need help on overclocking venice 3000+


Senior member
Jun 13, 2000
I left the ram in default timing 3-4-4-8 with 2T. ( Which values should I use?)
The best FSB I got is 225mhz, 9X CPU, 5X HT, and 200mhz RAM but failed Prime 95.
lowering the HT multiplier doesn't do a thing
the ram choices are only 100, 133, 166, 200. I guess those are actually another way saying multiplier right? So, should I choose 166 or what?

Thanks for any input


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2005
What Motherboard?, What ram?

Put the HTT down to 3x, Ram at 166mhz and Multiplier at 10x, and try 220fsb with stock voltage.



Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
I'm having similar problems with overclocking Venice 3000+ chip. I'm somewhat new to overclocking. I'm trying to achieve a stable 2.4 GHz on my Venice chip. From what I read, I think it's doable. However, at hit a wall around FSB225. I've tried playing around with memory timing and HT multiplier. I didn't try changing the voltage (simply because I don't really know what the hell I'm doing )

- Epox 9NPA+ Ultra
- Mushkin Level 1 PC3500 DDR (Winbound 5 chips, can be pushed to 2-2-2-6-1T)
(Both components were at some time recommended by Anand tech for great overclockability)

Thank you for your help.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
Originally posted by: igr11
I'm having similar problems with overclocking Venice 3000+ chip. I'm somewhat new to overclocking. I'm trying to achieve a stable 2.4 GHz on my Venice chip. From what I read, I think it's doable. However, at hit a wall around FSB225. I've tried playing around with memory timing and HT multiplier. I didn't try changing the voltage (simply because I don't really know what the hell I'm doing )

- Epox 9NPA+ Ultra
- Mushkin Level 1 PC3500 DDR (Winbound 5 chips, can be pushed to 2-2-2-6-1T)
(Both components were at some time recommended by Anand tech for great overclockability)

Thank you for your help.

That's some nice memory you've got. There are two things that are most likely holding you back at this point.
1. Lower your HTT from the default 5x to 4x.
2. You'll probably have to raise your Vcore to break that 225MHz barrier and maintain any stability. Default Vcore for the Venice is 1.4V. Raise it to 1.45 and you should be able to bump up the FSB further.


Jul 20, 2005
Why is it that no one ever uses a high VCore anymore? I'm still using a 2500+XP Mobile at 2.6GHz with a 1.8v core. No intention to steal the thread, but why do people never go very high on the V Core anymore? Wouldn't you be able to get a higher stable OC with a higher V Core, say beyond what people normally get in the 2.5GHz range?


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
Thanks for the reply. After some reading and tinkering, here's what I've got:

FSB: 260
RAM: 334 (2-2-2-6-1T)
HTT: x3
Chipset Voltage: 1.6
CPU and RAM voltage: stock
Cooling: stock

I've hit another bottleneck. I can't go above FSB 260. Increasing CPU Vcore to 1.5 or lowering memory timings to 2-3-3-6 doesn't help. Any ideas? I've read several reviews that Venice 3000+ can be easily overclocked to at least FSB275 (~2.4GHz) and may people are even reporting good stability at FSB300 (~2.7GHz).



Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
It's likely that your memory needs more voltage to run those timings at that speed. Bump up the memory voltage to 2.8V. If you still aren't stable then bump your CPU Vcore back up to 1.5V. If none of that works then refer back to the Overclocking guide stickied to the top of this forum and follow it's suggestions to determine your bottleneck. I agree that your CPU still has some headroom left in it. Remember, "Isolate and Consolidate".


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
yeah, forget your chipset voltage and bump the vcore up. the venice is good for 1.55v anyway. alot are going 1.6v. now keep in mind i hate extra volts but my venice needs 1.55+ to get anywhere near 2500. its a week 24 ybble.


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
Thank you for the great advice. I've read the Overclocking guide, which was very helpful. Chipset voltage also proved to be useless. Alas, all is still not well.
Using the "isolate and consoliate" approach, I've determined the following:

- CPU: runs comfortably at 2.7GHz (FSB300) w/ stock cooling and voltage
- RAM: runs at ~235 2-2-2-7-1T with voltage 2.9 (or ~250 @ 2-4-4-7-1T voltage 2.9)
- HTT: x3

So, I used the very helpful Gogar's OC Optimizer ( to determine the best settings . PC still refuses to boot if FSB > 260.
I'm beginning to think that my power supply may be a problem. I'm using a 400 Watt Zalman (state of the art about a year ago) w/ 20-to-24 pin adapter. I find it hard to believe that 400 Watt is not enough to run CPU, RAM, GeForce 6600GT, 2 HDD and 2 DVD drives. What does everyone think? Any other ideas?

Thank you for the help.


