my life just went to crap in 1 day.

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Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: MAME
Originally posted by: AlienCraft
Originally posted by: MAME
here's hoping you rot in jail for a long time
Here's hoping you live long enough to have your own problems to deal with.
You aren't perfect , either.

of course I'm perfect

seeing morons go to jail is awesome, yay!

I'm not sure who your calling a "moron"? have you looked at those pics in your signature lately? The pic titled "me" is a real winner.


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: AmerDoux
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
no, the legal system in my county moves so slow there's no need to yet...

when i got the weed charge it took 8 months to go to court over it....

You get 24 hours to b!tch about it and feel sorry for yourself. Yeah it sucks, yeah the system sucks, yeah maybe you didnt deserve it. Whatever. It did happen and now you need to deal with it. It's time to get your arse moving and do some damage control. Get a lawyer right now. Get yourself into a rehab program. Attend regularly, do everything you're supposed to do, including regular drug testing to show your staying clean. If it does take months for this to go to court then that means you have months to be pro-active and get your shyt together. That will impress the courts and maybe the judge will think you are finally taking this seriously and it might defer your sentence. If you sit around and dont take any responsibility and do nothing about it, then you deserve no sympathy.

Thats a win win! You get out of going to jail AND you kick the addiction. Grow up and take responsibility like a real adult/father should.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: Flyback
The anti-drug crowd is pretty lively tonight.

You should give some serious consideration to leaving if you have to spend time over this. Consult with a few different lawyers first and get a realistic assessment of what you're facing. If you had to spend anything more than 6 months I'd advise you to take the opportunity to relocate. It will doubly benefit your child to raise them in a more progressive environment. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

Life is too short to sit in the can for nonsensical reasons. You admitted you are addicted so you should still seek help for that wherever you end up.

Stupid advice! He should leave everything that he has ever known and be a fugitive from the law for the rest of his life? Think this through.
Anti drug? The Op admited he is adicted to drugs. Now you want him to leave the country and raise his child in an environment where it is OK to get yourself adicted to drugs?
What are you smoking?

Why is everything black and white with you religious zealots? The Opie has a PRESCRIPTION to pain killers (and yes, is addicted--not hard to do from what i read), his wife is a very infrequent recreational user. What is it with you religious nuts that makes you think EVERYONE should live a "holy, pious, god-fearing" life? What is it? I dont subscribe to your view of the world, does that mean i should be in jail? The Opie doesnt subscribe to your view of the world, nor does his wife. To you, this means, "burn them at the stake," right? Youre about 1500-1000 years behind the times. It would really do you some good to get out and experience, learn, and develop as a human being before attempting to FORCE your false morality on others. That hangover from that 6 year party has really got you peeved, eh?

Calm down there body. I am not religious. Addiction to oxicotone can kill you. oxicotone should not be taken unless you have a need for it.


You dont even know the drug the Opie is talking about. The fact that you buy into the nonsense that "oxicotone" (its Oxycodone and oxycontin, one is about 4 hours of pain relief, the other 8 hours) is deadly just proves your IGNORANCE. Youre absolute and utterly ignorant. Opioids do not kill (edit: disclaimer, they can kill, but kill very few regular using addicts), this is why you see OLD heroin addicts. Seriously, do some reading and get a little education before making blanket statements. Your ignorance is profound. Your stupid, myopic, idiotic, religious agenda is obvious.

Most asinine reply I have ever seen. Ya drugs don't kill you immidiatly, once addicted, they take you on a steady decline into oblivion, decay, brain damage and death. Go out on the streets and have a look. The OP got cut and he admited to being addicted. Hopefully this arrest will help him to beat it. There are reasons why drugs are illegal: They kill people and not just the drug addicts.
Some drugs are less addictive then others like pot and people can use and not get addicted. That is not the case for most other drugs.

So take your liberal drug taking ideas and shove them up you a$$.
And please jump right in
there is not always a steady decline. People quit. People change. The problems in people's lives change.

Sure drugs kill people. It's people's choice to kill themselves. Not yours. What happens if I believed you should die? I should just go enforce that belief? no.

Most drugs are not addictive I would say rather than the other way around. Last I heard things from claritin to advil to aspirin aren't addictive.
Take your self-righteousness and shove it somewhere it won't make noise.

Ya I was talking about aspirin and claritin, you cretin
Now hopefully you won't get yourself addicted out there otherwise you're the one who is going to get stuff shoved up your sorry behind.

well you simply said most drugs were addictive. Maybe if you could proofread your work and stop being a troll you would understand.

Did you think you were being smart with the definition? I do know what cretin means. I thought it was gonna be a funny picture. You dissapoint me in more ways than one.

nice try with the ad hominem though. You still haven't responded to my point.


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: Flyback
The anti-drug crowd is pretty lively tonight.

You should give some serious consideration to leaving if you have to spend time over this. Consult with a few different lawyers first and get a realistic assessment of what you're facing. If you had to spend anything more than 6 months I'd advise you to take the opportunity to relocate. It will doubly benefit your child to raise them in a more progressive environment. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

Life is too short to sit in the can for nonsensical reasons. You admitted you are addicted so you should still seek help for that wherever you end up.

