New ** Atkins Low Carb FREE with any order: Trial Kit $23.49 value

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Senior member
Feb 20, 2001
Me? A nice MLT - Mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich - when the Mutton is nice and lean, and the tomato's ripe. They're so perky. I love that.



Senior member
Jul 10, 2000
I'm sorry, but the ONLY way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you expend. It doesn't matter if you eat meat, veggies, carbs, pure saturated fat, or chicken heads. The whole Atkins diet is only popular because it lowers calorie intake.

And yes, it does have some bad sides. One major issue if you take it to far is long-term liver damage.

So yea, I have nothing against the diet, I just think it's silly, like any fad diet. And like most fad diets, it'll stick around in some form and people will lose weight with it. Just like they would with any toher diet they stick to!


Senior member
Apr 7, 2000

<< ...considering that he advocates and follows a high-saturated-fat, unhealthy diet filled with sausages, pork and steak There is no doubt the man has helped a lot of people lose a ton of weight, but the kinds of foods he suggests eating are anything but healthy. >>

I love these statements that come from the Health information of the Living Section of the Sunday newspaper.

In actuality, there is nothing wrong with Saturated Fat.

In case you want actual evidence (something that the medical establishment hopes you never find), you can go to:

The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD



Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
>>>I love these statements that come from the Health information of the Living Section of the Sunday newspaper.<<<

??? Where do you people come up with these things? I haven't touched a newspaper in 10+ years.

>>>In actuality, there is nothing wrong with Saturated Fat.<<<

Agreed...and I didn't say there was. There are a few things that contain saturated fat that do have a place in a healthy diet. Much (not all) of what Dr. Atkins advocates does not fall into that category...don't take my word for can look up hundreds of studies that link meat consumption to prostate cancer and breast cancer, among other things. If you choose to believe that such a diet is to your benefit, that's fine.

>>>In case you want actual evidence (something that the medical establishment hopes you never find), you can go to: The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD<<<

OK. This kind of information has been around for at least 20 years.


Senior member
Apr 7, 2000

<< don't take my word for can look up hundreds of studies that link meat consumption to prostate cancer and breast cancer, among other things. >>


And please don't include any of those "studies" that aren't really studies, ie the ones that say "The people of the nation of BlahBlah who eat 20% less meat, have 10% less cancer" -- as if there weren't 100 other lifestyle differences between any two nations.


Golden Member
Jul 29, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
Got mine today! Hope these don't taste like garbage

I bought one before the final which is 4 hours long in case I get hungry. It tastes godawful, but it did the trick. YMMV.


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2002
I like how it is no longer a hot deal discussion as much as a:


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
How long did it take people to get the 'validation code' mailed to them when they registered? I've been sitting here for an hour and it hasn't come yet.

Btw, I love all the somewhat clueless arguments against a low-carb diet in this thread. I've been doing low-carb for 2 years and am still alive and feel great. A lot of things people are saying above are just plain false or ignorant.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2002
I was on a low carb, actually an almost no carb diet a couple of times years ago. The weight came off very quickly. Wiithin 5 days on this diet (both times) I was about 12 lbs lighter and I was dizzy at all times to the point of nearly passing out every time I stood. I am very healthy and have never experienced anything like that before or since. I would probably not do well on the atkins diet, but many people do, or at least they appear to.

Wasvi has good info and for those of you on the atkins diet, or any other low carb diet, use the information for your health. Talk with your doctor and make sure this diet isn't extracting too high a toll on your body. Have some further testing if it is indicated. It may be that you handle the diet well and the loss of lbs outweighs the negative effects on your body. It is best to be armed with all the info you can get. If you can maintain your health while losing weight on any diet, assuming you actually need to loose weight, then go for it. The point of losing the weight in the first place is to improve your health, you certainly don't want to destroy it in the process.

This is a great post as far as deals go, and I am impressed and interested in all the info I have read in here even if we have gotten off topic abit. I think its cool.

Btw.. neither Fats, Carbs (sugars) nor protien cause weight gain. Your body REQUIRES all three. CALORIES make you gain weight. It doesn't matter what the source is. Eat enough calories in ANY combination and you will gain weight.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: relax
Btw.. neither Fats, Carbs (sugars) nor protien cause weight gain. Your body REQUIRES all three. CALORIES make you gain weight. It doesn't matter what the source is. Eat enough calories in ANY combination and you will gain weight.

