MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
folks...I am having problems running Warcraft 3 or any game that specifically asks for Direct X 8.1

I ran the DXDIAG test in the RUN command to run the DIrect X tests and everything works fine EXCEPT when it starts to run the Direct 3D tests in version 8 mode

then I get this error:

Direct3D test results: Failure at step 5 (GetDeviceCaps): HRESULT = 0x8876086a (3D not available)

whats goin on???....I got a brand new GeForce 4200 Gainward card and I installed The latest Detonator 2980 drivers!

How can I fix this??...Im running Win XP PRO

What should be my next course of action...please help. Im confused here

I try to reinstall Direct X 8.1 from the WARCRAFT CD and it says you are running an up to date or a newer version and it wont reinstall!!

I think there are some corrupt files in the current Direct X 8.1b version that I'm running so how can I simply just remove all and reinstall or just do an overwrite reinstall of Direct X 8.1??



Jul 7, 2002
I had that exact problem this morning in Win2k..finally got it working
Run dxdiag and disable Direct3D then reenable it (you may have to restart dxdiag after you disable it), this fixed it for me, and will hopefully fix it for you.


Aug 1, 2001
Darkfudge it sounds to me after reading ALL of your posts about the problems you are having, the best thing for you to do is "REFORMAT." Its not a big deal man. I do it once a month, sometimes more. Its the only way to really know you are starting fresh.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
I really do appreciate the advice of reformat but I really just cant....I have too many apps, too many games, too many settings tweaked out to start all over

If I had just a few things installed, I'd go for it without hesitation....but I need another way...anything but having to reinstalling all my "STUFF"


Aug 1, 2001
OK, I hear there is a program called "Detonator Destroyer" that gets rid of all the driver stuff. Do a search I am sure you will find it.

Another option would be to just re-install windows without actually reformatting. That would at least give you a fresh registry. BTW, if you are using WInXP there is no need to install DX 8.1, it is already there. If you are using 2000, I don't really know a whole lot about it, but I do know I tried it once and half my games wouldnt work so I got rid of it and got XP.

Sorry I can't help more. However, I would like to suggest something to you. If you have a CD-RW, back up all your essential stuff you want to keep on to a CD. Then reformat your drive. Then "Partition" it with 2 partitions. You put Windows on the "C" partition and everything else on the "D" partition. the future if you have problems and want to reformat, you ONLY need to reformat the "C" partition to get it all fresh and you don't loose anything that is on the "D" partition. That is what I do and it enables me to re-format alot without loosing all my backup files and music.

If you DON'T have a CD-RW then I would still suggest that you "Bite the bullet" and reformat so that you can partion your harddrive. You will be so much more happy in the future because your HDD will be more organized and whenever there is a problem you can just reformat "C" and its like new again without loosing anything on D. If you have a cable/DSL connection its not that hard to re-download it all, (I know its a pain, but Ive had to do it before when I had a drive die.)

Anyway, thats just my 2 cents. I have been so much happier wince I learned how to reformat and partition due to the fact that I can change hardware a lot and not have to worry about OLD drivers. I just reformat C and start fresh.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
You guys are seriously on crack if you think everyone can afford the luxuary of a reformat every month or when something bad happens! :Q

Alot of people out there actually have important work and personal data on their drives. It's not as easy as saying reformat. Plus, there are some important program settings and even some programs that we can't delete, which includes some of those annoying "register over the web" programs. One of these is WinXP itself!



Aug 1, 2001
Originally posted by: dude
You guys are seriously on crack if you think everyone can afford the luxuary of a reformat every month or when something bad happens! :Q

Alot of people out there actually have important work and personal data on their drives. It's not as easy as saying reformat. Plus, there are some important program settings and even some programs that we can't delete, which includes some of those annoying "register over the web" programs. One of these is WinXP itself!

Dear Dude,

#1. I haven't ever and won't ever do crack...That is an immature thing to say on your part.

#2. It doesn't "COST" anything to reformat so I don't know why you say people can't afford it.

#3. I also have MANY important files, programs, data, etc on my harddrive which is why I do the "SMART" thing and partition my drive as well as back up all of the important stuff on CDs.

