My PS3 review


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
I write this because I know there are some people considering getting a PS3 who already own a 360.

I've had a 360 for about 3 years now. I recently moved into a house and decided to get a PS3 so I could watch bluray since I was canceling cable. I'm also a big gamer and looked forward to those few games I wanted to play that didn't cross platform. I've had my PS3 for a week now. I've used to play music/video/downloadable games and full games.

This next bit is about the differences I've noticed between the 360 and PS3.

Controller. It's nice to be back to the playstation controller. I have Street Fighter 4 for 360 and a neighbor has it for PS3. It's much more fun to play on the PS3 because of the controls. I also like the way you can recharge it by the USB cable in. It's also very light! I completely forgot about the sixasix controls but when I played Ratchet and Clank and I had to do it to fly, I actually loved it.

Games. I've played Pixel Junk Monsters, Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance 1. Ratchet and Clank was wonderful. But I'm probably biased because I loved the series. I just played Resistance for about 20 minutes and I'm very unimpressed. I know it's almost 3 years old but it doesn't look very nice. And it's super hard on hard mode! I also like that you can install games.

Interface. The PS3s interface feels very slick. Definitely better than the old 360 interface. It feels more expensive and higher quality. I enjoyed playing music from it.

Music. I enjoyed playing music from it until I tried to play music more than one folder deep and Japanese music. I don't know what I didn't do right but it wasn't obvious to me how to get it to display Japanese characters. I was very unimpressed with it.

Bluray. It looks great. So did HD-DVD though. Too bad HD-DVD lost! I look forward to watching more Bluray movies. It's the main reason I bought the console.

Video. I downloaded house(.avi) and I couldn't play it. I tried some other files as well and it wouldn't work. There may be a way to do it but it isn't obvious.

Overall I like the PS3. $400 is a super high price. I'm going to play through resistance and then return the console back to Amazon in hopes of getting this new slim PS3 in the next few months. I can live without Bluray for a while. My girlfriend is so blind she can't tell the difference between Bluray and a DVD anyway.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Isocene
I also like the way you can recharge it by the USB cable in. It's also very light!
I like that, too - not sure why Microsoft couldn't just go with mini-USB like Sony.

OTOH, Sony powers off all their USB ports when the system shuts down, which means you can't just leave your controllers in it to charge overnight - and since they can't operate off straight AC-to-USB (same situation as the iPod), you've got to leave them plugged into something with a USB host. This is _extremely_ annoying. Microsoft, best as I can tell, leaves the USB ports powered and lets their controllers power "dumb". They need to get together and both get this right!

I also like that you can install games.
IMHO, Sony's implementation of this is so-so compared to the 360's. I kinda like having the option, and not having it be mandatory. Although, in Sony's defense, some games do have optional installs (Valkyria Chronicles).

Bluray. It looks great. So did HD-DVD though. Too bad HD-DVD lost! I look forward to watching more Bluray movies. It's the main reason I bought the console.
Something nice about the PS3 is that it actually supports decoding and outputting those HD audio codecs in surround PCM - that was my main complaint with the 360 as an HD-DVD player.

The PS3 is a pretty good system, to be sure. You may want to try out some newer stuff like Killzone 2 and Valkyria Chronicles before writing off the system's games.


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
I didn't know that about the USB ports! I thought it was charging all along. That sucks.

My neighbor was very annoyed with me wanting to install SF4 because he said it takes forever. So I didn't do it the first time. But after I did, there was significant improvement with the loading time. I agree, it's good that it's an option.

Yeah I know I wasn't giving it a fair shot with Resistance 1. I plan on playing my way through all the games. I just like doing it in order. I LOVE Ratchet and Clank though, The only thing I would change about that game is a harder mode ready on the onset.



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Isocene
I didn't know that about the USB ports! I thought it was charging all along. That sucks.
Actually, what really sucks is that it used to be like that, and they promptly turned it off in a system update. Considering how little power it must have used, I'm not sure what the thinking was.

And while I'm having a general whining session: all these consoles need more USB ports on the back. There's no sane reason that I need to plug my controller charger or headset charger in front and have a bunch of ugly cables running around it.

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Isocene
I just played Resistance for about 20 minutes and I'm very unimpressed. I know it's almost 3 years old but it doesn't look very nice.

I tried to play through Resistance but I couldn't be bothered to finish it. It's boring and the controls are too floaty. Also, I think I got annoyed with all of the "PEW-PEW-PEW" sounding weapons as well as the antiquated health system (having to pick up health packs).
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: Isocene
I also like that you can install games.
IMHO, Sony's implementation of this is so-so compared to the 360's. I kinda like having the option, and not having it be mandatory. Although, in Sony's defense, some games do have optional installs (Valkyria Chronicles).

Sony only has game installations because their blu-ray drive is slow as hell. If not for the installs, game loading would be horrendous, as evidenced by Isocene's mention of SF4 getting a huge boost in performance after install. It is because of this slow drive is why I think the PS3 has mandatory hard drives in every PS3 system. Otherwise, I don't think this would be the case.

