Need Advice: Moving to Japan

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
Originally posted by: kage69
I really hope you've made some contacts over there first. Japanese are wonderful people, but just showing up on someone's doorstep unannounced and expecting a job might make this a short trip for you. Don't be surprised if you're asked to take some type of proficiency test in Basic Japanese, or at least present references. I think you'd have to be insane to expect to live in Tokyo or Osaka upon arrival, they're like the MOST expensive places to live on the planet! Your best bet might be to check out some of the surrounding smaller cities. Getting a small apartment within a ~1hr. commute would prolly be more feasible.

I trust you have the working VISA all straightened out?

i second what kage said.
going to japan as a tourist is easy, going to japan with the intent of staying there is much more difficult. don't expect to live in a large city unless you have a high paying job lined up. it's the suburbs for you.
also, you'll probably have a hard time finding a job as a gaijin seiyuu IMO. expect to probably ending up translating or teaching for now. i hope you can adapt to japanese society/culture, real japan != anime japan. be prepared for some culture shock.

i don't think moving to japan just because of your love for anime is a good idea, but i hope this plan works out for you. i'm hoping to try something similar in a few years.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
anywho...i recommend someplace like Chiba-shi, chiba.
not too far from tokyo, not too pricey, and easily accesible to elsewhere.


Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: kage69
Oh great.. Another American who wants to turn Japanese and teach English because he loves Dragonball Z. I hope they laugh at you dorky tshirts there.

It's too bad you have an axe to grind with Japanese culture and those expats who like it. Go troll elsewhere please. But at least you spared us the blatant crap you shoveled into that thread about Japanese swords, thanks...

I don't remember shovelling any "blatant crap" about Japanese swords. I don't see why you Americans love Japan so much.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: WinkOsmosis
Oh great.. Another American who wants to turn Japanese and teach English because he loves Dragonball Z. I hope they laugh at you dorky tshirts there.

Thanks for the helpful advice
Let me clarify a few things here: DBZ is teh suck compared to real anime and I don't own any anime pariphernalia (i.e. t-shirts or anything of that kind) so you can just quietly back out of the thread now unless you have something useful to say.
I've already explained why I'm going over there, and it's not because I'm some crazed DBZ fan. I want to go over there because I'm in love with Japan, it's people, and their culture. Anime is *not* the only reason I'm moving over there, it just happens to be a part of their culture. That and I'd prefer not to be in the U.S. when the next "terrorist" attack occurs and this country goes to hell.
This has been a dream of mine for quite some time and I'm certainly not going to listen to any asshats such as yourself who would rather see me fail than live out my dream.

bah, how is DBZ not "real" anime? bah, have you ever watched dbz in japanese?
you're gonna have a fun time adjusting to japan. heh.


Nov 9, 2000
first you need to get your passport and visas in order. I doubt the Japanese will let you just come over and bum. You should consider getting hooked up with a company that can have you a job and a valid visa for you to goto Japan. That way while you are there you can pursue your dream of voicing over anime. Right now it sounds as if you will have a tourist visa.


Jul 17, 2003
I don't remember shovelling any "blatant crap" about Japanese swords. I don't see why you Americans love Japan so much.

Well let's see if I can jog your memory. You stated that the curve of tachi and katana was there purely to compensate for the poor quality of the steel used (crap) and then went on to poo-poo samurai armor as it was "only wood and paper" and wouldn't do a damn thing to protect the wearer (more crap). You started the post with a disparaging comment towards the thread's originator as being "another victim of Japanese idolization" (which may have been true, not that it matters) and went on to portray a longsword and European armor as being superior in every way to their Japanese counterparts.

How's that? Anything?


Senior member
Apr 14, 2002
Getting into JET or NOVA might be tough unless you have a bachelor?s degree. (Type of degree doesn?t matter) If you do get into one of those English teaching programs you will get either a 1 year or 2 year working visa and they will pay for your apartment plus about 200,000 Yen per month (approx $1800, depending on current exchange rate). Also, there is no guarantee where your job through JET or NOVA will be, you could get located anywhere.

Living in Tokyo can be expensive if you don?t know where to look. There are no "suburbs" of Tokyo, at least not how the average American would define suburbs. Tokyo is divided into 23 or so districts, some much more expensive then others. But there are numerous apartments for about $500-$600 in Tokyo. Just about any apartment you find in Japan is going to be much smaller than you are probably used as well. Think of a small studio apartment in the USA, and then cut that in half.