#4. "If you don't have your important data backed up in some fashion then you are not very brite. Having everything on ONE single partiton of your drive with no back up is just stupid.

#5. I too use WinXP and I have reformatted and "Re-Registered" it many times. All you have to do is call microsoft and they will give you a new number. I have done this many times, it takes 2 minutes.

#6. I have loads of data on my drive that I have to re-install, (i.e. games, programs, ect..) after a re-format but it still only takes me 2-3 hours to get "Everything" back to the way it was before the re-format when I do it. Sure its a little work but the end result is a fresh install of XP, clean registry, and faster computer, so its well worth the time and work and it doesnt cost a dime.

From your post I can only assume that you are not only very lazy but also very un-informed and un-educated in these matters.

So, before you go around replying in such a negative, immature manner, why not know what the heck your talking about.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Se7en01
Originally posted by: dude
You guys are seriously on crack if you think everyone can afford the luxuary of a reformat every month or when something bad happens! :Q

Alot of people out there actually have important work and personal data on their drives. It's not as easy as saying reformat. Plus, there are some important program settings and even some programs that we can't delete, which includes some of those annoying "register over the web" programs. One of these is WinXP itself!

Dear Dude,

#1. I haven't ever and won't ever do crack...That is an immature thing to say on your part.

#2. It doesn't "COST" anything to reformat so I don't know why you say people can't afford it.

#3. I also have MANY important files, programs, data, etc on my harddrive which is why I do the "SMART" thing and partition my drive as well as back up all of the important stuff on CDs.

#4. "If you don't have your important data backed up in some fashion then you are not very brite. Having everything on ONE single partiton of your drive with no back up is just stupid.

#5. I too use WinXP and I have reformatted and "Re-Registered" it many times. All you have to do is call microsoft and they will give you a new number. I have done this many times, it takes 2 minutes.

#6. I have loads of data on my drive that I have to re-install, (i.e. games, programs, ect..) after a re-format but it still only takes me 2-3 hours to get "Everything" back to the way it was before the re-format when I do it. Sure its a little work but the end result is a fresh install of XP, clean registry, and faster computer, so its well worth the time and work and it doesnt cost a dime.

From your post I can only assume that you are not only very lazy but also very un-informed and un-educated in these matters.

So, before you go around replying in such a negative, immature manner, why not know what the heck your talking about.

dude, you just got owned!


Jun 24, 2002
But seriously folks......

You could try using a different detonator driver package. Sometimes a slightly older one will work better. All of the cards are a little different and they may like a different detonator release. Try sometihing around 28.xx.


Oct 11, 1999
DarkFudge200, just do what hg403 suggested and it should fix your problem.
Run dxdiag and disable Direct3D, close DXDIAG. Reopen DXDIAG then reenable Direct3d and there you go..
Takes what 2 minutes maybe at most? Compared to the person who suggested the reformat that takes 2-3 hours(supposedly). Always use reformat as last choice. Anyone who formats their machine once a month(sometimes more) is obviously not doing something right the first time.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Se7en01
Originally posted by: dude
You guys are seriously on crack if you think everyone can afford the luxuary of a reformat every month or when something bad happens! :Q

Alot of people out there actually have important work and personal data on their drives. It's not as easy as saying reformat. Plus, there are some important program settings and even some programs that we can't delete, which includes some of those annoying "register over the web" programs. One of these is WinXP itself!

Dear Dude,

#1. I haven't ever and won't ever do crack...That is an immature thing to say on your part.

#2. It doesn't "COST" anything to reformat so I don't know why you say people can't afford it.

#3. I also have MANY important files, programs, data, etc on my harddrive which is why I do the "SMART" thing and partition my drive as well as back up all of the important stuff on CDs.

#4. "If you don't have your important data backed up in some fashion then you are not very brite. Having everything on ONE single partiton of your drive with no back up is just stupid.

#5. I too use WinXP and I have reformatted and "Re-Registered" it many times. All you have to do is call microsoft and they will give you a new number. I have done this many times, it takes 2 minutes.

