Nevada middle school shooting...


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003

Yet another idiot gun owner leaving his guns lying around where his kids can get a hold of them. :whiste:

Gun owners: You really are your own worst enemy. Want guns banned? Keep doing stupid shit like leave them lying around where children can get at them.

A student opening fire with a handgun he took from his parents. Screaming students running for cover. A teacher, trying to help, shot dead. Two students wounded. The terror lasted just a few brutal minutes. As authorities investigated, details were still trickling out hours after a deadly shooting Monday at a Nevada middle school.

One official described the scene at Sparks Middle School with one word: chaos.

Students described to CNN how they ran into the school screaming and crying when they realized the pops they heard were gunshots just before the morning bell welcomed them back from fall break.

The shooter took a handgun from his parents, a federal law enforcement source who was briefed on the situation told CNN's Evan Perez.

The gunman eventually shot and killed himself with the semiautomatic gun, Sparks Deputy Chief Tom Miller said Monday evening at a news conference.
Police: Two students, teacher were shot
Staff member killed in school shooting
Shots fired at Nevada middle school

Authorities said the shooter's motive was unclear.

"It's too early to say whether he was targeting specific people or just going on an indiscriminate shooting spree," said Tom Robinson, deputy chief of the Reno Police Department.

Teacher loved his kids, brother says

Mike Landsberry, a popular math teacher at the school, was killed in the shooting, Sparks Mayor Geno Martini told CNN.

In addition to his work as a teacher, Landsberry also had served in the Marines and served several tours in Afghanistan as a member of the Nevada Air National Guard, his brother, Reggie, told CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."

"He was the kind of person that if someone needed help he would be there," Reggie Landsberry said. "He loved teaching. He loved the kids. He loved coaching them. ... He was just a good all-around individual."

Reggie Landsberry said his brother was probably trying to "talk the kid down and protect whoever he could. That sounds like Mike."

One student told "Pier Morgan Live" that she knew the student who shot Landsberry and wounded two 12-year-old schoolmates.

"He was really a nice kid," Amaya Newton told CNN. "He would make you smile when you were having bad day."

He even offered to buy other students something to cheer them up, Newton said.

Newton said she thought the two students who were wounded were friends of the shooter.

She and her mother, Tabatha, said they thought the shooter had been bullied in the past.

Student Terra Robinson said she was standing to the side of one of the school buildings where she heard shots and saw Landsberry killed. She told CNN that she ran into the school and was separated from her friends.

"I start getting really worried and then I was trying to get a hold of my Mom," she said.

Faith Robinson was just a few minutes away when she got her daughter's distressing call.

By the time she got to the school there was a sea of flashing lights and panicked parents, she said.

The superintendent of Washoe County Schools said there were many heroes.

"Including our children who, even though school hadn't started, when the teachers came out, they listened to them and they went into their classrooms immediately," Pedro Martinez said.

Witness: 'Everybody just ran away

A13-year-old witness told the Reno Gazette-Journal that he saw a student in a school uniform open fire as the teacher tried to get him to put the gun down.

"The student fired a shot at the teacher, and the teacher fell, and everybody ran away," the student said.

The witness told the newspaper that he heard four or five shots as he ran for cover, hiding out with several others in a house nearby.

An emergency dispatch calls released by the Sparks police department indicate Landsberry was shot on the school playground.

One wounded student was shot in the stomach, and the other injured student was shot in the shoulder, Washoe County School District Police Chief Mike Mieras said. The two 12-year-old boys were both in stable condition Monday night, Miller said.

Authorities said that first responders were at the school just three minutes after the initial 911 calls.

"I think we were well-prepared. Everybody responded appropriately. I think our first responders did a heckuva job, but it's a sad day for the city of Sparks," Mayor Martini told CNN.

Shooting began early Monday morning

City officials said authorities received emergency calls from students and staff at the school about 7:15 a.m. about an active shooter on campus.

Authorities said students were taken to a nearby high school to meet their parents. School was canceled for the week at Sparks Middle School and for the day at nearby Agnes Risley Elementary, officials said.

"I was deeply saddened to learn of the horrific shooting at Sparks Middle School this morning," Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval said in a statement. "My administration is receiving regular updates and the Nevada Highway Patrol is assisting at the scene. Kathleen and I extend our thoughts and prayers to the victims and those affected by these tragic events."

The shooting is comes months after a gunman killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, igniting nationwide debate over gun violence and school safety.

The mother of a student killed in December's shooting in Newtown said Monday's shooting was reminder of the need to find solutions to keep students safe.

