

Apr 10, 2001

The legitimacy of Israel and the legitimacy of Palestine

I am naive. I am immature. I am not fully educated. I am young. I am new to this. I am not sure about what to think of god.

I was not here thousands of years ago when Israel was muted and disbanded. I was not here when it was reborn. I was not here during the six day war. I am not yet a man of politics, or what I feel is my current calling: to engineer for man.

For all intents and purposes, I am naive when it comes to Israel. This is why I wish to learn and listen to what you have to say in response to what I think on the subject. I want to listen to what people think about this issue, in earnest, with as little bias on your part as all of you can muster, and as much civility as the subject will allow.

Thinking about acknowledging the legitimacy of Israel or Palestine is very a pensive task to me. It pits the righteousness of religion against the futility of humanity and exists as a revolving door to more and more conflict that has its roots in these seemingly untenable issues. I see men and women on both sides, fighting for a god who agrees with them. I see men and women on both sides, dieing for a god who agrees with them. Many on both sides take the same approach, defaulting to a truth that there is only one god, and that god is on their side.

I also see displaced people on both sides who simply want to go ?home.?

My facts are sketchy on this, and I admit that because I want all of you to criticize my logic and not my unfamiliarity with this facet of history, as to which I humbly capitulate. I do not wish to try to sound like an expert on a topic that, honestly, I know very little about.

From what I have read, Israel was progressively pounded out of existence thousands of years ago by the Egyptian, Ottoman, Persian, and Roman tribes and empires, among others. Through conquering or persecution, Israelites were displaced from their holy land for centuries.

Much happened before the creation of the Israeli state in the early part of the 20th century, but what I want to focus on is what happened as a result of the establishment of the Israeli state. Since then, the words ?middle east? have remained synonymous with the pain and suffering of incongruent and yet quite similar peoples.

Without getting into topics that I cannot hope to elaborate on, I see the middle east as a part of the world where those responsible for the unrest, be it the British, Egyptians, or the many other parties that tore that part of the world apart, are dead. I see people fighting on behalf of their forefathers on both sides, defending the seemingly indefensible, defending hatred, defending violence, defending persecution, and above all, defending expulsion, all in the name of god.

Both were displaced by force, and yet, with all their infrastructural resources, with all their holy men, with all their wisdom, with all their experience, and with all their intelligence they resort to violence and hatred because of religious arrogance. Both sides cannot accept that there was never any justification for any of this, and that by all means, there is no justification for any of it now.

I simply cannot see how god could agree with either party on this. If anything, I think god is ashamed of all of them and all of us for choosing to express our faith by taking sides and by resorting hate and violence.

I see Israel taking back lands from a people who had nothing to do with their displacement, citing religious doctrine and holy mandates in the faces of people whose homes they have destroyed, whose beliefs they continually denounce.

Perhaps the Israelis are right, and are as special as they preach. In my short life however, even I can see that a large reason why people are fighting them tooth and nail, fighting against them in earnest, acknowledging futility and continuing their suicidal barrage, is because they simply want to go home, and simply want to go to the only tracks of land that confirm their presence on this earth for at least a moment.

I see a nation of of the holy who do not realize that they are human, and who do not realize that the Palestinians are as well.

I see the Palestinians as a people whose ancestors viciously expulsed a people thousands of years ago, and who are now the targets of hate directed at their forefathers.

I see a nation of the holy who do not realize that they are human, and who do not realize that the Israelis are as well.

I am constantly reminded of the futility, the predictability, the absolutely reprehensible temperament that both parties indulge in, and I absolutely hate it.

I am not so much a sympathizer for either side as much as someone who chooses not to default to the notion that one side must be right. That said, I see Israel as playing a hand in a poker game where their opponents have long since died, and where only their children sit, angry at why they have been displaced from their homes for the actions of their forefathers.

From this the conclusion that I always come to is that man is not worthy of Jerusalem.
It is a city so reverent to man, so absolutely supreme to its destiny in the eyes of too many, that not one should be allowed to inhabit it. It should remain only a place of worship for all simply because man is too fallible to be trusted with it.

