My E6750 OC attempt


Junior Member
May 27, 2002
Just put together my new C2D system:
E6750 with Tuniq Tower 120
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3P
2 GB Patriot PC2-6400 4-4-4-12
BFG 8800 GTS OC 320MB
Raptor 150
Pioneer SATA DVD burner
Antec Truepower Trio 650
Ultra Aluminus case

I bumped up the FSB to 400 and set the mem to run at 800 and Orthos has been running for >30 minutes. I am using speedfan to monitor the temps and I have put in an offset of 15 on the core temps. I set the system voltage control to auto and it looks like vcore is 1.42. Should I go to manual on vcore and reduce the voltage to get the temps down a little? It is ~60c and 3.2Ghz is all I really wanted out of this OC.

Screen cap:
My Temps



Golden Member
Oct 13, 2003
Definitely lower the vcore. I´m running mine at 3.2 ghz with 1.275v set in BIOS (P35-DS3R), but I think I got a unusually good chip.. Try 1.375v or so.


Junior Member
May 27, 2002
I lowered the vcore to 1.35v in bios and that really lowered the idle temps. On another note, I have my TT mounted so the fan is parallel to the front & back case fans and it is pretty close to the back fan. It was very hard to tell which way the air was moving through the fins so I figured the TT fan and the rear case fan were fighting each other. I pulled the TT fan out and sure enough it was. I turned it around and that was good for 2-3c reduction at idle. Right now, Core0 is ~37C and core1 is ~35C, idleing at 3.2Ghz. (actually 2.4Ghz). After running orthos for >hour the NB HS was pretty warm. I could hold my finger on it for >15 seconds but it was uncomfortable. I placed an 80mm fan in there to help with that until I get something else. So far, so good. Time to get orthos crunching for a long time.


Master Shake

Jul 14, 2007
My temps at the same speed are not much higher then yours, only 1-2 degrees with stock cooling

Something must be wrong there


May 22, 2007
I'm running small ffts right now at 57c with a rig very similar to yours, but I'm at 1.50 v (after vdroop from 1.55) and 8x445. You are way too hot. That antec 900 is a fantastic case, I wonder if that is helping master shake keep his temps low on stock cooling.

Master Shake

Jul 14, 2007
Originally posted by: bryanW1995
I'm running small ffts right now at 57c with a rig very similar to yours, but I'm at 1.50 v (after vdroop from 1.55) and 8x445. You are way too hot. That antec 900 is a fantastic case, I wonder if that is helping master shake keep his temps low on stock cooling.

The 900 really is a kickass case for cooling, right now the front fans are set on low, rear exhaust on med and the top exhaust on high.
The window fan is set by smartfan

I still need the extra fan for the back of the hd cage to blow directly on the ram/nb/cpu

My temps are actually the same as the op with stock cooling and stock voltage.

I sould pick up a 120 ultra and see what I can really do


There has got to be something wrong going on with the wht35's setup


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
LOOK AT THE VOLTAGE IN SPEEDFAN it's all over the place, if it,s true you might have power problem or the offsets, I don't known if I would take the temp. readings on the E6x50.s as fact even with the +15 offset

if the voltage heywire has been posted before sorry for this post


Junior Member
May 27, 2002
I don't know what to make of the voltages in speedfan. The only config I changed wad to add the +15 offset in the temps. I would guess that the readings are incorrect since I don't think the system would boot with +12v rail at 5.7v. TAT show temps that are 15C below the SF temps and CPUz shows the vcore to be 1.312v.



Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: wht35
I don't know what to make of the voltages in speedfan. The only config I changed wad to add the +15 offset in the temps. I would guess that the readings are incorrect since I don't think the system would boot with +12v rail at 5.7v. TAT show temps that are 15C below the SF temps and CPUz shows the vcore to be 1.312v.


I have a real noob question. I have looked everywhere in Speedfan to set that 15 degree offset but I can't find it. Where do you set it?


Junior Member
May 27, 2002
Latest update after >17 hours of Orthos:

Screen Cap

This is in a room @~80F and inside a desk. (not on top of a desk or with decent air flow.)

Setting the vcore manually to 1.35v and turning the TT fan around to get front to back airflow really helped.

