My brothers keeper

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Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
They don't have to import anyone. That being said, race based immigration quotas are inherently wrong.

K, so if every country on Earth were to adopt the eskimospy approved, 100% morally correct immigration policy what would that be?

Would it be completely open borders, worldwide? Freedom to come and go, live and work in any part of the world for any person? Many libertarians support that. I do not.

The problem with it is that if you have Group A over here on this side of the planet and Group B over yonder on the other side of the planet, and Group A is having 10 children per woman and Group B is only having 1.5, then Group A can easily just completely displace and replace Group B in their country. As soon as those doors open to full no holds barred immigration, any nation to do so can have its unique genome, built after tens or hundreds of thousands of years, essentially erased from the Earth.

People who don't reproduce heavily need border controls to avoid extinction or absorption. Otherwise we lose them and the diversity they represent.

I thought most people acknowledged that the loss of so many Native Americans, including whole tribes which no longer exist, and the languages and customs they had, was a huge tragedy.

Think of a higher birth rate as fundamentally functioning in exactly the same way small pox blankets or muskets or whatever else can function.

But if that's not the type of immigration you're advocating, then I'd be curious to hear what is. And I'd be even more curious to hear whether you've bothered at all to think about the implications of what you advocate, and the dangers I've spoken of (because they probably exist in a less dramatic form in what you advocate, in fact I know they do based on what you've already said) - or whether you're just formulating your views with being as nice and tolerant and accepting and progressive as you can be as the goal?


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
In the case of this particular program, at first blush, without it having had time to work it's "magic" for years as other well intentioned programs have done? At the moment I'd just point out what others have, which is that it excludes people and therefore divides people. There are people who could benefit from it and who will not be considered. That can only contribute to more resentment, more division, more racially divided thinking - which I thought was something we were trying to get away from.

It's similar to things like Affirmative Action, no child left behind, etc. The entire mentality of "we need to make sure everyone is doing equally well" SOUNDS completely fantastic until you try to implement it. All the money and all the programs and all the king's men have never been able to close these academic gaps, and so you end up with decades upon decades of people being discriminated against by the government, by schools, etc because they aren't the right skin color to get a scholarship or get admission to a school, etc.

You get the inevitable tendency for teachers and administrators to fiddle around in order to make sure they aren't on the chopping block for "leaving children behind" - you get them cheating the tests on behalf of students who are struggling (verified to happen, a LOT), you get affirmative grading and affirmative graduation which most people don't know about (but which happens a LOT) and you get things like this recent gifted class in NYC being shut down because it wasn't "diverse" enough. Now those kids who were benefiting from the class don't get that anymore.

These are the sorts of horrors to which I refer. They happen as a result of EVERY SINGLE well-meaning liberal social initiative. With rock solid predictable regularity. I guess this is what they meant when they said "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

I could go on all day with examples like this. Another which comes to mind is crime being reclassified as disciplinary action at schools and delinquents getting away with things which COULD have been their "come to Jesus" moment if their parents had been informed and if they'd been subjected to the appropriate, legal consequences and punishments instead of having it brushed under the rug so that the statistics would look better and not have such a "disparate impact."

When you incentivize and put a bounty on equal outcomes, people will do horrific things in order to try to achieve those outcomes. Every conceivable corner will be cut, every rule will be broken, every standard lowered. Society suffers immensely from that.

That's an awfully wordy way to say "I don't know"...

So I'm told... constantly. But can you honestly say that what I typed there wasn't 100% true? Mind you, it was said somewhat in jest.

Maybe if different people keep telling you the same thing there might be some truth to it?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Geosurface is free to go somewhere else and start his own white establishment. I'm staying in the country I was born in, thanks.


Senior member
May 10, 2012
I thought most people acknowledged that the loss of so many Native Americans, including whole tribes which no longer exist, and the languages and customs they had, was a huge tragedy.

I don't know about most people, but, as someone with Native American ancestry, I think so. If the white people who first came to North America had an open borders mindset, the tragedy might have been avoided. Instead, the white people came with disease and superior firepower, and destroyed entire cultures.

Is that what frightens you, Geo? That the circle will turn, and non-white people will return the favor?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
Will they turn away poor white kids living in poor neighborhoods which are overwhelmingly black? It's doubtful.

But you have to admit, having government sponsored programs that focus on specific races doesn't really follow the spirit of what we should be striving for. Isn't it just further institutional racism?