I speak for no one but myself, and am not in the position to defend the legitimacy of nations that I do not fully understand. I must also admit that my philosophy wanders in and out of various beliefs systems, because, honestly, I have my own unique perspective on god that not even the true believer, the agnostic, or the atheist will accept.

I ask you, educate me or point me in the right direction on this delicate issue so that I may understand why so many people die everyday for a god of love, a god of grace, a god of peace.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'll make it brief as possible.

There's historical arguements from thousands of years ago for both sides. Those arguements mean nothing, nada, squat, .......ZERO.

Palestinians had vastly outnumbered Jews in the area historically. Starting a hundred years ago or so there was Zionist movement that encouraged Jews from all over the world to relocate to the area. They by various means forced Palestinians from their land and claimed it as their own.

This is why I say historical arguements mean nothing. Say for sake of arguement that the Jews had the only historical claim and find the logical error in this similar example.....

A family of Italian descent has lived in the US for a few generations. Another family has lived in Italy for a few generations but their ancestors are from England. The family in the US decides to move to Italy and takes the other families land based on historical reasons.

So Jewish immigrants keep arriving and taking the Palestians land, the Jews slice out a big hunk for just themselves and call it israel, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees are created, Palestinians are pissed and don't want to recognize their former land as the country of Israel.

Israel breaks UN mandates and international law at will and with massive military aid and vast amounts of money from the US now illegally occupies parts of several arab countries. Now the arabs don't like the jews and because the US is aiding them anti-american sentiment is born.

The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood?

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.

The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. The Jews born in France are French in precisely the same sense that Christians born in France are French. If the Jews have no home but Palestine, will they relish the idea of being forced to leave the other parts of the world in which they are settled? Or do they want a double home where they can remain at will? This cry for the national home affords a colorable justification for the German expulsion of the Jews. ...

.....I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regarded as an unwarrantable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.

- Gandhi



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
let's just use israel and palestine as nuclear test site, and let the survivors if there are any fight it out for bits of glass with sticks and stones.


Feb 27, 2006
Which one sends its own people out to blow up innocents? (anyone who answers Israel is 'teh dumb')


Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
Both do. Palestine uses suicide bombers, Israel uses tanks and aircraft. Regardless of method, the innocents are no less dead.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: flavio


Thank you very much. That made me feel much better.

To have come to a similar conclusion as such a noble man makes me feel really good right now


Feb 27, 2006
Sum up the potential for peaceful societies.... Israel>Palestine

Of course this is my opinion.

But for every 'historical' 'proof' of one being their first, there is another to 'refute' it.

and is the OPs text copied? it is sighned DT, but no indication that it is original thought.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: TylerP
Sum up the potential for peaceful societies.... Israel>Palestine

Of course this is my opinion.

But for every 'historical' 'proof' of one being their first, there is another to 'refute' it.

and is the OPs text copied? it is sighned DT, but no indication that it is original thought.

-I agree that every shred of proof is refutable in this case, which leads me to belive that none of these acts have jsutification.

-As for who is potentially peacful, I disagree with your assertion that Israel is potentially mroe peaceful. They are arrogant in their beliefs, as are the Palestinians, but jsut by remaining there, they are being more antagonistic than palestine could ever be.

-David Trejo is my name. I just wrote that last night because me and my dad had been debating it at work. As for its originality or how jaded it might sound, all I can say is that those were my thoughts....

...and that I spent an eternity in Word, and even in the editing box there after fixing all the typos


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Abraxas
Both do. Palestine uses suicide bombers, Israel uses tanks and aircraft. Regardless of method, the innocents are no less dead.

...and I'm pretty sure those methods have resulted in Israel killing a larger number of innocents.


Feb 27, 2006
Good to know those are your thoughts.

Very well written as opinion pieces go on forums.

People can call me whatever they want, but I will side with Israel on this matter, until Israel starts doing the same things as Palestine.

