Need some game recommendations with a good storyline and character development.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Been out of gaming for a while.

Last good games I played was BioShock Infinite (great), the Mass Effect series (amazing), Fallout 4 (ok), and Far Cry 3 (formulaic).

I like the open world games but I think I enjoy character development more. Open world games just have too much going on and it's hard to get invested in any one character - all the quest characters are inevitably pretty shallow, which is why I enjoyed BioShock Infinite more than, say, Skyrim (which was good as well).

I've never gotten into any of the Witcher games because I never played them since inception, and I'm not about to play a 20-year game just to get caught up on the backstory.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
Final Fantasy XV has a pretty nice story and a lot of music from the series.

Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/Hong Kong aren't that new, but were pretty good, though have some bugs that the devs never patched out.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Final Fantasy XV has a pretty nice story and a lot of music from the series.

Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/Hong Kong aren't that new, but were pretty good, though have some bugs that the devs never patched out.
So.... I've never played Final Fantasy and don't know anything about the lore or backstory. Is this going to be a problem?

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Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Any recommendations that are first-person?

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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Oldies check: Have you played KOTOR 1-2 (and SWTOR class stories), Neverwinter Nights 1-2, Fallout 1-2, and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines?


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Oldies check: Have you played KOTOR 1-2 (and SWTOR class stories), Neverwinter Nights 1-2, Fallout 1-2, and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines?
Yeah, all the Baldur's Gate / Neverwinter stuff. All Fallouts. All KOTOR. All Vampire.

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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I've never gotten into any of the Witcher games because I never played them since inception, and I'm not about to play a 20-year game just to get caught up on the backstory.

Witcher 1 is 11 years old now and is dirt cheap (sometimes free) from It's worth trying, just set the difficulty to the lowest level to make the clunky combat less annoying. The games do not expect you to have read any of the books.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Witcher 1 is 11 years old now and is dirt cheap (sometimes free) from It's worth trying, just set the difficulty to the lowest level to make the clunky combat less annoying. The games do not expect you to have read any of the books.
I tried the first Witcher and only got through the first hour before the graphics and old play dynamics bored me to death.

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Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Gameplay and visuals are still important. Something with a good storyline but really antiquated gameplay and graphics get boring for me real quick. Guess this is why I could never get into old emulator games.

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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sadly, modern 3D story-based RPGs are almost dead outside of Witcher, Fallout (not '76 it's a MMO ), Elder Scrolls (it does have a story of sorts...) and Divinity Original Sin.

We're getting the isometric retro games like Shadowrun, Wasteland 2, Pillars, Torment but no new Vampire or Neverwinter or Mass Effect

Edit: have you played Star Trek Online? It can be played as a solo RPG, you don't need to do any grouping to play through all the story episodes. The F2P model is very generous, not a straightjacket like SWTOR.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
The Dragon Age franchise, especially Dragon Age Origins (plus Awakening expansion). In my opinion, DAO was a masterpiece. DA2 was rushed (they barely had 2 years to work on it), but despite its obvious rushed nature they managed to incorporate memorable characters, good enough writing for most of them (not all, though; then again that's subjective) and an overall pretty decent story (well... maybe except towards the end but again, it's subjective). DA Inquisition was overall decent, nothing horrible; but nothing quite that amazing. The main villain of Inquisition is extremely forgettable, and most of the game's companions are "meh" (some of them return from DA2), but the combat system of the game is probably overall the best one (I didn't have a problem at all with the more slow-paced combat of Origins but I can understand why Inquisition's combat fits more, and is simply done 'better' with dynamic combat in mind).

You liked Bioshock Infinite (me too, great game; although not as good as the original for me), so you shouldn't have much problem playing story-driven FPS games. Therefor I'd highly recommend Wolfenstein The New Order (not sure about the follow up the Old Blood spin-off / prequel, never played it; and I haven't played the sequel yet either). For some reason The New Order just didn't work for some people out there, oh well. I think it's one of the best story-driven single player FPS ever made (it could have easily been a movie). You might also like FEAR 1 & 2 (at least the first one), Crysis 1 & its "2nd campaign" game, namely Warhead (play as another character within the same events as the original game; seeing things from a different perspective... pretty much in the veins of Half-Life Blue Shift). Maybe going with Titanfall 2 wouldn't be far-fetched of a recommendation at all (it's actually a pretty solid game to be honest). I heard decent things about Singularity, but I never played it myself.

