My experience working at a smaller chain store than Best Buy


Dec 27, 2001
I have been with my company for nearly six years. I don't want to name it because I don't want people to think that I am drumming up business. I just thought you all might want to see the contrast between us.

1. Our first rule is to take any deal. If we have to sell something below what we paid for it to take a deal from the competition, we will. I personally sold a brand new, just got off the truck from Hitachi, big screen for $100 under what we paid for it. Sears had screwed a guy over and had offerred him the new model for what he was going to pay for a dicontinued floor model. I happily beat their deal. The guy will never go to Sears again. I would say 50% of our customers are the devil customers that Best Buy doesnt want. We welcome them.

2. Our second rule is to take care of the customer. We have 2 assistant managers, a car audio manager, and a store manager. Our boss is the regional manager. If we dont give the customer what they want, our regional will. I wont give examples on this one, because this is where we tend to get used and abused. Lets just say I have seen us sell big screens for the price of a 36", and I have even seen us buy people new garage doors. Just give it to them is the basic rule.

3. We actually know what we are talking about. We know that most people do a lot of research now before they even come into our store. Its our job to be able to answer any questions they might have honestly and intelligently. If we dont know the answer to something, we tell you. Then we offer to find out the answer for you on the spot. The manufacturers give us plenty of info, its just a matter of taking the time to look up the right answer for the customer. Every day I am printing out spec sheets for TV's and receivers just because there are so many features now that it is nearly impossible to keep them all in your head.

4. We actually care if you buy from us. We want you to come to us for everything from Chia Pets to big screens. I get mad if one of my customers buys something at a different store, even if its something small. One lady told me she was going to Wal Mart to buy a toaster after she left my store. I told her. "no you arent!" And gave her a damn toaster for free. Take that Wally World.

I know that most of you will never even hear of my employer, but that is ok. There are thousands of other small to medium stores that have pretty much the same philosophy on things. The big box stores care about numbers, not about customers.


Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: GoodDad
I have been with my company for nearly six years. I don't want to name it because I don't want people to think that I am drumming up business. I just thought you all might want to see the contrast between us.

1. Our first rule is to take any deal. If we have to sell something below what we paid for it to take a deal from the competition, we will. I personally sold a brand new, just got off the truck from Hitachi, big screen for $100 under what we paid for it. Sears had screwed a guy over and had offerred him the new model for what he was going to pay for a dicontinued floor model. I happily beat their deal. The guy will never go to Sears again. I would say 50% of our customers are the devil customers that Best Buy doesnt want. We welcome them.

2. Our second rule is to take care of the customer. We have 2 assistant managers, a car audio manager, and a store manager. Our boss is the regional manager. If we dont give the customer what they want, our regional will. I wont give examples on this one, because this is where we tend to get used and abused. Lets just say I have seen us sell big screens for the price of a 36", and I have even seen us buy people new garage doors. Just give it to them is the basic rule.

3. We actually know what we are talking about. We know that most people do a lot of research now before they even come into our store. Its our job to be able to answer any questions they might have honestly and intelligently. If we dont know the answer to something, we tell you. Then we offer to find out the answer for you on the spot. The manufacturers give us plenty of info, its just a matter of taking the time to look up the right answer for the customer. Every day I am printing out spec sheets for TV's and receivers just because there are so many features now that it is nearly impossible to keep them all in your head.

4. We actually care if you buy from us. We want you to come to us for everything from Chia Pets to big screens. I get mad if one of my customers buys something at a different store, even if its something small. One lady told me she was going to Wal Mart to buy a toaster after she left my store. I told her. "no you arent!" And gave her a damn toaster for free. Take that Wally World.

I know that most of you will never even hear of my employer, but that is ok. There are thousands of other small to medium stores that have pretty much the same philosophy on things. The big box stores care about numbers, not about customers.

im curious as how you guys stay in business selling stuff under cost. Doesn't seem to be a viable business model.


Dec 27, 2001
im curious as how you guys stay in business selling stuff under cost. Doesn't seem to be a viable business model.

Because we dont sell everything under cost. We call it buying a customer. If we take care of them and let them know that we will always be the lowest price, they will come back and buy things above our cost. We do have a few customers that are completely out of hand, but we humor them and make them send people in for us to make money on.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Good way to go out of business.

