New iMac is available - starts at $1299

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Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
>Also, everyone keeps saying that this would be a great computer for e-mail and whatnot. You can't argue that a G4 can smoke a P4 or Athlon in one statement and then say it's appropriate for Grandma in another. That's failed logic at its finest. That same grandma who is stingy about space would be equally, if not MORE stingy about price.

I think you are confusing issues here. The logic did not fail, becuase the implications from various statements are not as you might want them to be.

1) You say "You can't argue that a G4 can smoke a P4 or Athlon in one statement and then say it's appropriate for Grandma in another." Huh? Why not? Can't a computer do both things? They are not mutually exclusive. That a computer is fast does not imply anything else other than it is fast. Your dichotomy is false. You assume too much.

2) You further say, "That same grandma who is stingy about space would be equally, if not MORE stingy about price." Do you have some insight into grandmas? Any polling information? Doubtful. I think you simply want this to be the case. I know many people who are stingy about space and NOT stingy about price (those who buy overpriced but small BOSE systems for example)


Senior member
Jan 27, 2000
this is a friggin' great machine! for the price.
700MHz G4 processor with LCD display , 40GB HD, CD-RW(24x10x32), blah blah...
Dang this is tempting...
the G4 upgrade(from previous imac) does it for me


Nov 29, 2001
Actual quote from Apple: "All models ship with the fearsomely fast NVIDIA GeForce2 MX graphics processor for photorealistic games and spectacular 3D graphics."

All I can do is bury my head in shame because some people believe this crap.

Sad thing is, compared to what most people get from store bought computers ("UMA architechture, 4-8 mb ram video"), total garbage.


Nov 29, 2001

<< "fastest iMac ever, with a Pentium-crushing 800MHz PowerPC G4 processor"

I guess the Intel processor is their only compitition. Nice to see it can crush a Pentium how about a PIV or PIII even?

Not so fast, the G4 processor is like the Athlon squared, it does MUCH more, per clock, than a PIII or PIV. For some crazy-useless stuff, its like 5 times faster (Yeah, I know, you can write benchmarks that will show anything....). Its a much more efficient processor that the Intel stuff, why do you think Intels next processor is going to break away from the I86 architecture all together?

Oh, and I am not a big Apple fan, but I do recognize when they shake things up, all for the better. Here we are, still waiting for the adoption of USB 2.0, when years ago, Apple introduced FireWire, a superior data transport technology.


Nov 26, 2000

<< Gonna look pretty crappy when cluttered up with external drives. Better to have a l'il Shuttle like box. >>

what are you talking about? what external drives would be needed?


Nov 26, 2000

<< Regular pricing is not a Hot Deal, thus it doesn't belong in this forum. Yes, deals have requirements. >>

yeah, im sure you schmucks said the same time when the PS2 came out, when the xbox came out, etc. get a life.


Senior member
Dec 7, 2001

<< Hmm, well not really. You could put a standard PC under a desk or in a drawer or cabinet or wherever and just have an LCD on a stick or on the wall. >>

And the cables? Ever try and plug/unplug the cables on a PC under a desk, in a cabinet, or in a drawer (?!?!?!). When I had to do this at my sisters house it was a nightmare. Cables were only so long so no matter how you tried you had to connect some by crawling in very cramped places. So to equal mac's minimal footprint you potentially creat a huge hassle. Not to mention the fact that you still have this big box tucked away someplace while the mac would take up no more space than the PCs monitor.

Also, the floppy is not required. Sure some people may need it, but with the CD-R around who needs a floppy? On macs you can use the CD-RW like a floppy drive. Then take your CD-r and most any computer will read it.

As for the cables...macs working on it. New LCD monitors, keyboards and mice are going to be wireless. Hows that for innovation. Put your tower in a closet, corner, or other out of the way place and just keep the stuff you need by your desk.

<< I give 'em credit for design but it is not particularly practical. >>

A computer that is very powerful, takes up 12" of space, will be reliable, hold its value, and has all the best technology for a great price is not practicle? Bigger and unstable is practicle? Most people (as long as they can get over the Mac barrier that is out there) would love such a computer. Go ahead and ask everyone you know if they'd like to reduce their current computer to the size of half a volleyball and a 15" mirror. I have a feeling all but power users would love the idea.


Mar 31, 2001
I'm not anti-Mac. I've used Macs for years at work doing graphic design and stuff. I am, however, anti-ignorant Mac user zealots who spout nonsense. I'm sure the users on this board are more educated, but the hype is just too much sometimes.