Stupid advice! He should leave everything that he has ever known and be a fugitive from the law for the rest of his life? Think this through.
Anti drug? The Op admited he is adicted to drugs. Now you want him to leave the country and raise his child in an environment where it is OK to get yourself adicted to drugs?
What are you smoking?

Why is everything black and white with you religious zealots? The Opie has a PRESCRIPTION to pain killers (and yes, is addicted--not hard to do from what i read), his wife is a very infrequent recreational user. What is it with you religious nuts that makes you think EVERYONE should live a "holy, pious, god-fearing" life? What is it? I dont subscribe to your view of the world, does that mean i should be in jail? The Opie doesnt subscribe to your view of the world, nor does his wife. To you, this means, "burn them at the stake," right? Youre about 1500-1000 years behind the times. It would really do you some good to get out and experience, learn, and develop as a human being before attempting to FORCE your false morality on others. That hangover from that 6 year party has really got you peeved, eh?

Calm down there body. I am not religious. Addiction to oxicotone can kill you. oxicotone should not be taken unless you have a need for it.


You dont even know the drug the Opie is talking about. The fact that you buy into the nonsense that "oxicotone" (its Oxycodone and oxycontin, one is about 4 hours of pain relief, the other 8 hours) is deadly just proves your IGNORANCE. Youre absolute and utterly ignorant. Opioids do not kill (edit: disclaimer, they can kill, but kill very few regular using addicts), this is why you see OLD heroin addicts. Seriously, do some reading and get a little education before making blanket statements. Your ignorance is profound. Your stupid, myopic, idiotic, religious agenda is obvious.

ding ding ding, we have a winner.

As a former health care professional, I'd like to know why the OPer has been prescribed this drup in the first place.


Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
Originally posted by: chris7b
That is unfortunate, especially with a wife and kid. But, this could be a benficial experience for you turn your life around.

yeah i just hope i still have a wife when i get out...

look at the bright side - at least you'll be someone else's wife when you're doing the time.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2004
I like those who live their life thinking nothing is wrong with it and everything they do is ok then they hit a road bump. After the bump, they start spilling regrets, blame everyone else for their problem and deflect their responsibility to issues or problems out of their control. The OP had an addiction but no one forced that first pill in his mouth and there are a ton of resources out there to legally help him. On top of this he is raising a kid knowing he has an addiction problem.

You got what you deserve and be a man and face the consequences instead of blaming the laws, the type of drug, or the punishment.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: SampSon
I'd feel sorry for you because of your rabid drug addiction, but after This thread and This thread it's clear you simply need help.

I hate to say it but, I TOLD YOU SO! You need to get help, most likely you will REQUIRED to get help by the courts, if they let you stay out of jail. The reality is that you need the help to get sober and take life as it comes. At the bottom of this problem will be a very real depression/anxiety problem that you simply haven't been bothered to face your entire life. You masked it with drugs of all sorts. Sure you got by day to day and made yourself a life, but you can't deal with your life without drugs. This is a very common thing, more common that you know and more common than anyone here knows or wants to admit. You will learn this when you enter and work your way through a recovery program.

Substance abuse is so common that it shouldn't be surprising anymore. Every single person in this thread is related to it in some way, no matter if they recogize it or not. If you are willing to embrace the help that will be given to you then you will get through this. The courts will most likely require you to do this, but you have to keep a strong belief that you are doing this for yourself. If you go through a recovery program thinking that you're only going through it to stay out of jail then you will ultimately fail and go right back to being addicted.

No one thinks they have a problem nor will they do anything about it until they have lost something or are about to lose something. You have hit that point and now you must face up to the problem and everything else you really hate about life. You will get through this, because people out there care for you, trust me.



Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2004
Well, looks like it's time for you to move to Canada.

Kidding, I hope things go okay for you and especially your family. Best of luck.


Aug 26, 2000
Sounds like you had more going for you with a good job, a good woman, and an 8 month old daughter, than the good job, good woman, and the 8 month old daughter had going for them.

Hopefully this will become an opportunity for that to change in the future with atleast the latter 2, if you're willing to get your act together and finally put them first.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2006
No person should have the right to incarcerate another person on grounds of perceived bodily harm the drug user is doing to himself. Just because one person is ignorant enough to believe all of the propaganda about drugs like marijuana doesn't mean this person has the right to enforce his fallacies on other people.

If all drugs were decriminalized, crime rates would plummet.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Oh yea, I should amend my initial post in this thread.

Your tread title should be changed. Your life didn't go to crap in 1 day, it's been a work in progress for years and years.
The only thing that happened in one day is that now thoes closest to you know you have a problem(s), drugs and court.

No matter which way you cut it, your drug use is out of control, at least that's what I gather from your description of your use.

The most important thing in your recovery (if you even bother to do it) is that you have to be honest to yourself and honest to thoes trying to help you. If you're not, you're just spinning your wheels.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: moshquerade
*wonders if the OP will ever try to defend himself in this thread*

Only 123 posts in 5 years, I doubt it. At least he can't blame too much time posting on ATOT for his problems


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
because he's a celebrity...

willie nelson got caught with a 1lb of marijuana and half a pound os mushrooms and it was dismissed...

the legal system is so ****** up...

