Nevada Ranch Armed Standoff - Everyone vs The Feds

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Golden Member
Oct 26, 2004
His point is blacks sitting around doing nothing on the public dime are in social hell, and that blacks in slavery - presumably at a place where being a slave wasn't them getting beat, tortured, split from their families, etc., else why make the comparison? - may have been in less than a social hell...again, discounting they're F'ing slaves. Not actually a bad observation.
I don't know why you chose to phrase these remarks like this but the only way you could make them any more racist is if you added "I'm not racist, but..." on the front.


Dec 3, 2013
maybe ... Agenda 21 - Totalitarianism posing as Envronmentalism. ... "valid" ... oh it's funny how a bunch of natural resources were recently discovered there.

The trutles not having habitat, all the rest, it's all a joke, they would have killed all those cattle which is his property so they were doing many things the fake court order didn't say, and if you paid attention from the real accounts from the guys there, the water facilities built by the bundies actually supported the whole ecosystem of turtles and other species who came to the waterpumping stations, the cattle were not doing anything to the turtles, 900 cattle on such a huge area, which I don't think you've have correctly calculated the proportions in you head in order to properly. imagine them.

Unsurprisingly he's none of the above, and the BLM acted way over the court order's approval, that's why the protest mainly started, the protest is not about grazing fees, it's hard to swallow, but I'm not forcing anyone to take my word for it.

I have forgot to mention that, BLM doesn't have the authority to make law, the BLM's PR campaign came from "code violations" - the agency is designed to create and change code however they please, they designed it so bundy would have to downsize his cattles to almost nothing, something he believes he will not do because he does not agree that the code and regulations the BLM has proclaimed to be constitutional, that's why he won't pay them the grazing fee to "manage" the land into

It's also good to mention now that I see the big picture more clearer, is that most of the facilities, structures, water pumping stations, water tanks, are bundy's private property because it's been all built by his ancestors. Why the protest, because the people also don't recognize the authority of the court order BLM obtained, as the constitution is the highest law.

The full clip of bundy's "racist" speech is now on youtube for everyone to see.

Here's the video:

And on a silver plate, the transcript:

I'm just not going to argue with the thread, take it or leave it, because I knew from the beginning it was a soundbite it was too obvious, just make sure you're not falsely accusing someone you have never met, and he's far from any big city to speak in a language style compatible with the politically correct rules, and about the term negro, that's just a defacto race bait term been used for years and they used the same tactic on him.

People don't want to believe the alternative media, people who were there on the ground, fine, but maybe you should see one example of someone who worked and knew how the government works, realized the truth and did what a real man should suppose to do, his name is Joe Banister, a former IRS agent in the Criminal Investigation Division (the one that comes to knock on your door)

And the stuff you see on wikipedia about him is laughable, all of those lawsuits are because he exposed the IRS so they had to attack him back and they always do it with the judiciary, but sometimes if it's critical they just plant some explosives and blow your car up.

Nov 25, 2013
My Dad is a very big conservationist and even ran for the open seat on the Arizona Game & Fish Commission on that platform (even though he had 50+ Letters of Recommendation from Mayors of different cities in the state, business owners, former Game & Fish officers, and even a state senator, he lost to a guy who had 5 recommendations and no background in Wildlife other than being President of a Gun Club in Yuma). He also the Outdoor writer for the local paper and runs a Hunting & Fishing Guide business.

He wrote an article on this very issue and I felt I'd share it with you.

*edit*I should mention he was also a Police Officer for 20 years and served in the military as an MP before being discharged due to exposure of Agent Orange.

Thanks for sharing that. A well written piece.
Aug 14, 2001
It's wonderful that this de-assimilated white male is now the focus of so much outrage and everyone is abandoning him. Hopefully soon he will be thrown into jail for welfare fraud and his right wing militia buddies are on an FBI list and will be raided soon.