That's not entirely accurate. If you actually read all the literature about the Atkins program, you'll understand why. In the absense of carbohydrates, fat/protein intake cannot be efficiently be converted into stored fat. Thats the fundamental reason why this diet works. You can eat tons of calories, as long as there are few carbs it will basically just pass through you and not make you gain weight (although you can't go consuming 10,000 calories a day and expect not to gain any weight). Once you increase carb intake, you start metabolizing those extra calories into stored fat. Thats why high-carb diets are so ineffective. You really need to limit your calorie intake or you start packing all the excess on. So, since you aren't storing those extra calories, when your body finally does need to dip into the reserves, its forced to start converting your fat cells back into usable energy, hence the pounds start coming off. Its more complicated than that, but thats the general concept.

As for you getting dizzy, that could be caused by a number of things. Quite a few people do have a bit of resistance when first starting a low-carb plan, because their body is not used to living without the quick-energy of carbs. Thats the purpose of the 2 week induction phase - to purge your body of stored carbs and condition your body to rely on fat cells for energy. Also, light-headedness is frequently caused by dehydration. You really need to drink a lot of water on this diet, as your body is producing a lot of ketones which need to be flushed out. Proper hydration is important for any diet, but moreso on this one.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2002
Probably true about my getting dizzy. Not only did I jump into it fast, but I really didn't need to lose weight at the time and I was eating almost no carbs at all. I was drinking alot of water and fluids at the time but perhaps not enough.

After reading this post I am somewhat concerned about trusting the info supplied in the literature about the atkins diet, however that description sounds reasonable. It also sounds like the body is forced to do alot of extra work to maintain itself and that too would assumably burn more calories. I did not intend to bash this diet I think weight loss is critical for health in many people and if the diet is safe for them, then great. I just think that one should be carefully monitored when messing around with one's body chemistry, which is the case with this and some other fad diets. Does not mean they don't work. Just be careful with your body and your health.

As far as calories causing weight gain, I think I am accurate in that, although other factor's do come into play. Metabolism being the main one. When excercising one should change ones workout routine every month or so to keep the metabolism up, otherwise your metabolism will gradually slow down again, and you will burn calories more slowly, even though you continue to exercise. Still it is the number of Calories consumed (at one's current metabolic rate) that will determine the amount of weight gained or lost. Unless....

You thwart the weight gain process with a diet such as the atkins diet which pofoundly messes with one's normal body chemistry, as (well) described it Jeraden and Wavsi's posts. Fine IF your system can handle it for weight loss, but to stay on this diet as a lifelong diet plan to maintain your weight sounds very dangerous. Preferably one would get to his/her target weight and then work on a healthy lifestyle change.

I didn't mean to imply that one couldn't trick the body into losing weight when it should be gaining. My comment about calories was addressing some comments about the cause of weight gain and people who believe it is one thing or another. I have a client who insists it is fat that causes weight gain. I have told him that the true culprit is the calories, not the source of the calories, that is all I meant. I could gain weight on raw vegetables, if I could eat enough of them, but I prefer to gain with chocolate and lose with LIPOSUCTION!! Ok, I am too cheap for liposuction.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
>>>Just to make this a hot deal..... the "free" diet.
decrease food intake
increase physical activity

You are preaching to the wrong crowd brother, this is the Jerry Springer crowd.

Take your facts and science and back off. They want results and heart be damned. Accd to them you are the evil establishment and they won't believe you. Atkins' fear of peer review frightens me. However, we have a more pressing problem in this country. The social security program is in desparate need of money. I can't think of a better way to fix it than to tell fat people that they can lose weight AND be healthy by eating bacon and cheese.

I would not tell them that high protein low carb diets have the highest recidivism rates of all diets except fasting. No tricky stats there. How many people do YOU know that have kept on this diet for 25years?

I would also not tell the ones that are young that back in the 70s the Atkins diet lasted about 7-8 years and it faded. No, let them eat steak and cheese for lunch, they'll die sooner because they ultimately come back ot graze on sugar and white flour or the latest fad diet.