Best buy screws people.

You guys get screwed.

There's a happy medium in there somewhere, and the key is finding it. IMO fry's has a pretty good balance...


Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: armatron
Good way to go out of business.

Best buy screws people.

You guys get screwed.

There's a happy medium in there somewhere, and the key is finding it. IMO fry's has a pretty good balance...

We are a lot like fry's, but not into computers as much.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Your claim that 50% of your customers are BB's "devils" plus your willingness to do whatever it takes to close a deal sounds like a good recipe for getting scammed blind. Maybe you aren't indentifying your company because you don't want to be put out of business by the cheapskates in Hot Deals


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: GoodDad
I have been with my company for nearly six years. I don't want to name it because I don't want people to think that I am drumming up business. I just thought you all might want to see the contrast between us.

1. Our first rule is to take any deal. If we have to sell something below what we paid for it to take a deal from the competition, we will. I personally sold a brand new, just got off the truck from Hitachi, big screen for $100 under what we paid for it. Sears had screwed a guy over and had offerred him the new model for what he was going to pay for a dicontinued floor model. I happily beat their deal. The guy will never go to Sears again. I would say 50% of our customers are the devil customers that Best Buy doesnt want. We welcome them.

2. Our second rule is to take care of the customer. We have 2 assistant managers, a car audio manager, and a store manager. Our boss is the regional manager. If we dont give the customer what they want, our regional will. I wont give examples on this one, because this is where we tend to get used and abused. Lets just say I have seen us sell big screens for the price of a 36", and I have even seen us buy people new garage doors. Just give it to them is the basic rule.

3. We actually know what we are talking about. We know that most people do a lot of research now before they even come into our store. Its our job to be able to answer any questions they might have honestly and intelligently. If we dont know the answer to something, we tell you. Then we offer to find out the answer for you on the spot. The manufacturers give us plenty of info, its just a matter of taking the time to look up the right answer for the customer. Every day I am printing out spec sheets for TV's and receivers just because there are so many features now that it is nearly impossible to keep them all in your head.

4. We actually care if you buy from us. We want you to come to us for everything from Chia Pets to big screens. I get mad if one of my customers buys something at a different store, even if its something small. One lady told me she was going to Wal Mart to buy a toaster after she left my store. I told her. "no you arent!" And gave her a damn toaster for free. Take that Wally World.

I know that most of you will never even hear of my employer, but that is ok. There are thousands of other small to medium stores that have pretty much the same philosophy on things. The big box stores care about numbers, not about customers.

Hey GoodDad, can you PM me the name of your store and where in MIchigan you are located. I'm always looking for stores that offer me decent CS when I need to buy Electronics that I really can't tell apart. (ie speakers and things like that)



Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
Betsbuy's devil customers are just the customers that expect bestbuy to live up to their deal.
They arn't shoplifters, vandilists, etcetc, they are generally hard working people looking to get the most for their buck.

best buy promises, price matching, coupons, promotions, gift certificates, warranty, the list goes on and on. yet when it comes time to deliver one, they hesitate, try to combine a price matching and a coupon, suddenly you're just as bad as the scum who just tried to steal whatever the hell it was you wanted to buy. I didn't drive all the way to bestbuy to get sucked into the store by hot deals, only to pay retail.
I don't expect the other retailers i shop at (like fry's for instance) to honor price matching policies they don't have. but if they offer it, they damn well better live up to it. I have NEVER gotten a 110% pricematch from bestbuy, when i get them to match, the best they'll do is 100% if they'll match it at all. And this isn't for products with MIR's but just legitimate ads in newspapers and such.

dont really know what caused the rant, but just glad to hear of some places out there that are still quality.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2004
what do profits look like then? are you a commision based store, and do the employees get screwed due to selling under cost, or the company itself?


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2002
While I admire your stores beliefs in keeping customers happy, giving things away does not make smart business. I realize that in many cases it spurs customer loyalty and you know have those customers for life, but many of those people will expect similar type of deals in the future. The fact that you gave them something for free is the reason they are back and if they dont get that everytime they will go back to the big box stores they shopped at in the first place. Of course all customers arent like this, but I assure you many of them are. To be profitable you have to find regular policies and price stuctures that make you money. Trying to win customers with specials and "one time only" deals is not a formula for sustained success.