I think this thing is ugly, but at least it's different. But that business about processor superiority is sheer hogwash. Every time I've seen a whole slew of benchmarks (not just the one or two Apple will pick out to base it's claim on), an Athlon PC will beat a Mac in almost every area. Now if someone can point out a comprehensive benchmark that shows otherwise (i.e., not a synthetic cpu mark or one photoshop filter test) I'd be glad to see it.

Like I said Macs are fine. I've done lots of work on them. I do the same kind of work on my PC at home. Most the important applications are identical on both platforms.


Junior Member
Jun 1, 2001
Well, from reading this thread, it's nice to know that thread crapping is acceptable.

Let's face it: the one common thread that binds all readers of this forum is the desire and skill to create and update a PC cheaply. I dare say it's an aquired skill that many friends envy. I direct friends to updates, upgrades and new components all of the time.

In this regard we are not the iMac market. Who cares if we can put a geforce 3 into our system for $199 and the iMac is a generation behind. Well, actually, for that target market it isn't a generation behind. Someone in the iMac market doesn't care if he can get an additional 20% gain in frames per second. Once that person does, he's no longer a part of the iMac market. THEN begins the debate between a PC tower and a Mac tower. Someone who needs more than 60GB is not in the iMac market. Someone who needs one drive to read and another to burn in not in the iMac market. Someone who needs a floppy.... well, they should be fine with a used $100 computer. Does this mean that there are many people who are not in the iMac market? Sure, and that includes almost all of us.

To argue what is better is really an argument of who you are. If you're an anantech'er, fine. If you're an iMac'er, fine. I doubt there are many people in both categories. Fine.

Me, I do my graphics/video work on a G4 tower, watch dvd's on an Athlon HTPC, and run emulation on a 486. If we're looking for the most efficient use of our hard earned money, I wouldn't do it any other way.

As for the dealworthiness: again, not so much for the regular readers here, but for anyone who wants a system to learn state of the art digital video editing, this lowers the cost of admission.

p.s. As for the comments that it's ugly: show me a man who thinks he's got a design that everyone will love and I'll show you an idiot.


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2001
The other day I pulled my 1966 GTO up to a guy in a Mercedes E Class and said, "mine goes faster, has 50 more horsepower and cost $65,000 less, ha-ha!"

See how stupid that sounds? It's what most people do when they compare PCs to Macs. They don't get it at all. It's not about numbers anymore. Sixty frames per second frame rates in Doom; 80 page scrolls in 4 seconds in Word. It makes little difference today. All modern computers today are very capable. What sets the Mac crowd apart is they are willing to pay a premium for LUXURY. That's it. Whether it be true plug and play, winning industrial design, or just plain elegance. If you use a modern Mac you'd understand. Example, I just downloaded iPhoto for the Mac and it has no equal. It's hard to explain, but it just works really, really well. Only a company like Apple would have its software (iPhoto) play a classical guitar version of "Minuet in G" while playing a slide show, with soft fades as well. Sure you can get an Mp3 player for less than Apple's $400 iPod, but one that works as well? No way. Use and iPod and you'll know. Nobody makes it easier to scroll through 1000 songs. The fact is when Apple makes a product, they make it well, but it costs more.

There are few modern conveniences I would never part with: DSL, Tivo, ipod, ibook and macs.

Every day I sit in front of my Cinema Display 22" wide screen LCD I thank Apple. It's a joy to behold and has helped my work tremendously. At $2500 it may not be a bargain to some, but the same can be said of any luxury item, from $1000 front-and-center Madonna tickets, to an $80,000 luxury vehicle. I would never spend $1000 on concert tickets. But I wouldn't ridicule someone who did. To each his own. We are a diverse group here, and I get the feeling a lot of us are "starving students." For those that have the income and desire for Apple products, great, for those that don't, fine. Just try to recognize to compare the two is more than adding the sum of their parts.

BTW, I think the new imac is kind of ugly but a decent value!


Sep 15, 2001

<< Regular pricing is not a Hot Deal, thus it doesn't belong in this forum. Yes, deals have requirements >>

By that logic then people shouldn't post products from Newegg,yet every day you see numerous threads to the contrary


Mar 31, 2001
That's a false comparison if there ever was one. I also think there are too many Newegg posts, but the fact is they are usually for an item that is priced among the lowest you can obtain it for from a reputable dealer. Now, if someone wants to post saying you can get the new iMac at this dealer for $200 less than anywhere else, that's a hot deal. Saying it's been released is not. Just like saying you can get a XBox somewhere is not a hot deal unless it is a really good price, or it is not available hardly anywhere and this place has it in stock. So, if you have a lead on a new iMac at the only store that currently has them for sale, that's fine too.