"The unthinkable has happened yet again, this time in Sparks, Nevada," Nicole Hockley said in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the children of Sparks Middle School, who today came face to face with violence that no child should ever experience. It's moments like this that demand that we unite as parents to find common sense solutions that keep our children -- all children -- safe, and prevent these tragedies from happening again and again."


Jun 24, 2003
Let's hope this gets New York state down to 5 round magazines or less. For the children.


Nov 9, 2000
Yet another idiot gun owner leaving his guns lying around where his kids can get a hold of them. :whiste:

Gun owners: You really are your own worst enemy. Want guns banned? Keep doing stupid shit like leave them lying around where children can get at them.

That did not take long for someone to politicize this tragedy. Will you run the numbers and see how many murders there were in Chicago between this shooting and Newtown?

But it is still early and information is still coming in. I wonder if the common link will be that the kids was taking some kind of anti-depressant.


Feb 1, 2008
Oh here it comes. Bashing 13 year olds for poor gun responsibility.
What's next? Taking guns away from 3 year olds too?
They'll have to pry my gun and my bobbie from my cold dead little fingers. Damn them!

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Golden Member
Apr 20, 2012
Please don't make this thread into another ridiculous debate about gun control. This man was a normal man but he became a hero that day when his students lives were on the line. Let's remember him for that sacrifice:

At the same time, we need to ask ourselves what is wrong with our society that random strangers feel the need to murder each other and wreak violence upon innocent people. We need to look inside ourselves for answers, not point fingers at the other person.



Apr 12, 2004
Jules is a member of the true elite. The rest of you peons cannot be expected to enjoy the privileges he does.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
When I was a teenager I pulled a lot of crap my parents would have never thought me capable unlocking things that they felt were secured. I can remember one time when my mom was taking a nap. I got her key ring and rode my bike to the hardware store, where I had a couple keys duplicated. When I returned home, she was still taking a nap. I knew my dad kept a locked filing cabinet with what I suspected was 8mm reels of porn. Not a problem. I got that key and also keys to their cars. The first time they were out of town, after the sitter went to sleep, I took a nice little joy ride. I also unlocked that file cabinet and watched some of dad's flicks. They had no idea, no clue whatsoever. Kids out think their parents sometimes.

That said, all the information is not in here, so we'll see what really happened.
Feb 6, 2007
When I was a teenager I pulled a lot of crap my parents would have never thought me capable unlocking things that they felt were secured. I can remember one time when my mom was taking a nap. I got her key ring and rode my bike to the hardware store, where I had a couple keys duplicated. When I returned home, she was still taking a nap. I knew my dad kept a locked filing cabinet with what I suspected was 8mm reels of porn. Not a problem. I got that key and also keys to their cars. The first time they were out of town, after the sitter went to sleep, I took a nice little joy ride. I also unlocked that file cabinet and watched some of dad's flicks. They had no idea, no clue whatsoever. Kids out think their parents sometimes.

That said, all the information is not in here, so we'll see what really happened.

I'm assuming you never stole a gun and killed anyone, which means your personal anecdote, while touching, isn't exactly relevant. I mean, as long as we're sharing personal anecdotes, the most I ever stole from my parents was a handful of change to buy some candy. So what? We aren't talking about what you or I did; we're discussing an unfortunate situation where a troubled individual was able to gain access to firearms he should have never had access to and used them to horrible purpose. Our personal stories of youthful indiscretion don't have anything to do with that.


Jun 23, 2004
At the same time, we need to ask ourselves what is wrong with our society that random strangers feel the need to murder each other and wreak violence upon innocent people. We need to look inside ourselves for answers, not point fingers at the other person.

Children are tortured by each other in schools with the population of small cities. Many are left alone without guidance. This is the age of two career parents and parent-less children. They form tribal gangs whose only blood oath is to each other. Yet not all find such comfort. Others are entirely rejected, outcast, and doomed to mental purgatory.

With no greater outreach to those left behind, a society of strangers will offer no comfort. This is the era of having strangers for neighbors. No longer do we depend on one another and develop bonds of fellowship. No longer are we taught the value of human life through real personal relationships.

The only greater dependence we have is with government. Its welfare has dejected us of our responsibilities to one another. You've got what you need, let them get their own.

Such shootings are the price we all pay when the society of strangers becomes too much to bear.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm assuming you never stole a gun and killed anyone, which means your personal anecdote, while touching, isn't exactly relevant. I mean, as long as we're sharing personal anecdotes, the most I ever stole from my parents was a handful of change to buy some candy. So what? We aren't talking about what you or I did; we're discussing an unfortunate situation where a troubled individual was able to gain access to firearms he should have never had access to and used them to horrible purpose. Our personal stories of youthful indiscretion don't have anything to do with that.

