Neighbor/dog issue, need advice

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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I would just install another fence on your side. IF you feel really nice I'd maybe offer to pay half the bill, but you are not really obliged to do that.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
I'm not one to normally ask random people for advice, but I wanted a completely non-biased opinion so here it goes.

I live in town and my neighbors (of 6 years) share a fence which is theirs and on their property. We've never had any issues with these neighbors and have always been friendly to each other. That's about the extent of our "relationship".

They have 3 small dogs, terriers I believe, and I have 2 big dogs 1 lab and 1 lab/shepard. The dogs always bark at each other through the fence, normal dog things. My wife and I do my best to discourage this (as do the neighbors) but their dogs and they do this. Nothing has ever come of this really.

2 years ago one of their dogs decided slip through a crack in their very poorly maintained fence and get into our yard, our dogs didn't really do anything other than chase it around since it was dark and when the dog got in, it was apparently so scared it just ran all over the yard until I managed to contain my own dogs. Neighbors got their dog, and I took a large stone slab and propped against the fence where the dog got through. That slab is still there to this day.

Fast forward to today, this same dog got into my yard again today, through a different hole this time, however, since it was on the other side of the fence already barking at my dogs, they were right there. When the dog got through (I was outside and saw the whole thing) my biggest dog (120lbs or so) and most protective got a hold of it and shook it pretty good before I could get across the yard to stop it. He dropped it as I was yelling at him and stood over it until I pulled him away, while my other dog chased it. I managed to get my other dog by the collar and hauled them in the house.

In the meantime I yelled to my neighbor that his dog was in my yard as I'm wrangling my dogs up, to which he replied that his dogs were in the house (in other words he had no idea where his dog was). I told him there was definitely a dog that came from his yard in mine so he ran over to get it. The dog was walking around, but very visibly shaken, and I didn't want to pick it up because who knows what the dog would do to me or itself if I did. When the neighbor picked it up it was bleeding pretty good on it's belly.

They apparently took him to the vet since they're not home now but I wanted to go over and talk to them when they are home. I apologized and feel pretty bad, but I'm kind of worried something might happen with this I'm not going to like.

My wife and I thought we could at least offer to pay 1/2 of any vet bills they have. Does that sound reasonable?

Neighbors dog slips through neighbors shitty fence into my yard
My dog which is 10x the size of said dog, grabs dog and shakes pretty good
Neighbor gets dog takes it to the vet
My wife and I feel terrible

I understand you feeling terrible, but you do not owe them anything.

If you are going to own a pet be responsible, if you choose not to be, shit like this will happen...a hard lesson to learn but sometimes that is what is required to get the point across.

If anything I would be pissed off that they are so careless that they put me in this position in the first place.

They were lucky you were there, the next time you won't be and you'll both find nothing but bloody tufts of hair all over the yard.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2009
Sounds like things will be okay this time. This is the second incident. I would make building a fence that I feel secure with a top priority.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
Look, the OP is a good responsible dog owner but if his dogs enjoy killing other dogs, there is something wrong with them.

You don't know shit about dogs obviously.

My dogs would kill a strange small dog or cat if I wasn't present. Animal aggression is completely different than human aggression....

Yet my dogs live in complete harmony with my indoor cats and my 15 month old son. To be honest, my bulldogs are submissive to my son and the cats. It is really retarded that my dogs submit to the cats but they do. Makes life a lot easier....


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
lulz don't be stupid

There are plenty of dogs in my neck of the wood. Sometime they get loose and they're not out there trying to kill each others. The one's that do get a trip to the vet.
That's what my neighbor did when his dog killed another one.

If the OP doesn't mind having a dog that may very well kill anything that walks on his property, that's his problem. Personally, I would not.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
would be a shame if somehow, a puddle of anti freeze spilled over where their dogs can get to it. accidents happen. Now your dogs cant kill them saving you from potential liabilities and headaches and you can swear you never spilled any anti freeze.
your neighbor does that to your dogs, hey people do that stuff. but seriously, if your dogs are dangerous to others, you always have a potential risk of something, anything happening.

