Nevada Ranch Armed Standoff - Everyone vs The Feds

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Jul 3, 2001
Yeah, I'm waiting for you to back up -

A) That the UK would be OK with someone taking over some state land by force of arms.

Are you serious? That's the history of the UK.

B) That the UK would be more accepting of Stormfronts views given that Stormfront was set up in the US and has vastly greater support there.

That's just his opinion. I share it, too. I just look at things like the royal family, EDL, UKIP, etc.

Many people are fighting Cliven Bundy's positions because we don't want America to become like the UK.
Aug 14, 2001
Yeah, I'm waiting for you to back up -

A) That the UK would be OK with someone taking over some state land by force of arms.

LOL - good one! This is the nation with the most bloodthirsty actions in the history of the universe that we are talking about, one that destroyed states all over the world and created disaster everywhere it went.


Jan 12, 2005
Are you serious? That's the history of the UK.

Annnndd back into the present... Do you think the UK police would have let someone take over some land because he got a bunch of his mates to turn up with guns?

That's just his opinion. I share it, too. I just look at things like the royal family, EDL, UKIP, etc.

Wait we were talking about Stormfront, you know the US organisation that the leader was banned from entering the UK.

Many people are fighting Cliven Bundy's positions because we don't want America to become like the UK.

Yeah we dont tend to have a history of making black people pick cotton in the first place so his positions wouldnt make much sense here anyway.

Its funny that your ingrained Euro hate has sidetracked you away from your hate of racists in your own country though. At least that gives us an insight into your own xenophobia being your strongest character trait.
Aug 14, 2001
Are you serious? That's the history of the UK.

That's just his opinion. I share it, too. I just look at things like the royal family, EDL, UKIP, etc.

Many people are fighting Cliven Bundy's positions because we don't want America to become like the UK.

Pretty much. Cliven Bundy would be a very viable and strong political or cultural representative in the UK if he was there. In the US? He's now a total joke and hated. But he would be celebrated in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.

American reaction to racism is far more forceful than UK/European action which is actually very accepting of it. The threshold for racism in Europe is so low that racism is basically seen as normal.


Dec 3, 2013
You've not seen canomongoose bring the crazy before? Its entertaining if slightly obsessive.
Nah I'm pretty new in here still, I've just Stewox do things off the scale lately.

Can of Mongoose? Does seem to bit of a tag team effort there


Jan 12, 2005
Pretty much. Cliven Bundy would be a very viable and strong political or cultural representative in the UK if he was there. In the US? He's now a total joke and hated. But he would be celebrated in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.

American reaction to racism is far more forceful than UK/European action which is actually very accepting of it. The threshold for racism in Europe is so low that racism is basically seen as normal.

Its funny that your ingrained Euro hate has sidetracked you away from your hate of racists in your own country though. At least that gives us an insight into your own xenophobia being your strongest character trait.


Jul 3, 2001
Annnndd back into the present... Do you think the UK police would have let someone take over some land because he got a bunch of his mates to turn up with guns?


Wait we were talking about Stormfront, you know the US organisation that the leader was banned from entering the UK.


Yeah we dont tend to have a history of making black people pick cotton in the first place so his positions wouldnt make much sense here anyway.

Are you being serious? The UK has an incredibly offensive history of making black and other people into slaves. Your comment is a true Clive Bundy like comment. Disgusting.

Its funny that your ingrained Euro hate has sidetracked you away from your hate of racists in your own country though. At least that gives us an insight into your own xenophobia being your strongest character trait.

Then why am I condemning Bundy and others of his ilk in the US, as well as attacking their sacred white privilege constantly?
Aug 14, 2001
Its funny that your ingrained Euro hate has sidetracked you away from your hate of racists in your own country though. At least that gives us an insight into your own xenophobia being your strongest character trait.

Wrong. I despise Cliven Bundy and celebrate his downfall and hatred at the national level. But that's the thing - this type of reaction would never happen in the UK/Europe.

The tolerance for racism there is very strong. We see it with how defensive you are getting over real racial issues in the UK. It will never improve as long as Europeans/British people refuse to acknowledge their severe racial problems - indeed, just here we see you pretending that British atrocities didn't occur with regard to slavery. If you cannot even accept your own history then you will not change your present.
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Jan 12, 2005

Lol. You might want to look up some UK gun laws some time.

So the UK is more supportive of Stormfront even tough we've made it illegal for some of its members to enter the country. OK.

Are you being serious? The UK has an incredibly offensive history of making black and other people into slaves. Your comment is a true Clive Bundy like comment. Disgusting.

Now I'm not one to blame people today for things that were done yesterday but really, you might look at your own country first if youre worried about historical numbers of slaves kept.

Then why am I condemning Bundy and others of his ilk in the US, as well as attacking their sacred white privilege constantly?

