my roommate turned the heat up to 90 deg and smoked my CPU!!!!!

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Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
I found out it was my power supply... It makes a lot more sense now. My CPU is probably not bad after all. It was a Raidmax 350W. I am going to get an Antec SL450 that has dual fans. I figured this was the problem after my hard drive started smoking I tried the PSU in my roommates computer, and I get the same thing, spinning fans but no POST. I reconnect his PSU and his comp works again... Anyway, It was the PSU. That makes a lot more sense than the CPU burning out. Thanks for the comments everyone



Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
ok, lesson learned. Don't buy RaidMax PSU, and don't always trust the diagnostic lights on your mobo's diagnostic bracket.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
You put a 'suspect' PSU in your roommates computer? Is this the same roommate that was 'stupid' (yeah, you called him stupid) enough to turn up the thermostat and risk your hardware?

Are you seeing where I'm heading here?


Well here it is... your roomie turned up the heat and you were so mad because he should have known it might hurt your computer.... but you put your bad PSU in his computer... ?????

have you apologized to him yet?



Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
No, I haven't apologized. His computer works... Mine doesn't. I bought him a 1 Ghz Pentium 3, ( he had a crap Celeron 633 ) and upgraded his RAM from 64 MB to 512 MB without making him pay a cent. Oh, and I also added a gf2 MX 64 that I used to have in my machine to replace his TNT2 Vanta 8 MB card. The way I see it, he should be paying for my new PSU, but I'll be paying for it, cause I'm a nice guy. Insidious, I don't know how you turned this into a bad guy good guy thing. This is a simple PSU issue not a character issue. But, since you did, I thought I would give you the whole story.



Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2001
The way I see it, he should be paying for my new PSU, but I'll be paying for it, cause I'm a nice guy.
I really don't see this as your roomie turning up the temp having anything to do with it. Especially if it was the PSU.. Sh!t happens, Parts blow.. Your not the first or the last person to ever have a PSU blow up (anyone remember "DEER" PSU's?). Get youself a new "quality" PSU, put it in, call it good, and leave your roomie alone..


Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: GonzoDaGr8
The way I see it, he should be paying for my new PSU, but I'll be paying for it, cause I'm a nice guy.
I really don't see this as your roomie turning up the temp having anything to do with it. Especially if it was the PSU.. Sh!t happens, Parts blow.. Your not the first or the last person to ever have a PSU blow up (anyone remember "DEER" PSU's?). Get youself a new "quality" PSU, put it in, call it good, and leave your roomie alone..

So, as you see it, the fact that my PSU burned out within 2 hours of my room being 90 degrees plus, when before it had no problem whatsoever, is a coincidence?



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
So now, your roomie burned up your PSU by changing the thermostat in the room.




Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
Originally posted by: shadow369
The question here is "Stabilizing a system to withstand unforseen abuse". I you cant properly cool or put together a system then don't buy cheaper parts. He's out a CPU, with a P4 he could of fixed the issue and rebooted.

"Ewww, the cream got burnt"

Ha... hahaha.... hahahahahaha...

ahem. "Intel Processors are magical and can fix themselves after being damaged due to overheating! Reboot solves alllll your problems. But not with that cheap AMD crap!"

Can anyone say Intel Fanboy?


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2004
BFonnes, no offense, but you're an idiot. If your PSU blew, it was because it was faulty, not because the room was 90 degrees Farenheit. There is absolutely nothing that keeping the room at 90 degrees could have done to your computer to kill it without something being wrong to begin with.

You don't like your roomate, that's fine, stop buying him stuff for his computer (why the hell are you doing that in the first place?) and DEFINITELY stop trying to blame his temperature increase for your stuff dying. There are thousands of PSUs that are functioning indefinitely at the ambient temps you are talking about. It's absolutely a coincidence that it blew, you're looking for a scapegoat when there isn't one.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: bfonnes
Edit2: I found out it was my power supply... It makes a lot more sense now. My CPU is probably not bad after all. It was a Raidmax 350W.

I guess thats what you get for using a Raidmax PSU.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
Originally posted by: bfonnes
What kind of PSU do you have Insidious?