I hope that the NSA has been snooping on his phone calls and emails, too. Bring down the whole might of the US government on to these de-assimilated men and then ask them if they recognize the US government.
Feb 10, 2000
Okay, upon further reflection, I do agree that what Bundy said is racist. Ironically what sealed that is putting his comments in context. I think there is a kernel in his remarks that is at least potentially not racist, as I have articulated before, but I frankly think when you read or watch what he said in its entirety, it seems clear he is referring specifically to what he sees as the intrinsic limitations of "the Negro." I have no idea whether there is malice in his heart but I am not inclined to bend over backwards to give him the benefit of the doubt. Based on what I know of him (i.e., his position on his rights as a rancher and his views on race), he seems to be a jackass in all material respects.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
Oh you guys, just ... I don't know what to say, this thing is reaching massive proportions behind the scenes, .. it's just a big media war going against, clear defamation from glenn beck against alex jones, between the whole bundy thing. MSNBC, CNN, whitehouse mediamatters funded by banksters, they're all over it.

(sorry for wall of text, im out for next 12 hours)

Black Militia Man Defending Bundy Speaks Out:

CNN Interview With The Militia Man Fails - They hoped for a reaction, but they got owned big time.

Press Conference:
Cliven Bundy Responds to racism claims (Video)

RT doing it's job by including the FULL UNEDITED video in their article, you might think it's a detail but it's all what makes for credible reporting, MSNBC, mediamatters, NYT all had the cut clip of some ~2 minutes, this one is ~1 minute longer.

The Manning Report

Random Black People on Youtube (who are familiar with the events)



And here's a torpedo for the traitor glenn beck:

(more video links below - check "torpedo support link" because it's the live broadcast where all of this written gets discussed with more other details)

UPD: For those who don't know who Glenn Beck is, he talks about the same stuff alex does, but he's in a rich studio, he does make 10 times more money than alex does, and he's also sorrounded by "consulants" and "helpers" who are "retired" FBI agents, former huffington post guys close to obama, which is all actually admitted on the Blaze website, the list just goes on.

.... alex despite knowing shadowy happenings at glenn beck's place for years, didn't want to cause in-fighting but now it's battlepositions, glenn beck has basically carried out a whitehouse directive, community exodus, because ladies and gentlemen, the man who was there at the bundy situation first, bringing you the info nobody else did, there was a lone foxnews cameraman that went down with david knight but that footage ofcourse wasn't used for broadcast.

I mean, the great thing is, that because he's been actually doing and exposing the stuff, talking about the stuff (by usually stealing his info without credit, but alex stills forgave him all the time) his audience woken up as they should and are unsubscribing from The Blaze in droves, not only saying that in comments on blaze, but on the infowars articles

Please everyone, double check who are you accusing as racist and liar, please, it's what they do, they win because look at your selfs, you're all agreeing with bundy being racist, the media propaganda campaign worked, they have waited for Bundy to talk about this so they can spin it and throw this whole issue into a racial division, just like the trayvon martin thing. I just cannot have the words here to describe what is happening, stuff like this happens once a year and this is quite big.

Guys, in those several days that glenn beck made these 180 degree switch, he said it himself that he doesn't mind losing some subscribers, well it's worse or let's say wonderful that's he's losing them in droves, that's what MSNBC and all the other snotnose race bait media does, it is a directive, they don't care if they have average of 300.000 viewers, while Alex Jones has 3 million, they are losing the infowar day after day, week after week, race baiting, making stuff up, and staging false flags and blaming it on the liberty movement is all they got in their stinking card deck. And you people who are reading this, the joke is on you, they need easily manipulated followers for their appearance of credibility, yes an appearance, they never had it.

Okay here are the clips, todays broadcast was explosive! I wanted to make a short post, i'm yet again here using my time I need for other stuff, for this, guys, I have 120 DVDs i need to make archives, no, I doing a long post yet again, please respect my effort.


------------------ ----

Guys, Radio Station Affiliates who carry both glenn beck and alex jones are going nuts over this, they are calling alex saying they can't believe he's saying that, and you BET a million those affiliates know that Alex Jones never calls for violence, this is a big deal accusation, I can't even find the words to describe it, it's something the police would come to check on, it's not a game, and say how alex jones screams about this, this is serious defamation.

