New ** Atkins Low Carb FREE with any order: Trial Kit $23.49 value

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Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
Uninformed low fat eaters will always rant about Atkins. TheBeast, TRY GETTING YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT Dr. Atkins did NOT have a heart attack. What do you read, National Inquirer. The man had an infection in his heart, not blocked arteries ! Have you read the studies that suggest REFINED CARBOHYDRATES are bad for you -- look at the next label of a product you eat and see if Sugar isn't in the top 3 ingredients. Look at that slice of wheat bread that is so healthy and see how many grams of fiber it has -- most have none or 1, the rest is processed wheat flour that reacts just like sugar. Ask a Type II Diabetic if eating fewer carbohydrates lets him or her stay off medication and control blood sugars. We all gotta die someday, but for now, I will eat all the steak and salad I want, maintain my weight and keep my Cholesterol and Triglycerides lower than they have been in YEARS.

Oh, yea, I forgot, the Govermnment says the Food Pyramd is is GOOD for you. Of course the American Population has been eatring all thre bread and other food Pyramid items decades now and progressively gets fatter and fatter and fatter. The Government always gets it right. Lets see, they approved DDT, it was fine. Wait, the government put Asbestos in all kinds of products and it was fine. Lead Paint was not a problem either as I recall. My taxes are too high. The Truth Is Out There !


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Sheesh! Sarcsasm doesn't come across real well in writing I guess zealots don't just exist in the land of processors and video cards. Sorry to start the off topic banter:Q .... didn't mean to thread crap .... back to the deal folks.


Mar 24, 2000
Great Deal! I picked up a single bar, with shipping came to $9.44.

P.S. All of you Pro-Atkins/Anti-Atkins folks need to give it a rest. Like any diet, it has it's pros and cons. Hapahaole should have just inserted his last paragraph and got rid of all the detraction I do agree there are no shortcuts.

If it took you 10 years to get into the shape you are in, what makes you think you can fully reverse course in 6 months?

Good Nutrition
Good Exercise
Good Sleep
Good Mental Health
Good Social Health

You can't leave one out and be healthy. There is no magic bullet.

P.P.S. If I was to lean towards one "diet" being the most healthy, I'd go with "The Zone", but increased calories based on your activity level (it tends to be a little light in the calories for active people)


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
Zealot, who, me You are right Misinformation Abounds on all sides and I should have just let it rest.


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2001
The Protein Power books by Michael and Mary Eades are a signifiantly better resource for people undertaking low-carb diets. Definatly worth a trip to the library or the bookstore.


Mar 10, 2002
I'm loving Atkins. Meatloaf, chicken, and tuna, what more could you want? In any case, can anybody comment on how these bars/other Atkins products taste? I've been looking into them, but I'm worrying they're going to suck ass. Anybody used any Atkins stuff?



Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2001
This deal is excellant. I usually $2 -$3 for a Eas or Biotech Low Carb Protien Bar. The low carb diet is great. During football season in HS, i wieghed in at 210lbs. After FB was over, i need to slim down. Now i am in college at 160-165lbs and have been that way for alomost 1.5 years. Im telling you, just cut out lots of breads, sweats, and SODA!!! I gurentee if you cut out soda and iced teas and stick to the diet stuff you will lose weight. Im telling you, eat a bar and go to the gym. Just watch your protien intake though. Being a personal trainer i have seen to many people mess up there thier bodies because to much protien is a killer.
Anyway. GREAT DEAL!!!!!!!!!!

PS. If your looking for a good bar, try a EAS Blueberry protien bar. They are $2 and taste the best.


Oct 10, 2000
Just remember the artic Eskimos lived on nothing but protien and fat (some of them still do).


May 3, 2002
JustInCase you are so ignorant all of the time it makes me sick. Don't be a stupid !itch and preach like you read the books and know the diet. I am on this diet and I eat a lot of fish and poultry. This isn't a "red meat" diet as you try to convey. Seafood, fish, and poultry are very healthy choices of protein. Before you open you big mouth and talk like you have a clue, think for a second and research what you are about to attack. You might find that being a pompous ass isn't always such a great thing :disgust::|


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
>>>JustInCase you are so ignorant all of the time<<<

Yeah, I must be...sorry. I have only been educated on the subject of health and nutrition for the past 30 years, 7-days-a-week. Maybe one day I'll know as much about the subject as you do.

>>>it makes me sick.<<<


And yet you still read my posts...must be a masochist :Q

>>>Don't be a stupid !itch and preach like you read the books and know the diet. I am on this diet and I eat a lot of fish and poultry. This isn't a "red meat" diet as you try to convey.<<<

I never said that it was a "red meat" diet. I said that he "follows a high-saturated-fat, unhealthy diet filled with sausages, pork and steak" and I stand by that statement. Dr. Atkins himself has stated that's what he eats, as have some of his colleagues. The person that I get most of my health information from has known Dr. Atkins on a personal and professional level for 20 years, and has occasionally commented on what Atkins advocates; so there is no question about this.

