NEC FP2141SB-BK VS Mitsubishi DP2070SB-BK


Mar 11, 2004
Hi there.. I'm sure this has been talked about to lengths end, And i know there was a very extensive thread about the 2141's that i have read probably 30 times now
(located here 2141 Problem Thread (muse)) For some reason i was unable to reply to that thread, i guess its so old they dont want people touching it anymore

Let me get on with it.. I went over and over and over which 22 inch monitor to get, after finding out even SONY (style) is out of stock of the G520 and according to 3 of their sales reps have NO orders in to restock it, i can only come to the conclusion that the sony cease on CRT's has began... Secondly only being able to find the g520 for around 750 dollars online, drove me to just give up on it.. So it was down to pretty much the mits/NEC and.. well thats it!.. I did consider a Viewsonic p225f.. but i had a pf815 and it died just 1 year outta warranty and viewsonic was absolutely unwilling to lend me any hands in even getting it repaired, so they lost my business for good, and the business of all my computer friends, Either way its too bad for them. I really liked the contrast of their monitor, (i tried the p225) but it was BLURRIER than NEC 2141 (yes i had them side by side for a time)..

My intent in this post is to shed a little bit of light as to if there are any real 'hidden' differences between these monitors, obviously they are COMPLETELY identical except for some silkscreening on the outside.. But none of us are completely sure if they are 100% on the inside, even the tech's at NEC said they couldn't garuentee they used the same parts.. I ordered 1 of the 2141's from dell... HEre's what i experienced.

1. It had a bad pixel in the lower left hand corner, yes it wasn't very big, and it was right on the line of the start bar so i mostly didnt see it most of the time, but damnit, if i pay 600 dollars for a CRT this is un-acceptable. CRT's are NOT LCD's they should NOT have bad pixels.. (yes i realize its really a spec of dirt or something, cuz its not a pixel, but thats the term everyone uses so lets just stick to it!)

2. other than that, the monitor was pretty good but i was pretty hugely dissapointed at the contrast the thing had.. like i said, viewsonic is the KING of contrast, they hvae BLACKER than blacks right next to SUPER bright blind you whites, while the NEC 2141 had blacks, but colors weren't as dark and whites were not as white as i'd like.. If you max the colors out in the control panel for the monitor, the colors get better and if i turn down my video cards own brightness controll i can get a better contrast out of it, but why cant it just have better contrast itself like viewsonics???

3. The text was DEFINATELY clearer than the viewsonics p225f, the viewsonics had REALLY Great white text tho, like the text of the icons on the desktop was a little more clear than the NEC 2141's i wana say, but black text was no contest, the viewsonics was just blurry, couldn't get it that clean even in the center of the screen, yet on the 2141, it was pretty crisp throughout, yes it was slightly blurry towards the edges, just a BIT tho, the viewsonics had this too, BUT also had one corner that overly blurry.

The funny thing about the NEC is that when i upped the refresh rate, the text got blurrier.. i mean ALL text at 60hz 1600x1200 is FANTASTIC awsometly sharp.. couldn't ask for better, but the minute i up it to their recommended 85hz it gets NOTICBLY blurrier.. dont get me wrong, its not BLURRY, you can still read it just FINE and black text on white seems almost as clear as 60hz, its just the white stuff gets a TINY TINY bit fuzzier, I can still read it from 15 feet back no problem, so dont get the wrong idea, I wish it could look as 100% crisp as 60hz.. It was almost LCD quality i swear! (these are all just normal windows XP fonts for IE and desktop)

On with my thorough explination... After i found that dead pixel I immediately knew i wasn't keepin that one! so i called up dell (they are WONDERFUL for replacing stuff! love ya dell!) and they had a new one out to me in 2 days (their shipping facility is like 10 minutes from my house, if they'd let me go and pick out one i would! but you know policies).. So i had two in my house cuz i missed the mail guy and couldn't ship back the other one..

As luck would have it, the replacement had a BAD PIXEL on the bottom RIGHT hand side of the screen, around where the CLOCK is on the status bar.. YICK! not again!!! damnit! Also tho, this one had a seriously wierd problem where in the upper middle right area of the screen, it was slightly BROWNER than everything else, this was NOT a color purity issue, the far corner was okay, just a wide area of the screen, when i ran a WHITE note pad behind it, the white looke browner white, when i dragged it down to the left hand side of the screen, it was much bluer white.. it was a very slight effect, but still there non the less.. almost like the glass was slightly stained brown or something.... DEFINATELY GOING BACK!! this time, i decided to take a chance, i got a refund, and spend 20 bucks more and orderd the DP2070sb... YES I KNOW they are supposed to be the same monitor, but all the threads i read on faulty 2141's and hadn't seen hardly any on a 2070 made me think WHAT IF, what if that extra money goes towards getting better QC? what if mitsubishi actually picks out the good ones and sells them as 2070's and sends the ones that fail or have a bad pixel, and sells them as NEc's? You can argue with me if ya want, but two of these puppies had this problem, and others in this exact forum had it too, i just wonder what kind of monkey's they got doin QC at NEC? Well maybe they do it for MITS too, but either way i'm about to find out..

the 2070 should be here tomorrow.. Here's what I expect either 1. i'll get the exact same problems and end up in a never ending loop of trying to get a perfect one. 2. I'll get a perfect one and it will be PURE luck and they really ARE the same exact monitor 3. I'll get a perfect one, and the extra money spend is worth it becuase the 2070's dont turn out to be duds so much.

