Nevada Ranch Armed Standoff - Everyone vs The Feds

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Nov 4, 1999
Hey gang! I've had Stewox PM me with his rebuttal to the recent comments in this thread (since he received a one day timeout and can't post), and I'm always about letting all voices be heard, here's his response:

\don't fucking ever PM me again....
\\and no, it's not a joke...
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Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
My Conservative response (*and not just me but Hannity) is that the fed fuckers were over stepping their bounds and now they are playing this horse shit with a ranch in Texas. ARE THEY NUTS!? You don't fuck with Texas.

And BTW, Hannity spoke out against his bigot comments. But no one here would know because you all watch MSNBC shit or the Communist News Network.

Fuck me! Just Google Hannity and you will see the lame stream media BS about Hannity. Did they not watch tonight's show???

In other words, you don't have a response until Hannity tells you what to think. Got it.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
Who cares? Well he smashes the ratings, that's who cares. LOL

No cable news person smashes ratings... one just sucks less than the others.

As for Hannity, distancing himself from this idiot. He's just wishing the idiot new how to dog whistle like he and others have learned how to do.

Once a large section of the Fox News watchers die off, it might not be so much a case of smashing.

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
We have a poster on this very forum who said that people would need training to pick garbage off the ground, so who knows...
lol Good point.

Ugh - that is some "clarification." Bundy seems to be saying, "the NYT should retract its story, but I am going to 'clarify' my comments by saying the same thing a second time."

The funny thing is that I don't know that I'd call his comments racist, precisely. I'd call them ignorant, insensitive, and easily taken as racist, but there may be a legitimate point buried in there that he is not smart enough to articulate in anything other than an offensive manner.
He outright said a race was better off as slaves than as free people. Given that racism is the belief that a race is inherently superior or inferior, hard to see how his statement is not pure racism. If a race is better off kept as property, surely that race must be inherently inferior to the race that keeps them better than they can keep themselves, even with government assistance.

"All I can say is that watching The Daily Show is mandatory tonight. It will be epic to see what Jon Stewart does with this."

What he usually does - make faces and eyebrows while audience laughs likes its amazing.

Stewart gives stupid people someone to whom they can feel superior.
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May 15, 2000
My Conservative response (*and not just me but Hannity) is that the fed fuckers were over stepping their bounds and now they are playing this horse shit with a ranch in Texas. ARE THEY NUTS!? You don't fuck with Texas.

And BTW, Hannity spoke out against his bigot comments. But no one here would know because you all watch MSNBC shit or the Communist News Network.

Fuck me! Just Google Hannity and you will see the lame stream media BS about Hannity. Did they not watch tonight's show???

I just thought I'd point out that your response consisted of one scentence with very little substance, your defense of hannity on the other hand consisted of multiple scentences/paragraphs...that says a lot about you...nothing positive I'm afraid


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Shocking. An elderly, rural, conservative, white male who associates with far-right secessionist militia groups is a racist.

This country badly needs a Department of Assimilation to help people like this man to become Americans. Way too many people like Bundy have seceded from mainstream America. It's getting really bad when recent Somalian refugees are basically more assimilated into American society than a 67-year-old who was born here.

You scare me.


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
He outright said a race was better off as slaves than as free people. Given that racism is the belief that a race is inherently superior or inferior, hard to see how his statement is not pure racism. If a race is better off kept as property, surely that race must be inherently inferior to the race that keeps them better than they can keep themselves, even with government assistance.

I think he was trying to make a point that the black family had more structure and stability way back when?

He is of course wrong.

Even if there were a sliver of truth to his words, free will and instability would always be preferable to subjugation and stability.

This is what happens when dumb people gain a platform.

Also, Koch.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Righties just can't help it. Just another entitled yahoo who thinks he is above everyone else and gets on a huge victim trip when called out for their projection.

Utterly unsurprising.
Good to see you posting again, dude.

I think a discussion can be had on what the "malaise" in the African American community is, the cause of it and how it is to be properly addressed. But I think it is very complex issue, that has roots in the oppression of slavery, in segregation and in racism. Things that some people seldom want to admit.

What's interesting is that Bundy's wealth came from inherited wealth. Wealth his ancestors left him, on the basis of just living in this country as free people. Yes, he did work hard, but he had that capital to mold. That stream of wealth isn't there for African Americans.