Finally, I'd recommend Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, things need to be taken into consideration for that one. I am recommending it because that game essentially offers the best Star Wars universe stories I've ever experienced since KOTOR1 and 2. The Old Republic has EIGHT 'base' campaigns, each one with 3 Chapters (4 of them for the Sith Empire, 4 for the Republic). They all lead to the more centralized expansions later on (Knights of the Fallen Empire / Throne). Now, Old Republic's writing for its main campaigns is - on average - pretty good. There's some absolute marvelous gems of moments (writing-wise) for various characters. The one campaign I enjoyed the most was for the Sith Warrior (although the Imperial Agent's campaign was very good as well, along with the Jedi Knight's). There's some campaigns I legitimately enjoyed even more than the movies.

The BIG PROBLEM, however, is the fact that Old Republic is... well, it's Old Republic. The game by now is VERY archaic, looks like the early days of WoW, has essentially no physics involved, has tab-targetting and a "combat system" that wouldn't fail to bore any sane person touching it (you REALLY have to not give a shit about excessively antiquated 1990s / early 2000s MMOs mechanics to enjoy that stuff to any extent). The STORIES and the characters development portion of the game is where Old Republic shines. It's basically Mass Effect meets Star Wars (I'm not exaggerating). You have your character, you have your companions (you find them one by one given specific circumstances), and your companions 'evolve' throughout the campaign (sometimes even in either good or bad ways depending on your decisions). It's definitely a 'formulaic BioWare game', for the best (since comparisons to Mass Effect and Dragon Age in how you acquire you companions and how the dialogue functions and branches out can be made). It's simply a recognizably-BioWare game. But... it's also an MMORPG. So... ALL the "In Between" stuff you'll do (between cut scenes, between actual story progression moments, between talking to your companions on your ship, between seeing your character evolve based on your decisions) is merely MMORPG shenanigans.

So you'll be doing mostly meaningless side quests (I say "mostly" here because there ARE some side quests that have very good writing and have pretty nice and short isolated stories on their own scattered across most planets; but there's not hundreds of them). The most boring and difficult thing to get over (for me anyway, it was) is the combat system, and character animations in general. It's excessively harsh to look at, and play with (I absolutely hate tab-targetting and enemies that just stick on you, where physically moving won't change anything to auto-aiming and guaranteed shots; it's very old by today's standards, and that's putting it gently). Additionally, a major annoyance (to say the least) is traveling and back tracking to reach Point B and then going back to Point A, then being told to go to Point C, then back at Point A... (while doing quests) on planets. The distances are sometimes VAST, with vehicles that move about as fast as I can walk; making the whole 'doing this quest to get rid of it so that I can see what's going on next in the Story' a chore in most cases. There's some campaigns (notably, Sith Inquisitor's, towards the end for example) where at some point you'll literally be spending about 30 minutes on planets, on your ship, then back on new planets and then back on your ship doing backs and forths to 'progress' your story in the worst possible manner. There's genuine horrible quest pacing and planning (I.E. the devs didn't plan on balancing how much "gameplay" goes in between portion 'x' and 'z' of story progression, making certain quests over-lasting just to end up getting a 2 minutes cut-scene only to then being told to go on another mission again that lasts a solid 20 minutes with back and forth traveling AGAIN) on the part of the devs in many places.

I always hesitate to recommend Old Republic due to those reasons (and then some; the graphics in general, too, are nothing spectacular to look at nor were they even back when the game was released). However, I still do... since the game does have gems of characters and writing. It simply was a mistake to combine MMORPG with 'Campaigns'. The game, on a side note, CAN be played entirely Solo for just progressing the campaigns (you don't have to do Raids, or anything with people if all you want to do is experience the game's stories and campaigns). But they throw in MMORPG fueled mechanics and quest progression (and pacing) that just don't fit both formula at the same time. It's not an easy one, it's probably not for everyone but... the stories (in general) alone still make it one of the best game I can recommend for the Star Wars universe if what you want to experience are story-driven games.
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
The Old Republic class stories were the last of the old Bioware storytelling and to me were worth putting up with the MMO sidequests.