Either way i thought i'd post this becuase there might just be a few other people out there who have a hard time believing websites wanting 50-100 dollars MORE for the MITS just becuase of the name.. I only ended up paying 20 more, so if it is just the name, then oh well, i learn a lesson, but i know for SURE then.. alot of people review the 2070 and recommend it for gamers (sharkyextreme has recommended it for nearly a year now!)..

If i get one that has good text, no discoloration, and no black pixels, i guess i can force myself to get used to the very shallow contrast level it has (i wish the brightness just went up +10 more, and the contrast went down about -15/20 more and i'd probably be in HEAVEN!) I like the windows kyte hill background, and usually the little area in the left hand corner that you can see the area where they spliced the pictures together, well on my viewsonic it would be pretty dark black so you couldn't make out tooo much detail there, yet the clouds and whites would still be NICE and white, but alas with the 2141 it was pretty washed out, just cant get that FULL brightness that i like..but i think i can live with it, cuz i allways thought to myself when i'm reading webpage text "This text is nice and clearn! dang!" and that and i notice now that window edges are NICE and crisp and clean looking..the veiwsonic was just a bit blurrier on everything! not to mention viewsonic doesnt like ya using their focus knobs! they put some kind of paint on them or something.. they are located in the same place place as the mits/nec.. In case you didnt know, thats on the left hand side of the monitor towarsd the back (past the hub) you'll see two holes, play with these if you have REALLY blurry text, but watch out they are super sensitive! let me pass along information, i read someone said you need a #0 phillips screwdrive with a 5 inch shaft.. I couldn't find one in my area becuase radioshack only restocks once every 3 years, and every hardware store has 3 inch shafts, so i carved one out of a plastic paintbrush crude but effective

Okay i've put alot of information here and i'm sure not many people are going to give a RATS @$$ but i put it anyways in case someone else was wondering the things i was wondering and am about to find out tomorrow.. I will post back regardless of my findings (good or bad) but i'm crossin my fingers that maybe my hunch is right and you actually DO get what you pay for

Please feel free if you read this to just post whatever comments you have, or if you just read through the whole thing and feel like presenting that becuase its so long do that too I just like to give alot of information for people to be informed about their buying decisions..

Oh and am i the only one who thinks having the hub loose its power when the monitor is shut off is STUPID? I guess thats how it had to be done, but its kind of weak.. I understand most devices you wont be using without the monitor, sometimes i like to use my webcam's microphone to chat, and i turn off my monitor cuz i dont need to see anything while i'm talking, well without power the webcam dont like that! I am under the impression ALL hubs built into monitors do this tho, so i dont fault them neccessarily.. just the idea in general.

-Electricview out!


Feb 14, 2002
This is longest first post I've ever seen. Welcome to forums. :beer:

The increased burriness of text as you increase the refresh rate is normal. Text is the sharpest at 60hz. Too bad my eyes can't stand it though.

Finding perfect large CRT without geometry, convergence, and other problems is really difficult. Almost all have some sort of problems. That's why I find it so funny that people slam LCDs because of few possible dead pixels when CRTs have lot more quality control problems. Fortunately I got lucky on the first try as my Sony CRT has really good geometry, convergence, and color. But I've read plenty of horror stories about people having to go through multiple units before they found an acceptable unit. You're lucky you bought yours from Dell. Dell is the best online vendor for monitor purchase IMO. Their prices are great w/ their sales and coupons. Dell also has that 100% satisfaction guarantee and they pay for all shipping both ways. Can't beat that!

Keep us updated on your Mitsu 2070. Hope you get your perfect monitor!


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
I bought a lease-pull 2060u, DoM 6-01. Text is just as sharp at 85 vs 60, I just checked

Be sure and go to NEC/Mits web site to down load the Naviset software. If you have an ATI card be sure and read what
they have to say about the drivers. I use a FX5200 at the moment and for some reason Naviset is more compliant with
Nvidia's drivers. If I up-grade to a 9800 Pro I will read it myself.

Welcome to the forums & keep us updated on your new Mitsubishi :sun:


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
My thoughts? you are too damn picky and need to spend more time setting the monitor correctly by naviset software and stop looking for minor imperfections. Bet you would send it back of the box has a smudge on it.


Mar 11, 2004
Fair enough bucksnort, yes i am picky, but i guess i just dont like to blow 600 dollars and not care what i get Me and a friend (with a good eye for focus) spent about 2 hours using the focus adjustment knobs and the navset software, there is only so much you can adjust in there, you cannot fully adjust convergance for example, and it wasn't THAT great on the 2 i had.. yes it wasn't terrible, but there were area's where blue was higher than the red, ect ect.. then it was perfect in other area's, but over all it was pretty out of converange in multiple area's..

