*NEW* BFG 6800 Ultra 512 MB @ Monarch

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Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Lithan
Huh? I thought that 6600gt's were performing about as good on average as a single 6800gt. That's what I've read on forums anyway. Not seen the benches myself.

Wrong....it's only better when performing optimally, but usually it's trailing a single 6800GT. Here's an excerpt from the conclusion:

"Overall the performance of the standard 6800 was disappointing as a single board, with performances that were behind the 6600 GT despite its similar fill-rate; we would have also expected to see greater gains under FSAA conditions on this board thanks to its 256-bit bus, but they didn't manifest themselves. The performance of the 6800 carries on in its SLI configuration with its performance rarely getting close to a single 6800 GT and not always posting particularly great gains over a single 6600 GT. The 6600 GT did make a more convincing case in SLI mode in a few titles with the SLI performance, when it's performing optimally, managing to be a little higher than a single 6800 GT or even Ultra, though with only 128MB of RAM this board does suffer more with FSAA rendering."

Link to full article:




Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
Originally posted by: user1234

Now ask youself why oh why on earth would anyone buy 2 6800NU pci-e boards for $700 (note: $300 this is the cheapest price currently for a sinlge 6800NU pci-e, it used to be $50 more a few weeks ago) just to get performance which is significantly lower than a single X800XL for $250, and without the need for SLI with its expensive chipsets, motherboards, power supplies and cooling gear ?

tRollo is one such person so I suggest you point the finger to him and ask about the rationale that led him to build such a lackluster non-performing ultra expensive monster ? there is no doubt SLI is expensive, and if done right it at least gives unmatched performance, but 6800NU SLI is just the worst example of what can be done with SLI, and how poor value it could be, delivering middling performance for quadruple the cost.

Sure, everyone is free to spend their money however they choose, but the choices one makes reflect on the quality of thier decision making, and in this case we'd have to seriously question the competence of someone making such poor decisions. I understand that enthusiasm for new hardware (even if it's really unwarranted) can cloud judgement and interfere with rational buying decision, but people reading advice from this guy need to take this into consideration, as his recomendations are based on getting stuff to play around with, and not neccessarily getting the best hardware within a limited budget.

I have a question for ya, what the hell are you talking about? This thread has NOTHING to do with 6800NU's, nor is there any mention in this thread about Rollo buying two of them. I see in his sig he clearly lists two 6800GT's, but no NU's.

Rollo's Sig:
A64 3800+/Asus A8N SLI Deluxe/1GB Geil Ultra PC3500/2 Reference 6800GTs/SB Audigy2/Maxtor 120GB/Thermaltake Xaser III case w/Enermax 535W PSU/NEC FE2111 SB
Logitech Z2200 + Bose Mediamates

If you're going to take all that time you took to personally bash another forum member, at least MAKE IT APPLICABLE TO THE TOPIC. People like you are the reason the Internet makes people dumber.

Thanks for ruining this thread, asshat.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Solema
Originally posted by: user1234

Now ask youself why oh why on earth would anyone buy 2 6800NU pci-e boards for $700 (note: $300 this is the cheapest price currently for a sinlge 6800NU pci-e, it used to be $50 more a few weeks ago) just to get performance which is significantly lower than a single X800XL for $250, and without the need for SLI with its expensive chipsets, motherboards, power supplies and cooling gear ?

tRollo is one such person so I suggest you point the finger to him and ask about the rationale that led him to build such a lackluster non-performing ultra expensive monster ? there is no doubt SLI is expensive, and if done right it at least gives unmatched performance, but 6800NU SLI is just the worst example of what can be done with SLI, and how poor value it could be, delivering middling performance for quadruple the cost.

Sure, everyone is free to spend their money however they choose, but the choices one makes reflect on the quality of thier decision making, and in this case we'd have to seriously question the competence of someone making such poor decisions. I understand that enthusiasm for new hardware (even if it's really unwarranted) can cloud judgement and interfere with rational buying decision, but people reading advice from this guy need to take this into consideration, as his recomendations are based on getting stuff to play around with, and not neccessarily getting the best hardware within a limited budget.

