Never Trump


Dec 13, 2013
Now go ahead and tell me that every one of these is just nothing but establishment.

Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.)Gov. Charlie Baker (Mass.)
Glenn Beck, radio host
Michael Berry, radio host
Max Boot, former foreign policy adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)
Brent Bozell, conservative activist
Jay Caruso, RedState
Mona Charen, senior fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center
Eliot Cohen, former George W. Bush official
Former Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.)
Rep. Carlos Curbelo (Fla.)
Steve Deace, radio host
Rep. Bob Dold (Ill.)
Erick Erickson, writer
David French, writer at National Review
Jon Gabriel, editor-in-chief,
Jonah Goldberg, writer
Rep. Richard Hanna (N.Y.)
Doug Heye, former RNC communications director
Ben Howe, RedState writer
Former Rep. Bob Inglis (S.C.)
Cheri Jacobus, GOP consultant and former Hill columnist
Robert Kagan, former Reagan official
Randy Kendrick, GOP mega-donor
Matt Kibbe, former FreedomWorks CEO
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.)
Bill Kristol, The Weekly Standard editor
Mark Levin, radio host
Dana Loesch, radio, TV host and writer
Kevin Madden, former Mitt Romney aide
Tucker Martin, former Gov. Bob McDonnell's (R-Va.) communications director
Former RNC Chairman Mel Martínez (Fla.)
Liz Mair, GOP strategist
David McIntosh, Club for Growth president
Ken Mehlman, former RNC chairman
Tim Miller, Our Principles PAC
Katie Packer, chairwoman of Our Principles PAC
Former Gov. George Pataki (N.Y.)
Former Rep. Ron Paul (Texas)
Katie Pavlich, Townhall editor and Hill columnist
Brittany Pounders, conservative writer
Rep. Reid Ribble (Wis.)
The Ricketts family, GOP mega-donors
Former Gov. Tom Ridge (Pa.)
Rep. Scott Rigell (Va.)
Mitt Romney, 2012 GOP presidential nominee
Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post conservative blogger
Sarah Rumpf, former BreitBart contributor
Mark Salter, writer and former aide to John McCain
Rep. Mark Sanford (S.C.)
Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Elliott Schwartz, Our Principles PAC
Tara Setmayer, CNN analyst and former GOP staffer
Ben Stein, actor and political commentator
Stuart Stevens, former Romney strategist
Paul Singer, GOP mega-donor
Charlie Sykes, radio host
Brad Thor, writer
Connor Walsh, former digital director for former Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
Former Rep. J.C. Watts (Okla.)
Peter Wehner, New York Times contributor
Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.)
Rick Wilson, Republican strategist


Jun 22, 2001
Now go ahead and tell me that every one of these is just nothing but establishment.

U.S. Senators

Jeff Sessions of Alabama[3][4]


Scott Brown of Massachusetts[5]
Bob Kasten of Wisconsin[6]

U.S. Representatives

Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania[7] (previously endorsed Rick Santorum)[8]
Chris Collins of New York[9] (previously endorsed Jeb Bush)[10]
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota[11]
Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee[12]
Renee Ellmers of North Carolina[13]
Duncan D. Hunter of California[14]
Tom Marino of Pennsylvania[15]
Tom Reed of New York[16]
Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania[17]
Jeff Miller of Florida[17]


Virgil Goode of Virginia (also Constitutional Party presidential nominee in 2012)[18]
Bob Livingston of Louisiana[19]
Doug Ose of California[20]

Executive branch officials

Saba Ahmed, patent attorney at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Democratic candidate for the 2012 Oregon special Congressional election, and founder and president of the Republican Muslim Coalition.[21][22][23][24][25]


Pat Buchanan, White House Communications Director (1985–1987), senior advisor to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, author, and columnist[26]
Jeffrey Lord, White House associate political director for the Reagan administration (1987–1988) and political commentator[27]
Joseph E. Schmitz, Inspector General of the Department of Defense (2002–2005), former executive with Blackwater Worldwide, and member of the foreign policy advising committee for the Trump campaign.[28]