I am very happy under these conditions. If the case was not in a desk I would probably be in the mid 40s under load. I'll let Orthos go a few more hours but I think I'm done.



Junior Member
May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: mrfatboy
Originally posted by: wht35
I don't know what to make of the voltages in speedfan. The only config I changed wad to add the +15 offset in the temps. I would guess that the readings are incorrect since I don't think the system would boot with +12v rail at 5.7v. TAT show temps that are 15C below the SF temps and CPUz shows the vcore to be 1.312v.


I have a real noob question. I have looked everywhere in Speedfan to set that 15 degree offset but I can't find it. Where do you set it?


Click the configure button, then the advanced tab. The click the upper drop down box and select INTEL CORE at $0 in ISA. You will then get the offsets. Highlight each one then go to the lower drop down box and select the offset you want. Check remember it and OK.

Hope this helps!



May 22, 2007
Originally posted by: wht35
Latest update after >17 hours of Orthos:

Screen Cap

This is in a room @~80F and inside a desk. (not on top of a desk or with decent air flow.)

Setting the vcore manually to 1.35v and turning the TT fan around to get front to back airflow really helped.

I am very happy under these conditions. If the case was not in a desk I would probably be in the mid 40s under load. I'll let Orthos go a few more hours but I think I'm done.

nikki cox...nice...

where were we? oh, yeah. that's good for being stuck inside a desk with crappy airflow. 3.2 at stock voltages seems to be about par for an e6750.



Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: wht35
Originally posted by: mrfatboy
Originally posted by: wht35
I don't know what to make of the voltages in speedfan. The only config I changed wad to add the +15 offset in the temps. I would guess that the readings are incorrect since I don't think the system would boot with +12v rail at 5.7v. TAT show temps that are 15C below the SF temps and CPUz shows the vcore to be 1.312v.


I have a real noob question. I have looked everywhere in Speedfan to set that 15 degree offset but I can't find it. Where do you set it?


Click the configure button, then the advanced tab. The click the upper drop down box and select INTEL CORE at $0 in ISA. You will then get the offsets. Highlight each one then go to the lower drop down box and select the offset you want. Check remember it and OK.

Hope this helps!


thanks. i knew it was in there somewhere.


Aug 25, 2007
Thanks for this thread, as I've been wondering what to make of my temps so far (I have the same board).

Do you know what Temp 1 in Speedfan is? It's the same temp that Everest calls "aux" but I can't figure out what it is measuring. I also have a "Temp 3" in Speedfan that says it's -2 degrees Celsius for some reason.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Drexl
Thanks for this thread, as I've been wondering what to make of my temps so far (I have the same board).

Do you know what Temp 1 in Speedfan is? It's the same temp that Everest calls "aux" but I can't figure out what it is measuring. I also have a "Temp 3" in Speedfan that says it's -2 degrees Celsius for some reason.

i think temp 1 is the Northbridge and temp3 is bogus. Just delete it in speed fan so you don't have to look at it. Mine temp1 (NB) is 44C.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2004
Temp 1 shows up as CPU on MBM5. It would be nice to know what temp1 and temp2 are though. I'm showing 30 on 1 and 26 on 2 at idle. Regardless, one of them is probably external CPU and the other the NB. I'd like to find a program that will give SB temps as well. I also don't know know what vcore 2 is, I assume the NB. And for some reason it doesn't read my 12v rail correctly.

grateful ned

Junior Member
Sep 11, 2007
Hi folks

I have about the same situation - nice case but inside a desk. Quick stats:

Giga DS3P
Giga Aurora case 120mmx3 (gawd this is a sweet case)
Zalman 9500
Crucial Ballistix DDR2 PC2-8500 ? 5-5-5-15 ? DDR2-1066 ? 2.2V

Stock I was running in low 30's. At 3 Ghz (375x8) I'm at about 42 C. Prime 95 Torture runs me up to 57-58 C. Havent tried more yet.

I don't understand enough about this stuff to know why it's important to have the FSB and DDR frequency 1:1 - seems a shame to run this 533 MHz memory at only 375... but can you more experienced folks convince me the bump in CPU speed is worth it? Haven't done any benchmarking yet, guess I can sort it out that way.
May try 400/400(800) next, see if my in-the-desk setup can handle it temp-wise.

