My GeForce FX 5600


Senior member
Aug 24, 2000
the clock speed on my new leadtek 5600 FX card is 327mhz. I cant overclock even one mhz on the ram or gpu without artifacts.
I did notice that it looks like I do not have the flip chip design that was pointed out as being a new feature of the 5600s in the latest FX article, which makes me kinda mad. I wonder what the speed is of the ultra boards, and if it is signifigantly higher at all, I think I might return my 5600 board and grab an Ultra from somewhere.
I'm really dissapointed with my board's quality. It is slow. Very slow.


Jan 11, 2002
So you cheap out and buy a 5600 regular, and now you're mad because it won't overclock to perform like a card you were too cheap to spend the money on?!!

I'm with you buddy, you should be able to buy the cheapest part there is and have it perform exactly like the most expensive part! then when it burns up, RMA it and steal another one from the company!

Everyone knows that the labels on the card and box are only for suckers, not saavy OCers who get all their performance by raising costs to the rest of, I mean, for free!



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Rollo, do you hate humans? Do you loathe even yourself? Sounds like you've got a lot of self loathing goin on.
I have yet to see non bitter words typed from you... What is wrong with you.... Honestly... Do you hate the stupidity of
humans? I do.. But I'm not a dick to everyone. It's called self control and manners. Get some of each and you'll be alot better
off and may not need to see that psychologist twice per week. Your miserable and its so obvious. why?

Truly concerned,


Jan 11, 2002
Get some of each and you'll be alot better
off and may not need to see that psychologist twice per week.
LOL- one of my bachelors is in psych. Must go see old classmates- get in touch with my inner child.

No I don't hate humanity. I don't have any love "gray area" theft either, so I point it out when I see it.
Buying a card and then returning it because it won't OC is unethical. If you're going to post that you're doing something unethical in a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised if someone points the finger of shame at you.

Make sense Big Chief?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
Get some of each and you'll be alot better
off and may not need to see that psychologist twice per week.
LOL- one of my bachelors is in psych. Must go see old classmates- get in touch with my inner child.

No I don't hate humanity. I don't have any love "gray area" theft either, so I point it out when I see it.
Buying a card and then returning it because it won't OC is unethical. If you're going to post that you're doing something unethical in a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised if someone points the finger of shame at you.

Make sense Big Chief?

he didnt say it, i did

i think it may be dead, rma it

It was a joke, go take some paxil bud


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: nutxo
Originally posted by: Rollo
Get some of each and you'll be alot better
off and may not need to see that psychologist twice per week.
LOL- one of my bachelors is in psych. Must go see old classmates- get in touch with my inner child.

No I don't hate humanity. I don't have any love "gray area" theft either, so I point it out when I see it.
Buying a card and then returning it because it won't OC is unethical. If you're going to post that you're doing something unethical in a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised if someone points the finger of shame at you.

Make sense Big Chief?

he didnt say it, i did

i think it may be dead, rma it

It was a joke, go take some paxil bud

all he sai was he might return a product that he thought as unsatifactory,, nothing wrong with that



Jan 11, 2002
he didnt say it, i did

Nope. He said it.
I wonder what the speed is of the ultra boards, and if it is signifigantly higher at all, I think I might return my 5600 board and grab an Ultra from somewhere.

So what do you think happens when he returns his $160 VGA Nutxo?
The store he returns it to has to pay someone to process his return (talk to Tigris/test card/ restock as "open box" or send to manufacturer) increasing their labor cost.
If they sell it again as "open box" , they make less money on it than they did the first time, but they still have to pay someone to process the sale again, increasing their cost of labor.
Where do you think businesses recover increased costs? From Tigris? Nah.
From guys like you and me. They add restock fees, make profit margin higher to cover increased cost of doing business, etc..

So am I happy when I read about guys buying cards and returning them until they get one that performs better than what they paid for? No. You shouldn't be either. All my VGAs cost $300- $500, and they might cost me a little less if all the guys in the world who "buy" stuff to see if they can get something for nothing would stop and remove that overhead from business.



Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002

I would definitely go for the Ultra, even if you can't overclock it, you will have a much better card, assuming it doesn't cost all that much more.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
he didnt say it, i did

Nope. He said it.
I wonder what the speed is of the ultra boards, and if it is signifigantly higher at all, I think I might return my 5600 board and grab an Ultra from somewhere.

So what do you think happens when he returns his $160 VGA Nutxo?
The store he returns it to has to pay someone to process his return (talk to Tigris/test card/ restock as "open box" or send to manufacturer) increasing their labor cost.
If they sell it again as "open box" , they make less money on it than they did the first time, but they still have to pay someone to process the sale again, increasing their cost of labor.
Where do you think businesses recover increased costs? From Tigris? Nah.
From guys like you and me. They add restock fees, make profit margin higher to cover increased cost of doing business, etc..