To make one fact clear, glenn beck was saying this for several days and already two weeks ago after bundy standoff below the bridge, alex did not want to respond at the time, but he's forced to basically, glenn beck has been going on for days this week, the torpedo article is a response, it's something that was growing for a considerable amount of time.

A few short past clips here: (previous days)

January 2013 on TYT:


You guys just don't get it that the whole country will fall apart once they get rid of the main resistance, it pushed back some of the stuff for years, ask your self why syrian invasion failed, lord monckton from UK said the political sphere visibly changed after Alex Jones appeared on Sunday Politics BBC main show with millions of viewers in June 2013, unless it's turned around you'll get a real good taste of tyranny, got a broken leg, they won't fix it because you didn't really sign up for obamacare while you thought you did.

There you go, all of it here, how much better can I present this, what else can I do for people to look at all the sides, I do this posts with an effort, and it's just extremely sad to be all dismissed by some in matter of minutes, in no way that person read and went through the whole stuff, I know it's a lot in this post, there's like a good hour worth of research here, minimal, but that's what it takes, you just don't go to macdonalsds today, chat with people about things that don't matter, you just cut your videogames time out, you just don't go watch a movie, that's what it takes, is that so hard in exchange for a better life, less taxes, less criminality, a better life for everyone, and that's why the bad guys rule, because good guys do nothing, most of people on the planet are good, they are just asleep, you may insult me and call me crazy all day, I'm not your enemy, I'm doing this for you and for everyone's good, and I'm actually sad here seeing people being duped by this racial media bomb, and you think you wouldn't had better life and rights and also freedom, yes you would be able to have gay 4-somes or 5-somes, whatever, as long as you keep healthy and straight children out of it, as long as you stop propagating it as "cool" and "fun" and spreading it like it's normal so all the kids get brainwashed into it, with all the BPA plastic out there, food aditives that mimic estrogen, it's feminizing the males, literally, you don't want to believe me, I guess you then go try eat some BPA and we'll see in a few months, no, don't do that. I'm not saying all gays are from chemicals, it's just encouraging, straight people that would eat a lot of products with estrogen mimickers would probably not "turn" gay, they would have less male properties like weak muscles, acting funny and smiling the whole time, not accusing anyone, but everytime I see some trendy thing on youtube is males who act stupid and giggle into their gopro camera filming on the streed doing some stupid funny jokes at random people, just saying, they are free to do so, but it shows you where society is going.

I'm just going to stop here, just please check the stuff above out for crying out loud, you have all the people who sit down and take time to explain stuff, not just frantic 3 minute media report that just throws a few things in and that's it.

Thanks for reading all this.

UPDATE1: Past AJ vs GB clip from TYT January 2013:

UPDATE2: Exact moment of torpedo launch announcement:

You guys think this is funny, yes it's not physical, but it's a real infowar.
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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Who cares what he believes? Isn't that deflecting from the main issue? Ad hominems seem to be the norm with the media these days. You gotta be ******* jesus christ to be able to argue an issue.
Feb 10, 2000
Who cares what he believes? Isn't that deflecting from the main issue? Ad hominems seem to be the norm with the media these days. You gotta be ******* jesus christ to be able to argue an issue.

I wouldn't call it "deflecting," in that Bundy himself (not, say, CNN or the New York Times) chose to raise the entirely irrelevant issue of his opinion of "the Negro." I don't see it as much of a loss in terms of his public image in that he so comprehensively fails when it comes to the substance of the issue we all know him for. He is a thief of public benefits. He literally waves the American flag and carries around the Constitution while simultaneously denying the authority of the United States. He is a shitty American and, in my view, a domestic terrorist.
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Aug 14, 2001
Who cares what he believes? Isn't that deflecting from the main issue? Ad hominems seem to be the norm with the media these days. You gotta be ******* jesus christ to be able to argue an issue.

What he believes is part of the main issue - the fact that this de-assimilated man is on millions of dollars of welfare and has these disgusting beliefs and is openly hostile to this country is the problem. He's a danger to our society.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Who cares what he believes? Isn't that deflecting from the main issue? Ad hominems seem to be the norm with the media these days. You gotta be ******* jesus christ to be able to argue an issue.