Military figures

Michael T. Flynn, retired U.S. Lieutenant General, director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (2012–2014), commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign[29]
Gary L. Harrell, retired as a Major General, former Delta Force commander, and adviser to the Trump campaign[30][31]
Charles R. Kubic, retired Rear Admiral, former Commander of the 1st Naval Construction Division and 1st Marine Expeditionary Force Engineer Group, president of engineering firm ECC International, LLC, and adviser to the Trump campaign[30][32]
Bert Mizusawa, U.S. Army Major General, former Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Joint Chiefs of Staff, former commander of the Combined Joint Interagency Task Force-Afghanistan (CJIATF-A), and adviser to the Trump campaign[30][33]
Robert C. Oaks, retired U.S. Air Force General, commander of Air Training Command and United States Air Forces in Europe (1986–1990), former Senior Vice President of U.S. Airways, and general authority of Mormon Church[34][35]
Paul E. Vallely, retired U.S. Army Major General, 351st Civil Affairs Commander (1982–1986), former Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command, co-author of Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror, and Military Committee Chairman for the Center for Security Policy[36][37][38]

State Governors

Chris Christie, New Jersey (former 2016 presidential candidate)[39]
Paul LePage, Maine (previously endorsed Chris Christie)[40]
Rick Scott, Florida[41]

Territorial Governors

Ralph Torres, Northern Mariana Islands[42]


Jan Brewer, Arizona[43]
Sarah Palin, Alaska (also nominee for Vice President in 2008)[44]

Statewide officials

Pam Bondi, Attorney General of Florida (previously endorsed Jeb Bush)[45]
Edward F. Cox, Chairman of the New York Republican State Committee[46]
Jeff DeWit, State Treasurer of Arizona[47]
Sue Everhart, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party[48]
Adrienne Foster, director of the Kansas Hispanic and Latino American Affairs Commission[49]
Kris Kobach, Secretary of State of Kansas[50]
Henry McMaster, Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina[51]
Jesse Singh, chair of Maryland Governor's Association on South Asian Affairs and founder of the group American Sikhs for Trump[52]


André Bauer, Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina[53]
Bob Corbin, Arizona Attorney General[47]
Carol Springer, State Treasurer of Arizona[47]

State legislators

Alabama State Representatives: Ed Henry,[54] Jim Carns[55]
Connecticut State Representative: Anthony D'Amelio[56]
Florida State Representative: Matt Gaetz[57]
Georgia State Senators: Burt Jones,[58] Michael Williams[59]
Iowa State Senator: Brad Zaun[60]
Massachusetts State Representative: Geoff Diehl[61]
Michigan State Senators: Jack Brandenburg,[62] and Joe Hune[63]
Mississippi State Representatives: Becky Currie,[64] Alex Monsour,[64] Joey Fillingane,[64] Margaret Rogers,[64] Gary Chism,[64] Charles Busby,[64] Jeff Hale,[64] Randy Patterson,[64] Gary Staples[64]
Nevada State Assemblyman: Brent A. Jones[65]
New Hampshire State Representatives:Fred Doucette,[66][67][68] Werner Horn,[69][70] Joe Pitre,[69][70] Stephen Stepanek (Deputy Majority Leader),[66][68][71][72] Dan Tamburello,[69][70] Joshua Whitehouse[73][74] Robert Fisher[75]
New Jersey State Senators: Michael J. Doherty,[76] Joe Pennacchio[77]
Two Members of the New York Assembly: David DiPietro,[78] Bill Nojay[78]
Oklahoma State Representatives: Mike Christian,[79] John R. Bennett,[79]
Oklahoma State Senators: Ralph Shortey,[79] Mark Allen[79]
Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Vereb[80]
Rhode Island State Representative: Joseph A. Trillo[81]
South Carolina State Representative: James H. Merrill (former Majority Leader)[82][83]
Utah State Representative: Greg Hughes (Speaker)[84]
Washington State Senators: Don Benton[85]
West Virginia State Senators: Donna J. Boley, Mark R. Maynard[86]
West Virginia State Delegates: Randy Smith, Ron Walters, Brad White, Ray Canterbury, Joshua Nelson[86]


Arizona State Senators: Lori Klein,[47] Robert Blendu,[47] Thayer Verschoor[47]
Idaho State Representative: Phil Hart[87]
Louisiana State Representative: Stephen L. Gunn (Independent)[88]
Louisiana State Senator: Troy Hebert[89]
New Hampshire State Senator: Richard Ferdinand[90]
New Hampshire State Representatives: Jenn Coffey,[91] Lou Gargiulo,[92] Paula Johnson[91]
Oklahoma State Representative Mike Turner[79]
South Carolina State Senators: John Russell (also former representative and son of former Democratic Governor Donald S. Russell),[82][83] Jake Knotts[93]
West Virginia State Senator: Vic Sprouse[86]