#6. I have loads of data on my drive that I have to re-install, (i.e. games, programs, ect..) after a re-format but it still only takes me 2-3 hours to get "Everything" back to the way it was before the re-format when I do it. Sure its a little work but the end result is a fresh install of XP, clean registry, and faster computer, so its well worth the time and work and it doesnt cost a dime.

From your post I can only assume that you are not only very lazy but also very un-informed and un-educated in these matters.

So, before you go around replying in such a negative, immature manner, why not know what the heck your talking about.

Man, what's up your ass?
Go chill out, and stop annoying me with your emails.



Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
>>>Dear Dude,

>>>#1. I haven't ever and won't ever do crack...That is an immature thing to say on your part.

Good boy! Mommy taught you well.

>>>#2. It doesn't "COST" anything to reformat so I don't know why you say people can't afford it.

Do you understand english? do you understand metaphores?

>>>#3. I also have MANY important files, programs, data, etc on my harddrive which is why I do the "SMART" thing and partition my drive as well as back up all of the important stuff on CDs.

Good boy. Daddy taught you well.

>>>#4. <B>"If you don't have your important data backed up in some fashion then you are not very brite. Having everything on ONE single partiton of your drive with no back up is just stupid.</B>

Wow, what if I decide to keep it on a different drive. Is that stupid too?

>>>#5. I too use WinXP and I have reformatted and <B>"Re-Registered" </B>it many times. All you have to do is call microsoft and they will give you a new number. I have done this many times, it takes 2 minutes.

Good boy.

>>>#6. I have loads of data on my drive that I have to re-install, (i.e. games, programs, ect..) after a re-format but it still only takes me 2-3 hours to get "Everything" back to the way it was before the re-format when I do it. Sure its a little work but the end result is a fresh install of XP, clean registry, and faster computer, so its well worth the time and work and it doesnt cost a dime.

Wow. Free!

<B>>>>From your post I can only assume that you are not only very lazy but also very un-informed and un-educated in these matters.</B>

>>>So, before you go around replying in such a negative, immature manner, why not know what the heck your talking about.

Thank you. Now go back to your sandbox and play with the little boys on the swing. Reread my message and my emails.

And learn a little about who you're trying to preach to before making assumptions. Boy.


Jan 19, 2001
dude, I'm afraid I have to agree with Se7en01, especially because you could equally as easily "ghost" your C drive & not have to worry about installing programs all over again, etc. tweaking.
Your final "retort" post was very childish - obviously Mommy & Daddy didn't teach u so well


Aug 1, 2001

Seems I am not the only one that thinks you are a moron. You have been rated 58 times and your rating is an impressive 2.4. Maybe a little attitiude adhustment is in order. I realize you probably don't care about your rating; however, it is comforting for me to know that others here recognize your stupidity.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Se7en01
Dude, Seems I am not the only one that thinks you are a moron. You have been rated 58 times and your rating is an impressive 2.4. Maybe a little attitiude adhustment is in order. I realize you probably don't care about your rating; however, it is comforting for me to know that others here recognize your stupidity.

Hahaha. You gotta be kidding. Right? Hello? Anyone there?

Anyways, I have my views, you have yours. Obvously, Your mommy taught you well. <wow, there goes my 12 year old remarks again>

joinT - Good for you if you think he's right but I take it you don't ever work with corporations where data and uptime is vital. Backups don't mean jack when you need the info NOW. I speak (and posted) as someone in the workforce, not for a personal system. I work in telecommunications and network where uptime is the key to business, not how many times I can try to reinstall Windows and adjust my program settings.


Aug 1, 2001
Originally posted by: dude I speak (and posted) as someone in the workforce, not for a personal system. I work in telecommunications and network where uptime is the key to business, not how many times I can try to reinstall Windows and adjust my program settings.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL, the "Original post by DarkFudge2000 started out, (and I quote)
Folks, I am having problems running Warcraft 3 or any game that specifically asks for Direct X 8.1

Dude, does that sound like someone in the "Workforce" who was asking for advice about corporate uptime??