I have a 9800 pro.. I can hardly blame the ATI card for the 85HZ fuzzyness thing.. Galvan, Is yours at 1600x1200? and you see NO noticible decrease in text quality when going from 60hz to 85??? i find it hard to believe, maybe the 2060u was just the supior monitor and the 2070 just got cheap??? I Cant explain it.. if you tell me its my video card then i guess i could semi accept that.. Wierd thing is, the guy at NEC said the best cards are Matrox, THEN ATI, then nvidia, in that order.. (at least NEWER cards he was reffering to).. and whats newer than the 9800 pro except for the 9800 XT ??

The monitor has arrived at my house, i'm at work still but will get off in 3 hours and go check that bad boy out, i'm crossing my fingers all day! its took me hours to type this reply becuase of the crossed fingers!

p.s. bucksnort, Both boxes had kicked in holes and crushed corners, and i did not prejudge the monitor becuase of it.. one of them had smashed styrofoam as well.. How about we make a deal, if the 2070 i have is not perfect, ie, dead pixel, blurry text, or miscolored glass, how about i sell it to you for the EXACT Same price i paid.. sound good to ya?


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Both boxes had kicked in holes and crushed corners, and i did not prejudge the monitor becuase of it.. one of them had smashed styrofoam as well..
Sorry but I do not believe you. You being a obsessive-compulsive personality as evidenced by your excessive verbose postings, overly perfectionistic traits & expectations. Lay all that aside and even a NORMAL person would not have accepted a box in the condition you describe.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
FP-2141 owner here, special ordered mine from a B&M and my monitor arrived in pristine condition.

First thing- download NaviSet, for calibration it is hands down the best monitor tool I've seen. You can DL it free from NEC/Mitsu's website.

I have a 9800 pro.. I can hardly blame the ATI card for the 85HZ fuzzyness thing

It is a video card issue. The decrease in quality of text that you see is a RAMDAC based artifact, I'm also running a R9800Pro. I've actually been looking to pick up a Matrox PCI card and use that as the primary board for driving the monitor while using the R9800Pro just for gaming. The R9800Pro isn't even capable of quite pushing this monitor to its limits(comes real close, but not quite) in terms of even hitting the maximum refresh rate at maximum resolution.

Anyway, the way I read your posts is that you have brightness maxed out and contrast dropped down for your monitor calibration? On mine for the monitor I have brightness at 0% and contrast at 100%. For the vid card-

Gamma- .65
Brightness- 0
Contrast- 114

Back to the monitor for color I have Red, Green and Blue all at 80.1%(by default there is a red push)
Size- 63.1% vertical, 86.3% vertical
Position- 53.1% vertical, 43.1% horizontal
Pincushion amplitude- 58.4%
Pincushion Phase- 58.4%
Keystone balance- 38.8%
Pincsushion Balance- 45%
Rotation 44.3%
Top Pincsushion Amplitude- 50.9%
Top Pincushion Balance- 38%
Center Pincushion Amplitude- 53.7%
Bottom Pincushion Amplitude- 52.9%
Bottom Pincushion Balance- 43.5%
Vertical Linearity- 62.3%
Vertical Linearity Balance- 57.6%

Don't have enough time to post anything more for now, but I don't have any dead pixels on my monitor and have been able to get the geometry looking pretty much perfect(not quite LCD, but easily the best I've seen on a CRT).


Senior member
Dec 13, 2002
There's no way I'm quoting that whole thing .

Originally posted by: Electricview
this time, i decided to take a chance, i got a refund, and spend 20 bucks more and orderd the DP2070sb... YES I KNOW they are supposed to be the same monitor, but all the threads i read on faulty 2141's and hadn't seen hardly any on a 2070 made me think WHAT IF, what if that extra money goes towards getting better QC? what if mitsubishi actually picks out the good ones and sells them as 2070's and sends the ones that fail or have a bad pixel, and sells them as NEc's? You can argue with me if ya want, but two of these puppies had this problem, and others in this exact forum had it too, i just wonder what kind of monkey's they got doin QC at NEC? Well maybe they do it for MITS too, but either way i'm about to find out..

At any rate, what we have here is called an inductive fallacy, or in other words, a generalization. I'm afraid, Electricview, your sample is far too small to conclude anything.

How do I know?

Through experience, for one. If you look WAY back (Nov 02, if it goes back that far), you'll find a thread where Muse, Tourguide, and myself all bought 2141s at the same time and all had problems with them. Muse and Tourguide each RMAed their 2141s once and I did it twice. My second monitor was a Mitsu 2070, and was actually the worst of the three monitors. The fact that it's a Mitsu had nothing to do with that.

I think the reason you see more problems with 2141s is because more people buy them. If two identical parts are different prices, you'll buy the cheapest, won't you? Mitsubishi is the more 'prestigous' brand of the two, and commands a premium for it.

Also, the factory in Nagasaki probably makes the CRTs themselves in groups of a certain number, then sends them off to be fitted into their plastic bezels, testing them all and not caring what goes where. It'd be too expensive for such similar products.

Sorry to come down so hard, but having been through monitor hell I want to make it clear that brand loyalty will not serve you. "If I get a Sony I'll be happy." That's the same logic as "If I marry a Portugese woman, I'll be happy." As I found out, it's gonna depend on the individual (monitor, in this case). And like people, all products will be flawed in some way, and you'll have to learn to love that, too, or be perpetually disappointed .