Mayors and other municipal or county leaders

Joe Arpaio, sheriff of Maricopa County[94][95]
Joseph Borelli, Council member for the 51st District of the New York City Council[96]
Mary Hawkins Butler, Mayor of Madison, Mississippi[97]
Jim Campbell, Chairman of the Greenwich Republican Town Committee[98]
Thomas J. Coyne Jr., Democratic Mayor of Brook Park, Ohio[99]
Tom Dadey, Republican Party chairman of Onondaga County, New York[100]
Arnaldo Ferraro, Republican Party chairman of Kings County, New York[101]
Margaret Frontera, member of the Bergen County Republican Organization convention committee[102]
Lawrence Garvey, Republican Party chairman of Rockland County, New York[103]
Nghi Ho, school board members of Alief, Houston, financial services business owner, member of the Texas Asian Republican Caucus.[104]
Tim Howard, Erie County Sheriff[78]
Scott Kiedrowski, Republican Party chairman of Niagara County, New York[105]
Nicholas A. Langworthy, Republican Party chairman of Erie County, New York[106][107]
John J. LaValle, Republican Party chairman of Suffolk County, New York[108]
Ed Mangano, County Executive of Nassau County, New York[108]
Van Mobley, Village President of Thiensville, Wisconsin[109]
Joseph Mondello, Republican Party chairman of Nassau County, New York[110]
Hal Moroz, Georgia county judge and city chief judge[111][112]
Bill Reilich, Supervisor of the Town of Greece[78]
Corey Stewart, Chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors[113]
Rodney Strange, Republican Party chairman of Chemung County, New York[114]
Keith Summey, Mayor of North Charleston, South Carolina[115]


Ronald Castorina Jr, GOP Staten Island Board of Elections Commissioner, 2016 Republican candidate for the New York State Assembly from the 62nd District.[116]
Richard DeNapoli, Republican Party chairman of Broward County, Florida[117]
Greg Edwards, former Chautauqua County Executive[78]
Charles Evers, former Mayor of Fayette, Mississippi, civil rights activist and brother of the late (first black mayor of Mississippi) Medgar Evers[118]
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, New York[119]
Vincent Ignizio, Council member for the 51st District of the New York City Council[116]
Tom Leppert, former Mayor of Dallas, Texas[120]
Bruce LeVell, Republican Party chairman of Gwinnett County, Georgia[121]
Julio Martinez (as well as his wife Xiomara), Mayor of Hialeah, Florida[122]


Anand Ahuja, New York-based attorney, vice president of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016[123]
Thomas J. Barrack, Jr., Founder and Chairman of Colony Capital[124]
Andrew Beal, Founder and Chairman of Beal Bank[124]
Edward Bourke, Australian teenager, chairman and CEO of the Saving the Lion Foundation[125]
Bernie Ecclestone, Formula One Group Chief Executive[126]
Marc Faber, Swiss investor[127]
Brian France, CEO and Chairman of NASCAR[128]
Harold Hamm, billionaire, entrepreneur, and oil and gas industry pioneer[129]
Carl Icahn, billionaire activist investor[130][131]
Keith Kellogg, former lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, executive vice president of Virginia-based intelligence and information technology consulting firm CACI International, member of foreign policy advising committee for Trump's campaign[28]
Robert Kiyosaki, businessman and author (authored two business books with the candidate)[132]
Charles Kushner, real estate developer and co-owner of Kushner Properties[133]
Jared Kushner, co-owner of Kushner Properties, owner of The New York Observer, son-in-law of the candidate[133]
Kenneth A. Lanci, businessman and philanthropist (also 2013 Democratic candidate for Mayor of Cleveland)[134]
Nancy Mace, businesswoman and author[135]
Carter Page, former Merrill Lynch employee, founder and managing partner of Global Energy Capital, former fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and member of the foreign policy advising committee for the Trump campaign[28]
Carl Paladino, real estate mogul, Chairman of the Ellicott Development Co., Buffalo Public Schools board of education member, 2010 New York gubernatorial candidate[136]
George Papadopoulos, director at London Center of International Law Practice, former adviser to Ben Carson's presidential campaign, former research fellow at the a conservative Washington-based think tank The Hudson Institute, and member of the foreign policy advising committee for the Trump campaign
Daniel S. Peña, Sr. businessman, entrepreneur, mentor, and business coach[137]
Kendal Prewett, owner of B&P Enterprises Inc.[138]
Jon Reynolds, president of Charter Financial Services[139]
Willie Robertson, CEO of Duck Commander, star of Duck Dynasty[140] (previously endorsed Bobby Jindal)[141]
Wayne Allyn Root, businessman, politician, television and radio personality (and Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President in 2008)[142]
Phil Ruffin, businessman and partner of Trump Hotel Las Vegas[143]
Dan Scavino, former executive vice president and general manager at the Trump Organization, social media director for the Trump campaign[144]
Paul Teutul, Sr. Co. founder of Orange County Choppers[145]
Luke Thorburn, financial adviser and Goldman Sachs employee[146][147]
Donald Trump Jr., businessman, son of the candidate[148]
Eric Trump, businessman and philanthropist, son of the candidate[149]
Ivanka Trump, businesswoman, writer, and former model, daughter of the candidate[150]
Dana White, president of Ultimate Fighting Championship[151]
Steve Wynn, billionaire business magnate, CEO of Wynn Resorts Limited[152]
Wirt Yerger III, business leader[153]

