Need some Help


Junior Member
Sep 6, 2005
Hi im new to the whole overclockin thing. I have 1G of OCZ platinum Rev 2 pc3200 on an asus a8n-sli premium board. I overclocked my 3700+ to 2.62ghz and im not sure how to clock my memory. When i go into bios it says the following:

Cas Latency- 2.5
TRas- 5T
Trcd- 3T
Trp- 3T
Trc- 10T
Trfc- 12T
Trwt- 4T
Twr- 3T
1T/2T Mem Timing- 2T

i was told the timings are supposed to be Cas Latency 2 with timings of 2-2-2-5.
i would appreciate any help i can get. thank you. I don't really kno what all of the things mean and what ones im supposed to cahnge.


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2004
Hmm... I just answered a very similar question like a day ago... here it goes again:

2-2-2-5@PC3200 timings mean the following:
CAS latency: 2
TRP: 2
@ 200MHz mem clock (DDR400).

Since you have a 3700+ (which has an 11x multiplier), that means that your HTT is set at 238MHz or so. Now, I'm going to assume that your DRAM frequency/clock is set at 200MHz/DDR400 (however you mobo calls it) which would mean that your DRAM is overclocked to 238MHz(DDR476). If so then you can try to tighten the timings a bit, which you might be able to do, but you most likely wont get to 2-2-2-5. If your RAM is set to Auto or something of the sort then you can, most likely, just set your DRAM settings to 2-2-2-5 and have no trouble. Both of these suggestions will probably require you to raise your DRAM voltage to 2.7-2.8v, though I wouldnt go higher than that, since TCCD (your ram) doesnt gain that much from very high voltages. Change your 1T/2T Mem timing (which is the command rate) to 1T, it'll give you a decent performance boost.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Furen
Hmm... I just answered a very similar question like a day ago... here it goes again:

2-2-2-5@PC3200 timings mean the following:
CAS latency: 2
TRP: 2
@ 200MHz mem clock (DDR400).

Since you have a 3700+ (which has an 11x multiplier), that means that your HTT is set at 238MHz or so. Now, I'm going to assume that your DRAM frequency/clock is set at 200MHz/DDR400 (however you mobo calls it) which would mean that your DRAM is overclocked to 238MHz(DDR476). If so then you can try to tighten the timings a bit, which you might be able to do, but you most likely wont get to 2-2-2-5. If your RAM is set to Auto or something of the sort then you can, most likely, just set your DRAM settings to 2-2-2-5 and have no trouble. Both of these suggestions will probably require you to raise your DRAM voltage to 2.7-2.8v, though I wouldnt go higher than that, since TCCD (your ram) doesnt gain that much from very high voltages. Change your 1T/2T Mem timing (which is the command rate) to 1T, it'll give you a decent performance boost.

Good to see that people can be patient with others (specially the new ones) and not be negative and condescending...a.k.a. smart a*ses in their replies...

my hat is off to you furen...


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
That Plat Rev.2 should be able to do 238mhz 2-2-2-5 (2-2-2-7 I have found yields identical performance and better stability vs. 2-2-2-5). My VX will do 238mhz 2-2-2-7 and TCCD should OC 260+mhz, leaving you plenty of room to play with timings. Every RAM module is different though.


Diamond Member
May 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Matt2
That Plat Rev.2 should be able to do 238mhz 2-2-2-5 (2-2-2-7 I have found yields identical performance and better stability vs. 2-2-2-5). My VX will do 238mhz 2-2-2-7 and TCCD should OC 260+mhz, leaving you plenty of room to play with timings. Every RAM module is different though.

No, the PC3200 Plat Rev 2 will not do 238 at 2-2-2-5. You'll probably have to loosen to 2.5-3-2-7 or 2.5-3-3-7 at 238 MHz. The Plat Rev 2 does not behave like the VX series, so pumping voltage into them won't help you reach 2-2-2-5 timings at higher clocks.


Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: OCZ John
Originally posted by: Matt2
That Plat Rev.2 should be able to do 238mhz 2-2-2-5 (2-2-2-7 I have found yields identical performance and better stability vs. 2-2-2-5). My VX will do 238mhz 2-2-2-7 and TCCD should OC 260+mhz, leaving you plenty of room to play with timings. Every RAM module is different though.

No, the PC3200 Plat Rev 2 will not do 238 at 2-2-2-5. You'll probably have to loosen to 2.5-3-2-7 or 2.5-3-3-7 at 238 MHz. The Plat Rev 2 does not behave like the VX series, so pumping voltage into them won't help you reach 2-2-2-5 timings at higher clocks.


I have these memory modules, and although i am not able to achieve good memory timings (due to the crapy on die mem controllers I have with a week 51 Winchester). you should be looking at the following parameters for memory timings.

This applies to the OCZ 3200 plat Rev2 (2x 512) @ 2-2-2-5

NOTE: this is just a guideline to what your memory should be able to achieve.

The following timings are layed out as follows:- CAS: x, TRCD: x, TRP: x, TRAS: x .. so at default in your case 2-2-2-5

1T 200Mhz - 215Mhz @ 2-2-2-x

1T 215Mhz - 235Mhz @ 2.5-3-2/3-x (YMMV with the Trp timings)

1T 235Mhz - 250/260Mhz @ 2.5-3-3-x (260Mhz if you are lucky)

1T 250Mhz - 270/280Mhz @ 2.5-4-3/4-x (most likely Trp 4 with the higher clock nearing 275Mhz range, and you might have to change to a CAS of 3 depending on quality of the TCCD chips)

2T 280Mhz+ will be @ 3-4-4-x @ 2T CMD rate

(Remember to increase the voltage if need be, if you experience stability issues)

Your memory should be able to reach 290/300mhz or maybe higher at 2T 3-4-4-x, but you will have to find out what it can top out at by just raising the speed in small increments until it is not stable and can not pass memtest. You must keep in mind that with the higher frequency, some motherboards are just unable to handle the high frequency unlike DFI .. I think this is usually to do with the layout of the memory tracers (for signal integrity), and the quality of the clock crystal as well as the PLL chip being used, basically down to the quality and design of the mother board and its components.

