My Experiences With The eVGA 9800GX2


Senior member
Nov 23, 2005
My card's been with me since 4/2/08 but thanks to two exams haven't been able to do the benches until today.

Before I get on with the figures a quick look at the card, the packaging and my messy case LOL :

eVGA Geforce 9800GX2 Box - Front
eVGA Geforce 9800GX2 Box - Rear
eVGA Foam Package
The Card - Front
The Card - Rear
Messy Case


Core2 Q6600 @ 3.15Ghz (350x9)
Gigabyte P35-DS3L
2x2GB Supertalent DDR2-800 @ 840 Mhz
Creative X-Fi Platinum
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 SP1

Resolution: 1680x1050 [For the Entire Review and Comparisons with old card]

Driver: Forceware 174.74 (WHQL)

Video Card Stock Clocks: 600-1512-2000

Video Card OC Clocks: 725-1836-2200

Games Benched:

1. Bioshock DX10
2. Call of Juarez DX10
3. Crysis 64Bit DX10 [High/Very High]
4. DiRT [Single Car Rally/Multiple Cars Circuit Race]
5. Far Cry 64Bit v1.32
6. F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate [Fraps/In Game Bench]
7. Frontlines Fuel of War
8. Call of Duty 4
9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
10. Rainbow Six: Vegas
11. Test Drive Unlimited
12. World in Conflict [DX9/DX10] [Fraps/In Game Bench]

I will devote the following sections to each game:

A. Settings and Locations Used for Benchmarks
B. Benchmark (Stock and OC) (Min-Max-Avg)
C. Problems Encountered (ONLY if any)
D. Overall Experience (Including Improvement from eVGA Geforce 8800 512MB (756-1890-2000) [Hence, referred to as my previous card])

Unless specified as an "In-Built Benchmark" all of the numbers below are recorded during normal game-play using fraps:

i. I understand the variability of in game benchmarking using Fraps, but I made sure to use the same starting and ending points and the general combat techniques.
ii. Even though I was careful please take minimum frame-rates with a grain of salt, as you will see a few of them clearly don't change much during normal clocks and OC clocks, please look at the averages and my overall experience section for a better conclusion.
iii. This is not meant to be a scientific article, just an end user's personal experience.

1. Bioshock DX10 (Disabled VSync and redid numbers, thanks chizow )

A. Settings and Location: Olympus Heights - Walking around after exiting the underground area, fired a variety of weapons, engaged with various splicers and even a big daddy.
In Game: All Settings maximum
Nvidia Control Panel: 16xAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)68-(Max)171-(Avg)112.65
OC: (Min)79-(Max)166-(Avg)120.95

D. Overall Experience: There is a nice performance difference from my previous card. Whatever action is going on the frames stay constantly above 60FPS, be it 4-5 splicers or even a big daddy firefight. I didn't try AA but had 16XAF applied which wasn't used with my previous card. After I redid my numbers overclocking does give a decent boost for this game.

2. Call of Juarez DX10

A. Settings and Location: Starting of the Episode IV: Abandoned Mine Level
In Game: All Settings maximum including 2XAA and Anisotropic Trilinear Filtering

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)38-(Max)66-(Avg)52.567
OC: (Min)42-(Max)82-(Avg)60.317

C. Problems Encountered: 4XAA seemed to just kill the performance of the card making it quite unplayable.

D. Overall Experience: There was a massive performance improvement from my previous card, the gameplay was uncomfortable even without AA & AF. Overall this card is a perfect match, hopefully 4xAA is a driver bug, but even with 2xAA I'm quite happy. Also there is a nice and healthy boost from overclocking.

3. Crysis 64bit DX10

A. Settings and Location: From landing on the beach to the killing of the first soldier on top of the rock

B. Benches:

Stock: High: (Min)30-(Max)58-(Avg)49.283

Very High (Min)22-(Max)42-(Avg)34.233

OC: High: (Min)30-(Max)67-(Avg)54.583

Very High (Min)23-(Max)46-(Avg)37.250

C. Problems Encountered: Very High Stuttered a little, both stock and overclocked, even though framerates seem reasonable.

D. Overall Experience: OC clocks helped a lot, High setting ran like butter, it is unbelievable how smooth the game runs now that frames are high enough to prevent motion blur from kicking in aggressively when the player is turning and moving. After benching I played through to the beach area. High was smooth all the way, very high performed slightly slower than my previous single card, but the light rays through the foliage was a treat to watch (Hopefully Dual GT200s should cut it for very high)

4. DiRT

A. Settings:
In Game: All Settings maximum including 4XAA

B. Benches:

Stock: Hillclimb (Single Car): (Min)53-(Max)69-(Avg)63.083

CORR (Multiple Cars): (Min)33-(Max)72-(Avg)59.217

OC: Hillclimb (Single Car): (Min)62-(Max)80-(Avg)72.333

CORR (Multiple Cars): (Min)44-(Max)81-(Avg)67.200

D. Overall Experience: The 9800GX2 finally made the Multiple car races an enjoyable experience for me, there are massive gains from a single card, framerates quite literally doubled. This game looks amazing and is extremely GPU hungry based on the scaling and healthy performance increases when overclocking.

