My view on Windows 8 and the history of Microsoft OS


Moderator<br>Computer Help
Mar 14, 2000
First off, I personally love Windows 8. I run it on every machine I own. I feel it is a fantastic ecosystem. The issue, to me, has been the way Microsoft has went about marketing it. Microsoft failed to explain what Windows 8 was trying to do.

The biggest issue I hear about Windows 8 is this summed up in one line. &#8220;I tried that Windows 8, hated it and had my buddy install Windows 7&#8221; Two things stand out to me here, No-one spent time to try it past a day or two and they are confused about how to use it. Microsoft changed too much too quickly for the average user. This is where I differ from the norm. I don&#8217;t mind learning a new way to do things. I can adapt quickly to just about any OS. Most people however cannot.

The first thing someone sees if they upgrade their computer to Windows 8 is not the familiar desktop, with the screen full of shortcuts, but a new Start Screen filled with colorful flipping tiles. Microsofts answer to this drastic change was a short &#8220;tutorial&#8221; explain the charms bar and application bar. I am sure this tutorial was ignored by almost everyone. This lead to people having no idea what to do. They look to the internet, read all kinds of bad posts from their friend&#8217;s experiences and give up. Go back to what they know and repeat the cycle.
To some extent this has happened with every release of Windows. Some of us have been around long enough to see Windows and DOS in the early years. I vividly remember customers coming into the shop I worked at in 1995 after Windows 95. Eerily similar complaints. This was repeated with XP and its &#8220;Crayola&#8221; interface, to Vista and it far too low minimum system requirements and complete driver model change.

The comparison I think that fits is the change the most is DOS and Win 3.11 to Windows 95. It&#8217; was a major change in how Windows ran and operated. People held onto Windows 3.11 for years. I cannot remember how many computers I downgraded to Windows 3.11 and DOS 6.22 for customers for 79.99 LOL. Fun times for a teenage computer gamer trying to make a career from his hobby.

I really feel this will be the same type of scenario all over again except on a much broader scale. I think Widows 8 has tons of potential. I have learned the quirks and keyboard shortcuts and feel it is a much faster and better way to work. I use three monitors at work with Windows 8 and of course spend most of my time in the traditional desktop. But man do I love being able to pull up the start screen to glance at headlines, reddit posts, calendars, etc. etc. while on hold. I was already launching almost all my programs by hitting the windows key and typing a few letters so that was no change for me. After learning about Windows Key + X I didn&#8217;t miss the start menu at all.

Now I ask you, what do you think about Windows 8?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2011
I think Win8 is fine. It allows me to use my computer programs and that is what an OS is suppose to do. I do think keyboard shortcuts are essential for a traditional desktop user wanting to learn how to use Win8 to its fullest potential.
Even the keyboard shortcuts aren't really needed though. Instead of winkey+x just mouse over the bottom left corner and when the start charm appears right click.

On a personal note I find myself using my Linux machine more and more these days for 95% of my home computing. I don't game so it does everything I need it to. It was free, it is fast, and it is secure. What more do you want in an OS?

Edit:I do agree with you about Win8 having a learning curve. It takes more than just a couple days to figure it out and most people are to impatient for that.
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Senior member
Feb 1, 2008
Windows 8 is actually better than Windows 7, but if you live on the Anandtech forums it's the worst OS ever created.
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Moderator<br>Computer Help
Mar 14, 2000
I agree, I also like 8 over 7. The problem is it's not just AT, it pretty much everywhere. How do you change people's minds when they are already made up?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2011
How did Microsoft change peoples minds when the Program Manager disappeared and the Start Button took over? If there's one thing Microsoft is good at it is perseverance.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I don't use it, but when I was trialing it, I was rather fond of the start screen. What I don't like is hidden triggers on the screen, a la start corner, and charms bar. That's piss poor design, and I don't like it on any desktop environment. Allowing the user to enable it is fine, but by default, triggers should be visible.


May 9, 2010
Disclaimer: I haven't switched to Win8 full time yet. But I kinda agree with lxskllr there.
I'd say the new Start is overall better than the old one (both have pros and cons), so I really don't understand all the drama over it.
However, the Charms bar seems useless with mouse+keyboard use. I guess they want to keep it for consistency with the tablets... I imagine it might be useful for touchscreens and full screen apps, but I don't really know.

Hybrid touch/mouse+keyboard devices are probably something we'll be using more and more in the future. So I'd say it's a step in the right direction, with a few things to iron out.


Feb 8, 2004
Hate vanilla 8, it does what 7 does less efficiently and if using metro it actively hides stuff from you. I think in UI circles the ability to look at something and know how it works is known as "affordability", windows 8 has zero affordability in a desktop machine. If on a tablet then yeah maybe its fine but why bother when an android can do pretty much the same for a lot cheaper.

With start8 installed windows 8 is acceptable ive been using it for ~7 months now.