How many times do people have to hear moderation and exercise before they figure it out?



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
In the God Bless capitalism category:

$2-3 retail for those candy bars. People are genuinely stupid.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2001
I ordered 050702 and was told that my order shipped 051402 via usps. Should be here in a day or two. Kinda slow.


Golden Member
Dec 19, 2000
Ok, I know I won't settle this argument, but I'll tell my story (along with a few other points).

1. I had always been in shape until I turned 27 and got a desk job.

2. One day I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe how much weight I had packed on.

3. I tried low fat/low calorie dieting and was hungry all of the time and lost about 5 lbs in one month.

4. I heard about Protein Power (another low carb diet) and gave it a try. On Protein Power I lost 5 lbs. per week.

5. On Protein Power, I felt week and slightly dizzy. I read a little more of the book and found that this could be due to low potasium. I bought potasium supplements and within a few days I was fine, and in fact had more energy than before I started.

6. After losing about 10lbs. on Protein Power (and 5 from before), I started lifting weights again. Within 2 months, I had lost 30 lbs (from 178 to 148) (I'm 5'5") and looked better than I ever had. My body fat had dropped to between 7% and 8%, and I had packed on quite a bit of muscle.

7. Results of being on Protein Power - Positives: I was not hungry all of the time, I felt like I had more energy (after the potasium), no after lunch carb comas, never any gastro-intestinal problems (this means great poop), looked like a body builder.

8. Results of being on Protein Power - Negatives: When I do cheat and eat sugar or a big dish of pasta, I see it quickly (as in I gain fat fast) and I get headaches and gastro-intestinal problems (this means I get the runs), metalic taste in the mouth if I'm hardcoring and getting no carbs at al (due to the ketones).

I haven't had my cholesterol checked (ever), so I can't really comment on that. I believe that studies show an increase in HDL's and a decrease in LDL's, which is what you really want, but studies shmuddies, if it's not the case for me, I don't care, and for me I don't know.

But all in all, I'd say it worked pretty well for me.

Just as an aside, for those detractors who are also vegetarians and/or are anti-red meat. At one time in our evolution, we had a related line of bipeds known as the Austrolopithicus Aferinsis and Africanis (pardon the spelling). Interestingly, we and they had the same size brains at one point in our respective evolutions. Yet, over tens of thousands of years, our brains kept getting bigger and theirs stayed the same size (500cc's if I remember correctly). Then, slowly, they became extinct as our smarter ancestors pushed them out, ate them, whatever. So, for whatever reason, we meat eaters survived. Whether it be because the greater amount of protein in our diets allowed our brains to grow bigger, natural selection which required us to be smarter to make tools to hunt, or whether we just ate the silly vegetarians, I don't know. But I do know that I'm here and they aren't.



Junior Member
Apr 26, 2002
I hope I am not preaching to anyone, and I have read some very intelligent material in this thread. Certainly not all the Jerry Springer crowd. But, I know what you mean, greg.

The lure of rapid weight loss is so strong that many normally rational people will take risks to accomplish it. If only a few people who were entirely unknowledgeable about the risks of this diet and other's like it have learned something by reading this thread and the medical facts as stated earlier, then something good has been accomplished.

Take care all. Do what you need to do, it's your body, but arm yourself with facts, not unsubstantiated evidence as presented by the people who will profit from your misery.



Junior Member
May 11, 2002
I just got my bars in today! Yee-haw! About the rants and the raves of the Atkins diet: I feel, if you want to lose weight why not exercise more and just moderate what you ingest? Lower you sugar intake, watch out for what kinds of carbs you're ingesting, and try to have something in your stomach every 4 hours. Having food in your system every 4 - 5 hours tells your body to keep it's metabolism "up."

In turn, you'll have increased energy levels, you're likely to not get fat, and you'll probably be a happier person (which will probably lighten up all the negativity going on around these forums! j/k!)! This isn't one of those diets/habits that will turn you into that guy from the Infomercial "Ab-Power" (I think that's the title of it but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, you can't look like that "John Basedow" guy from Ab-Power unless your occupation is that of an athlete (i.e. Hardcore training regimine followed by a hardcore diet).