Short true story:
my g/f's sister has a pitbull...very friendly in a fenced in front yard.
Mail man came by one day and the pitbull jumped up against the fence barking. it scared the mailman who "supposedly" jumped onto his vehicle and hurt is back.

he sued for $61,000 and won. The dog was behind the fence the whole time. that was about 2 years very cautious with dogs especially if they attack, it may not matter if its on your property or not, even a kid tresspassing and gets bit, a judge may find out of your favor despite the tresspass. happens all the time actually.


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2001
There are plenty of dogs in my neck of the wood. Sometime they get loose and they're not out there trying to kill each others. The one's that do get a trip to the vet.
That's what my neighbor did when his dog killed another one.

If the OP doesn't mind having a dog that may very well kill anything that walks on his property, that's his problem. Personally, I would not.

My dog(s) has never been hostile to another dog on my property, but those other dogs are always introduced in a manner that is safe to both parties. Doing anything else is just stupid and dangerous.

I'm honestly surprised he did what he did, but it could have been because myself and daughter were in the yard at the time causing him to be more protective. Or he could have mistaken it for a rabbit. Every spring/summer we have rabbits that sneak in and out of our yard through the fence. To him that's probably all he sees.

It's not like my dog is ripping down the fence, or even trying to get through the fence after the other dogs.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
There are plenty of dogs in my neck of the wood. Sometime they get loose and they're not out there trying to kill each others. The one's that do get a trip to the vet.
That's what my neighbor did when his dog killed another one.

If the OP doesn't mind having a dog that may very well kill anything that walks on his property, that's his problem. Personally, I would not.

Once again, you don't know SHIT about dogs.

Look up PREY DRIVE. All dogs have it....

Some higher than others. But a big dog with a strange small dogs definitely opens up the possibility of it being an issue.


You also don't understand the simple issue of territory. My dogs would attack a strange small dog that got into my back yard BUT I take my dogs to dog parks all the time and they get along with every dog there. Even aggressive dogs that have come at my dogs haven't caused a problem. Although my dogs would pretty much finish any fight if a dog started one.

Once again, stop talking about things you don't know jack shit about.
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Sep 5, 2000
Well I saw the guy's car was back in front of his house so I went over. Thankfully he doesn't blame me or my dogs for anything. Apparently they knew about the hole in the fence but didn't get around to patching/covering it in time. I offered some assistance with the vet bill but he refused.

The dog is currently at the vet, it's in shock (no surprise) and has 2 puncture wounds to it's abdomen. Otherwise, he said they can't tell how the dog will be and they're keeping it at the vet for now.

Sounds like you and your neighbor have a good relationship. Even if he didn't accept offering to pay will help you keep everything good between you.

If you still want to do something offer to help fix the fence. That would be good for both of you.


Aug 24, 2008
Even in some states you are liable for any damage your dog does to others so if you live in one of those areas then try to stay on good terms otherwise you could be facing the entire bill and they could place your dog down for safety concerns.

Get your own fence since it sounds like relying on your neighbors crappy fence is not the way to go.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2002
The obvious solution here is for you to feed your neighbor's dogs dark chocolate.


Dec 14, 2000
Please never own a pet.

You are out of touch with reality and your opinions are warped. Regarding this and your other post,

"I would pay half and install your own fence since they don't maintain their own."

Don't pay a damn cent. He doesn't owe his neighbors anything. I mean, if you want to give money away, I'll gladly give you my paypal account info and feel free to send the money over. There is no reason to install a separate fence for two adjoining properties. He's amicable with his neighbors and fixing the current one would be cheaper than installing a new one.

I also tend to agree with mizzou about the dog (pet) regarding the monetary value. A pet is just an animal, its not a human being, and can never really be a member of the family. Sure, we get used to them being around, but they are just that, a pet, and are replaceable. No reason to spend a large amount of money on an animal with a short lifespan that is replaceable.


Feb 22, 2007
That very same thing happened on a daytime court program, think it was peoples court. The neighbors dog kept digging under the fence and eventually dug under the fence and killed the neighbors dog. It came down to whose dog has breached the fence.