I was also a daily listener of Dr. Atkins for many years, and did learn much from him. I am quite familiar with what he advocated and what he did not, throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

>>>Seafood, fish, and poultry are very healthy choices of protein.<<<

Of course, you are correct. Eating a chicken, that will eat anything, including the fecal matter of other chickens, must result in a healthy person :Q Good thinking.

I guess every time an Anandtecher private-messages me about health and nutrition, I'll be sending them to you now I am in awe of your knowledge...which seems to be matched perfectly to your sense of class :Q

>>>Before you open you big mouth and talk like you have a clue, think for a second and research what you are about to attack.<<<

The only attack I see is your unprovoked and unwarranted attack. This is a forum where people can express their thoughts, knowledge and opinions. I did not attack anyone prior to your post, and I am neither pro-Atkins, nor anti-Atkins. I call 'em as I see them.

>>>You might find that being a pompous ass isn't always such a great thing<<<

You might want to examine your own thought processes to determine why you are perceiving things that just aren't there.

I don't know what exactly crawled up your ass, but...go crawl back under that rock.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2000
I have been on the atkins style diet for about a month and a half now with a total lose of 15 pounds. I have an boost in energy level, wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, eat better than I did before (more lettuce, fish, chicken), and best of all my cholesteral drop dramactically. I had near 1800 on my tryglecerites and now I am at 117 and my total cholesteral is only 142. I take a multi viteman with this diet and try to include exercise as much as possible, time permitting. I plan on loosing about another 10pounds with the intro diet and then will start to convert to the ongoing. I have maybe given Dr. Atkins $50 or $60 of my money overall for the candy bars and bread mix, which are pretty good. Other than that I have just read his website for ideas and suggestions on how to make things.

Oh by the way- it wasn't a heart attack he had... it was a infection of the heart which is becoming more commen these days...a guy I work had the same thing.

Anyways thanks for the deal for the bars.... if you didn't wan't or like the bars you shouldn't have looked at the message.... don't you know this isn't a !itch and gripe section of the boards.....



Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Sorry to be OT again ...


Your trig results seem a little bit unbelievable .... were you fasting the first time they drew the blood to check your cholesterol? Are you taking any cholesterol medication? Going from 1800 to 117 on diet alone just sounds a little crazy (although crazier things have happened)


Jul 31, 2001
Whatever happened to MoDERATION...

40,30,30 is still the balanced way to Nutritionize your body.
Like my new word?


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
A really good book for a low glycemic diet is Sugerbusters.
It has some similarities to Atkins, but is more intelligent about it.
You do eat low processed carbs(whole grains, uncracked grains), but definately try to avoid high fat.
It is a book written by 3 doctors: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, and an endocrinologist.
It really teaches you how to eat better.

Things to avoid: pure sugars(table, honey, molasis, syrups, etc), white bread, white rice, white pasta, potatos, carrots, pineapples, bananas, high fat items.

It has worked well for me being on it for 3 or so weeks. Lost 20 lbs, way more energy, much more alert.
I definately wasn't aware of how draining carbs/insulin are on the mind and body.

The real problem I have with atkins is that it doesn't teach you a proper way to eat.
They have low-carb pancakes, muffins, etc. All things you should learn to avoid.
Seems more like a way to sell special low-carb products than a way to eat for life.

Just my .02.



Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Before I say anything I'd like the qualify that I'm only a first year med student, so basically at the bottom of the ladder. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt because I'm just parroting back that the teacher told me in class. Anyway here is goes...

So in theory the Atkins Diet works like this. They body need energy and the easiest form of energy to mobilize is going to be sugar. And all excess energy is going to be stored as fat, regardless of the source in which it came from. By eatting a low carbohydrate diet, you force your body to mobilize fat stores. For some reason that I forgot, you give yourself the illusion of being full when you are eatting a low carbohydrate diet, so you end up eatting less calories then you would have if you were eatting a "balenced" diet.

When you are converting this fat/protien into energy, you produce a lot of ketone bodies, and enter a state of ketosis. Because now you don't have glucose in your body any more, you need to fuel the brain somehow. And the brain being the picky thing that it is, like glucose, but in a pinch can use ketone bodies but it make it very unhappy to get ketone bodies.

Although ketosis is the desired state in the Atkins diet, in general ketosis is considered a bad thing. Like if you go to the doctor with ketosis, he's going to try to fix you.

Another problem with getting most of your calories through fat and protien is that protien contains a lot of nitrogen, and that will pose a problem to your system because all of that excess nitrogen is also bad for your system. So your body is going to be working really hard to excrete all that nitrogen, which gets transformed into ammonia and urea. Therefore, you are setting yourself up for kidney damage and dehydration. So if you are going on one of these diet at least do yourself a big favor and drink lots of water.

Here's also an example that the professor gave in class and take it for what it's worth.
So there are two American indian tribes. One that is situated in mexico and the other one which was new mexico or arizona (I forgot). Originally these two tribes were the same tribe but for some reason they got split into two groups, but you can assume that they have relatively similar genetic makeup and still have similar customs. However, over time their diets have drifted. The one in mexico was still eatting a tradition diet which was high in carbs and lower in fats and protien, however the one in the US switched to a diet that was low in carbs and high in fats and protien (too much government cheese perhaps ). Supposedly, the group in mexico is in general much healthier. However, this is not a controlled study, so they could be doing differing degrees of physical activity...

