Negotiating Your FIRST Salary


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Since there's lots of people graduating from college, and about to embark on the "journey to their first "REAL" job", this article seems to be rather timely...PLUS, it contains info that can be useful for negotiating salaries AFTER that first job...

"Getting What (You Think) You're Worth
Tara Weiss, 05.09.07, 11:00 AM ET

What a relief! The grueling task of finding a job is over. You received an offer, and the company presented you with your starting salary and benefits package.

But wait. Before you hastily agree to the terms and sign on the dotted line, do some homework to find out if you're being offered a competitive salary. If not--or even if you need a few thousand dollars more to cover the rent--negotiate. It's something recent grads are reluctant to do since they're often grateful just to be hired. After all, it's not as if they have a wealth of on the job experience. It's great to be appreciative and enthusiastic, but don't forget: not only can you negotiate the salary of your first job, you should.

Here's one reason why: "It's no different than how we play poker," says Michael Ball, founder of Career Freshman, a California-based company that teaches employers how to manage recent graduates. "Employers are not coming in with their full hand. They're always coming in a few thousand below what they have to cap out at. There's always more wiggle room."

Chris Fusco, vice president of compensation at, says negotiating often results in "about 10% improvement on the initial offer." He recommends saying something like "Based on my understanding of the job, the company's needs, and the skills and experience I bring, I feel I'm worth $5,000 more than what you're offering me ."

Fusco advises students to make employers aware of the work and internship experience they've had in the past, recommendations from professors and former employers, and details of extracurricular activities, to show the strong potential they have for success at the company.

If the thought of negotiating for a few thousand dollars more makes you queasy, consider this: Annual raises are usually a percentage of your salary. "That incremental negotiation you do at the front end continues to pay you back when it's time for a percentage raise," says Ball. It goes on from there, especially if you're at the company for several years.

That's particularly true for women. Among employees who work full time and are one year out of college, females are making only 80% of what their male counterparts earn, according to a new study by the American Association of University Women.

Granted, there are variables at play, such as the jobs women chose, education received and whether they work at a for-profit company versus a nonprofit or governmental organization. But when Catherine Hill, director of research at the association and co-author of the report "Behind the Pay Gap," accounted for those variables statistically, there was still a 5% difference between men and women that's not explained. Women's lack of negotiating skills likely has something to do with it, she says.

Both genders should keep in mind that negotiating might have another benefit. "How a prospective employee negotiates is a good indicator of how that person will perform on the job," says Fusco. "It's an indicator of whether they'll be able to influence others to take action and if they can lobby to get resources."

Whatever you do, don't tell the recruiter how much you hope to make. It's a lose-lose situation. If you ask for too much, you can price yourself out of the job, but if you ask for too little, you're hurting yourself financially. If asked, the right thing to say is, "I'm very excited about working for this company, and I think I have a lot to bring. I'm sure we can work together to agree on salary that suits both of us."

Never go into raise negotiations without knowing what other people in your profession are making. The first place to check is your university's career center. Career counselors can tell you if the company's salary history is consistent with its offer.

From there, ask if the recruiter can put you in touch with last year's grads who received offers from that company and their competitors. If you're planning to negotiate, ask the contact how he or she negotiated and if it was successful. That person can also offer tips on how to ask for more money since he or she knows the company's culture after being there for a year.

Then, see what recent grads with similar jobs in your geographic area are making by visiting sites like and These sites post all sorts of information from employees about what it's like to work for their organization.

Many companies hire entry-level employees into structured programs that give them an opportunity to rotate throughout the company. Salaries for those positions aren't usually flexible. That doesn't mean there isn't room for discussion, says Victoria Tracy, director of staffing at Tyco International (nyse: TYC - news - people ). She recommends being completely honest. For instance, if you need help with moving costs, she suggests telling the recruiter to see if that money can be put in the form of a signing bonus.

Another way to get around a structured salary is to ask if your manager can review your performance and salary at six months instead of at the year mark, she says. "We want candidates who work for us to feel good as soon as they walk in the door," says Tracy. "We also want them to be reasonable. If they're willing to work with us, we're willing to listen to their concerns."

Keep in mind that some offers are too good to refuse even if the money isn't there. That's true for programs that will teach you unique skills or employers that have exemplary records when it comes to professional development and work/life balance. Some jobs and employers are so prestigious that having it on your résumé will help you get other, more lucrative offers.