In my previous post I was not trying to slam Macs in general. I find them functional and well designed for the most part. I don't not find them significantly more "elegant" and certainly not more powerful than current PCs, but that's me. For someone who wants one, fantastic.


Apr 12, 2000
On the back of this "desklamp" it has a VGA VIDEO slot, does this allow for a video out option, and if so, how would one hook it up?

Also, another question, I am looking for a flat panle moniter, a buddy of mine told me you can get lcd moniters that double as TV's with the audio/video hook-ups in the back, you you could watch cable and dvd's on this ture????


Senior member
Dec 7, 2001

<< There are few modern conveniences I would never part with: DSL, Tivo, ipod, ibook and macs. >>

You'll be adding iWalk to that list soon I imagine. Of course it is a rumour, but you have to believe Apple will release a PDA. When they do, you know it will raise the bar. Considering what PDA's can do now, I can only imagine what Apple will do.


Senior member
Sep 27, 2000
I'll have to agree with MACSRULE.

I consider myself a hardcore pc user and anandtecher. But I've been introduced to a iMac recently at my job at school. and to the world of macintoshes. I primarily use the mac for graphics and design and I've begin to notice a lot of little details that makes the mac special. First off, the outside design looks pretty damn nice. Then comes the actual OS and software. When you drag and drop things around, there's little blurring effects, and eye candy. Little sound files that play, and everything overall is much more graphically appealing. Take regular Internet Explorer. They added a ton of more features to it, with side tabs, and custom color templates etc. Sometimes I wish the PC will adopt some of the Mac innovations and take the best of both worlds. I'm not against Mac's. I accept what they do for the business, that is to innovate. In regards to the new iMac. I think it's a great idea. Try going to dell or gateway and customizing a "slim top" pc and the price goes well near the $2,000 mark and spec wise, not as good as this new iMac. Would I ever get one? Not in the present. But who knows what other cool stuff Apple may come out with in the future. If anything, we should give kudos to Steve Jobs, for trying to shake things up a bit.


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2000

<< >Also, everyone keeps saying that this would be a great computer for e-mail and whatnot. You can't argue that a G4 can smoke a P4 or Athlon in one statement and then say it's appropriate for Grandma in another. That's failed logic at its finest. That same grandma who is stingy about space would be equally, if not MORE stingy about price.

I think you are confusing issues here. The logic did not fail, becuase the implications from various statements are not as you might want them to be.

1) You say "You can't argue that a G4 can smoke a P4 or Athlon in one statement and then say it's appropriate for Grandma in another." Huh? Why not? Can't a computer do both things? They are not mutually exclusive. That a computer is fast does not imply anything else other than it is fast. Your dichotomy is false. You assume too much.

2) You further say, "That same grandma who is stingy about space would be equally, if not MORE stingy about price." Do you have some insight into grandmas? Any polling information? Doubtful. I think you simply want this to be the case. I know many people who are stingy about space and NOT stingy about price (those who buy overpriced but small BOSE systems for example)

Where is the HOT DEAL?

Perhaps you cannot read without getting emotional, but you missed the point of my post completely.

Greg, this system is neither cheap nor cutting edge so your point is moot. $1300 is a fluff price that doesn?t include tax or shipping. Tax and shipping are two things Dell consistently throws in with its entry-level machines so, so much for it being a "budget" machine. Also, if space were truly a concern, I would encourage ?Grandma? or a typical "E-mail User" to buy a laptop instead of an overpriced iMac. Since this unit offers little upgradability we might as well save as much space as possible and gain portability. Hell, the laptop would probably even be cheaper! Futhermore, as someone already said, this computer is vaporware for another month so why we are discussing it in this bulletin board is beyond me.

So can we get back to hot deals now because this clearly is not one?


Senior member
Dec 7, 2001

<< On the back of this "desklamp" it has a VGA VIDEO slot, does this allow for a video out option, and if so, how would one hook it up? >>

You can connect another monitor. It will only mirror the built in one, not provide dual monitor work (like FCP offers). A feature few iMac users will appreciate, but nice if you wanted to watch DVDs with more than one person (ie dorm room...connect your roommates monitor and you both watch without crowding the desk).

As for the other TV/monitors. Yes they exist. You pay a premium for them though.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999

<< In regards to the new iMac. I think it's a great idea. Try going to dell or gateway and customizing a "slim top" pc and the price goes well near the $2,000 mark and spec wise, not as good as this new iMac. >>

Yep. I know that diehard mac haters answer to this is "why spend $1300 when you can get a cheap dell for half" or whatever. But what you said on a new flatpanel config is true. Yes, the iMac seems a bit pricey, but this does have a flat panel screen and youre paying a premium for it being cutting edge. I doubt this will fit the bill for many AT'ers but there are people outside of AT that are really excited for one of these at any price. Theres no reason for people to be so angry that Apple is trying to make things look different.