I'm not an expert I just talk to a lot of personal trainers and dieticians. They've helped me to understand what type of body (i.e. metabolism, musculature, etc.) I was born with. We're all different and not every type of training/diet works for each person. But just to be a little bit healthier moderation of your diet and some exercise can make a big difference in your lifestyle.

BTW, the Atkins bars ain't that bad. They're not the greatest but they make for a pretty good snake especially if I'm trying to get something in my stomach every 4 hours.

Rant and Rave on my Brothers and Sisters!


Senior member
Nov 19, 2001
Got mine too. Glad my first hot deal turned out to work for some folks.

FYI - for those just joining the thread - this deal is still active as of 5/23.


Junior Member
May 11, 2002
Correct me if I'm wrong but the deal expires on August 31, 2002. Damn! I might order some more bars to a couple of different addresses with a couple of different credit cards with a couple of diffrerent names...


Senior member
Jul 2, 2001
Good deal! An alternate would be the 32 2-bar pouches of Nature Valley Granola bars (Oats N Honey) that Costco has for about $10. Start to get tired of them however after bar 23....


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
I got this information from Riley RE - Clin Sports Med - 01-Jul-1999; 18(3): 691-701, ix. The article is titled, "Popular weight loss diets. Health and exercise implications." It's a peer-reviewed journal, so I'm more comfortable with trusting what it is saying. However, this is a summary of a review article, so I'm not going to be able to cite the specific experiments.

In regards to the Atkins diet:

So apparently, medically the Atkins diet is called a protien sparing modified fast. Because of the ketosis that results, a person's appetite is suppressed. Despite his "ability" to eat all the meat that he wants, he is actually on a very low calorie diet. Many people eat less that 4200 KJ (1000 kcals? someone check my math). So essentially are you starving yourself, without feeling hungry.

Much of what Dr. Atkins says can be backed up by scientific studies.
His diet DOES cause dramatic decreasess in serum glucose, serum insulin, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, and weight.

However, it is very important to consult with your physician when you go on this diet because this diet can cause terrible terrible things to happen, if you are on medications or you have preexisting conditions.

Another potential problem is that often when people cut carbohyrdates out of their diet they are also cutting out a potential source of fiber, which can have long term effects. In addition, but eliminating fruit and vegetables you are also eliminating many phytonutrients that we may not yet recognize as essential or beneficial. Because Dr. Atkins is suggesting that you only eat 90g of carbohydrates / day. That is ~2 cans of coke's worth of sugar. (I know coke is not a fruit nor vegetable, but that's the only thing who's caloric count I know).

Another problem is that the Atkins diet is designed to depleat your body of your glycogen stores. Although it has been said previously that everyone feels great, at least in theory this should limit your ability to do high levels of activity, such as long distance running or intensive weight training.

oh yeah something interesting that they said was that when you are on a protien sparing modified fast diet and you engage in strength training, you will build strength; however, you will also lose lean muscle. Therefore, after you plateau, you'll need to add carbohydrates and more calories to your diet. Before, someone jumps on me about how it's possible to lose muscle yet get stronger, I just want to remind you that strength is a combination of neural stimulation and available muscle mass. In fact, during the first 6 weeks of strength training you don't build any muscle at all. You are in fact, just strengthing you nerve's ability to activate the muscles that you already have.

The article also writes, "Research has shown that protein-sparing modified fasts with the proper supplements can be safe for the short term with proper medical supervision; however, no support exists for continuing this diet in the long term." It's not clear to me atleast whether they mean, it's bad for you long term, or no one did the study.



Senior member
Mar 10, 2001
I tried the free deal and was pleased. The Atkins low-carb lifestyle has served me well, in weight management and in cardiac risk factor reduction. All items in my lipid profile improved when I got lighter on the plan. The peanut butter freebies are not bad if you are a peanut butter nut like me, but admittedly they are not candy. The Endulge peanut bar I ordered and paid for was nothing short of amazing. Very much as sweet as Hershey's, although different, as the sugar-alcohol sweetening tastes different from sugar. I am ordering a box of these, or maybe the PB cups (Reeses copies) and will get another box of the freebies. Much better on the trail than granola bars for those wishing to maintain the low carb balance. Just my 2 cents worth, no rant needed.
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