5. Far Cry 64Bit v1.32

A. Settings and Location: Initial combat in the Swamp Level
In Game: All Settings maximum including 8XAA and 16XAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)94-(Max)169-(Avg)134.5

OC: (Min)91-(Max)179-(Avg)125.733

D. Overall Experience: Yes, I know there is no need for a 9800GX2 to enjoy just this game, the previous card was more than enough, I just included this to highlight the monster that this card is and the framerate improvements by using the 64bit version.

6. F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate

A. Settings:

In Game: All Settings maximum including 4XAA 16xAF and Soft Shadows

B. Benches:

Stock: Fraps: (Min)72-(Max)253-(Avg)149.7

In Game Bench: (Min)85-(Max)407-(Avg)132

OC: Fraps: (Min)86-(Max)414-(Avg)185.77

In Game Bench: (Min)92-(Max)479-(Avg)154

D. Overall Experience: F.E.A.R. as well, was very much enjoyable on my previous card (though without soft shadows). Again I have included it to highlight the power of the card, as the game is extremely GPU hungry scales well with multiple cards as well as Overclocks.

7. Frontlines: Fuel of War

A. Settings and Location: Last Mission - Defending the city square
In Game: All Settings maximum
Nvidia Control Panel: 16xAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)57-(Max)66-(Avg)63

OC: (Min)57-(Max)65-(Avg)62.967

D. Overall Experience: There is a nice performance difference from my previous card. Whatever action is going on the frames stay constantly at 60FPS. I didn't try AA but had 16XAF applied which wasn't used with my previous card. Also since the Engine appears to be capped at around 60 FPS overclocking does nothing additional for this game as it is already maxed at stock clocks.

8. Call of Duty 4

A. Settings and Location: Defending the Hill after killing of AlAsad
In Game: All Settings maximum including 4xAA & Max AF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)50-(Max)113-(Avg)75.233

OC: (Min)52-(Max)110-(Avg)74.067

D. Overall Experience: There is a noticeable performance difference from my previous card. No slowdowns at all, very very smooth. We also seem to be hitting some other system limitations as the OC does nothing for the framerate.

9. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

A. Settings and Location: Bruma Outdoors
In Game: All Settings maximum incl. HDR, except self shadows: OFF; Shadows on Grass: OFF; & Both Shadow Sliders Halfway, due to personal IQ Preferences
Mods: Qarl's Texture Pack III
Nvidia Control Panel: 4XAA 16xAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)38-(Max)149-(Avg)74.45

OC: (Min)37-(Max)133-(Avg)76.033

D. Overall Experience: Again, there is a noticeable performance difference from my previous card. Stuttering is at a bare minimum now, quite smooth. The OC doesn't make a tangible difference.

10. Rainbow Six: Vegas

A. Settings and Location: Terrorist Hunt: Border Town Map
In Game: All Settings maximum
Nvidia Control Panel: 16xAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)84-(Max)170-(Avg)116.233

OC: (Min)96-(Max)189-(Avg)129.6

C. Problems Encountered: Any amount of AA (even 2xAA) forced through the control panel caused an unexplainable drop in performance, I hope this gets fixed in a future driver update, as R6V could sure use some AA.

D. Overall Experience: The game runs beautifully as you can judge from the framerates, but I'm disappointed by the AA bug. Even though its irrelevant due to plenty of performance already, but overclocking does improve framerates nicely.

11. Test Drive Unlimited

A. Settings and Location: City Center
In Game: All Settings maximum including 4XAA
Nvidia Control Panel: 16xAF

B. Benches: Stock: (Min)31-(Max)70-(Avg)57.567

OC: (Min)36-(Max)78-(Avg)60.483

C. Problems Encountered: Massive Amounts of stuttering compared to the silky smooth single card I had previously, I really hope this is a driver bug, as I very dearly love this game. High minimum framerates are critical in this game.