You missed my point. I am simply stating that sometimes kids figure out work arounds, no matter how hard the parents try and secure things. And we still don't know exactly how it happened. Human minds are just damn dangerous sometimes. What may seem secure in one's mind, may be easily violated by another mind.

Yes, the event is nothing but tragic!


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
I am pro 2nd amendment, but I think in situations like this they should bear some responsibility legal wise.

IF it can be proven that a handgun or rifle was left unsecured while minors are in the same dwelling and one of them decides to off the teacher, a prosecutor should have some course to go after them.

Perhaps Involuntary Manslaughter? I dunno other than I think a gun owner should bear legal responsibility when they leave a firearm unsecured and in the presence of a minor.


Aug 5, 2000
So we have more deaths from firearms in a place where you wouldn't expect them to be used for murdering others, especially children murdering other children.

Well, all I can say is have a look at all of those terrorized kids who had to experience this horrorific incident and how most of them are now terrified of firearms knowing firsthand what these things can do to them along with their parents and relatives who had to share in this harrowing event.

And yet, some people wonder why there are so many folks who detest firearms and want them banned.

Would be interesting to know how families who have been directly involved in what seem to be more frequent campus killings are reacting to it all, in reference to how many of them now want defensive firearms on campuses or want the banning/severely restricting of firearms in their states.

I also wonder if the parents of the shooter will face prosecution and what the charges may be.


Feb 5, 2011
I'm assuming you never stole a gun and killed anyone, which means your personal anecdote, while touching, isn't exactly relevant. I mean, as long as we're sharing personal anecdotes, the most I ever stole from my parents was a handful of change to buy some candy. So what? We aren't talking about what you or I did; we're discussing an unfortunate situation where a troubled individual was able to gain access to firearms he should have never had access to and used them to horrible purpose. Our personal stories of youthful indiscretion don't have anything to do with that.
His anecdote is somewhat relevant. I take from it the notion that a gun has to be locked up. Not "locked up", but seriously locked up, that means combination safe, for example. I got into my parents' cabinet as a kid, too, but only for Christmas gifts. However, if my dad had a pistol in there you can bet your sweet ass I would have been in there when a friend was over and we could hold it and think about being in a movie.
what seem to be more frequent campus killings
This is a telling statement. Really campuses are extremely safe, as are schools. There are thousands across the country and few will ever have a shooting of any kind, but the media talks up certain events, and not others. This particular shooting is on the news because it was at a school. Kids are continually killed, like each day, in Chicago, but it gets very little attention because they aren't at school and they aren't white.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Kid was just exercising his 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and his Tea Party right to represent himself. If they'd negotiated and given him what he wanted, maybe it wouldn't have come to this.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
Please don't make this thread into another ridiculous debate about gun control. This man was a normal man but he became a hero that day when his students lives were on the line. Let's remember him for that sacrifice:

At the same time, we need to ask ourselves what is wrong with our society that random strangers feel the need to murder each other and wreak violence upon innocent people. We need to look inside ourselves for answers, not point fingers at the other person.

Liberalism, everyone is made to be a victim of SOMTHING and needs to lash out in the self-imposed frustration.


Senior member
Nov 1, 2010
I read the thread title and my first thought was 'what, again......' As sad as it sounds, it really is becoming day to day news now to get people shot in school.


Feb 6, 2002
Let's see if the NRA calls for owner of gun to be prosecuted for murder.

Shouldn't he be?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
If y'all are not going to deal with the issue, these shootings should just be ignored. Just sweep it under the rug, don't discuss it, let each town mourn alone. I'm just tired of all the BS that perpetuates this stupidity.

I hope the families and students get the help they need at least.


Senior member
Nov 1, 2010
If y'all are not going to deal with the issue, these shootings should just be ignored. Just sweep it under the rug, don't discuss it, let each town mourn alone. I'm just tired of all the BS that perpetuates this stupidity.

I really can't tell if this is sarcasm or not (No I am not trying to be ironic or being sarcastic myself).

I hope the families and students get the help they need at least.

Wholeheartedly agree.


Dec 18, 2010
Yet another idiot gun owner leaving his guns lying around where his kids can get a hold of them. :whiste:

Gun owners: You really are your own worst enemy. Want guns banned? Keep doing stupid shit like leave them lying around where children can get at them.

I heard the kid had been bullied and was there to kill the bullies.

Gun owners are our own worst enemies? I disagree. School bullies are a gun owners worst enemy.
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