Good luck, and welcome to the best gaming monitor I've yet seen.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003

Just for you I went to 1600x1200. I turned off the energy saver florescent lamp as it aggravates the 60hz setting.

Wearing my tri-focals the text is SHARPER at 85hz @ four feet I can read it better than at 60hz.

Maybe you need an eVGA FX5200 ultra like I use



Mar 11, 2004
Bucksnort- Whatever, i'm just not a 'sheeple' and happy with whatever is crammed down my throat, I guess you are.. well you know what they say, Ignorance is bliss

For all the informative posts.. Thanks guys, Its hard to believe the radeon is the limit here but i guess it could be the case?

Galvan, maybe the flicker of 60 makes it harder for you? but my text is DEFINATELY crisper on 60hz, on 85, its a little more blended.. not quite as contrasty i'd say.. it almost looks THINNER on 60hz, and a bit thicker on 85..

faceless, i did read your posts.. And i took the gamble either way, the fact is no one in this group can be 100% sure that the insides are ALL EXACTLY the same on each brand, you can heavily sway in one favor but only the techies at nec/mits know for sure..

EIther way, i got the 2070, tested it out, found another spec of dirt on this guy too.. Its alot smaller than the others but still there, and i was able to find it in about 1 minute of searching.. wasn't hard.. this one has had the word geometry of them all.. its set up pretty good but some corners are going over the edge while others are not.. and some wierd pincushion effect as well..

At this point i'm highly considering just sending it back and going with a viewsoinc p225f, it has the contrast i like and i pretty much know there isn't going to be dirt on the screen cuz apparently viewsonic has better quality controll standards.. (i've never seen one of their monitors with dirt, and i've owned one but a few weeks ago before i took it back)..
yes the text is fuzzier on the viewsonic.. but thats something i would learn to live with for the trade off of not having a spec of dirt on EACH of these monitors i keep getting from mits/nec..

I must also say of all three of these, none of them have had uniformly clear text across the screen, they were all much cleaner text in the middle and slightly blurry on the outside edges, so i wouldn't loose much going to the viewsonic there.. I might miss the hub and the nice menu calibration.. but i wont settle for a dirt/dead pixel on the screen, and its something mits/nec just cant get right.. it will probably leave a bad taste in my mouth for them for a long time to come but oh well..

Cant get a sony g520 for less than 750 on the net, and cant even see one first.. so it really only leaves the p225f as the last choice (which i was able to see at least once).. I have seen a sony E540 at fry's i was not impressed.. it looked almost as washed out as these 2141's 2070's at leats at default settings..

-Ben skywalker
You were right i had my CONTRAST at 100 and brightness at 0, i was confused.. i still wish that they could go a bit higher and lower respectively, if my video card didnt have settings i'd be stuck with a washed out brightness that i am afriad i could never accept.. and i'm only using the 3.10 cats so i dont have brightness/gamma/contrast gamma for normal 2d support in the driver tab, just a "desktop brightness" setting..

So my conclusion is YES they are EXACTLY the same monitors 100% just different labels.. i had to be sure though.. there's no way to know for sure except finding out for myself..and thats what i did, and i still believe thats the best way to learn something may anyone else thinking of purchasing these monitors now rest easy knowing you can save a few bucks and get the 2141!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
i was confused.. i still wish that they could go a bit higher and lower respectively, if my video card didnt have settings i'd be stuck with a washed out brightness that i am afriad i could never accept.. and i'm only using the 3.10 cats so i dont have brightness/gamma/contrast gamma for normal 2d support in the driver tab, just a "desktop brightness" setting..

You may want to try out the later drivers that have at least some calibration support, ATi isn't up to nVidia's or Matrox's level in terms of calibration but running your monitor at default settings for gamma and contrast? Bleh... It really does make a big difference to do some calibration on the vid card side, drivers allowing of course.

Thanks guys, Its hard to believe the radeon is the limit here but i guess it could be the case?

Particularly with the washed out look yes. I have a Ti4200 here and it without a doubt gives much better color then the R9800Pro. It really does improve the situation greatly lowering the gamma on the 9800Pro down a bit and bumping up the contrast(I've found 0.65 on the gamma and 114 for contrast to be my sweet spot). Matrox is still the best, and people have been trying to get ATi to offer a color boost solution comparable to what nVidia and Matrox offer to help with the washed out look(nV calls it digital vibrance, I forget Matrox's term for it). In all honesty, if I had dual AGP slots I would be running the Ti4200 as my primary desktop card and just use the R9800Pro for gaming, and the Ti4200 I have certainly isn't a Matrox on the 2D front. Like I said before though, calibrating the vid card a bit makes a huge difference.

Have you downloaded NaviSet yet? It makes calibrating soooo much easier.

For the dirt I can't speak in terms of sampling as I have seen two 2141SB-BKs, one display model and the one I own. Neither of them had any dirt that I have seen(my own I can verify has none, I've checked thoroughly for any imperfections). Did you order them all from the same place? Perhaps they got a bad batch?