I think the Asus A8N SLI has problems with high frequency and also the ability to sustain a 1T CMD rate above 240Mhz, or so i have heard. But this is due to the BIOS that is being used, im not sure on that one, that question is best asked in the motherboard forum, if you indeed have that problem.

In the above notice the x which symbolises any number, this being that for the nforce 3 chipset a Tras 10 is favoured, and the nforce 4 chipset a Tras of 7 is favoured (over the stock settings of Tras 5), as these timings have been proven to be optimum for performance on these chipsets.

the memory modules are rated at up to 3v (volts) under warranty, although as "OCZ john" has stated, these memory modules are not built around high voltage consumption/usage, therefore will not respond as OCZ VX does to high voltage (and that is the beauty of these chips the low voltage, and also a lot of motherboards can supply its max voltage rating :thumbsup: ).

You can range the voltage from 2.75 to 2.9/3.0 which should be sufficient for your DIMM's, obviously voltage = stability, so if you experience stability issues when using memtest etc to test for stability, upping the voltage is the key .. but only up to 2.9 as any higher will not help these DIMM's with stability. If at 2.9 volts and with the given timings/speed you find stability issues, either you CPU's memory controllers are not up to par for the tight timings @ the given speed, or your DIMM's just can not sustain stability with the tight timings @ the given speed, and therefore you will have to relax the timings. As if you wish to run unstable memory you will find that you comp will crash more often, and it will become even less stable over time as corrupted data is written to your hard drive.

The main reason i bought these DIMM's is because they are able to keep a 1T command rate on average up to 275/280Mhz, and also the DIMM's ability to sustain a CAS of 2.5 up to around 260/280Mhz YMMV (You Mileage May Vary), and not to mention the low voltage needed to do the job (aka no need for voltage booster/Mod).

One thing to keep in mind, is that you may have an under performing stick (DIMM) of memory, which would mean that it undermines the ability of the other stick when running in dual channel, or single channel. This being that the sticks need to be equally capable so they can run in tandem at the given timings. If you have a faulty stick you will get corrupt data flow, even though one stick is capable and one is not. Although OCZ actually tests the ability of the DIMM's working together, (hence buying a dual channel matched pair) before they go on sale, this is to ensure this does not occur for the consumer, but sometimes this might be the case, i dont know what OCZ's view would be on a possible returning of the sticks in this case.

i know when i started out OCing, the hardest thing to get my head around was the configuration (timings) of the RAM. I find that best way to find the optimum RAM timings is to, raise the timings as high as possible, so in your case 3-4-4-x, then find you maximum speed 240Mhz, 270Mhz etc at a command rate of 1T, and if not high enough find the highest speed on a 2T command rate, then when you find the most desired speed, tighten up the timings as much as you can whilst testing their stability (usually using Memtest x86). The guide i given above is exactly it a GUIDE, you will find that depending on the quality of your PCB, Chips (TCCD), the ability of the DIMM's will differ in their ability to perform under tight timings , and not to mention in AMD's case, the quality of the on-die memory controllers also factors in. So it might not always be down to poor memory, although you have a San Diego core which has the uprated memory controllers over the previous 90nm core revision the Winchester, which i have. So you should be able to achieve the full potential from the memory you have without worry form poor memory controllers.

Anyways i hope this helps


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
dont forget that the new Plat rev2 chips are TCC5 and the older are generally TCCD...not a big difference, (and I could be wrong) but the older TCCD chips seem to get a little higher (fsb) on the 2-2-2-5 timings vs. the TCC5...both are very good, i have both and like them each quite a bit...


Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: ExarKun333
dont forget that the new Plat rev2 chips are TCC5 and the older are generally TCCD...not a big difference, (and I could be wrong) but the older TCCD chips seem to get a little higher (fsb) on the 2-2-2-5 timings vs. the TCC5...both are very good, i have both and like them each quite a bit...

True, if the OP has TCC5 then he might find that they do not OC as high on the given timings .. luckily i got mine before they changed over from TCCD to TCC5


Diamond Member
May 8, 2003
Actually, the set of TCC5 I have can go up to 270 at 2.5-3-3-8 and up to 315 at 2.5-4-3-8. I didn't special test these modules either. I just placed an order and these were what I got. From my experience, there is no real difference between TCCD and TCC5. I've seen TCC5's, like mine, do better than TCCD's and vise versa.


Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: OCZ John
Actually, the set of TCC5 I have can go up to 270 at 2.5-3-3-8 and up to 315 at 2.5-4-3-8. I didn't special test these modules either. I just placed an order and these were what I got. From my experience, there is no real difference between TCCD and TCC5. I've seen TCC5's, like mine, do better than TCCD's and vise versa.

Command rate, voltage, CPU.. ?



Junior Member
Sep 25, 2005
Hi guys,

Im noobie here probably thats why I have a (stupid) querstion.
Thats my settings now.

Every time I want to change the CPU CONFIG/DRAM SETTINGS in the BIOS the OVERLOCK menu switches from manual to auto and back.
I can?t change both and I also having problem with the timing.
2700MHz, that?s the end of my CPU and the 9x multiplier is the best with 300MHz FSB, I think (if not, correct me please).

But how can I change the DRAM Frequency and keep the current Clock multiplier (x9) and Front Side Bus Frequency (300MHz)?

Thank you.

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