But, I don't believe your point is the point Bundy is trying to make. I just wonder, what does Bundy think is so different in African Americans that they don't value freedom the same way he does. People who believe that African American were better off as salves have to see African Americans as inferior to Caucasians, people who don't value their lives their liberties and their own pursuit of happiness. How else could you make that argument?
I disagree. I don't think it has anything to do with "roots in the oppression of slavery, in segregation and in racism", except to the degree that going into the welfare state age blacks were poorer because of those things and thus got a head start into the welfare life. The same things that are destroying black families are destroying white and brown families as well, and I see no reason whites and browns won't catch up to blacks. Welfare as a lifestyle is simply corrosive. In hindsight, we'd have been much better off supporting families. Allowing Uncle Sugar to play the part of Daddy - indeed, with many young women that's the only path they can see to a home of their own - is enormously destructive. I'll give politicians of the day the benefit of the doubt and assume this was an unintended side effect and not an intentional creation of a permanent underclass, but it's a pretty horrendous side effect.

I think he was trying to make a point that the black family had more structure and stability way back when?

He is of course wrong.

Even if there were a sliver of truth to his words, free will and instability would always be preferable to subjugation and stability.

This is what happens when dumb people gain a platform.

Also, Koch.
Yep. DVC expressed much that same sentiment:

To the extent Bundy is saying that he believes the availability of long-term public assistance has had a corrosive effect on the recipients, and on black people in particular, I totally agree with him. In my view the federal government and the states have engaged in a lot of malign neglect (e.g., redlining) and benign neglect (the availability of long-term welfare and similar benefits) that have had a devastating effect on black families, and in many places, such as Minnesota, where I live, turned black people into a permanent underclass. I am of the opinion that making benefits like these available indefinitely is humiliating and harmful to the people who receive them. I think this has greatly hobbled the progress we have made in terms of equal rights since the Civil Rights Act was passed 50 years ago.
Unfortunately, the great preponderance of forces are conspiring to devalue labor, so especially with our enshrined perma-recession it's hard to see how we break that cycle without making things even worse. And as you say, free will and instability are always morally preferable to subjugation and stability.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
Fuck! there are too many douche bag liberals in here.

Why is it that grazing fees went from some 300 thousand to a round, ripe old number of 1 million? It cost's that much? Cows eat that much?

Oh! John Stewart is an asshole and anyone who thinks he's a news source is ignorant as fuck!
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Jul 3, 2001
Fuck! there are too many douche bag liberals in here.

Let's not get all politically correct here. The forum conservatives need to stop being ninnies. There are tons of white supremacist lunatics here.

Why is it that grazing fees went from some 300 thousand to a round, ripe old number of 1 million? It cost's that much? Cows eat that much?

It costs $1 million because it costs $1 million. It's the free market at work. The tortoises and ranchers provide a lot of demand for the land.


Feb 1, 2008
You gotta love Rachael Maddow. She really does her homework. Seems this Bundy guy is part of the same crowd as Tim McVey who bombed the federal building. These people do not believe in the federal government so much so that they refuse to pay taxes, or even license their trucks/cars. Licensing a car would be supporting the feds. They make their own license out of whatever. You can imagine what that only looks like. That is how Tim McVey was pulled over after bombing the federal building. He had no car tags. But their anti government origanization, and they do belong to an anti government origanization, stems back to the days after the civil war. Its not so much taxes or federal law this group opposes, they oppose the end of slavery. And Fox News should have picked up on that, the way this Bundy talked about the feds, Fox should have picked up on where this guy Bundy was really coming from with his anti fed anti government rants.
People like Bundy have become totally insane with outrage especially with a black president. You can only imagine how insane that has driven this group.
And it answers another question. Why all this gun craze? All this gun violence in the past few years? These people actually fear the black man. And they expect a war. They want a war. Another civil war. It is not about taxes or federal law or land. Its all about race.
And Bundy is what he is. But for Fox News to have fallen for this stunt is the true outrage.


Oct 18, 2005
Fuck! there are too many douche bag liberals in here.

Why is it that grazing fees went from some 300 thousand to a round, ripe old number of 1 million? It cost's that much? Cows eat that much?

Oh! John Stewart is an asshole and anyone who thinks he's a news source is ignorant as fuck!

Moocher Bundy hasn't paid for 20 years, so it become 1M from the base fees, fines, and interest that has accrued on his unpaid debt for 20 years. The number isn't outrageous only his utter lack of responsibility and expectation that he should get for free what others have to pay for.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
This guy has some nerve to complain about Black People on welfare when he inherited land that his ancestors got for FREE and he cant even manage to pay his public land grazing fees responsibly. Total deadbeat IMO. Worse than those who have nothing to start out with like those he's complaining about. He's given everything and still wants more handouts. Hope Feds start seizing everything he owns.
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Feb 4, 2009
Looks like he is clarifying his previous comment that he tried to clarify previously (whew):