You wanna know the reasaon why I have made such a big deal out of this whole thing? Well, I am going to tell you anyway.

There are 2 to 4 types of people who posts on these forums:

1. Those who actually want to be a help to people and enjoy helping people even if they aren't computer/IT wizards. (I like to think I fall into that one)

2. Those who post only to make themselves look like they are smart so they can stroke their egos due to the fact that they didn't or don't get enough attention or respect because they have never earned it from people due to their arrogant attitude. (Sounds like Tommy)
(These people also like to reply with smart ass remarks in a negative way just so they can try and make the person who was actually trying to help look bad)

3. Those who post pointless crap just so they can add to their "Posts" number and get to that next forum level. (Sounds like Tommy too)

4. Those who actually "DO" know what they are talking about and use their knowledge to help others and do without being a know-it-all, arrogant, immature, sob.

WHy don't you use your "Supposed" knowledge and training to help instead of making smart ass replies that really have NOTHING to do witht he original posts.

This original post was done by a "Personal" user wanting advice about "Home" use in a game.

Your "Smart-Ass" reply was pointless and arrogant and by your own admission was referring to network servers and corporate uptime.

Therefore, I assume you were only making this post to increase your "Posts" number and try and make yourself look "Smart" while bashing another member who was trying to help. And you did it all in a very immature and arrogant manner.

So why am I making a big deal out of this? Because people like you really tick me off. And I am tired of those like you ruining the forums for people who really want to help or need help.

Grow up Tommy and realize that your arrogant, cut-throat, self-righteous, just blow me attitude may get you to the top in the business world for a time, but eventually you are gonna crash and burn. And I can only imagine that your social life really sux with that kind of attitude.

So enjoy your "$80" and hour job while it lasts. But the fact that you had to even bring that up in your e-mail tells me that you are an in-secure, pompous jerk and will eventually fail miserably.

BTW, you asked me if I was a shrink in your e-mail? Well, close, but I am not a PHD, I am an MD (Thats Medical Doctor) and I make a hell of a lot more money than you.

NO, I am not bragging or being arrogant. I am just making the point that no matter how much money you make or how important your job is, there is always someone who makes more $$ and someone who does something a lot more important than you for a living. And no matter how much you make or how important your job can all be gone in an instant. So to brag about it and be arrogant about it is just plain stupid.

So my ramblings have not only been for YOU but for all the young, pompous, immature yahoos that think they have arrived and walk around acting like the world owes them a living. Who frequent these forums and have more negative to say than positive and ALWAYS have to say something about how smart, or rich, or experienced they are and put down those that are actually trying to help others.

I am sure you will have some smart-ass, immature, arrogant reply for this so


Apr 23, 2000
DarkFudge2000,if you don`t want to reformat which`s what I would do then you could try XP repair option and see if that works.Also you might want to get some sort of software backup for the future .


Jan 19, 2001
Originally posted by: dude

<STRONG>joinT</STRONG> - Good for you if you think he's right but I take it you don't ever work with corporations where data and uptime is vital. Backups don't mean jack when you need the info NOW. I speak (and posted) as someone in the workforce, not for a personal system. I work in telecommunications and network where <STRONG>uptime is the key to business</STRONG>, not how many times I can try to reinstall Windows and adjust my program settings.

dude, just 1 question - WTF does that have to do with Warcraft 3? Lots of times new games are released that require patching immediately (I KNOW guys, blizzard isn't one of these - but...) there's also mobo's, video cards, drivers, etc. that are released that have bugs/problems/etc. Many times when you hit a bad combination of hardware/drivers/software (in this case, Warcraft3) it can REALLY muck up your system & re-formatting is the only solution. This happened to me just before I tried installing XP - when my Win2000 install w/ my Radeon 8500 was getting 1 FPS in EVERY game. Unacceptable... ATI drivers are difficult to uninstall at best. Took me 2 hours to have my PC setup again, with XP this time & Omegadrives Radeon drivers. Now every game blazes... There's the correct solution to every problem. in fact there's usually multiple solutions. All you're flaming & useless posts in this thread have done nothing but convince me you didn't even READ Darkfudge's problem - but instead saw the word "RE-FORMAT" & just had to bitch..