Actually this is what the entire discussion has been about from the beginning. Bundy doesn't believe in meritocracy, he wants privilege from government based upon the accident of birth. That has always been his main issue. He's just finally pushed it to the point where almost everyone can recognize it for what it is.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Oh you guys, just ... I don't know what to say, this thing is reaching massive proportions behind the scenes, .. it's just a big media war going against, clear defamation from glenn beck against alex jones, between the whole bundy thing. MSNBC, CNN, whitehouse mediamatters funded by banksters, they're all over it.

Big thanks to whoever let the undiagnosed schizophrenic post again.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
To be fair, I believe what I wrote was something to the effect that I didn't think his comments were necessarily racist on their face. I would stand by that. I think they were stupid, insensitive, and poorly articulated, but not necessarily racist. He was comparing the lot of a particular group of people (African-Americans) under slavery to what it is today, and suggesting it might have been better in the former situation. As I said I totally reject his sentiment that slavery was better (I consider that only slightly less stupid than saying the Native Americans are better off now than before we almost completely genocided them out of existence), but I don't see it as racist per se.

if racism is

"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others,"

then he's probably a racist?

What he said suggests that he probably believes blacks are inferior, inherently (because of their blackness), and he literally said they were better off under slavery, so calling him a racist is a pretty safe bet.

I think statements can be sensibly said to be nice, funny, unusual, sad, dramatic, chimerical, ridiculous, etc. I don't think statements themselves can be racist, as statements don't hold beliefs, form opinions, watch hannity, etc.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2014
Wanna know something funny? My dad is a pretty hardcore conservative.

Just because you agree in broad strokes with someone's basic political bent doesn't mean you're obligated to support them. Good on your dad for publishing what he believes and not yielding under pressure.

pretty obvious differences here:

ignore your Newspeak for a second, and think like a rational human being.

Since when were basic economic terms newspeak? Since when did I say they were the same, and not similar enough to comment on? Also, supercool suggesting I'm not rational.

Yea right, it was a real walk in the park. Perhaps you should sign up to be somebody's slave, 19th century style. Then you too could enjoy all the fun and pleasure of slavery!

Wow, P&N sure does have fun building and smashing strawmen.

Lol!, whatever buddy..nice selective quoting. Noticed you never addressed the slavery angle as the "go to" diatribe. His veiled racism is cloaked in deep seated hatred for the federal gubmint.

Of course it's the go-to diatribe, it's something that every student is taught in school. It's immediately recognizable by just about everyone who is educated in the western world, but especially in the US. Are there other states of oppression that would be easier to compare to ghettofication? Almost certainly, but those aren't suitable for the situation - an old man regaling us with tales of the "well meaning" government.

This isn't just some old man saying something ignorant. His particular ignorance has long and deep roots in American culture going back to the slavery advocates accusing abolitionists in league with the federal government of "stealing our negro's" Many southern conservatives became obsessed with this idea that the federal government is an evil property thief because those people had such a VAST amount of their wealth wrapped up in slavery and slaves.

What's funny is that Nevada was admitted as a state to ensure Lincoln's reelection (in part against a man who he relieved of command for emancipating slaves in areas he controlled militarily). However, if you reject the notion that slaves are people then such an act would be a massive taking.
It's not random ignorant bullshit he was spouting. This is a deep-seated resentment of federal power that began when the federal government "stole" their slaves. That's why he makes this argument that "negroes" were better off back then. Because his hatred of the federal government. When you follow it, this is tied all the way to the rage people felt over having to give up their slaves.

He never had slaves, while his family was in Nevada they probably didn't have slaves either.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
I don't think he's schizophrenic, but he's definitely floridly mentally ill. It's a shame. I expect there is a relatively very large amount of mental illness among Alex Jones' diehard followers.

Mental illness is the new term for the ability to be able to read documents. So you guys should be masters of reading documents, here you go.

"the greatest threat is current government employees sympathetic to their cause" = a threat against the hijackers of the government, NOT YOU the people, the document is intented for training lower levels of personnell who probably won't go everday to library to research history to find out the truth on their own.