University and academic figures

A.D. Amar, business professor at Seton Hall University and president of Indian-Americans for Trump 2016[123]
Ben Carson, Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and former 2016 presidential candidate[154]
Peter Navarro, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine[155]
Walid Phares, Lebanese-born American professor at the National Defense University and Daniel Morgan Academy in Washington, member of the foreign policy advising committee for the Trump campaign[28]


Kent Gray, former member of the Board of Trustees for Lincoln Land Community College, Illinois, and state director for Trump's presidential campaign[156]

International political figures

Filip Dewinter, Belgian politician, Flemish MP and member of the Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang[157]
Alexander Dugin, Russian political scientist, author of The Foundations of Geopolitics and The Fourth Political Theory and member of the Russian nationalist Eurasia Party[158]
Nigel Farage, leader of the Eurosceptic UK Independence Party[159]
Jayda Fransen, Deputy Leader of the nationalist Britain First party[160]
Paul Golding, British politician, leader of the nationalist Britain First party[157]
Tom Van Grieken, Belgian politician, Flemish MP and leader of the Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang[161][162]
Nick Griffin, British politician, former MEP, and former leader of the nationalist British National Party (BNP)[163]
Petr Hampl, Czech politician, member of Dawn - National Coalition[164]
Martin Konvička, Czech politician, member of Dawn - National Coalition[164]
Mark Latham, Australian politician, former MP, former Leader of the Opposition, author of Civilising Global Capital, and member and former leader of the social democratic Australian Labor Party[165]
Jean-Marie Le Pen, French politician, MEP, founder and former leader of the souverainist Front National[166]
Miroslav Lidínský, Czech politician, leader of Dawn - National Coalition[14]
Robert Ménard, French independent politician (supported by the Front National) and Mayor of Béziers, France[157]
Mischaël Modrikamen, Belgian politician, vice-president of the Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe, publisher of Le Peuple magazine, and leader of the conservative liberal People's Party[167]
Ilias Panagiotaros, Greek politician, MP, and member of the nationalist and Metaxist Golden Dawn party[168]
Matteo Salvini, Italian politician, MEP, leader of the secessionist Lega Nord[169]
Vojislav Šešelj, Serbian politician, former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, founder and president of Serbian Radical Party[170]
Geert Wilders, Dutch politician, MP, and leader of the national liberal Party for Freedom[171]


Conservative Action Report, South Carolina-based newsletter[172][173]
National Enquirer, supermarket tabloid[174]
New York Observer, weekly newspaper based in New York City[175]
New York Post, daily newspaper based in New York City[176]

U.S. Border Patrol Agents (in the green uniforms) pay tribute to fellow fallen officers during a Law Enforcement memorial service in Washington D.C., 2007