One good and bad thing is they nerfed the difficulty down to story mode with no way to raise it higher. Bad in that you no longer need to learn more than the absolute basics of each class, and you don't need to pay attention to gearing beyond accepting quest rewards and equipping them. The good part is the difficulty reduction means you can now skip almost all of the sidequests if you want to, at least after the first planet.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2011
Since you liked bioshock infinite and mentioned first person, I would recommend

Dues Ex: Human Revolution


Jun 30, 2003
Kingdoms of Amalur

i found KoA to be rather repetitive. but if you're a completionist, then the game will do very well.

pros: the world is impressively large, and the artwork is pretty damn good. the actual main story is pretty cool. the whole "twist of fate" concept is also neat, even if it really just amounts to permanent stat bonuses from question completion. it's the idea/concept that makes it interesting. you can multiclass anyway you want with no real restrictions other than a level cap.

cons: music is generally bland, sound effects not that good, combat is very repetitive (there are only a handful of moves). there are 6.022x10^23 side quests (too many for my liking). you find out all the cool shit in the storyline in the last 20 minutes (exaggerating) of the game.

last story-driven RPG on my list is battle chasers: night war. if you like JRPGs, this game is fantastic. excellent music, fun and varied characters, cool spells/ultimates. like any JRPG, it can get grindy at times, but at least in this one the encounters aren't rng'd.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
As someone who is also a huge fan of Bioshock Infinite, largely for the story, I strongly recommend NieR Automata. I really can't tell you why the story is so amazing without giving enormous spoilers. You control a couple of intelligent androids that are part of an elite space force called YoRHa whose mission is to try to rid Earth of the robots that have taken the planet over and driven all humans to The Moon. But that's all I really want to say about the story. If you want to learn more about it you can go to youtube and search "Nier Automata Honest Game Trailers" which gives a great overview of why the story is so amazing, but with the downside of giving away a lot of major spoilers.

It's a game that spans a lot of the emotional spectrum, including having some really funny parts to it. It's really creative in its gameplay also. Most of the game is played in kind of a Bayonetta like third person fast action in an open world, but it also has elements of shooters like 1942 and Geometry Wars and at times becomes a sidescroller also. You have a lot of options for customizing your character too. Being an android, you can loot chips from fallen enemies to make your attributes stronger or to add new abilities.

The game also has just an epic soundtrack, as one would expect from a game created by Yoko Taro. Here is the first song of the game:
It really sets a great tone in your first firefight. And it only gets better from there.

I have been gaming pretty heavily since the days of Zaxxon, Donkey Kong, the Ti99/4A, and the Commodore 64, and NieR Automata is only one of eight games I have ever played that I would rate a perfect 10/10 (with the other seven being Super Mario Bros, Shinobi [arcade version], Zelda: A Link to the Past, Half Life 1, Fallout 2, Skyrim, and Bloodborne). It ticks everything I want in a game: amazing story with interesting characters and character development, great control, fast paced and enjoyable combat, the ability to control the pace I play the game at via story vs optional side missions, and a well planned out game world with a soundtrack that does a great job matching the mood of the setting. It's the total package to me.

However, there are two downsides:

(1) The PC port is terrible without using a mod. The crashes and the resolution bug are fixed via the FAR mod, though if you have an older gpu you'll want to turn down the global illumination setting via the FAR mod to get a steady 60 fps (on my GTX 970 I need to put it at medium). As an owner of both the PC and PS4 versions of the game, the PC version with the FAR mod is the best way to play it.

(2) You'll definitely want a twin stick controller for this game. I can't imagine using mouse & keyboard for it.

Overall though, I'll say without hyperbole that I think it's a masterpiece and something someone looking for a great story will enjoy.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
Any recommendations that are first-person?

Bioshock 1-2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dishonored, etc. As everyone is saying, it's been a very "dry" few years for decent non open-world single-player FPS's and your observation about boring "formulaic" franchises has sadly been taken to extremes by the AAA studios over the past decade.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
So.... I've never played Final Fantasy and don't know anything about the lore or backstory. Is this going to be a problem?

no u wont have a problem because they are not continuous.
Meaning you rarely see one overlapping the other until you get into the X and XIII where they have X-2 and XIII-2 and XIII-3.

Personally if you dont mind the graphics, the older ones are really good with very excellent story lines and character development.
XV honestly felt a bit rushed, the story line was meh, i did not really get attached to any of them, and honestly it was an overall bro fest. (meaning no choice at all minus a few battles in having female characters in your party, really wished Aranea Highwind was a perm addition).

The greatest story will obviously be from the originals like FFIV-FFVI-FFVII-FFVIII-FFIX
FF-X is worth playing but its a 2 parter, and FF XIII is also good as it features character development and
The most powerful hero out of all of them. Lets face it, Lightning can ground stomp Sephiroh with her eyes closed

They remastered 4 so it maybe a good option.
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