I actually do think this is the worst windows ever created for one reason, it is awful by design. Vista/ME/other versions people considered bad werent actually bad by design, it wasent intended that ME crash all the time, it wasent intended that Vista wasent compatible with squat on release, everything in windows 8 is intentional in that this is how its supposed to be. It will not be "fixed" so to speak.


Apr 23, 2000
Hate vanilla 8, it does what 7 does less efficiently and if using metro it actively hides stuff from you. I think in UI circles the ability to look at something and know how it works is known as "affordability", windows 8 has zero affordability in a desktop machine. If on a tablet then yeah maybe its fine but why bother when an android can do pretty much the same for a lot cheaper.

With start8 installed windows 8 is acceptable ive been using it for ~7 months now.

I actually do think this is the worst windows ever created for one reason, it is awful by design. Vista/ME/other versions people considered bad werent actually bad by design, it wasent intended that ME crash all the time, it wasent intended that Vista wasent compatible with squat on release, everything in windows 8 is intentional in that this is how its supposed to be. It will not be "fixed" so to speak.

Most of this we have covered already,Start button menu I can take it or leave it and expect it to eventually die,as to Vista most of the issues was drivers and companies being very slow to support it,Win7 is based on Vista anyway but with added benefit of two years driver support ie could use Vista drivers as well as Win7 drivers and obviously two years refinement,most people were happy with Vista by SP1.

ME well offered nothing really new (I did not like it),some argue it was buggy etc however I don't agree with the FUD crap about missing every other release of OS.

Win8 well what can I say working great as a desktop OS for me,solid,stable ,fast and all of two weeks to get use to the new UI,layout etc...

I hope Win9 follows Win8 with refinements (would not mind a whole new UI) and no return of the old Start button menu.

No OS is hard to use nowadays and even most of Linux distros are a piece of cake,good times a head.



Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
I have Win8 on two systems, and have gotten used to it - thanks to Start 8! As for the "colorful, flipping tiles," they sre for me an ugly added layer between me and my work. So, Ifix that with Start8. The tiles make a lot of sense for touchscreens. Too bad Win8 just doesn't offer the user a choice of interfaces. As for performance, I like it better than 7.

It is not the Start Button that I miss or need - it is the desktop so that I can open an app and start work with ONE CLICK and not have to jump through layers. I also like being able to use my own photos as wallpaper.
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Feb 8, 2004
Most of this we have covered already,Start button menu I can take it or leave it and expect it to eventually die,as to Vista most of the issues was drivers and companies being very slow to support it,Win7 is based on Vista anyway but with added benefit of two years driver support ie could use Vista drivers as well as Win7 drivers and obviously two years refinement,most people were happy with Vista by SP1.

ME well offered nothing really new (I did not like it),some argue it was buggy etc however I don't agree with the FUD crap about missing every other release of OS.

Win8 well what can I say working great as a desktop OS for me,solid,stable ,fast and all of two weeks to get use to the new UI,layout etc...

I hope Win9 follows Win8 with refinements (would not mind a whole new UI) and no return of the old Start button menu.

No OS is hard to use nowadays and even most of Linux distros are a piece of cake,good times a head.


Enough with the thread crapping, Max
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Apr 23, 2000

What's with the insults all the time?.....I'm allowed to post you know,just because I like Win8 and you don't like seeing my posts,remember WE ALL can post here.

As usual Maximilian you do yourself no favours ,try to at least behave yourself in the forums, abide by the rules and respect other people's opinions,it's not hard to do(well for some it is).

D: .
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May 19, 2011
Windows 8 is actually better than Windows 7, but if you live on the Anandtech forums it's the worst OS ever created.

Wow, these forums must have a much greater effect on the market than I would have guessed!


Question - On Win8, can one specify multiple desktop wallpapers (to be shuffled through on a timer) like on Win7?

Another odd thing I found about Win8 was that Microsoft provided region-specific wallpapers with Win7; the UK ones were really good. They were taken out of Win8.
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Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2001
Windows 8 is actually better than Windows 7, but if you live on the Anandtech forums it's the worst OS ever created.

I've never used Windows 8 so i don't know what it's like so i have an open mind about Windows 8. I also know that Windows 8 has been getting lots of negative comments from some of the users of Anandtech who have used Windows 8 so you have to read their comments because they have used Windows 8. From my understanding the worst OS Microsoft ever created was Vista which i why i stayed with Windows XP for so long.

Atleast Windows 8 is now more popular than Windows Vista which can't be a bad thing lol
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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2000
Still mad that you have to pay extra for Windows Media Center. If you don't have the pro version, you have to pay a whopping ninety some dollars to get WMC and upgrade to pro.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Ive tried the 8.1 preview and it's rather strange compared to win7. I agree about the learning curve.

I have a copy of win8 pro to load once I pick up another SSD. I'm OK with dual booting both.

You can't pick your own wallpaper? Haven't trried yet.


Apr 23, 2000
Ive tried the 8.1 preview and it's rather strange compared to win7. I agree about the learning curve.

I have a copy of win8 pro to load once I pick up another SSD. I'm OK with dual booting both.

You can't pick your own wallpaper? Haven't trried yet.

