N. Korea- what is the problem with weak sanctions? We can just lay siege!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.

No, this way if there is no change in government NK is going to be starved to death.

Like when the Romans conquered Carthage and then salted the lands so no crops would grow.


Oct 9, 1999
The situation could be handled in much the way that Reagan dealt with the Soviet Union.

There's not even a need to station MX missiles in Japan and South Korea. Simply park a few Ohio-class submarines in ports there, and rotate them in and out as a temporary duty station. Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly. China will bring Kim to heel, and hopefully a humanitarian disaster can be avoided by not sanctioning food aid to North Korea.


Mar 12, 2000
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.

US reponse - "Fine, we don't need your cheap trade goods. We'll bite the bullet and spend 20% more for products produced by countries that aren't Communist dictatorships."
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.

No, this way if there is no change in government NK is going to be starved to death.

Like when the Romans conquered Carthage and then salted the lands so no crops would grow.
Umm... Are you really advocating the exterminiation of an entire nation via starvation?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.

US reponse - "Fine, we don't need your cheap trade goods. We'll bite the bullet and spend 20% more for products produced by countries that aren't Communist dictatorships."

Yeah and China will say we'll take our cheap trade good along with all the electronic/computer stuff and the 1.3billion potential buyer for your McDonald, Coke, Nike, Motorolla phones, NBA basketball, invenstment bank and all those things to somewhere else like EU.


Feb 6, 2002
People who revolt in North Korea are sent to death camps.

The Mulong dong group who were doing harmless deep breathing exercises, were sent to prisons and their body parts were harvested and sold after being tortured. This is still going on as we speak.


Mar 12, 2000
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

Irrelevant. Right now if North Korea takes action it will be them vs. the world. If you tell China that they are going to be held responsible for any action NK takes, then it becomes NK and China vs. the world, with possibly Russia and some other countries deciding to sit this one out. The point is to isolate North Korea, not give them allies like China if the sh!t hits the fan.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.

US reponse - "Fine, we don't need your cheap trade goods. We'll bite the bullet and spend 20% more for products produced by countries that aren't Communist dictatorships."

Yeh! We will outsource to India instead!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.

No, this way if there is no change in government NK is going to be starved to death.

Like when the Romans conquered Carthage and then salted the lands so no crops would grow.
Umm... Are you really advocating the exterminiation of an entire nation via starvation?

No, I'm advocating the isolation of a country. international trade in Korea wasn;t that big of a deal 100 years ago. I think it was only big maybe in the past 40 or so years. so it shouldn't be that big of a deal now. Their population will reflect what their economy will support.

I'm also thinking about smuggling arms into N. Korea to the general population. It makes it a LOT easier to revolt when you're armed. After the govt is overthrown we can trade them arms for money or food or something.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.

No, this way if there is no change in government NK is going to be starved to death.

Like when the Romans conquered Carthage and then salted the lands so no crops would grow.
Umm... Are you really advocating the exterminiation of an entire nation via starvation?

No, I'm advocating the isolation of a country. international trade in Korea wasn;t that big of a deal 100 years ago. I think it was only big maybe in the past 40 or so years. so it shouldn't be that big of a deal now. Their population will reflect what their economy will support.

I'm also thinking about smuggling arms into N. Korea to the general population. It makes it a LOT easier to revolt when you're armed. After the govt is overthrown we can trade them arms for money or food or something.

The problem with that is Kim has made himself out to be some sort of demigod to the Korean populace . . . would they really rise up against him?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
1. you're armed
2. your family is starving to death
3. this "demi god" and his cronies are living VERY well, while they provide you with NOTHING

I'll bet that you'll revolt.

and remember "Let them eat cake."?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: piasabird
People who revolt in North Korea are sent to death camps.

The Mulong dong group who were doing harmless deep breathing exercises, were sent to prisons and their body parts were harvested and sold after being tortured. This is still going on as we speak.

I have never heard of this "mulong dong" group in north korea.

Do you mean Falun Gong followers? the reports of them being thrown in secret hospitals and had their organs taken from them is an accusation directed at China not North Korea.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
It's amazing that how many people like ('like' as in "I like pizzas!") wars. *shakes head*

What exactly is the N. Korea's threat?
Are you aware how close S. Korea, Japan, China are to N. Korea? The entire Korean peninsula (N.+S. combined) is probably smaller than New York State. There are over 10 million people residing in Seoul, which is less than a couple hours from N.Korea border.

Say, imagine you lived in San Diego and for whatever reason China was planning to bomb Tijuana. Would you be thrilled?
Wars should be avoided at all cost. (Let's not play semantics) No exception.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
do you have an alternative to appeasement?

I am advocating, passive-aggressive behavior.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: gotsmack
I don't see any problems with not using atricle 41 of chapter 7 resolution which does not authorize force.

Under this we can still lay siege right? as long as we get China to agree to lock down their border with N Korea we can just set up a few ships to make sure nothing gets in or out.

we wait a few years and the problem solves itself.

Why are the people going to revolt?

They already lack the basics. It's not like a blockade is going to further reduce their standard of living. You might get a military coup but that would only replace one whacko with another.

If anything I say kill them with kindness. Block all outgoing vessels. Pack their ports with aid ships, freighters full of food, etc.

No, this way if there is no change in government NK is going to be starved to death.

Like when the Romans conquered Carthage and then salted the lands so no crops would grow.

Don't you get it? They are already starving to death. They get almost all their food from China, and China does not want the govt to collapse because they'd have refugee problems.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.

No they won't, they need us to buy their goods. We stop buying their goods, their economy tanks. They say ****** you, we say ****** you back and don't repay the $1 trillion they have in our bonds.


Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: Balt
Originally posted by: XMan
Inform China that any offensive act by North Korea will be regarded as being sanctioned by them, and that we will respond accordingly.

Without a doubt, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in regards to how North Korea is handled.

You don't play chicken with China.

We have exactly zero leverage with North Korea without resorting to military action. China does.

and what makes you think china is gonna take the threat of being sanctioned from the US and do what US want them to do? You think China is the type to country that reacts well to US threat?

Were you alive during the 70s and 80s? The USSR was ten times the threat that China is now. Let me guess - China will bury us, right?

Naa, they are just gonna laugh at your threat and say f**k u.

No they won't, they need us to buy their goods. We stop buying their goods, their economy tanks. They say ****** you, we say ****** you back and don't repay the $1 trillion they have in our bonds.

Hahah. Im thinking that you need them more than they need you. Not that it wont hurt them but it will definately hurt you more.

No China trade -> huge inflation -> higher intrest rates -> etc.
Not paying your debt -> huge increase in intrest rates for public debt.

Even it would hurt them more than you, you wouldnt do it. And is dealing with NK really worth risking everything?
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