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC[177]
Atlantic County Republican Committee (NJ)[178]
Bergen County Republican Organization[102]
Fiorello LaGuardia Republican Organization[179]
Latino National Republican Coalition of Rockland County (NY)[180]
National Black Republican Association[181]
National Border Patrol Council, largest border patrol union in U.S. (first presidential endorsement in history)[182]
National Diversity Coalition For Trump[183]
Nassau County GOP (NY)
Niagara County GOP (NY)[105]
New England Police Benevolent Association[184]
New York Veteran Police Association[185]
Suffolk County GOP (NY)
Ocean County GOP (NJ)[186]
Passaic County Regular Republican Organization[187]
Pegida UK, anti-Islam group (named after the German group Pegida)[188]
Proud Of The Blues[189]
Rent Is Too Damn High Party[190]

Religious leaders

Mark Burns, pastor and co-founder of the South Carolina-based Christian TV network, The NOW Network[191]
Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of Liberty University[192]
Carl Gallups, Florida pastor and Sandy Hook truther[193][194]
Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas[195]
James F. Linzey, ordained minister in the Southern Baptist Convention[196]
James David Manning, chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church[197]
Mike Murdock, singer-songwriter, televangelist and pastor of the Wisdom Center ministry[198]
Darrell Scott, Cleveland-based pastor and now CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump[199]

Actors and comedians

Kirstie Alley, actress, comedian and spokesmodel[200]
Scott Baio, actor (previously endorsed Scott Walker)[201]
Stephen Baldwin, actor, director, and producer[202]
Gary Busey, actor[203]
Robert Davi, actor, singer, and director[204]
Clint Eastwood, actor and director[205]
Lou Ferrigno, actor and bodybuilder[206]
Peter Munson Hogan, actor[207]
Jerry Lewis, comedian, actor, singer, producer, screenwriter, and director[208][209]
Amy Lindsay, actress and former softcore pornographic film performer[210]
Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian actor, martial artist, screenwriter, film producer, and director[211]
Jon Voight, actor[212]

Athletes and sports figures

Rocky Boiman, former NFL linebacker, talk radio host
Clay Buchholz, MLB pitcher[213]
Zeb Colter, professional wrestling manager[214]
John Daly, professional golfer[215]
Johnny Damon, retired MLB player[216]
Ted DiBiase, former professional wrestler[217]
Mike Ditka, retired NFL player, coach and television commentator[218]
Bill Elliott, retired NASCAR driver[219]
Chase Elliott, NASCAR driver[219]
Hulk Hogan, former professional wrestler[220]
Holly Holm, professional boxer and UFC fighter[221]
Richie Incognito, NFL player[222]
Frank Kaminsky, current NBA center/forward[223]
Bob Knight, Hall of Fame basketball coach[224]
Jerry Lawler, professional wrestler[225]
Matt Light, retired NFL offensive tackle[226]
Nick Mangold, All-Pro NFL center for the New York Jets[227]
Mark Martin, retired NASCAR driver[228]
Shawne Merriman, retired NFL linebacker[229]
Ryan Newman, NASCAR driver[219]
Paul O'Neill, retired MLB baseball player[216]
Tito Ortiz, former UFC light-heavyweight champion[230]
Terrell Owens, retired NFL wide receiver and television personality[231][232]
Billy Packer, former college basketball player and color analyst[233]
David Ragan, NASCAR driver[219]
John Rocker, retired MLB baseball player[234]
Dennis Rodman, retired professional basketball player and television personality[235][236]
Rex Ryan, NFL head coach for the Buffalo Bills, also former head coach for the New York Jets[237]
Chael Sonnen, retired UFC fighter, ESPN commentator and actor[238]
Latrell Sprewell, retired NBA All-Star basketball player[239]
Miesha Tate, current UFC women's bantamweight champion[240]
Mike Tyson, former professional boxer, actor[241]
Kevin Von Erich, former professional wrestler[242]
Herschel Walker, retired NFL player and MMA fighter [243]
Chris Weidman, former UFC middleweight champion[244]