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
You wanna know the reasaon why I have made such a big deal out of this whole thing? Well, I am going to tell you anyway.

Cool, thanks! I guess i won't have to ask!

Those who actually want to be a help to people and enjoy helping people even if they aren't computer/IT wizards. (I like to think I fall into that one)

Makes me feel all warm and mushy inside!

Those who post only to make themselves look like they are smart so they can stroke their egos due to the fact that they didn't or don't get enough attention or respect because they have never earned it from people due to their arrogant attitude. (Sounds like Tommy) (These people also like to reply with smart ass remarks in a negative way just so they can try and make the person who was actually trying to help look bad) 3. Those who post pointless crap just so they can add to their "Posts" number and get to that next forum level. (Sounds like Tommy too)

Wow! You think too highly of me! Thanks! I didn't know you cared!

4. Those who actually "DO" know what they are talking about and use their knowledge to help others and do without being a know-it-all, arrogant, immature, sob.

Whoa! Chill out dude! Did I strike a chord with you? :Q

Your "Smart-Ass" reply was pointless and arrogant and by your own admission was referring to network servers and corporate uptime.

??? I thought it made sense. Whoops! There goes that <U>pointless</U> thing again.... <sigh...>

So why am I making a big deal out of this? Because people like you really tick me off.

Yowsers! :Q Is that bad?

Grow up Tommy and realize that your arrogant, cut-throat, self-righteous, just blow me attitude may get you to the top in the business world for a time, but eventually you are gonna crash and burn. And I can only imagine that your social life really sux with that kind of attitude. So enjoy your "$80" and hour job while it lasts. But the fact that you had to even bring that up in your e-mail tells me that you are an in-secure, pompous jerk and will eventually fail miserably.

Thank you. I'm doing very well. Work is good, life is good. I like that description of me, especially that "blow me" part.

I am an MD (Thats Medical Doctor) and I make a hell of a lot more money than you.

Whoa! Look who's bringing up some interesting facts! Glad you're doing good too! So do you work on people's brains or nerves or something like that?

NO, I am not bragging or being arrogant.

Whoa! Did I miss something? I thought just a few lines up, you were bragging and a bit higher, you were being <U>very</U> arrogant!

to brag about it and be arrogant about it is just plain stupid.

I agree. Are you trying to defend yourself that badly?!?

So my ramblings have not only been for YOU but for all the young, pompous, immature yahoos that think they have arrived and walk around acting like the world owes them a living.

And the world made a 180 degree turn, birds were chirping, and the sun was bright. What a wonderful life.

I am sure you will have some smart-ass, immature, arrogant reply for this so

Wow, you predicted that last move! We must be like twin brothers!

You know, thanks for all the lime light you've shown me but no thanks. I think you should quit this thread because your cheeks fluster when you're mad. Plus, you genuinely do sound mad.

But dude, chill out. It's only a forum. You gave your opinion of what to do, and so did I. You don't have to try to beat me down with a stick now that I countered you. You could have written me an email and that's that, you didn't have to post everything for the world to see.

I was really trying to help the guy out, so he doesn't <U>give up</U> on a solution and finds a fix. The original poster, DarkFudge even said so that he didn't want to reformat and lose all his settings.

Take those panties out of a bunch.

Here's a box of Kleenex. Wipe those tears.



Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
ATI drivers are difficult to uninstall at best. Took me 2 hours to have my PC setup again

Go into your display properties, sit it to standard VGA.

Open windows explorer and go into your windows or winnt directory. Look for the directory INF. If you have Win9x, look under the directory INF/Other/. Look for the ati driver. It will be near the top and starts with ATIxxx.inf. Delete it and reboot.

When you restart, it won't auto install the driver again cuz it's gone. Download the new drivers or if you already done that, install it.

All you're flaming & useless posts in this thread have done nothing but convince me you didn't even READ Darkfudge's problem - but instead saw the word "RE-FORMAT" & just had to bitch

Maybe you don't read so well either... Reread my post. Someone told him to reformat and I told him not to and gave reasons which backed up his reasons on NOT wanting to reformat. Then this someone had to get really anal and personal about it and emailed me and posted it in the forums.