I have a question for ya, what the hell are you talking about? This thread has NOTHING to do with 6800NU's, nor is there any mention in this thread about Rollo buying two of them. I see in his sig he clearly lists two 6800GT's, but no NU's.

Rollo's Sig:
A64 3800+/Asus A8N SLI Deluxe/1GB Geil Ultra PC3500/2 Reference 6800GTs/SB Audigy2/Maxtor 120GB/Thermaltake Xaser III case w/Enermax 535W PSU/NEC FE2111 SB
Logitech Z2200 + Bose Mediamates

If you're going to take all that time you took to personally bash another forum member, at least MAKE IT APPLICABLE TO THE TOPIC. People like you are the reason the Internet makes people dumber.

Thanks for ruining this thread, asshat.

SLI was discussed in this thread, therefore it is relevant. And anyway, this is not really a hot deal at $900.

And he unashamedly anounced that he bought a 6800NU setup, and hailed its great (?!) performance and value (?) in multiple threads (search it and you will find it). I guess he finally understood he's own mistake (never admitting it though) and got a 6800GT SLI setup, and probably trying to sell his 6800NU in FS/T or fleabay or hit-where (good luck getting more than half what you paid). With all the money he spent, he could have gotten two 6800U 512 SLI, which he now hipocritically admits to being too expensive. That's just goes to show you how poor decisions come back to haunt you.


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
Originally posted by: user1234
SLI was discussed in this thread, therefore it is relevant. And anyway, this is not really a hot deal at $900.

SLI is relevant, spewing about 6800NU SLI in a 6800 ULTRA thread is not.

Originally posted by: user1234

And he unashamedly anounced that he bought a 6800NU setup, and hailed its great (?!) performance and value (?) in multiple threads (search it and you will find it).
BUT NOT IN THIS THREAD. Again, I ask, why was it necessary to kill this thread with your garbage posts PERTAINING TO OTHER THREADS AND NOT THIS ONE?

Quit wasting thread space, nobody cares about your opinions of this guy.


Jul 11, 2004
maybe you don't realize this thread is already a zombie anyway, as it's already in the wrong forum. Therefore, there is no point in saying anyone if off topic, as this whole thread is off topic for hot deals forum.

And btw, many people have personally thanked me for correcting wrong information and recomendations posted by over zealous members which only serve to confuse less knowledgeable members.

[asshat pwned]


Senior member
Dec 23, 2004
you annoy the hell out of me user1234. i dont even need to read your comments anymore, just trying to increase post count by complaining about any and everything.



Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
Anyone here thanking him for correcting wrong information THAT WAS NOT POSTED IN THIS TOPIC? Not me, not anyone else.

I will however thank you for wasting mine and others' time for reading anything that you have to say. And YES, this did belong in these forums, because there are some people who WANT this card. Not everyone chooses to shop completely frugally. This is a hot deal to those with disposable income that have been drooling for a 512MB card since Nvidia hinted that there would be some. Just because its cost-to-performance ratio isn't as high as a 6800GT doesn't mean it's not a deal to someone.

Here's a thought. Just because someone disagrees with you DOES NOT MAKE THEM WRONG. Try that one out.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
user1234 is usually a helpful person in many of the threads and is very active, but he is full of sarcastic comments and more than 50% of the time goes too far with his comments. In a way he treats others as inferior dogs or something like that. Just b/c people make mistakes and are stupid doesn't mean you should automatically start proving how stupid they are or start making everyone hate you.
(I'm not saying is stupid etc...)


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Trikat
user1234 is usually a helpful person in many of the threads and is very active, but he is full of sarcastic comments and more than 50% of the time goes too far with his comments. In a way he treats others as inferior dogs or something like that. Just b/c people make mistakes and are stupid doesn't mean you should automatically start proving how stupid they are or start making everyone hate you.
(I'm not saying is stupid etc...)

usually helpful? no. rarely would be more like it. it's unfortunate because he is knowledgeable but he is such an a-hole in 95% of his posts that he is basically irrelevant. there are far too many more knowledgeable, more experienced and more mature members to solicit advice from.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: rise4310
Originally posted by: Trikat
user1234 is usually a helpful person in many of the threads and is very active, but he is full of sarcastic comments and more than 50% of the time goes too far with his comments. In a way he treats others as inferior dogs or something like that. Just b/c people make mistakes and are stupid doesn't mean you should automatically start proving how stupid they are or start making everyone hate you.
(I'm not saying is stupid etc...)

usually helpful? no. rarely would be more like it. it's unfortunate because he is knowledgeable but he is such an a-hole in 95% of his posts that he is basically irrelevant. there are far too many more knowledgeable, more experienced and more mature members to solicit advice from.