Microsoft added game installation (i.e. disc copying) to the 360 to compete on bullet points as well as reduce the wear and tear on the disc drives (also to reduce complaints about high drive noise during gameplay and movie watching, at least unofficially anyway).


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Isocene

Video. I downloaded house(.avi) and I couldn't play it. I tried some other files as well and it wouldn't work. There may be a way to do it but it isn't obvious.

Actually, the best way is to stream it, since PS3 actually limits the codecs it supports, using TVersity or PS3 Media Server on a PC and transcode it on-the-fly to your PS3 when it requests the file is great.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Originally posted by: erwos
OTOH, Sony powers off all their USB ports when the system shuts down, which means you can't just leave your controllers in it to charge overnight - and since they can't operate off straight AC-to-USB (same situation as the iPod), you've got to leave them plugged into something with a USB host. This is _extremely_ annoying. Microsoft, best as I can tell, leaves the USB ports powered and lets their controllers power "dumb". They need to get together and both get this right!

Sony came out recently with an Wall outlet -> miniusb charger for the controllers, though I would really assume most miniusb smartphone chargers would work just as well.



No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I just charge my PS3 (and xbox360) controllers on my PC since i always leave that on.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: zerogear
though I would really assume most miniusb smartphone chargers would work just as well.
This is not the case. I've tried it with multiple chargers. Like the iPod Touch, I believe it requires some sort of pseudo-host support for it to work properly.

I've seen some from Nyko and friends that look promising (and semi-cheap), so I might shell out for one of those if I get too annoyed. Right now, I just alternate controllers.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
I have nothing bad to say about the PS3 except that it is way overpriced.

That said...both stock controllers are horrible for SF4

And on the PS3 do realize that was fake right?


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
I'm returning it because I want to get the newer model that might maybe come out sometime in the next few months!


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: zerogear
though I would really assume most miniusb smartphone chargers would work just as well.
This is not the case. I've tried it with multiple chargers. Like the iPod Touch, I believe it requires some sort of pseudo-host support for it to work properly.

I've seen some from Nyko and friends that look promising (and semi-cheap), so I might shell out for one of those if I get too annoyed. Right now, I just alternate controllers.

Never really tried, but I thought usb standards were pretty specific on how much amps goes through a mini-usb.. Oh well.

I have a friend that owns these, and he really likes it (and fits in pretty well with PS3)

Here are the official Sony controller chargers:


Sep 20, 2007
Originally posted by: zerogear
Originally posted by: erwos
OTOH, Sony powers off all their USB ports when the system shuts down, which means you can't just leave your controllers in it to charge overnight - and since they can't operate off straight AC-to-USB (same situation as the iPod), you've got to leave them plugged into something with a USB host. This is _extremely_ annoying. Microsoft, best as I can tell, leaves the USB ports powered and lets their controllers power "dumb". They need to get together and both get this right!

Sony came out recently with an Wall outlet -> miniusb charger for the controllers, though I would really assume most miniusb smartphone chargers would work just as well.

The iPhone charger doesn't work, I know that for sure. I'm not sure why this is. It probably does need a USB host controller rather than it just accepting strait 5v power. Nyko makes AC chargers too which can charge up to three controllers at once. I usually always have my laptop next to me when I'm gaming so I just plug my controller strait into that. It is annoying but it's far better than fiddling with AA batteries. It's nice that the DualShock 3/SIXAXIS can be used as either a wired or wireless controller.

I think the review here is fair. The PS3 is fickle with media sometimes. I know I had a problem with AAC files I had encoded with Nero that would play fine on my PSP but my PS3 didn't recognize them. It has trouble with VOB files too in that it doesn't let you use Go To Time mode, at least for the ones stored on my media server.
In terms of price, you have to think about it from a value perspective. The cheapest BD player you can find at Best Buy is $199 but it's a piece of crap Insignia that's not profile 2.0 compatible. The cheapest BD Live player I could find at BB was $250. Combine that with a $300 60gb 360 and you're spending $550 to get a similar setup. It makes more sense to buy a PS3 if you want both gaming and Blu-ray. It's not way overpriced as some people claim.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Isocene
I'm going to play through resistance and then return the console back to Amazon in hopes of getting this new slim PS3 in the next few months.

Originally posted by: Isocene
I'm returning it because I want to get the newer model that might maybe come out sometime in the next few months!

I hope they charge you a restocking fee.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2002
The controllers are one of the things keeping me from buying a PS3. I've never liked the PS controllers from day 1. To each their own, I guess.


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: Isocene
I'm going to play through resistance and then return the console back to Amazon in hopes of getting this new slim PS3 in the next few months.

Originally posted by: Isocene
I'm returning it because I want to get the newer model that might maybe come out sometime in the next few months!

I hope they charge you a restocking fee.