Good luck, and welcome to the best gaming monitor I've yet seen.

I have to echo that sentiment. Nothing I've seen can touch this monitor for gaming once its all set up right. I use SB Mode-1 for gaming and have been very impressed.


Mar 11, 2004
interseting yes i've been using the navset, but have been staying away from the newer drivers becuaes some games are decreasing with performance and some other things are not being fixed.. but i may have to check that out..

Yes all monitors have been from dell, a friend tells me dell doesnt doublecheck their stuff either so i dunno.. in this forum there have been others who have had problems.. have you completely spot checked your monitor? i find the specs show up a little better on a green background for some reason, but are visiable on white s well.. (cant find them on red at all tho)..

I cant use the super brightmodes really at all, except for maybe movies, but even then it shows the compression marks in movies even more, so i almost find those modes useless.. When i use sb mode 1 in games it just messes me up, the dark area's dont seem to get any brighter really for me.. so i just play with the games gamma and fix that stuff right up

wierd i swear the scroll bar for this reply window is ghosting or blurring.. i'm just afriad i wont ever be happy with a mits or nec monitor.. its unfortunate i wanted to like them so much.. but i'm just not feeling right =(



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
interseting yes i've been using the navset, but have been staying away from the newer drivers becuaes some games are decreasing with performance and some other things are not being fixed.. but i may have to check that out..

I'm running the Cat 4.2s right now as ATi says there are problems with FarCry and the Cat 4.3s which is a game I'm planning on picking up ASAP. As far as decreased performance- are there any games that you are having problems with performance in now? I certainly can't criticize the R9800Pros performance in the titles I'm playing now(well, FarCry and Halo could be a bit faster but no matter what hardware you have you can say that and both of them are supposed to perform best with the newer drivers).

Yes all monitors have been from dell, a friend tells me dell doesnt doublecheck their stuff either so i dunno..

That may have something to do with it. I can't say for certain as I don't recall ever having bought anything from Dell.

have you completely spot checked your monitor? i find the specs show up a little better on a green background for some reason, but are visiable on white s well.. (cant find them on red at all tho)..

Absolutely, I know you just registered but you can ask pretty much anyone, I don't hesitate to b!tch if I find any imperfection with anything and a screwed up pixel would certainly be a big issue for me. When calibrating the monitor I spent a good amount of time with my face to the monitor getting the convergence as perfect as I could and also looking for any oddities in terms of dot pitch irregularities(which can be an issue with flat CRTs as I'm sure you know). I used all of the primary color screen fill tests along with orange, purple, green and brown to check for accurate color reproduction.

I cant use the super brightmodes really at all, except for maybe movies, but even then it shows the compression marks in movies even more, so i almost find those modes useless..

Desktop gamma is too high there IMO, that tends to amplify the impact of the MPEG2 artifacts.

When i use sb mode 1 in games it just messes me up, the dark area's dont seem to get any brighter really for me.. so i just play with the games gamma and fix that stuff right up

I don't use SB because of the increased brightness, I use it to punch up the colors(works quite nicely for that). I still use the in game controls to adjust the brightness to tollerable levels, but I try to use the lowest gamma setting possible as the more you raise the gamma the more washed out the image becomes.


Mar 11, 2004
wooo I see.. i tried your settings.. thats pretty dark, i guess i'm a wacko, when i'm at work i see most people have their monitors pretty dark, i dont like this, i prefer whiter than whites and nice dark area contrasts..
I installed the new cats i see the controlls they give ya, its pretty nice, its just the way this monitor comes default, is very very very crappy to say the least, the screne is SOOOOOOOOO washed out its painful.. if i wasn't able to adjust the darkness with my video card it would be borderlin unacceptable, i dont undrestand why nec/mits choose do this, its like they let you take from EXTREMELY washed out, to just nomal washed out, what happened to nice and contrasty vibrant like viewsonics?!?!

my settings will probably freak you out:
monitor color: Red 99.3
green 90.8
blue 98.7
(I drive these HARD to get that pure white that i like.. tho it does fuz up the text a bit, i'm finding this monitor is really only clear with text when its dimmer, thats a letdown)

and ati's settings:
gamma .91
brightness -45
contrast 104

On the windows xp 'hill' backgorund, this makes the little stream area nice and dark so you cant see the ugly splicing and compression marks there, and this makes any grass below that DARKER then the brighter grass up above.. If i go any higher on contrast things start to blur too much.. you might definately think the whites are TOO white like this, but i pretty much like it like a tv.. and viewsonics usually give me this, net/mits just dont.. now with these settings its pretty close i can tell cuz the text is almost as blurry as on the viewsonic (at least my messenger text is blurry, but IE text is pretty nice)

After calibrating for about an hour i am at these settings.. i stil feel like there is a SLIGHT haze over the screen like it could be one degree higher, but i cant seem to achieve that level.. either the text fuzzes out too much or greys start belinding into whites..

I could probably live with it like this, just those darn specs of dirt..

if you try my settings let me know how crazy you think they are (oh and i usually use the monitor in a LIT room not neon flourscent lit, but like half mask halogen lit, so its sorta yellowish in the room , but it might account for why i like it so bright..