"may include both former and current members of the military" = real americans, oathkeepers, protecting the constitution, doing what they suppose to do.

This second document, a field manual, describes what PSYOP officers do with the detainees, you are thrown into a cell, forcibly vaccinated or even sterilized, then they brainwash you to submission.

What's wrong here: Some military agencies defining american citizens as terrorists while they perfectly know the government has been hijacked by foreign and offshore private special interest, and they surely know these patriots pose zero risk to public safety, the lower levels are compartmentalized, they are told in a scary way about terrorists, they are trained the founding fathers are terrorists, the military units themselfs are being brainwashed into believeing the crud, smart and normal people are rejected, behavior based hiring is already being used in law enforcement for years, hence police brutality, they purposelly hire persons with unstable behavior.

These documents along with other evidence (can't list all) prove treason. If you think they are in the right, totally ignoring Posse Comitatus law, that these bundy supporters are the "terrorists", then I hope you're not at the wrong place on the wrong time, with the wrong side.
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Golden Member
Sep 25, 2013
My Dad is a very big conservationist and even ran for the open seat on the Arizona Game & Fish Commission on that platform (even though he had 50+ Letters of Recommendation from Mayors of different cities in the state, business owners, former Game & Fish officers, and even a state senator, he lost to a guy who had 5 recommendations and no background in Wildlife other than being President of a Gun Club in Yuma). He also the Outdoor writer for the local paper and runs a Hunting & Fishing Guide business.

He wrote an article on this very issue and I felt I'd share it with you.

*edit*I should mention he was also a Police Officer for 20 years and served in the military as an MP before being discharged due to exposure of Agent Orange.

Kudos to your dad from a fellow copper-stater. Well written, factual and to the point.

It seems the lunatic fringe of both the far right & far left have a bad habit of making heroes out of the undeserving. Bundy is just the latest example of this.


Feb 6, 2002
Kudos to your dad from a fellow copper-stater. Well written, factual and to the point.

It seems the lunatic fringe of both the far right & far left have a bad habit of making heroes out of the undeserving. Bundy is just the latest example of this.

Last group the left made a hero who threatened federal law enforcement with guns?


Oct 18, 2005
Mental illness

The only accurate non loony part of the post....

So now we're talking about FEMA camps?

Please re-title this thread to:

Stewox's compendium of conspiracy theories and riding Alex Jones' cock...

At least then it would be an accurate title.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Mental illness is the new term for the ability to be able to read documents. So you guys should be masters of reading documents, here you go.

"the greatest threat is current government employees sympathetic to their cause" = a threat against the hijackers of the government, NOT YOU the people, the document is intented for training lower levels of personnell who probably won't go everday to library to research history to find out the truth on their own.

"may include both former and current members of the military" = real americans, oathkeepers, protecting the constitution, doing what they suppose to do.

This second document, a field manual, describes what PSYOP officers do with the detainees, you are thrown into a cell, forcibly vaccinated or even sterilized, then they brainwash you to submission.

What's wrong here: Some military agencies defining american citizens as terrorists while they perfectly know the government has been hijacked by foreign and offshore private special interest, and they surely know these patriots pose zero risk to public safety, the lower levels are compartmentalized, they are told in a scary way about terrorists, they are trained the founding fathers are terrorists, the military units themselfs are being brainwashed into believeing the crud, smart and normal people are rejected, behavior based hiring is already being used in law enforcement for years, hence police brutality, they purposelly hire persons with unstable behavior.

These documents along with other evidence (can't list all) prove treason. If you think they are in the right, totally ignoring Posse Comitatus law, that these bundy supporters are the "terrorists", then I hope you're not at the wrong place on the wrong time, with the wrong side.

I know I've made fun of you for acting crazy in the past, but I'm serious here. You appear to be suffering from undiagnosed mental illness. This way of thinking is seriously not normal, and this level of paranoia and delusion might lead you to do things that you will later regret.

Maybe just try talking to someone about it once and see what they say. It can't hurt, right?
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