The celebs generate money for the system (exhorbitant legal fees, fines, bribes...whatever). Regular guys like you are "the examples."

Sucks, man. GL with it. Whatever happens though, I hope that you will learn from this, and manage to straighten out the issues that lead you down this road. There really is a fine line between casual user and hard-core addict. The system only works if it manages to turn around lives....Far too often it fails, being that incarceration is deemed the "final solution" to what is a far more complicated problem.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: TheGizmo
Originally posted by: mrizvi66
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: AmerDoux
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
no, the legal system in my county moves so slow there's no need to yet...

when i got the weed charge it took 8 months to go to court over it....

You get 24 hours to b!tch about it and feel sorry for yourself. Yeah it sucks, yeah the system sucks, yeah maybe you didnt deserve it. Whatever. It did happen and now you need to deal with it. It's time to get your arse moving and do some damage control. Get a lawyer right now. Get yourself into a rehab program. Attend regularly, do everything you're supposed to do, including regular drug testing to show your staying clean. If it does take months for this to go to court then that means you have months to be pro-active and get your shyt together. That will impress the courts and maybe the judge will think you are finally taking this seriously and it might defer your sentence. If you sit around and dont take any responsibility and do nothing about it, then you deserve no sympathy.

Best reply so far. :thumbsup:


straight up...fvck the police

agreed. But understand that rehab is a life-long commitment; not some celebrity-endorsed "5 months and you're cured" deal. If you're serious (and you do have a daughter to think about), then be prepared for the long haul. Most important thing is to have solid friends and family that are willing, and capable of helping you through this.


Senior member
Mar 15, 2007
Originally posted by: zanejohnson
anyone who wants to say they hope i rot in jail...

think about the illegal mp3's you have on your machine...that's a federal offense...worse then what i did.

Anyone ever here of an mp3 addict? I ran into those people 'cause I was listening to illeagle mp3's. I robbed to get more mp3's. Drugs are illegal. Do I agree with the laws, not always but if you're trying to equate the two, you can't. MP3's !> drugs.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: HotChic
Originally posted by: SampSon
I'd feel sorry for you because of your rabid drug addiction, but after This thread and This thread it's clear you simply need help.

I hate to say it but, I TOLD YOU SO! You need to get help, most likely you will REQUIRED to get help by the courts, if they let you stay out of jail. The reality is that you need the help to get sober and take life as it comes. At the bottom of this problem will be a very real depression/anxiety problem that you simply haven't been bothered to face your entire life. You masked it with drugs of all sorts. Sure you got by day to day and made yourself a life, but you can't deal with your life without drugs. This is a very common thing, more common that you know and more common than anyone here knows or wants to admit. You will learn this when you enter and work your way through a recovery program.

Substance abuse is so common that it shouldn't be surprising anymore. Every single person in this thread is related to it in some way, no matter if they recogize it or not. If you are willing to embrace the help that will be given to you then you will get through this. The courts will most likely require you to do this, but you have to keep a strong belief that you are doing this for yourself. If you go through a recovery program thinking that you're only going through it to stay out of jail then you will ultimately fail and go right back to being addicted.

No one thinks they have a problem nor will they do anything about it until they have lost something or are about to lose something. You have hit that point and now you must face up to the problem and everything else you really hate about life. You will get through this, because people out there care for you, trust me.


excellent post.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: IeraseU
Drugs should all be legal, every single one. I don't see the need to increase what is already the largest prison population on the planet with people accused of these petty charges by the morality police.

Including the ones that cause homicidal tendancies?

Some drugs do have a valid reason to be out of the hands of the normal man...but things like pot, cocaine, and even X cause more damage in outlawing them than it could be if they were legal and taxed.


Apr 25, 2001
You knew what you were doing when you decided to do drugs. You admit to being an addict. Don't you think it's time for you to place your family higher in priority than drugs? Your baby daughter deserves better than this.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: skyking
Originally posted by: moshquerade
*wonders if the OP will ever try to defend himself in this thread*

Only 123 posts in 5 years, I doubt it. At least he can't blame too much time posting on ATOT for his problems

It's probably hard to post while you're high...

I had a lot more sympathy for the OP before I read his other threads. It's obvious that the OP was going to be hurt by his drug use someday. He did nothing to try to prevent that, even though he has a kid that depends on him. Hopefully he'll clean up his act now.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
God damn some of you are cvnt-rags. Like this man is less than you for the drugs he's taken. You honestly think that is an indicator of character? You honestly think that it's worse than alcohol, than abusiveness or bigotry? Nice. It's nice to know that I share the gene pool with mother fvckers like you.

Enjoy your holier-than-thou mentality, it's going to get your asses kicked some day, and I hope it's myself dealing the blows.

Drugs != Bad


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
I'm sure it's been said in here somewhere, but if you get a good lawyer you won't go to jail. But like everything, it'll cost you some big bucks.

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