Asked Thursday by CNN to elaborate, Bundy explained he'd been simply "wondering whether (blacks) are that much better off in the situation we're in now."
He backtracked somewhat, insisting he "didn't really mean it to compare (African-Americans' current plight) with slavery. I meant to compare it with maybe life on the farm or life in the South, where they had some chickens and the gardens, and they had something to do."
At the same time, Bundy stood by his general premise that blacks once had better lives -- stating that, right now, "they don't have nothing to do with their children, their family unit is ruined ... That's what I was referring to I don't think they have the life that they should have" because of the government.
How did he arrive at these generalizations?
"I feel that, because I see that," Bundy explained.
CNN's Weir at one point challenged the Nevada rancher about whether he was any more or less a "welfare queen" as those who get entitlement checks -- since his cattle have been feeding off the government, literally, by eating grass on public land.
Bundy's response: "I might be a welfare queen. But I'll tell you I'm producing something for America and using a resource that nobody else would use or could use. I'm putting red meat on the table


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I happen to agree that welfare laws as currently written is destructive to all people. Forces dads out homes. Encourages out of wedlock births. And all the other predictions The Moynihan Report covered. Biggest issue is blacks were never given means of production (40 acres and mules never came as promised while whites were given up to 360 acres) so long lasting income and opportunity disparity remains. Thats what idiots like this never get. He was given means of production and can't even manage to take care of it.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
I think he was trying to make a point that the black family had more structure and stability way back when?

He is of course wrong.

Even if there were a sliver of truth to his words, free will and instability would always be preferable to subjugation and stability.

This is what happens when dumb people gain a platform.

Also, Koch.

Why do people keep coming to his defense, trying to couch his words in the best possible light. He is just wrong. Slaves were property, children were taken away and sold, they were beating at will and the women raped at will. Tell me how that was good "family" life? Warepossem is right. There is an inherent belief in African American inferiority in his statements. That in fact is racism. And for racists to exist there need to be people ready at will to enable them.
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Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
I disagree. I don't think it has anything to do with "roots in the oppression of slavery, in segregation and in racism", except to the degree that going into the welfare state age blacks were poorer because of those things and thus got a head start into the welfare life. The same things that are destroying black families are destroying white and brown families as well, and I see no reason whites and browns won't catch up to blacks. Welfare as a lifestyle is simply corrosive. In hindsight, we'd have been much better off supporting families. Allowing Uncle Sugar to play the part of Daddy - indeed, with many young women that's the only path they can see to a home of their own - is enormously destructive. I'll give politicians of the day the benefit of the doubt and assume this was an unintended side effect and not an intentional creation of a permanent underclass, but it's a pretty horrendous side effect.

Obviously I disagree. There is actually a lot of good scholarship on it. That being said, I've chosen not to engage in that discussion on this forum and I won't.
Jan 25, 2011
Why do people keep coming to his defense, trying to couch his words in the best possible light. He is just wrong. Slaves were property, children were taken away and sold, they were beating at will and the women raped at will. Tell me how that was good "family" life? Warepossem is right. There is an inherent belief in African American inferiority in his statements. That in fact is racism. And for racists to exist there need to be people ready at will to enable them.

I always find it humorous watching the right tell us what politicians or other figures really meant to say so passionately after the entire "You didn't build that" episode.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
Fuck! there are too many douche bag liberals in here.

Why is it that grazing fees went from some 300 thousand to a round, ripe old number of 1 million? It cost's that much? Cows eat that much?

Oh! John Stewart is an asshole and anyone who thinks he's a news source is ignorant as fuck!

1.) He was paying a subsidized $1.35 a month per cattle. Others pay about $10 a month per cattle.

2.) He hasn't paid in over 20 years and increased the amount of cattle grazing on the Fed land then he had originally

3.) With all things fees and collection activities generally are onerous.

4.) You should probably parrot better arguments then that of Hannity.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
These guys are terrorists. The extreme right wing is a violent cancer that must be excised. They are subverting the rule of law. They have no place in a decent society.

Then there are the guns. Scores of grim citizen militiamen in combat fatigues — semiautomatic weapons slung over their shoulders, ammunition magazines at their belts — patrol from a base they call Camp Tripwire.
Bundy's private war, a decades-long court battle with the Bureau of Land Management over his cattle grazing on public land, recently took a decidedly populist turn: When armed federal agents moved to oversee the roundup of hundreds of Bundy's cattle across half a million acres managed by the BLM, some Americans sat up wide-eyed before their televisions and computer screens.

The government says that Bundy owes $1 million in fees for letting his cattle graze in the Gold Butte area. Still, the get-tough tactic became a clarion call for those who see the federal government as arrogant and bloated. Suddenly, truck drivers, pizza deliverymen and ex-cops from as far away as New Hampshire and Georgia converged upon this unincorporated ranching town.

The self-described "citizen soldiers" arrived venting a smoldering anger and wielding AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. Days later, the government called off the roundup and released 350 of Bundy's cattle back onto public land.
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