Some would argue that they are one in the same, one uses homicide bombers, the other uses helocopters....but that is a zero sum assumption, of wich I am not willing to make.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: flavio
They by various means forced Palestinians from their land and claimed it as their own.
By such evil means as purchasing it. OMFGzorz, the evil jews are purchasing our land!
Originally posted by: flavioPalestinians had vastly outnumbered Jews in the area historically.
Historically at which point? When they were systematically chased out and/or murdered? Sure.

As for others, while your demagogy is entertaining, it's nonetheless as empty as the words of the OP.
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
but jsut by remaining there, they are being more antagonistic than palestine could ever be
And your presence is damn antagonistic to the tens of millions of dead American Indians. Maybe the entire white/black/hispanic population of the U.S. should get up and leave. After all, in 1500, the American Indians outnumbered the settlers.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
but jsut by remaining there, they are being more antagonistic than palestine could ever be
And your presence is damn antagonistic to the tens of millions of dead American Indians.

I agree with that statement 100%. That's my whole point. No one is jsutified


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
but jsut by remaining there, they are being more antagonistic than palestine could ever be
And your presence is damn antagonistic to the tens of millions of dead American Indians.
I agree with that statement 100%. That's my whole point. No one is jsutified

The whole "no one is right" sentiment is a pointless waste of electrons. It solves nothing. The point is that there is a conflict, which must be resolved. Resigning yourselves, like most people in this thread have done, does not help... it's mere demagogy.


Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
Originally posted by: flavio
Originally posted by: Abraxas
Both do. Palestine uses suicide bombers, Israel uses tanks and aircraft. Regardless of method, the innocents are no less dead.

...and I'm pretty sure those methods have resulted in Israel killing a larger number of innocents.

Indeed. Palestine may be a demon but Israel is no angel. Both their hands are drenched in the blood of the innocent.


Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
They are both monsters. They both believe the solution to their problem is to murder the other side and both take an active role in doing just that. Soldiers, women, children, both sides kill in equal measure. Israel kills Palestinians so they kill them back. Palestine kills Israelies so they kill them back. It is a cycle of hatred and bloodshed without purpose or meaning and both sides are equally responsible for civilian, innocent, death.

Put two men in a flat room and ask which holds the high ground. The answer will depend on which way your brain is slanted. Such is the case here, neither side is the good, the moral, the heroic. Both are villains, both are monsters and the world would be a better place if decided to stop giving them ways to hurt each other.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Abraxas
They are both monsters. They both believe the solution to their problem is to murder the other side and both take an active role in doing just that. Soldiers, women, children, both sides kill in equal measure. Israel kills Palestinians so they kill them back. Palestine kills Israelies so they kill them back. It is a cycle of hatred and bloodshed without purpose or meaning and both sides are equally responsible for civilian, innocent, death.

Put two men in a flat room and ask which holds the high ground. The answer will depend on which way your brain is slanted. Such is the case here, neither side is the good, the moral, the heroic. Both are villains, both are monsters and the world would be a better place if decided to stop giving them ways to hurt each other.

Applying logic to this situation is practically fruitless. There, the reprehensible is deemed logical by both sides, and one can only hope to achieve peace by making them accept this.

I say we create a black hole and dump them inside to duke it out out of our way....


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
Saying "both sides are bad" is pretty stupid. The EXTREMISTS on both sides are pretty bad, but that doesn't mean "they are all bad."


Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
Fair enough, but keep in mind I was differentiating between the individuals killing and the innocents killed. It wouldn't make much sense for me to say either side was responsible for innocent deaths if I proclaimed that both groups were wholly evil, would it? If I were to claim there were no innocents on either side, I could not claim there were innocent deaths on either side. I understand your point and agree, the people doing the killing and encouraging the killing are the problem and alot of innocent people are getting caught between them and it would be unfair to say all Israelies or Palestinians are to blame for it.

I have no idea how accurate this is but I found it interesting none the less.
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