I believe you are off topic and hence thread crapping here.......omg you're already a golden member, I wonder if it's because you seem to be posting in every friggin thread, and arguing such trivial stuff like when you couldn't understand that a hot deal is about SLI-DR not SLI-D and kept on sticking to your close minded point of view even after people repeatedly proced to you that you're wrong.....this was only a few week back but I remeber you only had half the post count then so you must've continue with your infantile thread crapping like you're doing here


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Solema
Anyone here thanking him for correcting wrong information THAT WAS NOT POSTED IN THIS TOPIC? Not me, not anyone else.

I will however thank you for wasting mine and others' time for reading anything that you have to say. And YES, this did belong in these forums, because there are some people who WANT this card. Not everyone chooses to shop completely frugally. This is a hot deal to those with disposable income that have been drooling for a 512MB card since Nvidia hinted that there would be some. Just because its cost-to-performance ratio isn't as high as a 6800GT doesn't mean it's not a deal to someone.

Here's a thought. Just because someone disagrees with you DOES NOT MAKE THEM WRONG. Try that one out.

I routinely get PM with follow up questions about technical questions, so you would not see this in this thread, which I guess is good for you since you seem to think that my two posts here ruined the thread somehow, even though they were as much on topic as any other post in this thread, which I still think is not really a hot deal at all, moreover a grand total of ZERO people reading this thread will actually go out and buy this card, and no an extra 256 MB of DDR3 is not worth $300, i'm sure even the MSRP for this cards is a lot lower, and if you don't realize this is a gouging price which only people with unlimited funds or really stupid shoppers will actually buy this for this price (btw, monarch like many other e-tailers is known to take advantage of excess demand situations and gouge as much as they can, like they did with the a8n-sli for which they charged $350 initialliy, but now they are among the cheapest).

btw, even though it OOS at monarch to the morons/richboys among you that want to get this at any price tiger direct has this for $1000 (no rabates!) - enjoy



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: user1234
I believe you are off topic and hence thread crapping here.......omg you're already a golden member, I wonder if it's because you seem to be posting in every friggin thread, and arguing such trivial stuff like when you couldn't understand that a hot deal is about SLI-DR not SLI-D and kept on sticking to your close minded point of view even after people repeatedly proced to you that you're wrong.....this was only a few week back but I remeber you only had half the post count then so you must've continue with your infantile thread crapping like you're doing here

lol, perfect example of how "helpful" you are. IIRC, you didn't come into that thread until one of the last posts. and i had admitted i was wrong but was in fact trying to goad on acejace or whatever his name was for a bit, quite successfully actually. i had already ordered the ut sli-dr after seeing what housecat had said.

and wth does my post count have to do with anything?

you are right about this thread, i think the OP wa 1/2 joking when he posted anyway. if he wasn't, well, i guess it's his perogative to spend his money whatever way he wants. fwiw, the term "thread crapping" shouldn't even apply to a hot deals forum. its for fs/ft where the OP has vested interest, which is not supposed to be the case in hot deals. what you typically do is "flaming".

at any rate, take care, good luck and all that.


Jul 11, 2004
Wondering what it would be like to SLI a couple of these babies ? add a pentium 4 extreme edition overclocked to 4.25 Ghz (with water cooling), using nForce4 SLI chipset (Intel edition) based motherboard, and Apple's 30" Cinema display LCD and the usual 2x300GB raid-0 hard drives, 1GB memory, dual DRD-RW, Audigy2 zs and you've got a wet dream gaming machine that owns the best FX-55 systems. The price tag is $10,000 for anyone really interested in this scorching hot deal head over to Falcon NorthWest, and take a look at the this review


btw an interesting fact mentioned in this review as that only 2 games currently exist which can take advantage of 512 MB frame buffer of the new 6800U cards, anf these are Doom 3 (on Ultra quality settings) and EverQuest 2. In both cases you will get better quality, but not neccessarily better performance.


Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: user1234
Wondering what it would be like to SLI a couple of these babies ? add a pentium 4 extreme edition overclocked to 4.25 Ghz (with water cooling), using nForce4 SLI chipset (Intel edition) based motherboard, and Apple's 30" Cinema display LCD and the usual 2x300GB raid-0 hard drives, 1GB memory, dual DRD-RW, Audigy2 zs and you've got a wet dream gaming machine that owns the best FX-55 systems. The price tag is $10,000 for anyone really interested in this scorching hot deal head over to Falcon NorthWest, and take a look at the this review


btw an interesting fact mentioned in this review as that only 2 games currently exist which can take advantage of 512 MB frame buffer of the new 6800U cards, anf these are Doom 3 (on Ultra quality settings) and EverQuest 2. In both cases you will get better quality, but not neccessarily better performance.

OMG? raptors? I prefer the dell 2405 fpw


Jul 11, 2004
To anyone who think $10K is too much for this machine, don't forget that each of the two video cards costs $1000, the 30" LCD is $3000, the CPU is $1000, and the automotive quality metallic paint job of the case is $1000. So $7K just for the special components, the rest is for the other more usual components. Overall a super HAWT deal for people who got the dough.


Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: user1234
To anyone who think $10K is too much for this machine, don't forget that each of the two video cards costs $1000, the 30" LCD is $3000, the CPU is $1000, and the automotive quality metallic paint job of the case is $1000. So $7K just for the special components, the rest is for the other more usual components. Overall a super HAWT deal for people who got the dough.

heh why not go maco????:roll:


Jul 11, 2004
I challenge you and whoever else has the balls to go out and order this machine right now


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
Originally posted by: user1234
arguing such trivial stuff like when you couldn't understand that a hot deal is about SLI-DR not SLI-D and kept on sticking to your close minded point of view even after people repeatedly proced to you that you're wrong.....this was only a few week back but I remeber you only had half the post count then so you must've continue with your infantile thread crapping like you're doing here

[sarcasm]Once again, user1234 is RIGHT ON-TOPIC here. Keep proving my point.[/sarcam]

By the way, Sparke, my brother, sends his congratulations to user1234 for successfully killing another topic. Way to go man, you earned it.

And why would it take "balls" to order that Falcon? I think cash would do just fine.


Jul 11, 2004
Solema, what exactly is your problem ? I was just replying to rise4310, and as you can see he admitted to trying to make fun in that sli-dr hot deal thread....some might call it crapping. So I'm off topic when I'm replying to posts which are already off topic ? if so, you're message is also completely off topic. In fact, I am keeping this hot deal thread alive by posting foloow-up deals (which is what this forum is supposed to be about) despite that it's OOS in the original store, I posted another link that have it in stock, as well as a complete machine featuring this card.


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
btw, even though it OOS at monarch to the morons/richboys among you that want to get this at any price tiger direct has this for $1000 (no rabates!) - enjoy

There is just no point trying to get you to realize your inability to grasp concepts such as "staying on topic" and "respecting others' choices" so I officially give up. You win. Now please shut up and let those who want to buy stuff like this appreciate the linkage without having to be called morons.


Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: MartinCracauer
Originally posted by: darkswordsman17
Originally posted by: masteraleph
And they still can't produce something with Dual-Channel DVI...::sigh::

I think you mean dual-link? Also, I believe that the 512MB Ultras do in fact have dual-link DVI ports, as its part of the nVidia reference (which the companies are adhering to for the fact of the complexity of the extra memory).

I could be wrong though.

You confuse dual dvi with dual-link DVI.

But for $900 you can get a nice Quadro which has dual-link.
PNY 6600GT's have dual link. So do Dell 6800 GTO's. You need not pony up for a quadro to get dual-link anymore.

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