Getting around in Tokyo is going to be very tough unless you can figure out the subway/train lines. Buses are very convenient, and cost about 150 Yen. Everyone rides the Buses also, not like some places in the USA, where people despise having to ?take the Bus?. You?ll see business men in suits, grandma/grandpa, kids, everyone?

Some more tips, just as in the USA, not everyone in Japan likes (loves) anime, (read: most do not give a sh*t) talking endlessly about anime to a Japanese person who could care less will yield the same result that talking endlessly about anime to an American would. That being said, most Japanese will be extremely polite and interested in the fact that you are American, which has its own pluses and minuses.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by: rudder
first you need to get your passport and visas in order. I doubt the Japanese will let you just come over and bum. You should consider getting hooked up with a company that can have you a job and a valid visa for you to goto Japan. That way while you are there you can pursue your dream of voicing over anime. Right now it sounds as if you will have a tourist visa.

he'll prolly fit nicely. many over there have american fever too so it'll be easy to find a chick to marry who wants a
green card over here whereas he wants legal status over there.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by: kage69
I don't remember shovelling any "blatant crap" about Japanese swords. I don't see why you Americans love Japan so much.

Well let's see if I can jog your memory. You stated that the curve of tachi and katana was there purely to compensate for the poor quality of the steel used (crap) and then went on to poo-poo samurai armor as it was "only wood and paper" and wouldn't do a damn thing to protect the wearer (more crap). You started the post with a disparaging comment towards the thread's originator as being "another victim of Japanese idolization" (which may have been true, not that it matters) and went on to portray a longsword and European armor as being superior in every way to their Japanese counterparts.

How's that? Anything?

i think gun powder settled that argument.



Golden Member
Mar 21, 2003
it seems like you didn't do any planning at all... you didn't act on impulse did you? Just kinda seems weird cuz you said your moving to japan but you didn't even know anything about a VISA? Sorry I can't offer any real help though


Mar 16, 2001
Try the JET Ring. It's a bunch of sites maintained by people who went to teach English in Japan. Lot's of good advice and stuff, perhaps possible contacts. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst (ie. have a plan B). Good luck.


Jul 17, 2003
Both JET and NOVA require a college degree, with exceptions given in a few rare circumstances. My professor made it seem like it was impossible, but while attending a Momoko sake tasting party, she introduced me to the Japanese Consulate General and his wife, and they acted like it would be no big deal, providing the necessary people had signed off on it. Anyway, if you're on your way to a degree, don't ruin it for a 1-3 year stay in Japan.

poopygood is dead right about the apartment sizes. Space is a premium over there, the majority of American homes seem lavish in size to the average Japanese. An inexpensive apartment pretty much anywhere in Japan is on par with a large American closet in most cases. Fortunetly there's lots to do over there, so unless you're anti-social or suddenly overwhelmed by how much Japanese vernacular you don't know, you'll be out and about most times.

sly also brings up a good point: It's a grrrrreat place to party, but realize that an American is a ticket out for many women in a male-dominated society. Take that for what you will. Good luck

ahhh, late for meeting! *runs for the door*



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I watch a lot of fansubs and never have I seen some white guys name listed as a voice actor, good luck duder


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: dc
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: WinkOsmosis
Oh great.. Another American who wants to turn Japanese and teach English because he loves Dragonball Z. I hope they laugh at you dorky tshirts there.

Thanks for the helpful advice
Let me clarify a few things here: DBZ is teh suck compared to real anime and I don't own any anime pariphernalia (i.e. t-shirts or anything of that kind) so you can just quietly back out of the thread now unless you have something useful to say.
I've already explained why I'm going over there, and it's not because I'm some crazed DBZ fan. I want to go over there because I'm in love with Japan, it's people, and their culture. Anime is *not* the only reason I'm moving over there, it just happens to be a part of their culture. That and I'd prefer not to be in the U.S. when the next "terrorist" attack occurs and this country goes to hell.
This has been a dream of mine for quite some time and I'm certainly not going to listen to any asshats such as yourself who would rather see me fail than live out my dream.

bah, how is DBZ not "real" anime? bah, have you ever watched dbz in japanese?
you're gonna have a fun time adjusting to japan. heh.