Jan 19, 2001
Originally posted by: dude
<EM><STRONG>ATI drivers are difficult to uninstall at best. Took me 2 hours to have my PC setup again</STRONG>
Go into your display properties, sit it to standard VGA.

Open windows explorer and go into your windows or winnt directory. Look for the directory INF. If you have Win9x, look under the directory INF/Other/. Look for the ati driver. It will be near the top and starts with ATIxxx.inf. Delete it and reboot.

When you restart, it won't auto install the driver again cuz it's gone. Download the new drivers or if you already done that, install it.

<EM><STRONG>All you're flaming & useless posts in this thread have done nothing but convince me you didn't even READ Darkfudge's problem - but instead saw the word "RE-FORMAT" & just had to bitch</STRONG></EM>

Maybe you don't read so well either... <STRONG>Reread my post.</STRONG> Someone told him to reformat and I told him not to and gave reasons which backed up his reasons on NOT wanting to reformat. Then this someone had to get really anal and personal about it and emailed me <STRONG>and</STRONG> posted it in the forums.

OK dude, you don't have a CLUE~!.
First off. ATI doesn't just have a single ATIxxx.inf - there's all kinds of files it loads. Deleting a single .inf file doesn't always stop it from re-installing the drivers & leaving other files there could possibly screw up future driver installs. Not only that - but the ATI drivers are also installed under Add/Remove Programs - so I can't just delete a file, because then I'd have to install a tweaking program to remove that entry. So thanks for your pretty much useless advice.

2nd. for windows XP, Direct X 8.1 comes installed with the OS. When u try to install the Windows 2000 version of DX 8.1, it gives you a warning & won't let u install (trust me, I forgot it came with XP) You obviously have experience with servers & your companies network - but very little with gaming. Video card drivers, Direct X & Games in general can be pretty good at completely screwing up your system to the point that it's faster to re-install then to spend countless hours troubleshooting.

Finally, if you just make a Ghost of your partition - you can re-format & be re-installed in ~20mins. With a nice clean install of windows with no stupid cookies or temp files or malicious files or useless registry entries to bother you. Obviously when you're using a computer for business, that 20 mins can be valuable. When you're trying to get Warcraft 3 to work, you use those 20 minutes to format & install a clean ghost & go take a walk.


Aug 1, 2001
OK, I'll let it go now because I see that you not only read what you WANT to read, you also mis-quote and leave out the parts that you want when you are quoting someone. Thats the good thing about forums, people can go back up and see that you left out parts that you wanted to in order to make yourself look good.

And I "DID" initially send you the replies through e-mail in order to keep it more private. YOU are the one who came back to the forum and posted the e-mails I sent you on the thread. So don't put it on me DUDE.

The bottom line is this: DarkFudge was asking for help with a problem related to a GAME on his PC at HOME. I suggested he re-format and took the time to explain how. He in-turn thanked me and said he really didn't want to do that. That was OK with me and I tried giving him another option.

THEN, you had to come along and start in with your
You guys must be on crack
crap and proceed to bring up your network/telecommunications BS that has nothing to do with the original post.

The point is....why did you have to reply in such a negative manner? You could have replied that "Yes, re-formatting is an option but IF, IF someone didn't want to do that then there are other options and then give your advice on what else he might do. Instead, you chose to just bitch about what I suggested while sliding in your credentials and why someone like yourself wouldn't do it.

And, if you are half as experienced with computers as you say you are then you KNOW that re-formatting for a HOME user is not that big a deal, AND the benefits from it are well worth the time and hassle.

LIke joinT said, all you saw was "RE-FORMAT" and decided to bitch instead of just either keeping your mouth shut or replying in a mature manner.

Your right, I "AM" mad. Immature people who talk out of both sides of their face tend to do that to me.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Dude! You must be on crack!

Stop your whining already! That bully back in 6th grade must have really messed with your head! :Q
Go ahead, rate me with your all important 1 rating, if it really means that much to you or anyone else...

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