Oct 19, 2001
you have a 1950s business models for the 2000s. consumers are today more saavy and/or more dishonest.

good luck though.


Jul 4, 2000
if they've been in business for long (and it looks like they have since the OP has worked there for 6 years), i'm sure their business plan is working well. the OP is not describing a frequently occurring event - im sure the OP can tell the difference between customers who are trying to take advantage of the system and those who aren't (at least for the most part).


Oct 21, 2000
How does your store deal with age discrimination? That is, will you give less service to a younger person looking to buy a plasma versus an older well dressed businessman?


Feb 16, 2003
If it's working for you guys, that's awesome!

Stores like that are what people like me want. Reliability and honesty are not easily available anymore...


Oct 12, 1999
there is very little customer loyalty in today's market...which makes it difficult for stores like these to continue like they did in the past.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2002
If I were to go into your store and get a killer deal on something I would definitely be loyal to your store. It wouldn't stop me from buying somewhere else, but it would sure make me check your place first to see what kind of deal I could get.

When I bought my Sony VEGA I bought it at Best Buy. Why? Because I had a 10% coupon. And the CSR actually scanned my coupon twice so I got 20% off. I shop where the deals are.



Senior member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: ivol07
If I were to go into your store and get a killer deal on something I would definitely be loyal to your store. It wouldn't stop me from buying somewhere else, but it would sure make me check your place first to see what kind of deal I could get.

When I bought my Sony VEGA I bought it at Best Buy. Why? Because I had a 10% coupon. And the CSR actually scanned my coupon twice so I got 20% off. I shop where the deals are.

Bingo, loyalty would be formed, the kind that would shop with you as long as you sold at a loss. As soon as you try to clear a profit and charge what everyone else is charging they'll buy somewhere else.


Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Ketteringo
I live near you, and I think I know where you work

If you live in MI then you probably do. I am not hiding where I work, I just dont think naming it would add anything to this thread. I am not scared of hot dealers coming in, I would enjoy that.

Our business model works just fine, we have been around for 40+ years and are doing fine. I see our store's daily reports, and from the other stores around the company. Its not like the bulk of our sales are below our cost, usually only a couple a day. We are just not scared to do that.

And as far as Best Buy being a larger store than us, thats fine. We can make changes in a matter of minutes company wide, where Best Buy needs weeks if not months. We are ever expanding though, we opened 3 stores in the past year and moved 2. There are rumors of bigger expansion, but that wont affect me in any way, so I dont listen.

If anyone really wants to know where I work, let me know. Oh, and Gordy says hi.
Oct 30, 2004

I know exactly what chain he's talking about. I do enjoy Gordy's TV commercials. I'll buy something there every now and then. Last time I went in, I got them to do a price match for an item listed on the Internet that saved me $5.

You've been there for six years? Gordy actually takes good care of his employees, even the salespeople on commission? That's nice to know.

I wish your chain would expand its selection of computer products if you could find a way to do it at NewEgg-like prices. The market for that might be wide open. Of course, if it were possible to do, someone else would have already done it by now. (Instead we're left with CompUSSR's, Best Blows, Circuit Shittys, and local mom 'n' pop shops that can't come anywhere close to the prices available online.)



Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: venk
Originally posted by: GoodDad
I have been with my company for nearly six years. I don't want to name it because I don't want people to think that I am drumming up business. I just thought you all might want to see the contrast between us.

1. Our first rule is to take any deal. If we have to sell something below what we paid for it to take a deal from the competition, we will. I personally sold a brand new, just got off the truck from Hitachi, big screen for $100 under what we paid for it. Sears had screwed a guy over and had offerred him the new model for what he was going to pay for a dicontinued floor model. I happily beat their deal. The guy will never go to Sears again. I would say 50% of our customers are the devil customers that Best Buy doesnt want. We welcome them.