So am I happy when I read about guys buying cards and returning them until they get one that performs better than what they paid for? No. You shouldn't be either. All my VGAs cost $300- $500, and they might cost me a little less if all the guys in the world who "buy" stuff to see if they can get something for nothing would stop and remove that overhead from business.

Wow, you may know a lot, but you know squat about retail, 90% of the stores out there test em, throw em back in the box and reshrink em. I know this firsthand. Did ya know that quite often parts that exhibit intermitent problems are resold? Did ya know that companies liek logitech knowingly sell 1000s upon 100s of defective speakers?

Whos the bad guy here? Joe shmoe that makes 8 bucks an hour to save for some widget and gets screwed or the corporation that sets out to screw em from the very beginning?

BTW, restock fees are charged to the customer in 99% of the cases. They charge 15% and then sell open box at 10% :-(



Golden Member
Jun 20, 2000
I tend to agree with Rollo to some extent here.

Having worked in retail some time ago I can't stand those people that purchase perfectly working products (I know because I've tested it in front of them in more than one machine sometimes), and then saying it's not working or incompatible. They are not interested in listening to solution just wanted a refund.

Restocking fee is totally ok in my opinion for perfectly working products. I don't want to waste my time just become someone can't install the driver properly or failed to follow instructions.


Jan 11, 2002
but you know squat about retail, 90% of the stores out there test em, throw em back in the box and reshrink em. I know this firsthand. Did ya know that quite often parts that exhibit intermitent problems are resold? Did ya know that companies liek logitech knowingly sell 1000s upon 100s of defective speakers?

Wow Nutxo, you must be like some kind of retail "Santa" or God! That's pretty impressive, knowing what 90% of the stores "out there" are doing when you've probably worked in a whole 2 or 3!
PM me, I have some ideas on how we can use your powers to score big in the stock market!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Actually, Ive never worked retail.I have many, many freinds that do work in the stores. You knwo what a friend is ?

Dont act like its somethign beneath you. You are starting to sound like a pompous self loathing a@@hole.

I think someone hit it on the head a few minutes ago. I think you are a sick person and should maybe talk to someone before you hurt yourself or someone that cares about you.


Jan 11, 2002
Dont act like its somethign beneath you. You are starting to sound like a pompous self loathing a@@hole.

I think someone hit it on the head a few minutes ago. I think you are a sick person and should maybe talk to someone before you hurt yourself or someone that cares about you.

LOL you and the other guy see right into my soul from a couple of lines I post on a bbs! It's like you've known me all my life!

Well, it's nice you know some guys who work retail and have told you some stories, but it's still probably over-generalizing a bit to say you know what 90% of businesses are up to when you probably really only know what .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009% of businesses are up to?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
Dont act like its somethign beneath you. You are starting to sound like a pompous self loathing a@@hole.

I think someone hit it on the head a few minutes ago. I think you are a sick person and should maybe talk to someone before you hurt yourself or someone that cares about you.

LOL you and the other guy see right into my soul from a couple of lines I post on a bbs! It's like you've known me all my life!

Well, it's nice you know some guys who work retail and have told you some stories, but it's still probably over-generalizing a bit to say you know what 90% of businesses are up to when you probably really only know what .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009% of businesses are up to?

#1 Im yankin yer chain pal your buttons are thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

I have friends that work at BB, compusa, 3 local computer chains and one store that I wont name that produces some of the best cooling products in the US.

How the hell would you know any better than I ?

You really need to get over yourself.

You know damn well that what you see practiced as normal everyday business in one area is more than likely the same the same way everywhere.



Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
I don't see how you can argue that it is ethically ok to buy a product, discover that it performs exactly as it is marketed, and then return it claiming it is defective
when really it just didn't allow you to manually change it's properties in an attempt to gain more performance. Is there anything wrong with overclocking, not in
my opinion, but there is if you constantly return cards/chips trying to get a better yield.


Junior Member
May 19, 2003
My Sparkle FX 5600 (non ultra) clocks to 384 core and 624 Memory.

It is a flipchip. 3dMark2003 rises from 2300 std to 3000 overclocked (see posting later on for exact figures)

Not bad for £130 ! If you are getting artefacts at 1Mhz o/c then the chip is running at the limit at the std clock anyway and will probably start to fail in the near future.

Personally, I'd take it back...