What luck! I read the next post and it was a perfect example of the ignorance of mac haters.

<< Where is the HOT DEAL?

Perhaps you cannot read without getting emotional, but you missed the point of my post completely.

Greg, this system is neither cheap nor cutting edge so your point is moot. $1300 is a fluff price that doesn?t include tax or shipping. Tax and shipping are two things Dell consistently throws in with its entry-level machines so, so much for it being a "budget" machine. Also, if space were truly a concern, I would encourage ?Grandma? or a typical "E-mail User" to buy a laptop instead of an overpriced iMac. Since this unit offers little upgradability we might as well save as much space as possible and gain portability. Hell, the laptop would probably even be cheaper! Futhermore, as someone already said, this computer is vaporware for another month so why we are discussing it in this bulletin board is beyond me.

So can we get back to hot deals now because this clearly is not one?

Thanks to aldamon for saving me time on finding a closedminded person so quickly. And I'm sorry that this doesnt fit YOUR criteria for "hot deal", officer. But a heads up is hot to some others sop maybe you should call off the swat team and just chill.


Apr 12, 2001
>>>>>Actual quote from Apple: "All models ship with the fearsomely fast NVIDIA GeForce2 MX graphics processor for photorealistic games and spectacular 3D graphics."<<<<<<

>>>>> All I can do is bury my head in shame because some people believe this crap. <<<<<<

I agree.

How can a geforce 2 mx be considered "cutting-edge", or "luxury" ?
The only "luxury" part about it is the tiny 15" LCD.
(yeah, those 3D games are going to look so great, i mean BLURRY on that p.o.s. LCD and SLOW card.)

And not to mention that the Geforce 4 will be announced next month.

What about the imac commercials that show how the imac has only 1 or 2 cords compared to the many that a pc has? Oh, but wait.... that PC CAN BE UPGRADED with new soundcards, video cards, motherboards, cpus, etc.. The icrap CAN'T !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are apple fans so blind?

I know that apple fools will be saying the 700mhz power pc with geforce 2mx is faster than an athlon 2000xp+ with a geforce 3 ti 500. Give me a damn break. :|

Do they not realize that internally, the imac is 2 generations BEHIND the PC?



Senior member
Oct 11, 2001
I just want to thank everyone here for thread crapping. It shows a level of maturity that rivals my students who are maybe 13 years old. The iMac is not for us, it's for the other 99% of the people who use computers who don't swap cards, upgrade cpu's, and feel frisky when they slap a peltier on their video card to get 2 more fps.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
Anyone have a number for a good anger management class?

Jeez, calm down. The iMac is marketed to people that are in no way like you. Not everyone needs a GeForce 4 card. I play games alot on my comp but I only run a 550mhz PIII with an ATI Radeon card and I'm very happy with it. Thats because everybody has their own needs so it would be nice to see people respect that once in a while.

As for upgrades.This isnt meant to be a competitor for the powerhouse system you own. So for their market, upgrades arent always necessary. I suggest calming down a bit, removing the AMD Athlon XP 1900+ CPU from your butt and realize that you're getting this angry at an inanimate object just because it doesnt do what you want. Believe it or not, there are a few billion people out there that aren't so insecure that they measure their importance in this world by the power of their video card.


Apr 12, 2001
I don't measure my importance in this world by my video card. I measure it by my intelligence. And I am smart enough to know that mac people are getting RIPPED OFF.

And I do get angry when con artists like Steve Jobs try to rip people off by selling overpriced 2 year old hardware at twice the price.

P.S. Is Apple going to sell different colored lamp shades for this?


Senior member
Oct 11, 2001
DVDude, by your own argument then you shouldn't use Intel cpu's becuase they have ripped off consumers actually thinking they have a high-end processor instead of an over-inflated mhz rated processor. Of course you also must NEVER use AMD because they lie about their processor speeds, PR rating? That looks like conspiracy material to me.

My point is every company lies about their product, just when Apple does it every "expert" seems to have an opinion on their business strategy. Get off your high horse and join the rest of us who know that all the companies lie.


Apr 12, 2001
All companies lie. Yes, I agree.
I guess Apple lies with more style (and colors).

But why do people act like Steve Jobs cured cancer or something just because he attached a 15" LCD to a computer?



Oct 10, 2000
i presonally wouldnt buy the imac, it has no expansion (kinda like buying an offbrand laptop). Howeer, im saving my money for g5s, hopefully they'll come out soon.
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