My personal experiences with race and racism.

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Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
/clap /clap /applause I agree with you entirely. Thank god I dont like in the ghetto parts of Houston.... But im surprised you are just realizing this? Always trashy people in apartments, ghetto parts of town etc.... when you live in a $200-$300k range of houses you dont have much to worry about....ever...

In light of this post, Im sharing one of my views too:


Senior member
Mar 28, 2005
To the poster who said that ?whites are now afraid of blacks?, I?m afraid you are mistaken ? or at least misspoken. Since we?re speaking in generalities, which is always dangerous, whites do not fear blacks. More accurately, people who enjoy life and have something to live for ?fear? (or at least resent) people who seem to have no regard for it. While the majority of cases may be as you described it, there are also plenty of blacks who have a decent life, and plenty of whites in the gutter.

You see, the reason that you do not walk around committing crimes is (partially) due to the fact that you do not want to risk losing what you have in life -- whether that be family, material things, spirituality, etc. But for those who live a life of crime and/or are in poverty, what difference does it make if you go to jail for a few months for beating up someone, or stealing their car, or even killing them.

Now, let me say that while you cannot make "generalizations" about everyone of a certain race and shouldn?t judge someone strictly based on it, there are still poignant truths about some cultures as a majority. Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule, but I want to point out some of my observations of the ?rule?.

For the most part, blacks are usually not as intelligent as other races (especially in comparison to whites and asians). However, they are usually more athletic, aggressive, and probably are better dancers. You can call this a stereotype, but it is true. It is time we start EMBRACING our differences, rather than pretending they do not exist. Now, as I said above, obviously you cannot judge everyone based on these statements ? there will always be exceptions to the rule. But pretending that each race is the same is ludicrous.

These same types of observations can be made about sexes. Women are usually not as strong as men. Women are usually more emotional and nurturing. Women are better at abstract thinking, but not as strong in logistics. Women are usually more responsible.

Do I pre-judge every woman or black I meet immediately based on what I?ve encountered most of my life? No, of course not. But when I am faced with the same pattern time and time again, I realize the chances of the next person I meet being the ?exception to the rule? will be relatively low.

Races and sexes are simply genetically different. You can be insulted by the shortcomings of each race/sex, or you can appreciate the strengths that each has to offer. But please, do not sugarcoat the diversity with PC garbage that we?re all the same.

Despite our differences, if you want to be treated the same, you must do the same. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It?s time to abandon this hip-hop gang-banging image that blacks are clinging so dearly to. Until then, the race will be seen exactly as they portray it. You want ?respect?, earn it. Get a job, get an education, stop using drugs, stop committing crimes, groom yourself appropriately, learn some proper English, and then we?ll talk. Until then, the majority of the black population will remain the dregs of society.

For the record, this also goes for those kids (yes they are usually kids, which should tell you a lot about the maturity of this thug mentality) who embrace the black ?culture? by trying to impersonate them. Maybe someday you people will realize there?s more to life than being ?hip? and ?cool?. I know America goes through phases -- disco, rock, and now rap. I'm just hoping this phase passes quickly... as long as the next one isn't country!!

(P.S. Once again, I know there are exceptions to the rule, this message is aimed at those who make up the majority.)


Oct 9, 1999
The reason we should strive to distance ourselves from placing generalizations on groups of people are for those within that group that are not of the norm. That do not follow the stereotype. Is it fair that these individuals have to fight against preconceived notions of who they are and how they should act because "in general" people like them act like this. Instead, it's better to have no prejudice and judge each person by their individual actions.


Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: wafflesandsyrup
blacks takes their freedom for granted, what happened? they used to fight so hard for what they wanted (freedom,rights,education). now most of them are like..DuH??!?!!. especially the black people who get rich, they buy jewelry instead of helping other blacks trying to make it into society.

Now, I was gonna stay out of this, cause the topic itself is just so difficult to pin down. But, congratulations, you've brought me into it. Blacks take their freedom fro GRANTED? Are you kidding me? So one only deserves to be free if they do something spectacular with their lives? Otherwise, they should be in the field picking cotton? I realize this probably isn't what you meant entirely, but it's definitely there and I think you're an idiot.

On the topic as a whole, I agree to some extent with notfred. But as I think his post points out, it's less an ethnic/racial thing and more a socioeconomic one. The fact that a large number of mexicans/blacks are living in gheto-like conditions contributes heavily to their decents into crimes and gangs. When your parents are so poor that they can barely feed you, or your home life is so broken that you can't see any way out, you turn to gangs/ who "show a young brother love" (as Tupac said).

People's perceptions are colored by the exceptional cases. You don't notice the 500 people of different races who are decent/hardworking people, you notice the one (or 4) who are just straight up assholes. And so your perception of all of them are colored by that. And of course that perception is going to be colored by where you live - someone in a ghetto-like neighborhood is going to have a much different perception than someone who lives in an afluent community.