I hope you get a speeding ticket this weekend!


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
I am in a similar situation to the OP. I have had my PS3 for a couple weeks but don't get a chance to play much. First thing, it is much much much quieter. I have played through Ratchet and it is a great game. I have played about 20% of Uncharted and a bit of GT5. Overall I like the graphics of the PS3 better. I really like the controller much much better. I have not had a chance to play online with the PS3 but have messed around in the store and the home crap. The 360 owns here. I just feel it is much more intuitive to use.

Multi-media playback
They both suck. The formats they support, particularly video, are so damn narrow it is way to hard to get things encoded correctly. But PS3mediaserver fixes this situation. I wish I would have found this sooner as it works great with the 360 as well. I had to upgrade the CPU in my server but the result was more than worth it.

BR on the PS3 is very very nice. The difference over DVD is amazing.

If I had to pick on console it would be the PS3. The BR, overall quietness of the system, and the controller push it over the top to me. I play more single player than online so the main advantage of the 360 isn't as important to me.


Apr 29, 2003
The XMB is definitely better than the 360 interface, but lulz @ "It feels more expensive"

:roll: @ returning it. People like you are why stores have restrictive return policies.


Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: Isocene
I also like the way you can recharge it by the USB cable in. It's also very light!
I like that, too - not sure why Microsoft couldn't just go with mini-USB like Sony.

OTOH, Sony powers off all their USB ports when the system shuts down, which means you can't just leave your controllers in it to charge overnight - and since they can't operate off straight AC-to-USB (same situation as the iPod), you've got to leave them plugged into something with a USB host. This is _extremely_ annoying. Microsoft, best as I can tell, leaves the USB ports powered and lets their controllers power "dumb". They need to get together and both get this right!

I also like that you can install games.
IMHO, Sony's implementation of this is so-so compared to the 360's. I kinda like having the option, and not having it be mandatory. Although, in Sony's defense, some games do have optional installs (Valkyria Chronicles).

Bluray. It looks great. So did HD-DVD though. Too bad HD-DVD lost! I look forward to watching more Bluray movies. It's the main reason I bought the console.
Something nice about the PS3 is that it actually supports decoding and outputting those HD audio codecs in surround PCM - that was my main complaint with the 360 as an HD-DVD player.

The PS3 is a pretty good system, to be sure. You may want to try out some newer stuff like Killzone 2 and Valkyria Chronicles before writing off the system's games.

Street Fighter IV's install is also non-mandatory.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
Return it or sell it on Craigslist....

If you buy something and don't like it, then why not return or sell it? Maybe he wants to invest that $400 bucks into something else?

Don't rag on him for it. Shit.

He bought it and if he wants to return it or sell it or do whatever he wants, he can.

I mean what are you saying? If you buy something you should bite the dust and keep it? Unless it's broken?

Is a slim PS3 even coming out? I mean you can do whatever you want. It's your choice. I just don't think it's anyones job to tell you, your the reason why stores have bad return policys or whatever?

What stores have bad return policy's anyways?


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
There's no PS3 slim coming out. That was quickly debunked as a bogus rumor.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Crow550
Return it or sell it on Craigslist....

If you buy something and don't like it, then why not return or sell it? Maybe he wants to invest that $400 bucks into something else?

Don't rag on him for it. Shit.

He bought it and if he wants to return it or sell it or do whatever he wants, he can.

I mean what are you saying? If you buy something you should bite the dust and keep it? Unless it's broken?

Is a slim PS3 even coming out? I mean you can do whatever you want. It's your choice. I just don't think it's anyones job to tell you, your the reason why stores have bad return policys or whatever?

What stores have bad return policy's anyways?

He wants to return it to buy a different PS3. People like him are the reason stores have made their return policies more restrictive. When you buy something, open it, then have buyer's remorse, you cost the store and/or the manufacturer money. The item you return can't be sold as new anymore, so it either gets sold as an open box item or it goes back to the manufacturer and they sell it as a refurb. Tell me, why should someone else bear the cost of the OP's buyer's remorse? :roll:

But but but they wouldn't have the return policy if they didn't want you to use it! Stores usually start out with liberal return policies. They're more liberal than they need to be, because they want to keep the good customers happy. Unfortunately the bad customers always ruin it. They take advantage of return policies to get free rentals, or to try a couple of different items before they decide which one to keep instead of reading reviews and making an informed decision. Because of those people, stores do things like charging a restocking fee, which hurts the people who return things for legitimate reasons.

Very, very, very rarely have I had to return items that I've bought and opened, because I'm a good consumer. I make educated purchases (I read reviews :Q ), and I don't expect someone else to eat a loss because of my mistakes.

OP is a bad consumer. He's abusing's return policy by using it as a free rental so he can play Resistance. He ostensibly thinks the price is too high, even though he was aware of the price when he bought it. :roll:


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
returning it based on an obviously fake image of a PS3 slim and an already debunked rumor = lolz
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