My specs are in my sig. (My Computers)

I'm not being critical of your choice of components. It's the fact that you aren't going to learn from YOUR mistakes until you take responsibility for them rather than just blame all your woes on "bad hardware" or a roommate.

You chose to take your machine outside it's design specs and it burnt up... it's just that simple.

now apologize to your roommate



Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
no, Insidious, I think you should apologize to me. I just looked at your sig. You have about the same specs as I do, and you overclock your systems as much as I do... And as far as learning from my mistakes. I realize now that I shouldn't have been overclocking so much with a crappy PSU even if it seemed to be running stably. That's why I am getting the Antec SL450. Oh, and I did have my automatic system shut down turned on.



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
you're right, I should apologize for my systems being stable and able to avoid meltdown when the room temperature changes..... and with hardware just like yours.... go figure?

Well folks, now you have it.... I broke bfonnes machine and won't even buy him a new one.

I am so sorry



Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2004
I realize now that I shouldn't have been overclocking so much with a crappy PSU even if it seemed to be running stably.

Then why the crispy crap are you still trying to blame your roomate? Is this quote from 1 and a half hours ago not yours?

So, as you see it, the fact that my PSU burned out within 2 hours of my room being 90 degrees plus, when before it had no problem whatsoever, is a coincidence?

Apologize to your roomate for blaming this on him, you idiot. At the very least, stop trying to make this into anyone else's problem but yours. YOU killed your machine, be a man about it and take some resonsibility. Your roomate may be a loser, or an asshat, or whatever you've decided he is, but at the very least please indicate that you have a modicum of respsonsibility and admit " I was wrong, my roomate did not kill my computer"


Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: bfonnes
Originally posted by: GonzoDaGr8
The way I see it, he should be paying for my new PSU, but I'll be paying for it, cause I'm a nice guy.
I really don't see this as your roomie turning up the temp having anything to do with it. Especially if it was the PSU.. Sh!t happens, Parts blow.. Your not the first or the last person to ever have a PSU blow up (anyone remember "DEER" PSU's?). Get youself a new "quality" PSU, put it in, call it good, and leave your roomie alone..

So, as you see it, the fact that my PSU burned out within 2 hours of my room being 90 degrees plus, when before it had no problem whatsoever, is a coincidence?

Well, I was going to reply to that stupid-a$$ comment, But it seems that many other posters below hit the nail on the head for me..



Junior Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: EvilRage
Originally posted by: shadow369
The question here is "Stabilizing a system to withstand unforseen abuse". I you cant properly cool or put together a system then don't buy cheaper parts. He's out a CPU, with a P4 he could of fixed the issue and rebooted.

"Ewww, the cream got burnt"

Ha... hahaha.... hahahahahaha...

ahem. "Intel Processors are magical and can fix themselves after being damaged due to overheating! Reboot solves alllll your problems. But not with that cheap AMD crap!"

Can anyone say Intel Fanboy?

1) Never said AMD is crap; just said cheaper quality. I use AMD for gaming and Intel for my business machine. I can overclock the AMD to performe like I want it to for short periods and it doesn't cost as much if I screw up and fry something; But, it still costs so I better not screw up. I believe the Intel CPU is a little more stable for longer periods and is more reliable for my business needs. It's not my fault AMD doesn't have the ability to validate their CPU to the extent Intel does. It's the industry and I'm the consumer. I have the right to choose the best product for my needs and I don't jump on any bandwagon because of corporate statures.

2) My point was that you can't damage an Intel CPU from overheating. If you leave the fan off it will simply shut the system down. This is hardware controlled and needs no software. Yes, he could of just fixed the fan, rebooted and continued. No Magic involved.

Dennis Travis

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
shadow369, Yes, you have every right to use what you want BUT you have NO right to come here and Spread FUD about AMD. You are an Intel Fan Boy plain and simple. Stop the FUD and capping on the OP's thread. HE used a cheap power supply and his system blew. I have seen many Intel CPUs damaged by a bad power supply as well as many Intel Motherboards also. STOP the FUD.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
2) My point was that you can't damage an Intel CPU from overheating. If you leave the fan off it will simply shut the system down. This is hardware controlled and needs no software. Yes, he could of just fixed the fan, rebooted and continued. No Magic involved.