Blacks make up 10% of the population and yet are more than 1/2 the population in prisons. That can't just be that the race is "bad". I'm not saying that they don't deserve to be in prison (though the drug angle and the whole War on Drugs is an entirely different conversation), but there IS racial profiling that goes on. It wasn't too long ago that blacks were being hit with fire hoses and attack dogs simply for insisting on equal rights. Those ideas and preconeptions don't go away over night.

And those of you saying that out of 1000 blacks, 999 live up to the steretype can go to hell. Try flipping that around.



Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: CrimsonChaos
To the poster who said that ?whites are now afraid of blacks?, I?m afraid you are mistaken ? or at least misspoken. Since we?re speaking in generalities, which is always dangerous, whites do not fear blacks. More accurately, people who enjoy life and have something to live for ?fear? (or at least resent) people who seem to have no regard for it. While the majority of cases may be as you described it, there are also plenty of blacks who have a decent life, and plenty of whites in the gutter.

You see, the reason that you do not walk around committing crimes is (partially) due to the fact that you do not want to risk losing what you have in life -- whether that be family, material things, spirituality, etc. But for those who live a life of crime and/or are in poverty, what difference does it make if you go to jail for a few months for beating up someone, or stealing their car, or even killing them.

Now, let me say that while you cannot make "generalizations" about everyone of a certain race and shouldn?t judge someone strictly based on it, there are still poignant truths about some cultures as a majority. Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule, but I want to point out some of my observations of the ?rule?.

For the most part, blacks are usually not as intelligent as other races (especially in comparison to whites and asians). However, they are usually more athletic, aggressive, and probably are better dancers. You can call this a stereotype, but it is true. It is time we start EMBRACING our differences, rather than pretending they do not exist. Now, as I said above, obviously you cannot judge everyone based on these statements ? there will always be exceptions to the rule. But pretending that each race is the same is ludicrous.

These same types of observations can be made about sexes. Women are usually not as strong as men. Women are usually more emotional and nurturing. Women are better at abstract thinking, but not as strong in logistics. Women are usually more responsible.

Do I pre-judge every woman or black I meet immediately based on what I?ve encountered most of my life? No, of course not. But when I am faced with the same pattern time and time again, I realize the chances of the next person I meet being the ?exception to the rule? will be relatively low.

Races and sexes are simply genetically different. You can be insulted by the shortcomings of each race/sex, or you can appreciate the strengths that each has to offer. But please, do not sugarcoat the diversity with PC garbage that we?re all the same.

Despite our differences, if you want to be treated the same, you must do the same. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It?s time to abandon this hip-hop gang-banging image that blacks are clinging so dearly to. Until then, the race will be seen exactly as they portray it. You want ?respect?, earn it. Get a job, get an education, stop using drugs, stop committing crimes, groom yourself appropriately, learn some proper English, and then we?ll talk. Until then, the majority of the black population will remain the dregs of society.

For the record, this also goes for those kids (yes they are usually kids, which should tell you a lot about the maturity of this thug mentality) who embrace the black ?culture? by trying to impersonate them. Maybe someday you people will realize there?s more to life than being ?hip? and ?cool?. I know America goes through phases -- disco, rock, and now rap. I'm just hoping this phase passes quickly... as long as the next one isn't country!!

(P.S. Once again, I know there are exceptions to the rule, this message is aimed at those who make up the majority.)

Wow. Just friggin WOW. Are you kidding me? The genetic differences in race is infinitesimal. Do some reading for me, would you?

The very idea of race is fluid. How do you classify someone as black or white? Jews didn't used to be white, but now they are considered white. My mother is "white" and my father from Africa. So am I black or white? Does the color of my skin become the only barometer by which I'm measured? What if I were a really light-skinned black? Are they still black if they look white? How do we measure that? Is there something we can look for in the genetic code that can let us comfortably put someone in one category and not let them out? Can we have some kind of buffer so that we can say "oh, it's okay, that person's black so I can see him a certain way"?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
im inclined to believe that the rifts between "races" arises out of cultural differences. Why is it that blacks and hispanics score substantially lower than their asian and white counterparts (at my school)? Lower than even the "Low Income" subgroup? Its not an issue of genetics or even race itself. its an issue of culture. asians put great emphasis on academics, and so the results show.

Hubris, you might call me racist, but its a FACT that my experiences thus far has given me the impression that blacks and hispanics are more rowdy and more of the troublesome kids in school. I have several very good black and hispanic friends so no, im not saying every single one of them, just as there are some seriously j@cked up white kids too. But the idea is general. This is putting it quite bluntly, but i repeat that these are my observances. it is a fact that certain groups consistently behave *generally* in a certain fashion due to culture. SO i dont think it is completely right to blame the issue on racial profiling, although i have no doubt that it plays a certain role- just not largely.

now obviously it is wrong and incorrect to assert that certain races are superior to others. But how is it wrong to say that certain cultures can be superior to others?