Dec 11, 2002
My IBM P275, which is basically a SONY G520 tube, has VERY blurry dark colors when I use high refreshes with high resolutions, even when it does not exceed the video bandwidth.
The convergence is horrible
and horizontal lines are blurry

Though their support rocks. Call them up, tell them about your problem, they 2nd day air a replacement over, including a billable stamp, so you can ship back your old monitor at their cost! Though their quality control is absoltely HORRIBLE! I've gotten two replacements already, and receiving the third on monday. Hopefully the third won't have any problems!


Mar 11, 2004
checked ibm's website a few weeks ago, they stopped selling the p275 as of like a week and half ago or something like that.. tho the blurry things your talking about make me a bit worried :0 i was considering it becuase a cad review site gave it the best review out of some of the 22 inch monitors..

what high res's are you experiencing these blurry things at? 1600x1200?

I find that on all of the mit's/nec's i've had the convergence isn't horrible, but there's allways corners that mis match each other, in the center it wil be perfect then on the lower left corner the blues wil be too far left, but in the upper right the red will be too far left, so i have to just comprimise the best i can, so no matter what its off a little in most area's and off a bit more than that in others.. not so bad that none of the colors line up at anyone point, but pretty close in a few points..

I'm curious to know what happens with your p275.. keep us updated?



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
wooo I see.. i tried your settings.. thats pretty dark, i guess i'm a wacko, when i'm at work i see most people have their monitors pretty dark, i dont like this, i prefer whiter than whites and nice dark area contrasts..

I try and keep it dark when I'm working anyway, ideally I try and get most of my computing done at night with no lights on in the area at all. I adjust the Windows task bars etc to match up with my color settings, the lower the gamma the better the contrast you can get between colors.

I installed the new cats i see the controlls they give ya, its pretty nice, its just the way this monitor comes default, is very very very crappy to say the least, the screne is SOOOOOOOOO washed out its painful.

It isn't like that with all vid cards though, the one we both happen to be using currently it is the case with.

i dont undrestand why nec/mits choose do this, its like they let you take from EXTREMELY washed out, to just nomal washed out, what happened to nice and contrasty vibrant like viewsonics?!?!

The way you make it sound I wouldn't want to use a nVidia based board on a ViewSonic, sounds like there would be excessive color bleeding. Seriously, this monitor does have quite vibrant images when paired with a better board on the 2D front. You can check over at Rage3D's forums about the lack of 'Digital Vibrance' on ATi's parts, washed out colors on their boards is a fairly common complaint.

If i go any higher on contrast things start to blur too much..

The lower gamma offsets the higher contrast the way I have it set up, but like you mentioned, I do like it a bit dark

Your settings are certainly a lot brighter then what I like to use, to me they look a bit more washed out also but if you can't stand your monitor as dark then it doesn't leave you much choice.

After calibrating for about an hour i am at these settings.. i stil feel like there is a SLIGHT haze over the screen like it could be one degree higher, but i cant seem to achieve that level.. either the text fuzzes out too much or greys start belinding into whites..

You running 16x12@85Hz? If so, that's pushing it for the RAMDAC on the R9800Pro, and no matter what you get for a monitor your likely still going to be dealing with the same thing. It's not horribly bad(I have some boards here that are unreadable at that setting ) but it isn't Matrox quality.

if you try my settings let me know how crazy you think they are

Certainly too bright for my eyes I don't like going outside in the daytime without sunglasses on, I'm a fan of dark I guess. The color balance was a bit off to me too, but that is in a dark room with the monitor being the only source of light(ATM anyway). That said, I do like the most vibrant colors I can get without introducing color bleeding(color bleeding to me is far worse then washed out) and I can certify that the current combo we are running is less then optimal for getting a vibrant image. Hoping that ATi will give us a DV counterpart with one of their upcoming driver releases.


Mar 11, 2004
Very interesting! why would 16x12 at 85 push the ramdac on the 9800 pro its such a new card 16x12 should be a STANDARD resolution by now, i just have the hardest time believeing that ATI is shoddy on this part? On my old viewsonic i didnt get much washed out effect.. (hence why this monitor was such a change when i just purchased it) the old viewsonic was the pf815 22 inch monitor died afer 4 years...

Funny thing was i remarked how much better the 9800 looked in games for colors than my old geforce 4 mx440 card.. the colors were so much more vibrant and colorful..

Do you have any images or tests that i could run to see if i'm getitng color bleeding or washed out look? I realize there are test patterns in the navset, but those aren't real world examples like a pic or something else.. I dont really think of these colors as washed out? I feel they are very punchy, when i say washed out i mean like someone poured milk onto the screen and its foggy or something.. thesecolors start to push pretty good, if anything maybe the black is bleeding into the white... wouldn't mind some examples tho to test it out


Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Electricview
checked ibm's website a few weeks ago, they stopped selling the p275 as of like a week and half ago or something like that.. tho the blurry things your talking about make me a bit worried :0 i was considering it becuase a cad review site gave it the best review out of some of the 22 inch monitors..

what high res's are you experiencing these blurry things at? 1600x1200?

