading the potential with this board. My system specs:

IP35 Pro
4Gb(2 X 2GB) Corsair XMS2 5-5-5-18 cas 5
EVGA 8800GTS 640MB
Seasonic 700W PS
Gigabyte 3D Arora case
Zalman 9700 heatsink/fan
WD 500GB 16M cache HDD
Vista Ultimate 64Bit

Any suggestions on overclocking her when she is up and running?
Thanks in advance from an overclocking NOOB!


Jul 26, 2007
Greetings Gilgamesh,

I indeed read here on this board some threads about the the Controllers "issue"/"benefit" and its not my intention to reactivate it as im staying away from RAID...from the time being.

Regarding the SATA/IDE choice, it didnt took me long to make up my mind and go SATA, but please let's not shout it on the roofs or ole IDE will "haunt" me at night, out of jaelousy

Very usefull review btw, thanks alot.



Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
Ha anyone confirmed whether or not the IP35-Pro can take a non-GPU card in the 4x slot? (I'm thinking RAID card here). Also, anyone try installing Vista64 with 4GB straight away on this board?


May 22, 2007
gilgamesh, how did you get 1.325 vcore in your bios? my mobo only goes down to 1.35. Is there a newer bios out there? I checked abit's web site but 1.0 was the only one that I saw.
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