EDIT: Btw Im of Asian decent and just to make it seem more consistent- I readily acknowledge that asian cultures obviously do have their own share of problems and tendencies. Raise an asian kid in america and compare him with an asian kid in asia. Its going to be a world of difference. The Asian preference towards the male gender, its a cultural issue, not race.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2001
i lived in alphabet city growing up in the 80's, and neigborhood was much all poor minorites. if you saw a white person, he/she was lost. lol.

that said, black gangs seem to be much worse then everyone else - mugging people, spraying up the neighborhood w/graffiti, etc. there were bad apples with spanish too, but i got along with hispanics, and still have a few good friends today.

today, if you drive by the same place, you'll see there is a new police preceint, many new construction and middle/upper middle class whites moving in, slowly displacing the ghetto - whose imo just cheating the welfare system and taking up space there.


Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2001
But that's exactly it; it's not a GENETIC predisposition, it's cultural. And some cultures have grown up in complete opposition to others. For instance, black culture in America, to a large extent, is one that grew up almost completely in opposition to the oppressive white culture. Do you think if you go to Africa, the culture is the same? Do you think there are blinged out kids running around the savannah? It just isn't so.

It's funny, cause people now think that while blacks aren't as intelligent, they're better athletes than whites. And yet at the end of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th, whites thought they had it over blacks in both. Jack Johnson, a heavyweight fighter, came out in the early 20th century and annihilated all the white opponents he fought. And because there was no way to incorporate him (not to mention Jesse Owens)into their world view, whites have, over the last hundred years, decided that while blacks may be as good or better than them in sports, whites still have it over blacks when it comes to intelligence. Forgive me if I don't agree with this.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Hubris

And those of you saying that out of 1000 blacks, 999 live up to the steretype can go to hell. Try flipping that around.

I am not implying that this is anything to do with genetics.

Its just happens that the lower sections of the american society are predominantly blacks. A significant amount of the crack-heads/gangsters/beggars etc I saw in NJ/NY were blacks. Now, I do not know if affirmative action or the like will improve the position of these people in society.

Also, I am not including native Africans in this argument. The african culture/society is totally different. As I do not know much about it, I will keep quiet on them.



Feb 16, 2003
Nice post Notfred

My slightly different opinion is that people of the same race that associate closely with others of that race will act similar to the rest, which is why to a certain extent, if you don't like a few of the members, you may not like or be inclined to like other members of that group, although being open is important because some people are just different.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Racism in America is alive and well... You are simply ignorant.... I don't have the time or inclination to sit here and refute you in depth, but the fact that your mind places people in categories according to skin color is the essence of the problem. You probably don't even notice the black guy who you check out with at the grocery store... or the black guy who greets you when you get on a public bus. Or any of the millions of other black people who are regular intelligent normal people. That is the nature of your racism.... you see all black people by the characteristics of a very small few who have caused you problems. I got jumped by skinheads when I was 16... do I now hate white people? The guy who hit and ran from me was a white guy, the guy who robbed me was a white guy. By your post, I should now be nervous everytime I see a white person.

YOu are racist plain and simple... and I'm not saying that to insult you or demean you... I'm saying it because it's true. It's your minds way of analyzing your situation.... of being afraid of a certain type of people because of such a trivial characteristic as the color of their skin.

Take a deep look inside... try to notice characteristics a little deeper than skin color. Rise above such general categorization.... get more details into your system.... notice more than skin color.

That's all I can say right now.... if this thread is still alive come monday you'll see more.

EDIT: I see that at the end of the post you are starting to see the light....



Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: necine

I've actually studied this phenomenon a bit. I was baffled by the fact that blacks make up about 25% of the population, yet about 50% of prisons. .

They make up about 13% of the population.


Golden Member
Mar 11, 2000
Originally posted by: LordMaul
Yeah, I see your point. One thing I always remember is that there is a reason that stereotypes exist, and a large amount of people fit their correlating stereotype.

Quite true. But as an asian male, I have to absolutely argue against the one about asian guys having small cocks! er...


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Hubris

It's funny, cause people now think that while blacks aren't as intelligent, they're better athletes than whites. And yet at the end of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th, whites thought they had it over blacks in both. Jack Johnson, a heavyweight fighter, came out in the early 20th century and annihilated all the white opponents he fought. And because there was no way to incorporate him (not to mention Jesse Owens)into their world view, whites have, over the last hundred years, decided that while blacks may be as good or better than them in sports, whites still have it over blacks when it comes to intelligence. Forgive me if I don't agree with this.