Dec 20, 2004
@ igr11
260 can be your motherboard's limit. The 1st step in the guide is to determine you max HTT.
Leave the VCORE and VDIMM voltages as they are, set the cpu multiplier to 6 or 7. set the ram timings to 3-4-4-10 1t and ram at 100 Mhz, and the HT multiplier to 3 and see if you can boot at 260. If you can't that is your motherboard's limit.


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
I did figure out my HTT (sorry that omitted it from my posting). My max HTT is at least 305 (x3) (I've only tested it that far).

My situation frankly doesn't make much sense. Alone, each component is quite overclockable (even at stock voltage). However, when setting everything together, I can't seem to break ~FSB265 (even with my fast RAM set @ 133 \ 2.5-4-4-7-2T). And yes, I'm aware that HTT should not be above 1000.

Currently, my system is happily running at FSB260 (2.3GHz CPU), HTx4, RAM @ 333 2-2-2-5. As you can imagine, this less than ideal (regardless of the fast timings, memory is too slow).


Dec 20, 2004
What was your max stable processor speed from Step 3 in the guide ?

Set your Vcore to 1.55Volts Set VDIMM to 2.9 Volts
Set HT multiplier to 3
Set ram to 3-4-4-10 1T (try different dividers for testing purposes)
CPU multiplier on auto

See if you can go over 265


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Ka12na
Why is it that no one ever uses a high VCore anymore? I'm still using a 2500+XP Mobile at 2.6GHz with a 1.8v core. No intention to steal the thread, but why do people never go very high on the V Core anymore? Wouldn't you be able to get a higher stable OC with a higher V Core, say beyond what people normally get in the 2.5GHz range?

because it reduces the life of your proc dramatically


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
Max HTT: at least 305
Max Proc speed @ 1.55V: at least 2700 MHz
Max RAM speed @ 2.9V: 235 (2-2-2-7), 250 (2-4-4-7)

Best configs that work:
1. HTTx4, FSB250x9, RAM@166 (2-3-3-6-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.25GHz \ RAM at effective 208 MHz
2. HTTx3, FSB265x9, RAM@133 (2-3-3-6-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.38GHz \ RAM at effective 178 MHz
3. HTTx3, FSB300x9, RAM@100 (2-2-2-5-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.7GHz \ RAM at effective 166 MHz
Incidentally #1 is faster than #2 in benchmarks. #3 is the slowest.

I have tried:
1. increasing CPU voltage to 1.55
2. increasing RAM voltage to 2.9
3. increasting chipset voltage to 1.6
2. lowering RAM timings (2-4-4-7-2T).

Nothing will alow me to go above FSB265 (unless I lower RAM speed to 100). I just don't get it. My Mushkin RAM should be able to hit 235.

Thanks for the advice.


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: igr11
Thank you for the great advice. I've read the Overclocking guide, which was very helpful. Chipset voltage also proved to be useless. Alas, all is still not well.
Using the "isolate and consoliate" approach, I've determined the following:

- CPU: runs comfortably at 2.7GHz (FSB300) w/ stock cooling and voltage
- RAM: runs at ~235 2-2-2-7-1T with voltage 2.9 (or ~250 @ 2-4-4-7-1T voltage 2.9)
- HTT: x3

So, I used the very helpful Gogar's OC Optimizer ( to determine the best settings . PC still refuses to boot if FSB > 260.
I'm beginning to think that my power supply may be a problem. I'm using a 400 Watt Zalman (state of the art about a year ago) w/ 20-to-24 pin adapter. I find it hard to believe that 400 Watt is not enough to run CPU, RAM, GeForce 6600GT, 2 HDD and 2 DVD drives. What does everyone think? Any other ideas?

Thank you for the help.

You are missing a key factor in overclocking A64's. With the A64's onboard memory controller, when you are overclocking ram you are putting additional stress on the CPU. So when you overclock the CPU and the ram together you are putting maximum stress on the CPU. You will always be able to clock your CPU higher at a lower voltage when underclocking ram.

If your max CPU overclock is 2.7ghz with ram at 150mhz, you may only hit 2.6ghz with ram at 200mhz with the same voltage. You can shoot for something like 289x9=2601 with ram divider at 166 (235-236mhz) but you will have to give it 1.55-1.60v on the CPU and 2.9v on the ram.

The isolate and consolidate method was developed before the onboard mem controllers came along, and CPU and ram where totally independent. With A64's the consolidate portion becomes much more difficult and requires sacrificing some CPU and or ram speed.