Commentators, writers and columnists

Conrad Black, Canadian-born British former newspaper publisher and author[245]
Walter Block, Austrian School economist, anarcho-capitalist theorist, and creator of Libertarians for Trump (previously endorsed Rand Paul)[246]
Olavo de Carvalho, Brazilian philosopher, political commentator and essayist based in Richmond, VA[247]
Ann Coulter, political commentator and writer[248]
Adam Curry, political commentator and former MTV VJ[249][250]
Lou Dobbs, American television personality, author, and radio host[251]
Mytheos Holt, senior fellow at the Institute for Liberty and contributor to The Federalist[252][253]
Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist, author, and chief political commentator for USA Radio Networks[254][255]
James Hirsen, New York Times bestselling author, commentator, and columnist for Newsmax Media[256][257]
Rabia Kazan, Turkish author & journalist, also Women's Rights advocate for the International Civil Liberties Alliance and Humans Rights Activist at United Nations[258]
Dmitri K. Kiselyov, head of government-owned Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today) on channel Rossiya 1[259][260]
Paul J. Manafort, lobbyist, senior Republican political consultant, former director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, former consultant to ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych[261][262]
Kayleigh McEnany, CNN political commentator[263][264][265][266]
Gavin McInnes, writer, creative director, actor, comedian, and co-founder of Vice Media[267][268]
Michael Scheuer, political blogger, author and former Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station[269]
Hossein Shariatmadari, Iranian conservative journalist and editor-in-chief of Kayhan[270]
Roger L. Simon, novelist, Academy Award-nominated screenwriter, and former CEO of PJ Media (previously endorsed Marco Rubio)[271]
Daryush Valizadeh, author, columnist, owner of Return of Kings website[272]
Diana West, author and columnist[273]
Milo Yiannopoulos, British journalist and political commentator[274]

Media personalities and socialites

Dan Bilzerian, professional poker player, media personality[275] (previously endorsed Rand Paul)[276]
Katrina Campins, Cuban-American, former Apprentice contestant, and Trump International Reality employee[277]
Wayne Dupree, "The News Ninja," blogger, social media personality, American Conservative Union blogger of the year 2015[278][279]
Teresa Giudice, television personality from The Real Housewives of New Jersey who worked with Trump on The Celebrity Apprentice[280]
Jesse James, television personality and former CEO of Austin Speed Shop[281]
Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on Russian state media channel RT[282][283]
Charlotte Laws, television host and author[284]
Omarosa Manigault, reality television show personality, and Baptist minister[285]
Trisha Paytas, YouTube personality and entertainer[286]
Jeanine Pirro, judge, TV show host[287]
Tila Tequila, model, actress and television personality[288]
Ivana Trump, ex-wife of the candidate, socialite and former athlete and fashion model[289][290]
Melania Trump, wife of the candidate, jewelry and watch designer and former fashion model[291]
Kendra Wilkinson, glamour model, businesswoman, and television personality[292]
Melissa Young, Miss Wisconsin 2005[293]

Radio hosts

Jeff Crouere, radio host[294]
Andy Dean, radio host[295]
John Fredericks, radio host[296]
Alex Jones, radio host[297] (previously endorsed Rand Paul)[298]
David Knight, radio host[citation needed]
Lars Larson, radio host[299][300][301]
John Phillips, radio host[302]
Michael Savage, radio host[303][304] (previously endorsed Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Jim Webb)[305][306]

Social and political activists

Day Gardner founder and President of The National Black Pro Life Union and Associate Director of National Pro-Life Center.[307]
Jim Gilchrist, leader and co-founder of the Minuteman Project[308]
Llessa Lyon, Dominican-American research analyst, creator of the group Latinos for Donald Trump
Jimmy McMillan, former New York City mayoral and New York gubernatorial candidate (Rent Is Too Damn High Party)[190]
Stefan Molyneux, Canadian blogger, and host of Freedomain Radio, Podcast[309]
Remy Sheppard, American blogger[310]
Phyllis Schlafly, conservative activist and founder of the Eagle Forum[311]
Orly Taitz, dentist, attorney, and prominent leader of birther movement[312]
Sajid Tarar, Pakistani-American and founder of the group Muslims for Trump[313]

Singers and musicians

Azealia Banks, rapper, singer and songwriter[314]
Zoltan Bathory, guitarist of Five Finger Death Punch[315]
Troy Bullock, Country Singer/Songwriter[316]
Aaron Carter, singer[317]
Charlie Daniels, singer, songwriter and guitarist[318]
Jesse Hughes, singer, songwriter and guitarist, best known as frontman of the California-based rock band Eagles of Death Metal[319]
Loretta Lynn, country music singer-songwriter[320]
Justin Moore, singer and songwriter[321]
Wayne Newton, entertainer and singer[322]
Ted Nugent, musician, singer-songwriter and political activist[323]
Kid Rock, musician, actor[324] (previously endorsed Ben Carson)[325]
Kenny Rogers, singer, songwriter, record producer, and member of the Country Music Hall of Fame[326]
Sergey 'Pauk' Troitsky, leader of Russian thrash metal band Corrosia Metalla[327]