"Too often people see their career as nothing but a paycheck," says John Leech, director of recruitment for FedEx ). "It really is so much more."

Tyco's Tracy offers one final piece of advice: No matter what, never, ever have your parents call up to do the negotiating for you.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
That probably works for the top candidates, but the article should have pointed out that it's not always a good idea. Every company has its own way of dealing with entry-level people.

My friend works at a bank and they have very strict salary guidelines. On a number of occasions, they've moved along to another candidate because their first choice kept trying to get another 5-8%. Negotiating is one thing, but if the company makes it clear that's it, then you have to decide if you can live with it or look elsewhere. That's part of negotiating also - recognizing when the other side is not going to budge.

Another friend who works at a medical equipment manufacturer tells me they try very hard to get the best candidates and make their best offer first because they are competing with other companies who can pay more. The medical place has a bunch of perks the other places don't which to some people make up the difference and more. They can bump their offer by $500 but no more, and on occasion they have candidates who have been convinced if they just hold out, they can get thousands more. Even when told "look, I know a lot of graduates are coached to negotiate a higher salary than the initial offer, but here's how we do it, etc., etc." they have had some people who don't get it.

It's great to try to work a better offer, and in many cases it will pay off, but if you don't have the skills to recognize the difference between "let's talk about this some more" and "that's the best I can do", don't keep pushing. Either take it or look somewhere else.


Senior member
Jan 22, 2007
Sweet find. When I get an offer, I am going to ask for a few K more.

Even though I would be happy just having a job at this point.


Dec 9, 2000
haha i tried to negotiate, but they said no once and i said ok just because i really wanted the job and the salary was high enough already.


Golden Member
Mar 20, 2002
I tried to negotiate my first job salary..... they said they'd have to go back to congress..... dang military


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
We have had two people try to negotiate a higher starting salary. The offers were revoked and we moved to the next candidate that we liked.

It really depends upon the job, the candidate, the company, and the job market. My company does not negotiate starting salaries. Whether the offer is even still good after that conversation is dependant upon other candidates. If we have other candidates that we liked, we simply move on to the next one. If we don't, they can still have the original offer.

The starting position that we hire for is one where a recent college grad simply will not have any extra ordinary skills to bring to the table.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
I started by doing small contracts for various people until I built up a relationship with the boss of a nice company who I then asked about a full time job. They already knew I was good at that point and they paid me what I asked for.


Jul 7, 2003
If you're happy with the offer it doesn't make much sense to negotiate. You have a situation where both sides are happy with the cost of labor and you try to push them and ruin the deal, it isn't good for either side. It especially isn't good for you because they just pick another candidate from the pool and you're stuck back in the job search.


Golden Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: cavingjan
We have had two people try to negotiate a higher starting salary. The offers were revoked and we moved to the next candidate that we liked.

It really depends upon the job, the candidate, the company, and the job market. My company does not negotiate starting salaries. Whether the offer is even still good after that conversation is dependant upon other candidates. If we have other candidates that we liked, we simply move on to the next one. If we don't, they can still have the original offer.

The starting position that we hire for is one where a recent college grad simply will not have any extra ordinary skills to bring to the table.

What industry do you work in? What type of positions are these? I just received an offer and would like to ask for about 5% more. I have a MS in EE with 4 years of experience in the industry. I'm trying to get up the nerve to ask for more without the company walking on the offer. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2000
My First salary negotiation, I asked for $5,000 extra and got it! I told them that another company was offering a bit more and if they can do $5k extra, I would accept the offer.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: jiggahertz
Originally posted by: cavingjan
We have had two people try to negotiate a higher starting salary. The offers were revoked and we moved to the next candidate that we liked.

It really depends upon the job, the candidate, the company, and the job market. My company does not negotiate starting salaries. Whether the offer is even still good after that conversation is dependant upon other candidates. If we have other candidates that we liked, we simply move on to the next one. If we don't, they can still have the original offer.

The starting position that we hire for is one where a recent college grad simply will not have any extra ordinary skills to bring to the table.

What industry do you work in? What type of positions are these? I just received an offer and would like to ask for about 5% more. I have a MS in EE with 4 years of experience in the industry. I'm trying to get up the nerve to ask for more without the company walking on the offer. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.