Just to make this a hot deal..... the "free" diet.

decrease food intake
increase physical activity

The goal is slow and steady weight loss. So we're not talking about huge cuts in food. I'm talking drinking water instead of coke. Eating one less snack than you usually do. etc...

In terms of physical activity. Remember physical activity does not equal exercise. Physical activity is walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Parking further away than you normally would. Supposedly by fidgetting while you are sitting alone, you can burn enough calories to lose 10 lbs a year.

Losing weight is about making lifestyle changes rather than dramatic changes in weight.

On yeah, on another note. Metabolife. BAD! BAD! BAD! If you take Metabolife according to the manufaturer's suggestions you are getting 96 mg / day of epinepherine in the form of Ma Huang. The FDA recommends that doctors don't prescribe more than 24 mg / day. However, since metabolife is marketed as a nutritional supplement instead of a drug, the FDA has no jurisdiction.


Senior member
Nov 19, 2001
WASVI are you sure you are talking about "ketosis"? According to the studies I have read (not just Atkins), ketosis is the good state of having fat burned rather than sugars/carbs.

I think you may be referring to ketoacidosis, which is more diabetic related.

In any case, I agree on the water topic. I drink water contstantly. All day and night.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I forgot to mention one of the best things about choosing this lifestyle in my own case:

While eating the 'normal' american diet of burgers / fries / pizzas / spaghetti etc... I developed severe reflux.
I would wake up with lots of acid badness where only good clean air belongs several times every week.
Expensive prescriptions for potentially harmful (ever read the warning label?) drugs to combat reflux was just a way of life.

When I made the switch and stopped (at least severly controlled) carb intake the reflux went completely away.
Only those who have had reflux know how much this means to me.

Never before have I spent any money on Atkins products, now due to this thread I ordered on the Atkins site and got the free box of goodies. Sounds like fun!


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Actually ketosis just means that you are producing ketone bodies. Ketosis is usually associated with diabeties, starvation, and metabolic disorders.

Ketoacidosis is the lowering of you plasma pH as a consequence of producing lots of ketone bodies.

So ketosis leads to ketoacidosis.


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
However you are right that, you produce ketone bodies when you burn fat.

It's just better to give your brain glucose than ketone bodies.


Mar 24, 2000

Things to avoid: pure sugars(table, honey, molasis, syrups, etc), white bread, white rice, white pasta, potatos, carrots, pineapples, bananas, high fat items.


Actually, there are some astounding studies out there on athletes and Honey, and how it controls blood sugar and gives added endurance. Plus Bee Pollen is amazingly nutritious. Raw honey >>>>> gatorade


Feb 3, 2001
While I myself was immediately tempted to order these ($0.59 seemed pretty darned good), I regret that I cannot--and most of you shouldn't either! Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to take a look in the ingredients---The Protein Blend is a mix of soy protein isolate, hydrolyzed collagen, whey protein i know I PMed someone this article, but you should all be aware of The Evils of Soy. Some soy is usually inevitable in nutritional supplements and meal replacement bars, but when it is the primary ingredient--look out.

The second ingredient is hydrolyzed collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen protein (HCP) is also known as gelatin, and while many believe "protein is protein," I can tell you from personal experience that when you're working out and lifting weights regularly, you do not want your primary protein source to be coming from soy and gelatin. Hydrolyzed collagen usually comes from ground up horse hooves and similar delectables. Sometimes (but rarely) a nutritional bar maker will post the ingredient "hydrolyzed bovine collagen." Similarly, this is to be avoided if possible.

This is a hot deal, but unless you're a sheep (those who've worked out a while will know what I mean by this term), avoid this stuff. As for all the dispute here regarding the Atkins diet and/or ketogenic diets, please don't knock em till you've tried them. A lot of people have pretty much eliminated far more debilitating physical conditions (i.e. morbid obesity, high cholesterol, etc) by properly adhering to these diet plans and working out accordingly. I personally did a ketogenic diet one week but it was really tough on my body as I'm very carb dependent. So now I just avoid highly-refined carbs with no nutritional value, "unhealthy foods" and try and watch my caloric intake each day, striving for about a 50/25/25 breakdown (protein, carbs, fat). Oh, last thing-like many people I used to think dietary fat is what was responsible for making me "fat," but in reality it is sugars (especially sugars in soda, twinkies, etc) that are the enemy. The bottom line is if you exercise even semi-regularly, your metabolism will increase and things will fall into place. However keep your goals long term (decide them based on your starting point) so as to not get disappointed.


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2000
thanks for the deal

ordered a box of chocolate bars, too

I don't agree with the pure Atkins fad, but I have lost a good amount of weight by reducing carbs, and eating lots of chef's salads, and other healthier low carb meals.
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