Could we please keep the responses to helpful advice? To answer your question: yes, I have watched DBZ in Japanese, I don't watch dubbed anime. Oh, and compared to anime like Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Initial D, Rurouni Kenshin, and the countless other wonderful anime to come out of Japan, DBZ isn't "real" anime.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Thanks for all the advice everyone! Much appreciated I'll have to look into those programs that were mentioned, they do sound like a good idea. I have to admit I'm kind of jumping into this, but I just got back from school and have things a bit more in order now after discussing some things with some peeps there. I won't be leaving for at least a month now (more than likely longer than that) so it's not like I'm just up and leaving... Meanwhile, I'll be doing nothing but learning Japanese and getting ready for the move. This is just an information gathering exercise, and the first step towards leaving. I won't be heading over there without knowing *exactly* what I'm doing first
Once again, thanks for all the advice, and please, keep it coming!


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
So, let me get this straight. You do not know Japanese, yet want to do Japanese voice overs in anime. You do not know as nearly as much about Japan as you think you do, hence why you are asking basic questions on ATOT. You have no job lined up, and you do not have a work VISA. Heck, even if you did make it to Japan you could not stay for more than a certain amount of time unless you had a VISA.

As was mentioned the best bet would be going thru a JET or NOVA program. From my understanding they are not too terribly easy to get into, you must have a college degree and work experience; not neccessarily teaching but they want to make sure they get people who are compotent and not just some recent college grad who think it would be cool to live in Japan.

Honestly, more power to you if you can get to Japan get a job and actually be able to live there, however I do not think you realize the extent of the issues that are involved with moving to another country.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Babbles
So, let me get this straight. You do not know Japanese, yet want to do Japanese voice overs in anime. You do not know as nearly as much about Japan as you think you do, hence why you are asking basic questions on ATOT. You have no job lined up, and you do not have a work VISA. Heck, even if you did make it to Japan you could not stay for more than a certain amount of time unless you had a VISA.

As was mentioned the best bet would be going thru a JET or NOVA program. From my understanding they are not too terribly easy to get into, you must have a college degree and work experience; not neccessarily teaching but they want to make sure they get people who are compotent and not just some recent college grad who think it would be cool to live in Japan.

Honestly, more power to you if you can get to Japan get a job and actually be able to live there, however I do not think you realize the extent of the issues that are involved with moving to another country.

Thanks. Please see my above post. This is an information gathering exercise and only the first step among many. I'm not going to just up and move over there without any planning whatsoever...


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2003
Let me be the one to say it.(Perhaps it takes a noob).Your dream will fail.Not only fail but miserably.A better idea is split the money you have saved up I assume it is in the thousands.Take half go to Japan have fun meet a Japanese schoolgirl etc..come back invest the rest of the money or use it to go to school etc.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: eigen
Let me be the one to say it.(Perhaps it takes a noob).Your dream will fail.Not only fail but miserably.A better idea is split the money you have saved up I assume it is in the thousands.Take half go to Japan have fun meet a Japanese schoolgirl etc..come back invest the rest of the money or use it to go to school etc.

Thanks for the adv - oh, wait...
You telling me I'm going to fail is just all the more motivation to succeed. I WILL. NOT. FAIL. This is my dream, I'm going to live it.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
How old are you? What sort of education and work experience/skills?

I am 22 and an aviation student in college. I have been working retail for the past 6 years (mostly technology sales/repair). I have a natural gift for language, and this is the only thing I want in life. I have great genetics (my mother graduated from the Air Force language academy in Santa Barbara, CA and I have an even bigger gift for language than she). This is what I'm meant to do. No amount of ill-wishes and comments from naysayers will prevent me from doing this, nor will they cause me to fail. I will succeed because of the natural talents G-d has given me.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
How old are you? What sort of education and work experience/skills?

I am 22 and an aviation student in college. I have been working retail for the past 6 years (mostly technology sales/repair). I have a natural gift for language, and this is the only thing I want in life. I have great genetics (my mother graduated from the Air Force language academy in Santa Barbara, CA and I have an even bigger gift for language than she). This is what I'm meant to do. No amount of ill-wishes and comments from naysayers will prevent me from doing this, nor will they cause me to fail. I will succeed because of the natural talents G-d has given me.

Are you going to finish your degree? What other languages do you know?

You probably just can't randomly legally immigrate over without a job lined up. You should probably get your degree and maybe do the English teaching thing there.
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