D. Overall Experience: This is the first entirely negative experience vis-a-vis the previous single GPU card, the max and avg framerates have improved nicely, but the brief moments of stuttering happen when you want them the least, for example you don't want a stutter when you are passing a car with an oncoming car very close, or you don't want a stutter when you are braking hard and going into a corner way too fast and sideways, it just ruins the experience

12. World in Conflict

A. Settings and Location: Battle for the Pine Valley: In the beginning - Chosen as it is the same map as in the built in benchmark
In Game: All Settings maximum including 4XAA 16xAF; Shadows From Cloud Only available in DX10

B. Benches:

Stock: Fraps (DX9): (Min)39-(Max)71-(Avg)50.55

In Game Bench (DX9): (Min)23-(Max)110-(Avg)50

Fraps (DX10): (Min)23-(Max)69-(Avg)53.5

In Game Bench (DX10): (Min)14-(Max)70-(Avg)36

OC: Fraps (DX9): (Min)43-(Max)78-(Avg)58.75

In Game Bench (DX9): (Min)24-(Max)120-(Avg)51

Fraps (DX10): (Min)21-(Max)74-(Avg)50.733

In Game Bench (DX10): (Min)18-(Max)72-(Avg)38

D. Overall Experience: This game is largely system bound, hence not much improvement from overclocking, though I was able to play with DX10 and Shadows From Clouds, unlike with my previous card. It is quite playable in DX10 mode with full eye candy, Shadows From Clouds settings made a big difference in IQ in the chosen level.

Miscellaneous Observations:

* Yes, it is a hot card. If your system's temps are already on the edge, then this will probably send it over.

* Yes, it is quite loud, BUT only when gaming which doesn't bother me in the slightest. Otherwise at idle it is as quiet as my previous 8800GTS 512MB.

Few Requests and Notes:

* Please try to refrain from postings 9800GX2 is too expensive and 9600GT/8800GT SLI is better value for money, if we didn't have perfectly great and nice overclocking P35-X38-X48 motherboards with fully functional installs we would buy them too.
* I have no bias towards either nVidia or ATI/AMD; I buy whatever fits my needs, and so should you.
* I'm very happy with my well thought out step-up, so please try not to ruin that for me.
* This took me nearly 12 hours of my free time so please consider that in your replies, though don't get me wrong, I would love some constructive feedback, thats how we all learn and grow together.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the very long post.



Senior member
Dec 31, 2003
Very nice summary of your personal experience with the card. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this informative post. This is a card that I'm teetering on the brink of buying and your observations definately contribute to my buying decision.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Awesome findings and clearly a lot of effort put into them. Even though some of the benches aren't perfect they do give a pretty good idea of how much performance benefits from OC'ing. One thing I saw that popped out at me is that it looks like you need to disable Vsync in BioShock or at least note the scores are more or less capped out due to Vsync.

I think the overclockability of this card is really helpful though, as its stock speeds aren't anything spectacular and often 2 cheaper cards in SLI would outperform it at stock speeds for much less. Being able to OC it to 725/1100 would certainly keep it competitive with any 2 card solution out there, assuming driver scaling was the same ofc.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2008
Your post is quite a bit more comprehensive than mine.

Nice review. Enjoy the card. For those who bought it, the reason why we bought it is clear...

Great performance in a single pcie slot. that's all there is to it.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Very nice job! :thumbsup:

Would have been awesome to see it compared to your old 8800 GT/GTS (wasn't sure which one?), especially for minimum fps, but regardless, impressive job.

I see you actually got an HD 2900 XT back right around the same time i did last year too.

And interestingly enough, you got your GX2 the same day i got my 3870X2 :Q



Senior member
Nov 23, 2005
vmsein: I'm glad you found my post useful.

chizow: Thanks for the heads-up, yes I forgot to disable v-sync, as you can see now OC stocks give a decent boost.

wired247: Thanks, but it was your post that provided the inspiration for me.

n7: Thanks, n7. Heh yeah I went through quite a few cards since the past few months, its been an exciting ride. 512MB HD2900XT -> 512MB 8800GT -> 512MB 8800GTS -> 9800GX2. Well, I guess we both us suffer from a similar case of "Need For Speed" :laugh:


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
I was reading your post and thought you did a very good job in showing all the information for overclocking.
Particulary I was wondering how you were able to overclock your card. I just recently bought the same video card as you, and I am also running a x64 Vista and was wondering what program you used to get speeds of 725-1836-2200 . Thank you! i was using rivatuner but it does not work with x64 systems. Thank you and thank you for your complete analysis of the card.



Senior member
Nov 23, 2005
I'm using Rivatuner 2.09 to overclock (it works on Vista x64 and the previous versions have been for a while) and 175.16 WHQL drivers. When you start it, it will say that it has not been tested with the current driver release, ignore that. Click on customise under driver settings and you should see a new window with an overclocking tab.

Now under target adapter click customize and click on hardware monitoring, you should see the new clocks that you have applied take effect. Try a stressful game and keep testing until you find a stable clock.

Also keep in mind that your case ventilation or ambients temperatures as well as chip capability will be different that mine.

Also don't mess with the fan tab at all unless you want a fixed loud fan speed, if you play with that tab make sure that either it is in auto mode or a high constant fan speed. Once I hit 100 because it was running at constant 47% and auto control setting did not apply properly, I would just leaving that tab alone.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2007
I have the EVGA precision utility and it is simpler than Rivatuner. A great program if you aren't devoted to Rivatuner already. I think you can get it from guru3d if you want to try it out.
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