It's shrewd to exclude whites, it allows them to make cries of racism should a group or business not donate, or not donate enough. That kind of PR scares companies shirtless, whether warranted or not.

The program should help all kids regardless of race. After all, he did give that speech about unity and how there isn't a black America or white America, and that we are all in this together.
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No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Great idea for a program. IF they take all inner city young men and try to change how they view the world.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
LOL everyone screaming white privilege. personally i think that should be "rich elite" privileged. the middle class, poor whites aren't getting the privileges people are bitching about. we aren't running business, we aren't fleecing the poor or destroying the economy.

Hell the poeple i know are just trying to survive. they go to work everyday and bust ass. they are making sacrifices because EVERYTHING is going up in price.

lol lumping all whites together is as asinine as lumping all blacks together.


Jul 16, 2001
Elections Have Consequences. All you self flagellating angry white liberals and non black and hispanic angry liberals that voted for the obama..go to the back of the obama buss. And that includes your kids too. Elections Have Consequences.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
What skin shade would the Jew have to have had to not need the Samaritan's help?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't know about most people, but, as someone with Native American ancestry, I think so. If the white people who first came to North America had an open borders mindset, the tragedy might have been avoided. Instead, the white people came with disease and superior firepower, and destroyed entire cultures.

Is that what frightens you, Geo? That the circle will turn, and non-white people will return the favor?

You're asking me if I'm afraid that entire cultures of white people will be destroyed? Well, yea... of course I am. See, I'm a white person. It's fairly natural for me to 1.) Love my people, 2.) Love our culture, 3.) Wish for both to continue existing and not lose territory, power, influence, or numbers.

These are the absolute most basic, natural instincts but almost everyone has forgotten that fact when it comes to whites. They still understand it when it comes to everyone else, though.

Some people think you can completely change the demographics of a nation and somehow this won't change the culture. Some people think you can completely swap out one group of people with another group and it won't really matter in any significant way. Some people feel that you can flood white nations with people who are then subsequently encouraged by white liberals and those nations' school systems to have a huge resentment and anger toward whites for historical wrongs (both real, imaginary, exaggerated and unfairly emphasized given the ubiquity of many of those behaviors four our entire species/planet/history) and that this will somehow never result in a situation where whites are targeted for retribution.

I disagree with all of those thoughts, and feel that they've already been disproved. But I would say to those who disagree that we should just go ahead and play it safe and not ask for trouble. Don't deliberately set out to make nations more heterogeneous than they already are. After all, I'm told that we're all exactly the same anyway so that would seem to mean it doesn't matter if we don't seek diversity. Plus, whites represent a small portion of the world population and therefore need to think more like I do or could disappear.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Elections Have Consequences. All you self flagellating angry white liberals and non black and hispanic angry liberals that voted for the obama..go to the back of the obama buss. And that includes your kids too. Elections Have Consequences.

sure they do.

those consequences should never be racist though.

those that keep parroting the saying "election have consequences" i don't see them backing the results of the CA election that banned same sex marriages.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Elections Have Consequences. All you self flagellating angry white liberals and non black and hispanic angry liberals that voted for the obama..go to the back of the obama buss. And that includes your kids too. Elections Have Consequences.

Elections do have consequences! The consequences so far have been quite positive. The results are even more positive if you take into account what might have happened if conservatives had won the elections instead. Imagine how much economic damage they might have inflicted on the country, you know?

Elections Have Consequences.

Angry Irishman

Golden Member
Jan 25, 2010
Elections do have consequences! The consequences so far have been quite positive. The results are even more positive if you take into account what might have happened if conservatives had won the elections instead. Imagine how much economic damage they might have inflicted on the country, you know?

Elections Have Consequences.

Oh yes, this country is in a wonderful state.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Oh yes, this country is in a wonderful state.

Well the US has outperformed almost every other developed country in the aftermath of the financial crisis, we've taken steps to fix our crazy health care system, we ended two foolish wars, etc, etc.

Imagine how much economic damage would have happened if conservatives had been able to engage in all the budget cutting they wanted to do. We could have ended up like so many countries in Europe.


Jul 3, 2001
You're asking me if I'm afraid that entire cultures of white people will be destroyed? Well, yea... of course I am. See, I'm a white person. It's fairly natural for me to 1.) Love my people, 2.) Love our culture, 3.) Wish for both to continue existing and not lose territory, power, influence, or numbers.