I'm pretty happy with 3 Ghz, just confused about the need to tweak the RAM. Any of you RAM junkies give me hints on how better to maximize my RAM - timings, etc?



Junior Member
Sep 9, 2007
Originally posted by: Shaq
Temp 1 shows up as CPU on MBM5. It would be nice to know what temp1 and temp2 are though. I'm showing 30 on 1 and 26 on 2 at idle. Regardless, one of them is probably external CPU and the other the NB. I'd like to find a program that will give SB temps as well. I also don't know know what vcore 2 is, I assume the NB. And for some reason it doesn't read my 12v rail correctly.

According to

With Speedfan vcore2 is actually vdimm.

Temp 2 is related to cpu temp, best quess is that it is a thermal probe located under the cpu in the "well" in the middle of the socket. This is easy to verify as you can run some cpu stress testing software and it quickly raises temp 2. However it does not exactly correspond to the cpu core temps and reacts a bit slower, thus the conclusion its a thermister under the cpu.

Temp 1 is also a thermister somewhere on the board that is reading "system temp" I really dont quite know what exactly, its near something warm on the board but rises no where near a quickly as the cpu related ones. It is more of a general "case temp" kinda thing.

Temp 3 is hooked to nothing and is completely "wacko" disregard it.

(I don't know about the "system temp" being "case temp", since I've seen it go above CPU for a bit. That could be NB or SB, if you consider those the "system".)

Originally posted by: grateful ned
I don't understand enough about this stuff to know why it's important to have the FSB and DDR frequency 1:1 - seems a shame to run this 533 MHz memory at only 375... but can you more experienced folks convince me the bump in CPU speed is worth it? Haven't done any benchmarking yet, guess I can sort it out that way.

AFAIK, the 1:1 is generally only to make sure you're not hitting against the memory's limits (because you probably don't want to keep thinking about the memory's speed to make sure you're not going over). After you're done overclocking the CPU/FSB, you can probably fiddle with that a bit to see how you'd like to balance things. I would think of the divider as limiting the memory's speed, not raising the CPU's speed or FSB's speed. (Besides, I'd be stunned if you managed 500+ Mhz FSB... TomsHardware only managed 459.) There are some claims that 1:1 ends up "better" somehow, but I don't really buy those; you can always use benchmarking tools to find out for yourself. (Remember, of course, that a increase in benchmarking score is only really surprising if you either decreased or held constant the speed of both your RAM and CPU...I've seen a post claiming 1:1 is better, but that was because they then proceeded to increase FSB (and CPU and RAM) speed to compensate, which would obviously boost performance...) IMHO, I wouldn't do any divider that turns my memory into the limiting factor. For example, I'm using a divider (2.40 in the Gigabyte BIOS, or 5:6) that overclocks my RAM slightly and pretty much maxes my FSB.

For your situation... If you're running at 375 MHz FSB, 533/375 * 2 = 2.84 divider would put your RAM at specifications (but that divider doesn't exist in my BIOS... ). The 3.00 divider would put your memory at 562.5 MHz, which is quite a bit over.... (Use at own risk, etc. etc. )


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: grateful ned
Hi folks

I have about the same situation - nice case but inside a desk. Quick stats:

Giga DS3P
Giga Aurora case 120mmx3 (gawd this is a sweet case)
Zalman 9500
Crucial Ballistix DDR2 PC2-8500 ? 5-5-5-15 ? DDR2-1066 ? 2.2V

Stock I was running in low 30's. At 3 Ghz (375x8) I'm at about 42 C. Prime 95 Torture runs me up to 57-58 C. Havent tried more yet.

I don't understand enough about this stuff to know why it's important to have the FSB and DDR frequency 1:1 - seems a shame to run this 533 MHz memory at only 375... but can you more experienced folks convince me the bump in CPU speed is worth it? Haven't done any benchmarking yet, guess I can sort it out that way.
May try 400/400(800) next, see if my in-the-desk setup can handle it temp-wise.

I'm pretty happy with 3 Ghz, just confused about the need to tweak the RAM. Any of you RAM junkies give me hints on how better to maximize my RAM - timings, etc?


Your system should be able to do 3.6 easy. check out this thread

6750 & Gigabyte OC thread
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