I find that on all of the mit's/nec's i've had the convergence isn't horrible, but there's allways corners that mis match each other, in the center it wil be perfect then on the lower left corner the blues wil be too far left, but in the upper right the red will be too far left, so i have to just comprimise the best i can, so no matter what its off a little in most area's and off a bit more than that in others.. not so bad that none of the colors line up at anyone point, but pretty close in a few points..

I'm curious to know what happens with your p275.. keep us updated?
Yeah I got a refurb from for $299. I called IBM to return that one. With your description, it sounds like the same convergence problem I had with my IBM P275. I can't get the convergence uniform. If I adjust it to fix it at one area, another area gets messed up, it's impossible to get perfect convergence. Though my replacement's convergence is pretty decent.
What's weird is on the left side of the screen, the dark colors on dark background would be blurry, and on the right side, dark colors on light background would be blurry.

I think the problem lies in these aperture grill tubes. Sure they have the most vibrant colors around and best geometry, but there are still cons to these monitors. I personally rather use a good shadowmask


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Very interesting! why would 16x12 at 85 push the ramdac on the 9800 pro its such a new card 16x12 should be a STANDARD resolution by now, i just have the hardest time believeing that ATI is shoddy on this part?

LCDs are becoming standard and besides 16x12 being a resolution beyond their scope most of the time, they also use DVI which doesn't utilize the RAMDAC at all. Pretty much 16x12 is only standard amongst the few of us that have a 21/22" monitor. I wouldn't say it is quite shoddy, it just isn't Matrox. As you mention the clarity isn't horrible, just not quite optimal and not as brisk as it is at 60Hz v 85Hz. Matrox has always been king of 2D, and that remains true today. At lower resolutions it doesn't make a difference, but pushing this vid card up to 2048x1536 for the desktop you can see it really suffers.

On my old viewsonic i didnt get much washed out effect.. (hence why this monitor was such a change when i just purchased it) the old viewsonic was the pf815 22 inch monitor died afer 4 years...

The washed out look is a calibration issue, ATi doesn't offer an option that can punch the color up enough.

Funny thing was i remarked how much better the 9800 looked in games for colors than my old geforce 4 mx440 card.. the colors were so much more vibrant and colorful..

You didn't use Digital Vibrance on your MX did you? The effect ranges from mild to hideously over saturated- you can get colors that bleed horrendously badly if you crank DV up all the way on a MX board. By default the nV based boards are a bit more dull then the ATi parts, but they allow for an additional calibration that can push them far beyond what ATi has for color saturation(far enough to make it unusable IMO- but you can set that as you can gamma or brightness using a little boost or a whole bunch).

Do you have any images or tests that i could run to see if i'm getitng color bleeding or washed out look?

I use various bitmap photos after I get the general settings down, although for color bleeding I have no problem seeing it without needing a test pattern.

I dont really think of these colors as washed out? I feel they are very punchy, when i say washed out i mean like someone poured milk onto the screen and its foggy or something..

Some of that can be cured by calibration but if you can hook it up to another rig and check it out(with a different vid card) the situation will likely improve/degrade considerably based on the vid card.

For your settings upping all of the color channels gives the colors more punch but it also makes the whites too bright for my eyes. What the color boost settings that nV and Matrox have do is punch up the colors without having white get real bright.

thesecolors start to push pretty good, if anything maybe the black is bleeding into the white... wouldn't mind some examples tho to test it out

Like a ghosting effect on text, is that what you are talking about here?


Mar 11, 2004
not so much a ghosting effect as the black isn't so crisp on the wite, its like taking a nice crisp aliased angle, then anti aliasing it, it like blurs it some so its not quiet as sharp and nasty looking of a line.. this how the text gets when i turn up the brightness.. the white might be a TAD bright so i may re-adjust it..

I wonder if punching up these colors is gonna shorten the life span on my monitor? (Becuase of the bright white)



Dec 11, 2002
LCDs are becoming standard and besides 16x12 being a resolution beyond their scope most of the time, they also use DVI which doesn't utilize the RAMDAC at all. Pretty much 16x12 is only standard amongst the few of us that have a 21/22" monitor. I wouldn't say it is quite shoddy, it just isn't Matrox. As you mention the clarity isn't horrible, just not quite optimal and not as brisk as it is at 60Hz v 85Hz. Matrox has always been king of 2D, and that remains true today. At lower resolutions it doesn't make a difference, but pushing this vid card up to 2048x1536 for the desktop you can see it really suffers.
Have you even used a high end 21" monitor before?! I've personally gone through 7 of them, Hitachi CM802, 2x Dell P1110, and 4x IBM P275.
The Dell P1110 doesn't suffer at all from high resolutions/high refresh rates. Everything is razor sharp at 2048x1536x75Hz. My IBM P275 on the other hand, suffers A LOT going from 60Hz to 75Hz on 2048x1536. Now if it was a video card problem, I would have the same results on all my monitors.