Juanita Broaddrick, former nursing home administrator, accused Bill Clinton of rape[328]
Matt Erickson, president of Minnesotans for Trump[329]
Mark "Oz" Geist, member of the security team which responded to the 2012 Benghazi attack, co-author of 13 Hours[330]
Paula Jones, former Arkansas state employee, accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment[331]
Stephan Miller, former adviser to Sen. Jeff Sessions, senior adviser to the Trump campaign[332]
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, senior campaign adviser, daughter of former Gov. Mike Huckabee (AR)[333]
John "TIG" Tiegen, member of the security team which responded to the 2012 Benghazi attack, co-author of 13 Hours[334]

My list trumps yours. It's yuge. Yours is little, like little marco rubio.,_2016


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
My list trumps yours. It's yuge. Yours is little, like little marco rubio.,_2016

What's funny is that for a presidential nominee that list is actually really small. Also some of the people in it are hilarious. Trump has been endorsed by former Blackwater executives! What a wonderful thing! Orly Taiz, dentist and birther! Lol.

He is by far the saddest and weakest nominee I have seen in my lifetime.


Oct 15, 1999
What's funny is that for a presidential nominee that list is actually really small. Also some of the people in it are hilarious. Trump has been endorsed by former Blackwater executives! What a wonderful thing! Orly Taiz, dentist and birther! Lol.

He is by far the saddest and weakest nominee I have seen in my lifetime.

What an astonishingly stupid thing to say.


Dec 3, 2010
Then why is Trump fixing to break the record in total votes in a primary of all time?


Diamond Member
May 24, 2005
wtf is the point of this thread?

Giving us a list of Neoconservatives in the American political scene? Charging foreign countries for military presence, not willing to go to war unless there's a direct American interest, and not wanting to fight both sides of the Syrian Civil War seems to be everything the neoconservatives are against, since it represents a pull-back of the military industrial complex.
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2013
Giving us a list of Neoconservatives in the American political scene? Charging foreign countries for military presence, not willing to go to war unless there's a direct American interest, and not wanting to fight both sides of the Syrian Civil War seems to be everything the neoconservatives are against, since it represents a pull-back of the military industrial complex.



Dec 3, 2010
I'll vote for Trump just to see liberals go into an absolute hissy fit butthurt wet their beds festival.


Jun 23, 2005
Actually many of us would prefer Trump over Cruz and in some cases over Hillary. You should not get so choked up in the whole "us vs them" mentality. Makes you easier to control.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Actually many of us would prefer Trump over Cruz and in some cases over Hillary. You should not get so choked up in the whole "us vs them" mentality. Makes you easier to control.

Not to worry, they are already under my complete control.


Nov 28, 2004
I'll vote for Trump just to see liberals go into an absolute hissy fit butthurt wet their beds festival.

oh the irony, do you not realize just how childish that is?

but i've got news for you, the vast majority if liberals would much rather see Trump in office than Cruz.

while you are voting for a non-right wing conservative, we will be laughing at you.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Actually many of us would prefer Trump over Cruz and in some cases over Hillary. You should not get so choked up in the whole "us vs them" mentality. Makes you easier to control.
I don't understand why virtually everyone doesn't prefer Trump over Cruz and maybe even over Hillary. I just disagree that makes him worth voting for. I don't see why Trump is necessarily preferable over Hillary (or vice versa) to the point of embracing a lesser evil (particularly when they set the evil bar so high this cycle.) Gary Johnson for the . . . well . . . loss. But still, no matter who wins, I can say I didn't vote for him or her. Some cycles, that's the best one can hope to achieve.

Spot-on with the "easier to control" comment.

Not to worry, they are already under my complete control.
If I believed you, I'd actually feel better. You have a good heart and I don't believe you'd do anything evil because you thought you had to do it, would lose political capital, would have to admit you were wrong, etc.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Now go ahead and tell me that every one of these is just nothing but establishment.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Some on your list I recognize and would say yes, they are Repub establishment. Others I don't know/recognize.

Given recent events I tend to think the #neverTrump thingy is all but over.

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