The only time that whites thought black weren't as good at sports was when they were not allowed to compete. Once they started competing and people saw the results, the truth was pretty apparent.

As far as the intelligence issue, kids all over the country take tests, and blacks consistently score lower than any other group. There is nothing holding them back but themselves. They truth is apparent in this, also. We are not talking about a few isolated instances, we are talking about a world-wide trend in intelligence. I want you to show me one country where the blacks outscore the whites or Asians. You can't say it's due to poverty, because statistics have shown that poor whites and Asians still outscore wealthy blacks. By isolating the factors and eliminating causes which show no effect on score, we're able to see what goes in hand with what. The only thing that remains consistent is race.

You cannot say it's just an American "white oppression" thing, because people of African descent tend to be poor no matter where they live. Even in their home country they're poor. Everywhere else they're poor, too. This stems from the fact that their intelligence is, in fact, lower, and they get outcompeted in tasks which require cognitive abilities. In short, they've reached a intelligence-limited threshold that they cannot cross.

People like to create "feelgood" excuses to cover up the real reasons, because they can't tolerate the idea that there may very well be an underlying genetic difference that they can't change.


Jan 31, 2005
Before anyone claims that I hate anybody, I'd like to point out that just because I tend to think scienfically and not emotionally, that does not mean that I'm biased against anyone. Understanding that xxx group doesn't perform quite as well at yyy task does not give a reason to hate them. I understand that there are tasks at which I, myself, have a genetic disadvantage. Nobody is superior, they're just different. But claiming that no difference exists in an attempt to be "PC" is just plain naive.

There are two schools of thought out there:

One says that if a fact is inflammatory or un-pc, pretend that it doesn't exist because nothing good can come from of it.

The other says that you're better off learning to accept it, because it is a fact after all, and no amount of playing ostrich will make it go away. I subscribe to this school of though.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Before anyone claims that I hate anybody, I'd like to point out that just because I tend to think scienfically and not emotionally, that does not mean that I'm biased against anyone. Understanding that xxx group doesn't perform quite as well at yyy task does not give a reason to hate them. I understand that there are tasks at which I, myself, have a genetic disadvantage. Nobody is superior, they're just different. But claiming that no difference exists in an attempt to be "PC" is just plain naive.
Translation of last two posts by 9TITZ

1. Blacks are dumber

2. But... I'm not racist



Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Translation of last two posts by 9TITZ

1. Blacks are dumber

2. But... I'm not racist


Translation of every post by Proletariat:

1. I am stupid

2. But... I am very opinionated and politically motivated, so much in fact that I have screenname based on Marxist theory and I have Che in my sig.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Doboji
YOu are racist plain and simple...
While there has been some racism spouted in this thread, I would not put the OP in this category. What he described is prejudice, not racism, and prejudice is something we pretty much are ALL guilty of in some fashion. Even Jesse Jackson has said that if he sees a young white male and a young black male walking down the street, he is more afraid of the black male...Rev. Jackson is prejudging the situation but not commenting that whites are inherently superior as a race.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Move to middle-upper-class suburbia. Honestly. Even here in melting-pot NY, you will have many different ethnicities in 1 community, but there will be very little gang activity and the crime rate is inherently lower.

You will also feel better about your kids growing up in such a neighborhood. It's all upbringing.

I grew up in Jamaica Queens and it wasn't as bad there as it is now. My parents were smart and moved to suburbia in time and both my brother and I were fortunate. They worked hard to make it happen.


Jan 31, 2005
Prevailing theory on ATOT:

If you do not subscribe to the flawed but politically correct explanation of xxx and instead argue that the truth about xxx is not socially acceptable, you are Hitler and want to kill xxx.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Translation of last two posts by 9TITZ

1. Blacks are dumber

2. But... I'm not racist


Translation of every post by Proletariat:

1. I am stupid

2. But... I am very opinionated and politically motivated, so much in fact that I have screenname based on Marxist theory and I have Che in my sig.
WOW Awesome!!! Glad you knocked this discussion down a few notches. I'd just like ask: And you're not opinionated? Almost every one of your posts - whether it be about advice or blacks is caustic and opinionated.

As for Che: lets not talk about him. Hes more than you could ever even hope of being in the next 200 cycles of rebirth.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Proletariat

As for Che: lets not talk about him. Hes more than you could ever even hope of being in the next 200 cycles of rebirth.

Proletariat, you're a clueless wannabe revolutionary fueled by teen angst. You're the typical HS/college age kid who is still naive, yet at the same time filled with zeal.

Your screenname is a popular Marxist term, and you idolize Che who was a Marxist revolutionary. Just how typical and contrived can you get? Apparently very. You are the typical "rebel without a clue".

As for your boy Che, he was captured, caged and put down like the bad dog that he was. Yipe.
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