2. Our second rule is to take care of the customer. We have 2 assistant managers, a car audio manager, and a store manager. Our boss is the regional manager. If we dont give the customer what they want, our regional will. I wont give examples on this one, because this is where we tend to get used and abused. Lets just say I have seen us sell big screens for the price of a 36", and I have even seen us buy people new garage doors. Just give it to them is the basic rule.

3. We actually know what we are talking about. We know that most people do a lot of research now before they even come into our store. Its our job to be able to answer any questions they might have honestly and intelligently. If we dont know the answer to something, we tell you. Then we offer to find out the answer for you on the spot. The manufacturers give us plenty of info, its just a matter of taking the time to look up the right answer for the customer. Every day I am printing out spec sheets for TV's and receivers just because there are so many features now that it is nearly impossible to keep them all in your head.

4. We actually care if you buy from us. We want you to come to us for everything from Chia Pets to big screens. I get mad if one of my customers buys something at a different store, even if its something small. One lady told me she was going to Wal Mart to buy a toaster after she left my store. I told her. "no you arent!" And gave her a damn toaster for free. Take that Wally World.

I know that most of you will never even hear of my employer, but that is ok. There are thousands of other small to medium stores that have pretty much the same philosophy on things. The big box stores care about numbers, not about customers.

Hey GoodDad, can you PM me the name of your store and where in MIchigan you are located. I'm always looking for stores that offer me decent CS when I need to buy Electronics that I really can't tell apart. (ie speakers and things like that)

i want to know your the location of the store too

Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: GoodDad
I have been with my company for nearly six years. I don't want to name it because I don't want people to think that I am drumming up business. I just thought you all might want to see the contrast between us.

1. Our first rule is to take any deal. If we have to sell something below what we paid for it to take a deal from the competition, we will. I personally sold a brand new, just got off the truck from Hitachi, big screen for $100 under what we paid for it. Sears had screwed a guy over and had offerred him the new model for what he was going to pay for a dicontinued floor model. I happily beat their deal. The guy will never go to Sears again. I would say 50% of our customers are the devil customers that Best Buy doesnt want. We welcome them.

2. Our second rule is to take care of the customer. We have 2 assistant managers, a car audio manager, and a store manager. Our boss is the regional manager. If we dont give the customer what they want, our regional will. I wont give examples on this one, because this is where we tend to get used and abused. Lets just say I have seen us sell big screens for the price of a 36", and I have even seen us buy people new garage doors. Just give it to them is the basic rule.

3. We actually know what we are talking about. We know that most people do a lot of research now before they even come into our store. Its our job to be able to answer any questions they might have honestly and intelligently. If we dont know the answer to something, we tell you. Then we offer to find out the answer for you on the spot. The manufacturers give us plenty of info, its just a matter of taking the time to look up the right answer for the customer. Every day I am printing out spec sheets for TV's and receivers just because there are so many features now that it is nearly impossible to keep them all in your head.

4. We actually care if you buy from us. We want you to come to us for everything from Chia Pets to big screens. I get mad if one of my customers buys something at a different store, even if its something small. One lady told me she was going to Wal Mart to buy a toaster after she left my store. I told her. "no you arent!" And gave her a damn toaster for free. Take that Wally World.

I know that most of you will never even hear of my employer, but that is ok. There are thousands of other small to medium stores that have pretty much the same philosophy on things. The big box stores care about numbers, not about customers.

ok, i work at BB. it seems like you guys do a great job with your customers. here is my response to your points:

1. we are a profit/scorecard driven company so we cant and wont sell stuff below cost cuz it looks bad for GMP. Most times its better for us to let the customer walk rather than hurt the GMP

2. we do our best to take care of our customers as well so long as we are not losing money on the transaction

3. The knowledge is going to be different from store to store. my department (computers) is composed of immensly talented people who are very intelligent and know exactly what they are talking about. i have never worked with such a talent group before in my life. we have customers coming in all the time and buying stuff from us and telling us they go out of their way to drive to a store that isnt the closest to them because of our knowledge of computers.

4. we dont care who buys from us as long as we make budget. dont care what you buy either. all we are concerned about is selling you whatever we can sell you but certainly not giving away toasters. we realize that we are not as big nor will be ever be as big as walmart

sad truth is that numbers are more important than customers. we as employees look good when we shatter the budget, not when we get compliments about how nice we are
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