These are the absolute most basic, natural instincts but almost everyone has forgotten that fact when it comes to whites. They still understand it when it comes to everyone else, though.

Your people can be more than your racial group. Your basic, natural instincts don't need to be tied to race.


Jul 16, 2001
Elections do have consequences! The consequences so far have been quite positive. The results are even more positive if you take into account what might have happened if conservatives had won the elections instead. Imagine how much economic damage they might have inflicted on the country, you know?

Elections Have Consequences.

..only a public assistance parasite liberal would be happy with existing conditions.
Sep 7, 2009
"My People" consist of anyone who strives to support themselves and their family - whether it's through a career, a 'successful' stay at home mom who raises good productive children, or what have you.

I don't care about skin color. It makes no difference.

But, this is not what our Dear Leader wants.

His entire regime has revolved around dividing this country by skin color. He preaches that certain people are "different" and these "different" people should group together.

I am not at all surprised that he's initiated a wholly racist program while I'm paying him to support our country. Also not surprised that his lapdogs are eating it up.

And to the racists: There are plenty of poor areas with white people who need help. Only a racist would support this program.

What bothers me most of all, is we have some SERIOUS issues he needs to work on. If he wants to do a little racist pet project then he needs to wait until he's out of office.

He's such an embarrassment to this country. He is going to go down in the history books as the most racist, ineffective, biased president of our era.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Hey look, it's our de facto ATPN "I disagree with their opinions so they're racist" brigade.

I want to remind you how funny it is to see the biggest racists on here continually flail and desperately declare that everyone else is the TRUE RACISTS. The lady doth protest too much.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Perhaps if we hadn't spent the first ~200 years of our nation's history with institutionalized racism we wouldn't need shit like this.

Seriously, we like to remind the Germans to be nice to the Jews, but they've got more bridge under the water than the US has with Blacks. . . We aren't in a post-race US. . . Yet.

And like a wound that doesn't heal because it is constantly being picked at so someone can draw their pint of blood, we never will be in a post-race US.


Jun 19, 2000
He's such an embarrassment to this country. He is going to go down in the history books as the most racist, ineffective, biased president of our era.
I don't disagree with you in principle, but how history sees him will depend on who's writing the history.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I want to remind you how funny it is to see the biggest racists on here continually flail and desperately declare that everyone else is the TRUE RACISTS. The lady doth protest too much.

I don't deny being a racist. Though the views and beliefs which qualify me as such are almost never considered to do so for anyone who isn't white. They are, in fact, taken for granted and completely expected in non-whites. Even encouraged.

I simply say that I think everyone is one, to one degree or another. It manifests differently for different people. Might just be in where they choose to live and send their kids to school. Might be in avoiding driving through a certain part of town. Might even manifest in ways which would seem, at a glance, to be the very opposite of racism but which really are just a different, more modern form of it, such as patronizingly treating people of other races like they are children who couldn't possibly accomplish anything without their help.

I've also made it clear that I don't find the term to be useful or a productive contribution to discussions. When people use it here, or in any other modern discussion environment, they aren't using it to try to exchange ideas, come to understandings, or elucidate anything. They are using it to try to shut someone else up, get others not to listen to them, get them removed from the discussion, and generally paint a scarlet letter on them to mark them as "untouchable."

I do not find that to be a mature or helpful approach. I do note that it is an incredibly popular one, though.
Sep 7, 2009
I want to remind you how funny it is to see the biggest racists on here continually flail and desperately declare that everyone else is the TRUE RACISTS. The lady doth protest too much.

I routinely support good people of ALL colors, and routinely denounce thugs of ALL colors.

I couldn't care less what you think about me being racist. You and your ilk don't care about the truth, facts, or reality. All you care about is furthering your racist agenda, and blindly labeling anyone who gets in your way as racist.

Nobody cares about the "Racist" card anymore. That was relevant in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's...

Mainstream society has fully recognized that none of these "brothers" our Dear Leader has invited to his handout train need propped up.

Don't want to go to jail? Don't do illegal things.

Don't want to be labelled as a thug? Don't make choices to act and look like one.

Want to be a successful strong family member and member of society? Put forth a marginal amount of effort to better yourself. Poor people who go to low level schools barely have to try at all to make good grades, get solid scholarships, there simply isn't a valid excuse anymore - other than that you're lazy.

Nowadays people are held back by their choices. However, the racists continually want people to think that they're being held back by society. This mentality is far more damaging than the actual racist elderly men/women who are still dying out.
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