I also am starting my first job with an MSEE down in southern california. I had a few offers and I asked for a salary increase for each offer, and got responses from 5-7% pretty easily. It was a pretty simple thing to do, almost as if they expected me to ask.


Golden Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: jmcoreymv
Originally posted by: jiggahertz
Originally posted by: cavingjan
We have had two people try to negotiate a higher starting salary. The offers were revoked and we moved to the next candidate that we liked.

It really depends upon the job, the candidate, the company, and the job market. My company does not negotiate starting salaries. Whether the offer is even still good after that conversation is dependant upon other candidates. If we have other candidates that we liked, we simply move on to the next one. If we don't, they can still have the original offer.

The starting position that we hire for is one where a recent college grad simply will not have any extra ordinary skills to bring to the table.

What industry do you work in? What type of positions are these? I just received an offer and would like to ask for about 5% more. I have a MS in EE with 4 years of experience in the industry. I'm trying to get up the nerve to ask for more without the company walking on the offer. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.

I also am starting my first job with an MSEE down in southern california. I had a few offers and I asked for a salary increase for each offer, and got responses from 5-7% pretty easily. It was a pretty simple thing to do, almost as if they expected me to ask.

Did you ask for an increase without stating a specific number? Just say the offer was a little lower than expected and ask if they could go any higher?


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Some people entering the job market assume that they should always try to get a few K more than they are initially offered. I personally think that is silly. As an entry level with no experience, you have no grounds to stand on, and should accept what is offered unless you have other offers.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: jiggahertz
Originally posted by: jmcoreymv
Originally posted by: jiggahertz
Originally posted by: cavingjan
We have had two people try to negotiate a higher starting salary. The offers were revoked and we moved to the next candidate that we liked.

It really depends upon the job, the candidate, the company, and the job market. My company does not negotiate starting salaries. Whether the offer is even still good after that conversation is dependant upon other candidates. If we have other candidates that we liked, we simply move on to the next one. If we don't, they can still have the original offer.

The starting position that we hire for is one where a recent college grad simply will not have any extra ordinary skills to bring to the table.

What industry do you work in? What type of positions are these? I just received an offer and would like to ask for about 5% more. I have a MS in EE with 4 years of experience in the industry. I'm trying to get up the nerve to ask for more without the company walking on the offer. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.

I also am starting my first job with an MSEE down in southern california. I had a few offers and I asked for a salary increase for each offer, and got responses from 5-7% pretty easily. It was a pretty simple thing to do, almost as if they expected me to ask.

Did you ask for an increase without stating a specific number? Just say the offer was a little lower than expected and ask if they could go any higher?

For one of the offers, I asked for more, and they came back with 7%. For the other, I just asked them to match the first, which was a 5% increase.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2004
I think the article only applies to top grads with multiple offers. For everyone else, it's pretty risky if you don't have a competing offer to show them.
Nov 7, 2000
having been out of school for almost 3 years now, i see how important that first salary is.... its the baseline for every raise here on out. so what if you are below market value in an absolute sense, everything is done on percentages. that few 1000 difference adds up after the first few rounds of raises. just in my experience... i didnt have any competing offers, and was definitely happy with what i got, but still regret not trying for just a little more


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Originally posted by: jiggahertz

What industry do you work in? What type of positions are these? I just received an offer and would like to ask for about 5% more. I have a MS in EE with 4 years of experience in the industry. I'm trying to get up the nerve to ask for more without the company walking on the offer. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.

These are engineering fields. Its actually working in civil engineering (construction materials) but we hire mostly mechanical engineers.

So much of this depends upon the company itself and unless you have gone on an extensive interview with them, you really won't know enough about the company to make that judgement or you know someone or they have a very open public information area.

Our interviews are 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours long with two tests at the end. I spend a decent amount of that time scaring interviewees away. If they come back and still want the job, we have someone who will be happy with the job for at least 2 years if not longer. The job requires 6 months of training with 2 of those months being out of state so its better to be more selective and have a vacancy for a couple extra weeks than hire someone who might be able to do a good job and enjoy the job. I'm also disappointed in the number of interviewees who do not complete the tests correctly. The one is a simple reading/comprehension test with multiple choice questions. But I digress again.


Apr 29, 2001
My first salary negitiation was 8 months after working at a certain job with one $500 a month raise as a freebie halfway through. I was going to college so they offered me $8,000 more, but I turned it down and went to school.
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