The dog was known for going through the fence and the owners of the animal did nothing about it, they are liable. It doesn't matter who owns the fence. If your animal is going somewhere it does not belong it is up to the animal owner to stop it. The law looks at it like your dog left your property and went somewhere it wasn't allowed to go and you should take reasonable precautions to prevent that from happening. It is just like someone who has a fence installed too short and the dog can jump over it, they are still liable because the fence was not tall enough to contain the dog.

You can offer to pay some of the vet bills if you like, but if you do have that conversation have a non family member present. The case I was talking about the neighbors were good friends before it happened and after the neighbor claimed they said they would pay all cost.


May 19, 2003
lol, don't pay anything. If anything sue him for the mental damage he has caused you for making you scream at your dog.


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2001
Well I just found out the neighbors dog didn't make it through the night. I feel sorry because I can't imagine how upset the neighbors wife is gonna be when she gets home and finds out.

It's done and over with and I know it's not my fault, but I still feel bad.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
Well I just found out the neighbors dog didn't make it through the night. I feel sorry because I can't imagine how upset the neighbors wife is gonna be when she gets home and finds out.

It's done and over with and I know it's not my fault, but I still feel bad.

That sucks but shit happens.

Best thing you can do is offer to help make sure it never happens again by helping get his fence corrected.

Not your fault but you seem like a good neighbor and he is a good neighbor. It is always good to try and help each other out.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Anyone who would poison their neighbor's dog should get two rounds to the back of the head. Period.

OP, kudo's to you for offering to help with the vet bills even though you have no real obligation to do so.

What kind of fence are you dealing with? I strongly recommend fixing the fence from your side to prevent further incursions into your yard...even though, once again, you have no real obligation to do so, since it's the neighbor's fence, wholly on his property.
(be sure to get the neighbor's permission before proceeding)

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You can get a roll of field fenceing real cheaply , Its like heavy chicken wire and it will hold out all but the largest dogs , if you double up , nothing will get through it . You could use that untill you do a fence .

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
You are out of touch with reality and your opinions are warped. Regarding this and your other post,

"I would pay half and install your own fence since they don't maintain their own."

Don't pay a damn cent. He doesn't owe his neighbors anything. I mean, if you want to give money away, I'll gladly give you my paypal account info and feel free to send the money over. There is no reason to install a separate fence for two adjoining properties. He's amicable with his neighbors and fixing the current one would be cheaper than installing a new one.

I also tend to agree with mizzou about the dog (pet) regarding the monetary value. A pet is just an animal, its not a human being, and can never really be a member of the family. Sure, we get used to them being around, but they are just that, a pet, and are replaceable. No reason to spend a large amount of money on an animal with a short lifespan that is replaceable.

A fence is to not only protect my own dogs but others. I have control of it and the ability to maintain it. If a little kid snuck thru my neighbor's broken fence and did something to one of my dogs which caused them to bite back, I could be sued and I would feel guilty for putting my dog in that position. Like I mentioned already, I had a similar situation as the OP. I offered to replace the fence and have it on my property.

The OP knew that the dogs had issues with one another and did nothing til after the fact to offer to repair the fence. I would have done something a long time ago to prevent the neighbor's dogs or anything to come thru it.

$100 is not a lot of money and a pet that can live 15 years is not a short time frame. Do you own a dog?

A simple urinary tract infection can cost over $100 for vet visit and medication. You would let the pet suffer and/or put it down b/c of it? First, you could get charged for animal cruelty and second no vet would put the animal down. Hope you also never own a pet.


Jul 5, 2000
I wouldnt offer to pay anything. Their dog manages to get onto your property with your dogs which are otherwise confined to your property = their fault. I would accept no responsibility.

Yea do NOT pay if its their fence that is the weak link and their dog came into your yard.

Now if your dog got into their yard and did that then i say pay 100%.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
I realize it's not technically my responsibility to pay, I just feel horrible about it. Which is why I'd at very minimum like to offer. Especially since it will probably be quite expensive for them as it is.

That makes you a good person, so just do what you want. However, you should try to avoid this in the future. Help the guy out and condition your help on the neighbor putting up a secure new fence.
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