You can for old desktop on Win8,for Metro start screen I use Decor8($4.99) which allows me to choose my Metro background wallpaper.
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Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2001
All the problems would have been avoided if there was a "Classic" mode. Microsoft was a bit short-sighted (and probably arrogant) in assuming that they could dictate to consumers on how to use their PCs.


Apr 23, 2000
All the problems would have been avoided if there was a "Classic" mode. Microsoft was a bit short-sighted (and probably arrogant) in assuming that they could dictate to consumers on how to use their PCs.

I think the problem is they changed so much too quickly(nothing wrong with that however),also not allowing those users to adapt to the changes slowly ie give them the old options.

I have no problem with it but can understand users that are use to doing things since Win95 the same way more or less,especially desktop users.
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Gentlemen (and ladies): we're reaching our limit here for cleaning up Windows 8 threads. If you like Windows 8 that's fine. If you hate Windows 8 that's fine too. But if you don't stop attacking other posters then we're going to start taking you out of the sandbox for being unable to play nicely with others.

It's unfortunate that it's a divisive issue, but that's not the problem. The problem is how you are going able discussing the issue. Nothing less than the highest standards of respect and decorum are expected at all times.



Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2001
I think the problem is they changed so much too quickly(nothing wrong with that however),also not allowing those users to adapt to the changes slowly ie give them the old options.

I have no problem with it but can understand users that are use to doing things since Win95 the same way more or less,especially desktop users.


I've gone through all the changes, DOS ==> Win 3.1 ==> Win 3.11 ==> WinNT ==> Win 95 ==> Win 98 ==> Win2K ==> WinXP ==> Vista ==> Win 7. With every instance, there was no great departure from the way things were done before. Then Win 8 was released, it might as well had been OS/2 Warp. The familiar look and feel of "Windows" was totally gone.

Most of the people I've talked to don't want to relearn how to use their computers. Someone at MS should have focused on what the average user wants, not what Microsoft wants. A classic mode option, that's all that is/was needed.

Turn off options were available before, let's take Aero mode for example. You like it, great. You don't, turn it off. No problem.


Senior member
Oct 4, 2012
Microsoft now rightly sees the iPad as its most threatening competition. If they had a visionary and risk-taking CEO, they would have introduced a killer tablet (like the Surface Pro, but better) that could run Microsoft Office, and sold it at a loss-leader price well before they introduced the Win 8 interface to the desktop. They could have cut deeply into Apple's market share, and gained acceptance for their tablet UI. Once a few million customers got used to using Win 8 on their tablets, they would have clamored for a desktop version.

MS under Ballmer is now claiming it will be a consumer-oriented device and services company, just like Apple. They'll never succeed, because they don't know consumers except maybe for X-Box consumers. They'll eventually quit the consumer market with their tail between their legs, just like IBM had to. MS is going to have to get used to not being an empire any more, as England did eventually. Windows will become laughingly insignificant as a consumer product, and MS will end up supporting Win 7 in the enterprise for the next ten years or longer as only businesses and gamers will be using desktops and laptops, and mostly they're perfectly happy with 7.

Just my 2 cents, and I didn't insult anybody (I hope).


Senior member
Oct 6, 2007
Windows 8 is a great OS, fast & stable and user friendly. I am trying to convince my friends & custommers to use it. If they grumble I put Stardock's start menu in place and most people are satisfied. Its amazing how people react on changes in general. I think there is just too much information nowadays for a lot of people to consume and they're kind of tired to follow it. I am happy I could convince my wife to use it and also use the touchscreen now with her new laptop, Dell 15Z. For me its a beauty of an OS and I am excited Win 8.1 comes real soon. Cannot wait for it really. 2 of my 3 children(33&35) already use it and they're quite impressed.
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Senior member
Jan 9, 2010
Its quite good on tablets, there was a presentation about 6 months ago about some hardware, software that I went at and tried out win8 tablet there and it was fairly good, very intuitive and easy to do.

Then I tried it out on desktop and it took me 20 minutes to find the sort of start button like menu, though it was so different that I couldn't use it to easily and fastly open certain windows, programs or folders, of course that is after I was shown by the staff how to get out of the tablet view crap that popped up.

I'd say its a lot less intuitive, a lot less ergonomic, a lots slower to work on compared to say win7 or XP, and in other things its basically a win7 with a bit faster performance on the surface like opening programs and doing basic stuff, but a lot slower when doing heavy threaded stuff like encoding, decoding, zipping, etc...


Senior member
Oct 4, 2012
I'd say its a lot less intuitive, a lot less ergonomic, a lots slower to work on compared to say win7 or XP, and in other things its basically a win7 with a bit faster performance on the surface like opening programs and doing basic stuff, but a lot slower when doing heavy threaded stuff like encoding, decoding, zipping, etc...
I'm surprised you're having performance slowdowns. My experience has been that Win 8 is about the same as Win 7 for playing videos, transcoding videos and music, and RAR/UnRAR (I don't use Zip). Are you sure nothing else is causing this?
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