Well I can see that the issue has a lot to do with the British Royal family, I can totally see why you needed to bring them into it. :hmm:
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Jan 12, 2005
Wrong. I despise Cliven Bundy and celebrate his downfall and hatred at the national level. But that's the thing - this type of reaction would never happen in the UK/Europe.

The tolerance for racism there is very strong. We see it with how defensive you are getting over real racial issues in the UK. It will never improve as long as Europeans/British people refuse to acknowledge their severe racial problems - indeed, just here we see you pretending that British atrocities didn't occur with regard to slavery. If you cannot even accept your own history then you will not change your present.

Any chance you could just use the same account? Its not like you are saying anything different in either of them anyway.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
amazing what the dems find important.

Benghazi - non story
irs targeting conservatives - non story
fast and furious - non story.
etc etc

Some rancher douch bag. - story.


Jul 3, 2001
Lol. You might want to look up some UK gun laws some time.

So the UK is more supportive of Stormfront even tough weve made it illeagal for some of its members to enter the country. OK.

Yup! The key is "more supportive" and that references to the UK are not only to the government, but also society itself.

Now I'm not one to blame people today for things that were done yesterday but really, you might look at your own country first if your worried about historical numbers of slaves kept.

You don't have to blame individual people, but the governments are still around. Additionally, I don't think a numbers type of argument would bode well for you since the UK was the world's largest slaver well into the 20th century, enslaving hundreds of millions across the world. I don't think this is a good direction to take a discussion on the international perspective of Cliven Bundy anyways.

Well I can see that the issue has a lot to do with the British Royal family, I can totally see why you needed to bring them into it. :hmm:

A lot of what Cliven Bundy talks about is basically white privilege and society as if it's reserved for white people. That's basically what the UK royal family is about. I wouldn't be surprised if Cliven Bundy is the type who watched the last royal wedding on television. He probably takes a lot of pride in thinking that some inbred family is being kept as a superior white bloodline.

That's the type of attitude that we're fighting here in the US. We will not become the UK. Keep that third world crap out of here. Privilege for none, equality for all!
Aug 14, 2001
Any chance you could just use the same account? Its not like you are saying anything different in either of them anyway.

Any chance that you could just go post at Stormfront and leave this place? It's not like you are saying anything different than what those bigots are saying.


Jan 12, 2005
Yup! The key is "more supportive" and that references to the UK are not only to the government, but also society itself.

So you're still arguing that you think that the UK police would be OK if a bunch a gun toting guys turned up on a piece of land and threatened the police?

Honestly I cant imagine the clusterfuck that would occur in that situation, but I'm betting it would involve a serious response by the armed services.

You don't have to blame individual people, but the governments are still around. Additionally, I don't think a numbers type of argument would bode well for you since the UK was the world's largest slaver well into the 20th century, enslaving hundreds of millions across the world. I don't think this is a good direction to take a discussion on the international perspective of Cliven Bundy anyways.

Youre the one that decided to take the issue off on a tangent.

A lot of what Cliven Bundy talks about is basically white privilege and society as if it's reserved for white people. That's basically what the UK royal family is about. I wouldn't be surprised if Cliven Bundy is the type who watched the last royal wedding on television. He probably takes a lot of pride in thinking that some inbred family is being kept as a superior white bloodline.

Er, the whole Royal thing has nothing to do with being reserved for being white. You might want to look into how the whole hereditary thing works. You dont get a shoe in for being the same colour as them.

That's the type of attitude that we're fighting here in the US. We will not become the UK. Keep that third world crap out of here. Privilege for none, equality for all!

Very nice. Good choice of catch phrase. :thumbsup: Nice and hollow.


Jul 3, 2001
So you're still arguing that you think that the UK police would be OK if a bunch a gun toting guys turned up on a piece of land and threatened the police?

Honestly I cant imagine the clusterfuck that would occur in that situation, but I'm betting it would involve a serious response by the armed services.

I think there's a possibility, especially if they have the blessing of the Royal Family. Additionally, the armed services or police probably won't do anything because they might themselves support it. The UK is already a white pride stronghold, in government and society.

The reason why there's a lot of opposition to Bundy in the US is that we haven't become a white pride stronghold yet. We're on that trajectory, but hopefully we won't make it.

Youre the one that decided to take the issue off on a tangent.

No, I did not. I stated:

Many people are fighting Cliven Bundy's positions because we don't want America to become like the UK.

You, for some bizarre reason, responded with:

Yeah we dont tend to have a history of making black people pick cotton in the first place so his positions wouldnt make much sense here anyway.

Your comment was on par with Cliven Bundy's comments. You both share offensive historical revisionism.

Er, the whole Royal thing has nothing to do with being reserved for being white. You might want to look into how the whole hereditary thing works. You dont get a shoe in for being the same colour as them.