If i go any higher on contrast things start to blur too much..
Mine too, I could only use around 85 contrast before horizontal lines get blurry. They get so blurry that you can see two distinct lines.
I'm curious to know what happens with your p275.. keep us updated?
I received my replacement on monday as promised. SAME problem. Horizontal lines are blurry on the right side of the screen. Except now this monitor doesn't get blurry at high refresh rates, and the darks on dark backgrounds are sharp on the left side of the screen.
Though when I turned on my monitor this morining, to my dismay, the entire monitor went blurry. Yes completely out of focus so you can't even read text anymore. I called up IBM promptly, this time they finally escalated the problem, and now they promise to send a brand new one over, instead of these crappy refurbs that I have been having so much trouble with. Hopefully the brand new one will fix my problem.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

not so much a ghosting effect as the black isn't so crisp on the wite, its like taking a nice crisp aliased angle, then anti aliasing it, it like blurs it some so its not quiet as sharp and nasty looking of a line..

Hazing, but not badly. If you have any other rig around, or another vid card, try swapping it out and see if the situation changes.


Have you even used a high end 21" monitor before?! I've personally gone through 7 of them, Hitachi CM802, 2x Dell P1110, and 4x IBM P275.The Dell P1110 doesn't suffer at all from high resolutions/high refresh rates. Everything is razor sharp at 2048x1536x75Hz. My IBM P275 on the other hand, suffers A LOT going from 60Hz to 75Hz on 2048x1536. Now if it was a video card problem, I would have the same results on all my monitors.

I'm sure the Dell P1110 loses absolutely no quality going from 60Hz to 75Hz, or to 500Hz running 2048x1536 as the monitor handles all those settings equally well. You can see for yourself right here. For the IBM P275, that monitor can actually show images when you are running a resolution of 2048x1536 so of course it will be able to show quality degredation. Those are the only two you made direct comments on, and one of them is incapable of running the resolution you were using to compare so I really don't know what to say to that.


Mar 11, 2004
Virtual games -Have you thought of giving up on the 275? Also Did you buy a REFURB from someone else than ibm and they are replacing it?!?! thats a fanastic replacement garuantee!

can you tell me if 1600x1200 gets blurrier for you from 60hz to 85hz?

ben- EIther your being extremely sarcastic to virtuals remarks or i just dont follow you, you say the dell p1110 loses no quality going from those rates (the 500 was obvciously sarcastic) but on that page you sent it doesnt even go that high!

Horizontal scan range 30 kHz to 121 kHz (automatic)
Vertical scan range 48 Hz to 160 Hz (automatic)
Optimal preset resolution 1280 x 1024 at 85 Hz
Highest preset resolution 1600 x 1200 at 85 Hz
Highest addressable resolution* 1800 x 1440 at 75 Hz

I asume this is what you meant.. I HAD considered dells p1130 buti'm not so sure it looks pretty cheap and plasticy.. SOME say its the SONY g520 tube but i am HIGHLY doubtfull of that, my fear is it would be the E540 tube and that doesnt look as good as the g520 from what i've read, i have never actually seen a G520 becuase apparently they dont exist in *MY* world (not one friggin retailer in washington state carries them or even has heard of them!) Go figure i have the worst luck of anyone on this planet!

I have told dell ONE MORE time and they are sending out another 2070sb.. if it has a dirt spec/black pixel.. I'm not sure what i'm going to do.. i'm fearfull i might just give up and go to the viewsonic.. I dont wana, but nec/mits is not replying to my emails so they are telling me they dont value me as a customer! well if thats the case i can happily oblige by not being one!

I realize i'm being picky, but ya know what, dell/nec didnt come to me and say HEY you wana save 50 bucks on this monitor? its got a little tiny spot RIGHT here.. .. NO they charged me full price and for full price i expect full perfection, at least to other monitor manufacturers standards (like viewsonic, who i've NEVER seen a black spec of dirt/dead pixel on YET)..

fire away!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
EIther your being extremely sarcastic to virtuals remarks or i just dont follow you, you say the dell p1110 loses no quality going from those rates (the 500 was obvciously sarcastic) but on that page you sent it doesnt even go that high!

It was sarcasm, he has started another thread talking about how poor the P1110 is along with the P275 and in this thread he is talking about how reduced quality at higher resolutions and refresh rates in the instance we are talking about is the monitor's fault and his P1110 had no degredation in quality running a setting it can't, despite the fact that it's so poor he is swearing of AG monitors because of it.

i have never actually seen a G520 becuase apparently they dont exist in *MY* world

Everyone of the newer FD Trinitron tubes I have seen has issues with getting proper convergence across the entire screen, enough so that it was bothersome even for brief periods to me. I read around a bit and saw that this was pretty much the norm on all of the units I could find decent reviews on.

I have told dell ONE MORE time and they are sending out another 2070sb.. if it has a dirt spec/black pixel..

Is there any way that you could have them refund your money so you could instead order one through NewEgg or another location? You might get a proper one at this point but it seems odd that they have shipped you out multiple monitors with dirt in the tube multiple times- I'm assuming they have gotten a bad batch.

I dont wana, but nec/mits is not replying to my emails so they are telling me they dont value me as a customer!

I've never had to deal with their customer support but that would get me rather irrate for certain.

I realize i'm being picky

With the amount of money these monitors cost you have every right to be d@mn picky. If you wanted to you could pick up a 21" monitor for half the price- but you wanted a top tier monitor and you paid for a top tier monitor. You have every right to be as picky as you want about it.
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