Oct 11, 1999
This thread vaguely reminds me of that guy a few months ago that RMA'd his 1.8A P4 b/c it "only" overclocked to 2.6GHz.... that was disturbing.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: gramboh
I don't see how you can argue that it is ethically ok to buy a product, discover that it performs exactly as it is marketed, and then return it claiming it is defective
when really it just didn't allow you to manually change it's properties in an attempt to gain more performance. Is there anything wrong with overclocking, not in
my opinion, but there is if you constantly return cards/chips trying to get a better yield.

I didnt say you had to say anythign, If ya dont liek ti return the thing. If I buy pair of pants and I discover once I get em home I dont like the color cant I return them even though they are the exact color O paid for?


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Whoever thinks there is something evil about returning something (or exchanging something) without having a "problem"
with it needs to have his/her head examined. Of course you shouldn't fry your CPU by running too much voltage through it
and then return it as defective, but everybody here knows that. Every company that I have ever dealt with expects and
even makes provisions in their return policy to accept returns, regardless of whether there was a problem with that product
or not. Don't believe me? Walk down to your local Best Buy and read their return policy. It takes up an entire wall at the store
I go to.

Rollo, I don't know you, but I have read a lot of your posts, and if any of your posts have any connection to your personal beliefs,
I think I can honestly say that you need some help. If not, you have more BS than my ex-girlfriend. Believe me, no one is


Jan 11, 2002
Whoever thinks there is something evil about returning something (or exchanging something) without having a "problem"
with it needs to have his/her head examined
That's a good criteria for having your head examined Ketchup! So you're saying that because I think it's "wrong" and "wasting other people's time and money"
to "buy" things and then return them when they don't give you performance other than what you paid for, I need to have my head examined? How about the other
guys in this thread that agreed with me? Them too?
I never thought of it that way, are you a psychiatrist, or just possessed of extraordinary common sense?

What do you do for a living ketchup? Do you mind if I come over, use your good/service, and make you re-do your job because you did it the way you said you would, not the way I thought it should?

Of course you shouldn't fry your CPU by running too much voltage through it
and then return it as defective, but everybody here knows that.
Really? I've got money to bet you that says I can find plenty of posts here and elsewhere of people who did just that. Want to take the bet Ketchup?

Rollo, I don't know you, but I have read a lot of your posts, and if any of your posts have any connection to your personal beliefs,
I think I can honestly say that you need some help
LOL, of course, you're in no way qualified to make that assessment, because even if you were a mental health professional all you know of me is a few opinions expressed on a bbs. It's nice you
think I need help, but wait, how do I know you're not totally insane/learning impaired/otherwhise disabled? I guess I don't, and it sounds like you have some strange delusions of grandeur,
so I guess I won't listen.
Who would suggest a person needs mental help based on a matter as trivial as their opinion on misusing a return policy?

If not, you have more BS than my ex-girlfriend. Believe me, no one is
A. I'm beginning to understand why she dumped you.
B. Why should I "believe you"? You're just a guy with an internet connection who can't possibly know "no one is impressed" or speak for everyone. You just say you do because it sounds like a
more convincing argument than "I, Ketchup, am not impressed"
C. I really wouldn't care if every other person on the board considered me wrong on this issue: buying things and returning them because they don't OC well is petty, cheap, and immoral in my opinion,
and I'm going to state my opinion every time I see this. If you don't agree, fine, but if you see things you think are wrong and don't say anything about it I'd say you're spineless.



Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Ah Rollo, your post has given me some great insights into your little world. I won't try to analyze your defensive answers,
but I would like to say that I am concerned for you and the people in your life. It's interesting you talk about ethics. Your
ethics are seriously disjointed when you personally attack every person that disagrees with you, (I remember many of your
ATI vs nVidia posts) but somehow think that every person that returns a product they don't like is a cheat.

Consider this. Maybe Tigris is unhappy with the card because he found it to be too slow for what he needed. (read his
first post). Instead of just returning the card, he tried to overclock it, saving the retailer the trouble of handling the return.
Since he couldn't overclock it, he wants to return a card because it is too slow, not because it wouldn't overclock.

Oh, and Rollo, part A. of your last paragraph was hitting below the belt, although I can't say I didn't see it coming from some-
one like you. I am sure you think you know why she left me and our 11-month old son, but I assure you that you do not.

If you would like to continue this discussion, please PM me, as you do intrigue me. Let's leave this post to Tigris and his
dilemma. (get the Ultra)


Jan 11, 2002
I don't really care what you think of me Ketchup, but if anyone needs some help here it's likely you, no matter who you are. I'm not going to trade
jabs with a guy in your situation. You've got enough to deal with now.
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