But honestly high ramspeed doesn't provide nearly as much performance on A64's as high CPU speed. 2.7ghz with ram at 150mhz(DDR300) will probably provide more performance than 2.7ghz with ram at 235mhz(DDR470). Thats why most people experienced with overclocking A64's will tell you expensive overclocking ram is a waste of money on A64's. I sure wish I'd have known that before I bought my OCZ platinum rev2


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: igr11
Max HTT: at least 305
Max Proc speed @ 1.55V: at least 2700 MHz
Max RAM speed @ 2.9V: 235 (2-2-2-7), 250 (2-4-4-7)

Best configs that work:
1. HTTx4, FSB250x9, RAM@166 (2-3-3-6-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.25GHz \ RAM at effective 208 MHz
2. HTTx3, FSB265x9, RAM@133 (2-3-3-6-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.38GHz \ RAM at effective 178 MHz
3. HTTx3, FSB300x9, RAM@100 (2-2-2-5-1T) \ default voltages => Processor @ 2.7GHz \ RAM at effective 166 MHz
Incidentally #1 is faster than #2 in benchmarks. #3 is the slowest.

I have tried:
1. increasing CPU voltage to 1.55
2. increasing RAM voltage to 2.9
3. increasting chipset voltage to 1.6
2. lowering RAM timings (2-4-4-7-2T).

Nothing will alow me to go above FSB265 (unless I lower RAM speed to 100). I just don't get it. My Mushkin RAM should be able to hit 235.

Thanks for the advice.

Synthetic benchmarks(Sandra, SuperPI, etc...) mean nothing, #3 will PWN the others in realworld performance.


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Ka12na
Why is it that no one ever uses a high VCore anymore? I'm still using a 2500+XP Mobile at 2.6GHz with a 1.8v core. No intention to steal the thread, but why do people never go very high on the V Core anymore? Wouldn't you be able to get a higher stable OC with a higher V Core, say beyond what people normally get in the 2.5GHz range?

The newer 90nm chips Winchester,Venice, and San Diego use less voltage 1.4-1.45 default as compared to 1.65 on the older XP chips, and most boards set the max at 1.55v except the DFI board which give you enough to kill it if you want.


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
Ok. After more tinkering, I've finally figured out my problem -- memory timings (CAS in particular). Thanks GMtheBest for suggesting lowest memory timings.

My computer now effortlessly overclocks to 2.7GHz at stock voltage with RAM @166\3-3-3-7 (240 MHz effective). Windows will only boot stably with CAS 3. I'll try throwing more voltage at the memory to see if I can reduce the CAS. Otherwise, I can see new memory purchase in my future.

Thanks everyone for your advice and patience.


Dec 20, 2004
igr11, if you want tight timings are high FSB, you may want to take a look at OCZs VX Gold series of ram. It can do PC4000 speeds at 2-2-2-5 timings. The only catch is that they need 3.3 volts (your motherboard my not be able to go that high) and active cooling becuase they get hot.

Anandtech did a review on them.


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2004
Ok. I've finally worked out the kinks.
I'm currently running at 2.4 GHz (FSB266) with RAM @ 2-3-3-8-1T timings (2.8V). Mushkin does make amazing memory. I could definitely go higher, but turning 3000+ Venice into a 3800+ Venice is sufficient enough for now.
Objective tests show a substantial boost in performance. Interestingly enough, subjective tests are not as dramatic. I feel little if any difference in system responsiveness. Doom 3 is definitely faster. WMV HD video now plays without stuttering when I multitask. DivX enconding is faster as well.

Thanks everyone,
P.S. From previous reviews and benchmarks (Anandtech, Tomshardware), I think lower latencies will not result in a noticeable boost in performance (at least the price premium for that OCZ VX Gold\Platinum Ram is probably not worth it).


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
Originally posted by: igr11
Ok. I've finally worked out the kinks.
I'm currently running at 2.4 GHz (FSB266) with RAM @ 2-3-3-8-1T timings (2.8V). Mushkin does make amazing memory. I could definitely go higher, but turning 3000+ Venice into a 3800+ Venice is sufficient enough for now.
Objective tests show a substantial boost in performance. Interestingly enough, subjective tests are not as dramatic. I feel little if any difference in system responsiveness. Doom 3 is definitely faster. WMV HD video now plays without stuttering when I multitask. DivX enconding is faster as well.

Thanks everyone,

igr11, Congratulations! 600MHz is a great overclock. Yes, it's a nice feeling when you can get a $370 CPU for $140!



Mar 14, 2005
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy

But honestly high ramspeed doesn't provide nearly as much performance on A64's as high CPU speed. 2.7ghz with ram at 150mhz(DDR300) will probably provide more performance than 2.7ghz with ram at 235mhz(DDR470). Thats why most people experienced with overclocking A64's will tell you expensive overclocking ram is a waste of money on A64's. I sure wish I'd have known that before I bought my OCZ platinum rev2

But don't you need the better ram to get the cpu at that speed?

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