In effect it basically is. It's an institution based on bigotry.

Very nice. Good choice of catch phrase. :thumbsup: Nice and hollow.

Your like may have won in the UK, but your brethren will lose in the US.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
amazing what the dems find important.

Benghazi - non story
irs targeting conservatives - non story
fast and furious - non story.
etc etc

Some rancher douch bag. - story.

This is an amazing distortion of reality. Conservatives are EXPLICITLY the ones that tried to drive the cliven Bundy story. They made it a cause. Now that it turns out he's a terrible person apparently the game plan is to pretend that liberals were the ones behind the story all along.

Genuine question: do you actually believe all this bullshit they try to feed you? I mean nobody can be this naive.


Jan 12, 2005
I think there's a possibility, especially if they have the blessing of the Royal Family. Additionally, the armed services or police probably won't do anything because they might themselves support it. The UK is already a white pride stronghold, in government and society.

You think the UK state would support someone taking land away from the UK state with the help of some gun toting friends?

You really are getting yourself confused just to try to mash lots of unrelated things together. Better that you try to stick to one subject in future, you wont hurt your brain so much.

The reason why there's a lot of opposition to Bundy in the US is that we haven't become a white pride stronghold yet. We're on that trajectory, but hopefully we won't make it.

There seems more support for him really given that lots of people travelled across the country to support him. How many travelled to denounce him?

No, I did not. I stated:
Many people are fighting Cliven Bundy's positions because we don't want America to become like the UK.

Which is bizzare in itself because the issue has nothing to do with the UK and wouldnt occour here. Its just your obsession with all things Euro that has brought it up.

You, for some bizarre reason, responded with:

Yeah we dont tend to have a history of making black people pick cotton in the first place so his positions wouldnt make much sense here anyway.

Indeed. Wasnt one of Bundys more infamous statements to do with cotton picking? We dont, and never have had much cotton picking going on here so that statement wouldnt make sense applied to the UK. Following now?

Your comment was on par with Cliven Bundy's comments. You both share offensive historical revisionism.

Really? Do explain.

In effect it basically is. It's an institution based on bigotry.

In reality it isnt. Being white has nothing to do with succession.

Your like may have won in the UK, but your brethren will lose in the US.

I'm an only child, I dont have any brothers.
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Jun 19, 2006
Fox host hammers his own network on live TV for silence following Cliven Bundy’s racist rant

Fox News host and resident media critic Howard Kurtz on Sunday lashed out at his own network for going virtually silent for hours after a Nevada rancher many hosts had been promoting started expressing racist viewpoints.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Cliven Bundy had recently held a press conference to blast the federal government for requiring him to pay the $1 million in grazing fees that he owed, but it was his comments about “the negro” and slavery that shut down Fox News’ favorable, non-stop coverage of the rancher.

I know this is old but its so damn funny..


Oct 6, 2009
This is an amazing distortion of reality. Conservatives are EXPLICITLY the ones that tried to drive the cliven Bundy story. They made it a cause. Now that it turns out he's a terrible person apparently the game plan is to pretend that liberals were the ones behind the story all along.

Genuine question: do you actually believe all this bullshit they try to feed you? I mean nobody can be this naive.
You forget who you're talking to.
Aug 14, 2001
Why would I post at Stormfront? I don't need any Apple products.

Because you are more in line with Cliven Bundy. You can probably find some like minded individuals there who will accept your views, though I suppose you could also find that any random place in the UK since Cliven Bundy's positions are fairly mainstream in the UK.
Aug 14, 2001
This is an amazing distortion of reality. Conservatives are EXPLICITLY the ones that tried to drive the cliven Bundy story. They made it a cause. Now that it turns out he's a terrible person apparently the game plan is to pretend that liberals were the ones behind the story all along.

Genuine question: do you actually believe all this bullshit they try to feed you? I mean nobody can be this naive.

Good point. I hope that these de-assimilated conservatives have learned a lesson to not promote and align yourself with extremists.

Is Fox News even talking about this welfare leach anymore?


Jan 12, 2005
Because you are more in line with Cliven Bundy. You can probably find some like minded individuals there who will accept your views, though I suppose you could also find that any random place in the UK since Cliven Bundy's positions are fairly mainstream in the UK.

I'm failing to see what an Apple reseller has to do with an American nutter?
Aug 14, 2001
I'm failing to see what an Apple reseller has to do with an American nutter?

That's because you think that racism is as acceptable as apples. Not surprising, this is exactly what the problem is - European acceptance of racism like we see from Cliven Bundy is so commonplace that they think it's just like apples. Would the same reaction that we see in happening in the US happen in the UK? No way, especially since we see WelshFool already pretending that slavery never happened.
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