While the first-generation Athlon motherboards didn't always do this, all of the more recent AthlonXP chipsets/motherboards (and all of the A64 ones) have thermal protection circuitry built in. You *might* still damage an AXP by running it with no heatsink at all, but if the fan burned out or the ambient temperature started to slowly rise, the CPU would be shut down long before it was damaged by heat.


Junior Member
Dec 1, 2004
So the thermal level of the CPU is monitored by the chipset (AthalonXP) on the hardware level and not the CPU it's self. Thats an interesting chipset feature I didn't know about.

I've never seen a powersupply ruin a CPU or MB. And the PSU didn't ruin the CPU, chipset or MB as indicated by bfonnes on their system. So Mr. D. Travis may wan't to look over his facts again. And why does Mr. Travis call the PSU unit cheap with no hesitation? I'm guessing their not a RaidMax fan boy - perhaps an Antec fan Boy.

Increassing the ambient temperature to 90 degrees certaintly doesn't violate the spec of the system or the PSU. They are designed and tested to run well above that. If the PSU blew then it was well on it's way of blowing anyway. The temperature could have hastened it's demise but not likely.


Nov 28, 2001
90 wouldn't fry a CPU.... sure its hot but how do you think peoples systems survive who live in the desert etc... You PC shouldn't fry because of ambient temps like that. Something was wrong with your system this wasn't yoour roomies fault.

Dennis Travis

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
If I were you I would learn a LOT more before you come here and insult me and the other fine users of this fourm. Are you calling me a liar when I have seen Power Supplies kill everything in a system? Prove I have not seen this.

A Power Supply can blow everything in the system. Depends on just what goes wrong with it.

I am not a FANBOY of anything and in fact HATE the PC just like Larry Ellison CEO of Oracle does. You are the one coming here spreading FUD about AMD. I would say the same thing to you if you were bashing Intel in a unfair manner.

And in fact I agree with your last statement, 90 Degrees can not hurt a properly set up system. I have hit way higher than that one summer when the air conditioner went off while I was away and no damage at all.


Junior Member
Dec 1, 2004
Always willing to learn more about anything. Umm, you insulted me and I responded.....

I said AMD was cheap in comparison. That is not FUD in my opinion but, I respect that it may be yours. Nor, was it my intention. I said I owned and used both, I shall be more carefull on my wording in the future.

I definately agree with hating the PC - It's a constant cirriculum of updated info, troubleshooting and corporate money manipulation that rarely gives us the best product that they can without many steppings and marketing campaigns slowing the progress. But, it's my life---

Without Intel there wouldn't be so many good AMD products and without AMD Intel would not be pushed to have a good product either. I'm not here to bash either but to assist and learn about either. A strict AMD forum or a strictly only Intel forum is not going to help me or serve my interests.

But, I will not be oppressed of my opinions. Although; my opinions need to be more selective. None the less; If I believe one product has something more to offer than the other or one is less capable in a given feature then I will say so. And I will say so unbiased... Even if it's a Mouse, PSU or CPU...

Dennis Travis

Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
"I definately agree with hating the PC - It's a constant cirriculum of updated info, troubleshooting and corporate money manipulation that rarely gives us the best product that they can without many steppings and marketing campaigns slowing the progress. But, it's my life--- "

I agree completely with that one. It's my life too. So many use them and need my help.

"Without Intel there wouldn't be so many good AMD products and without AMD Intel would not be pushed to have a good product either. I'm not here to bash either but to assist and learn about either. A strict AMD forum or a strictly only Intel forum is not going to help me or serve my interests."

Again Agree 100% with you. Competition is very good and keeps the prices lower. AMD has pushed Intel to making better and better CPU's and helped keep the cost down. I am glad both Amd and Intel are around.
Competition is a healthy thing. Keeps everyone on the toes!

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