New Intel Processor Apple Computers - Possible Ways To Save?


Jan 28, 2001
Apple released new Intel Chip Apple computers that are alot faster! If you are drooling to buy one, this may save you.

1. See if you know anyone that works for Apple that can buy you one.
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - ??

2. See if you know anyone that is a student or check if you are a student, student's get $100 off.
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - $1799 + tax
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2299 + tax
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1199 + tax
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1599 + tax

3. Buy it through Amazon ( No tax for most states and slightly cheaper )
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - 1994.99 Shipped
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2949.99 Shipped
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1294.99 Shipped
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1694.99 Shipped

4. If you must, here are the regular prices
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - $1999 + tax
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2499 + tax
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1299 + tax
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1699 + tax


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
Working for certain compaines will also get you a discont, which i believe is on par with the student. My father works for GE and they get abit of a discount from apple.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The way prices end up when I configure one at Dell, that 1.83 MacBook isn't a bad deal with the student discount


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Kenji4861
Apple released new Intel Chip Apple computers that are alot faster! If you are drooling to buy one, this may save you.

1. See if you know anyone that works for Apple that can buy you one.
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - ??
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - ??

2. See if you know anyone that is a student or check if you are a student, student's get $100 off.
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - $1799 + tax
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2299 + tax
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1199 + tax
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1599 + tax

3. Buy it through Amazon ( No tax for most states and slightly cheaper )
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - 1994.99 Shipped
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2949.99 Shipped
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1294.99 Shipped
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1694.99 Shipped

4. If you must, here are the regular prices
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo - $1999 + tax
- MacBook Pro Laptop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $2499 + tax
- 17" Desktop 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo - $1299 + tax
- 20" Desktop 2.00GHz Intel Core Duo - $1699 + tax



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2000
Additional method:

If you are a student, you can join their student developer program (100$). You get a ONE TIME discount:

Here are the prices (apply for normal developer members too):

MacBook Pro:

1.67: $1,599
1.83: $1,999


1.83 17": $1,170
2.0 20": $1,529

Discounts ALSO apply to options and iPods and all other computers. You can buy up to one computer, one display and one iPod. However, it all must be in one transaction.

Buy Applecare (if you buy) with the normal student discount, it's cheaper for some reason.


Aug 14, 2000
Being a normal member of the ADC costs $500/yr. You get more than just the hardware discount, but just an FYI.

Originally posted by: helpme
Additional method:

If you are a student, you can join their student developer program (100$). You get a ONE TIME discount:

Here are the prices (apply for normal developer members too):

MacBook Pro:

1.67: $1,599
1.83: $1,999


1.83 17": $1,170
2.0 20": $1,529

Discounts ALSO apply to options and iPods and all other computers. You can buy up to one computer, one display and one iPod. However, it all must be in one transaction.

Buy Applecare (if you buy) with the normal student discount, it's cheaper for some reason.



Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
I wonder HOW much faster these are then a Regular 2x core Intel chip?

I doubt that they are faster then AMD. I guess the only reason to buy one would be if you hated Microsoft Windows.

As, if you just hated Microsoft, well, Microsoft owns a lot of apple stock when Apple was about to go under billybob bought up a huge chunk of them.

Tho, don't expect to get the latest games or gaming GPU since they are behind in that arena. I do like MAC OS tho. But I also like Linux OS.

So....... unless you just a hard core mac junkie this moke likely is not for you.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2000
Originally posted by: jalaram
Being a normal member of the ADC costs $500/yr. You get more than just the hardware discount, but just an FYI.

Indeed you do get more from the membership, but student developers don't gain access to the ADC pre-release software, tech support (dev tools) or compatability labs. But for 400$ less you get a one time discount that is the same as what the Normal and higher members get.

You DO get copies of the current operating system though. When Tiger came out, I got a copy (actually multiple copies) for free. Previously they had sent 10.3, so I had a few copies of that as well. Not bad for the 100$ fee considering the hardware discount and free OS upgrade if you're near the next release date.

However, the student membership also gives you the ability to apply for a WWDC scholarship. They sent me to WWDC last year for free


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2000
Originally posted by: MicroChrome
I wonder HOW much faster these are then a Regular 2x core Intel chip?

I doubt that they are faster then AMD. I guess the only reason to buy one would be if you hated Microsoft Windows.

Err, just check out Anand's review/preview of Yonah. That's what these are.



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: helpme
Additional method:

If you are a student, you can join their student developer program (100$). You get a ONE TIME discount:

Here are the prices (apply for normal developer members too):

MacBook Pro:

1.67: $1,599
1.83: $1,999


1.83 17": $1,170
2.0 20": $1,529

Discounts ALSO apply to options and iPods and all other computers. You can buy up to one computer, one display and one iPod. However, it all must be in one transaction.

Buy Applecare (if you buy) with the normal student discount, it's cheaper for some reason.

How do you go about joining? Just go to the campus Apple store?


Junior Member
Apr 12, 2005
Pardon my mac ignorance. Is there something stopping from installing the latest Mac OS on a regular PC?


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
Although I dont know for sure, there has been rumored to be some kind of hardware protection that ensures you only install the os on a mac. There is also the fact that it would be pretty hard to find drivers for all your pc parts.


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
ok, now there is pretty much 2 threads going with the same topic. ir0nw0lf posted in the other thread about runnin xp on a mac:

Bad news for all of you thinking that these Macs will be able to install/run a current Microsoft OS -- they won't. Read on the net that these new Macs (not sure which ones if not all of them) will use EFI and not a traditional BIOS, meaning all current Microsoft operating systems won't install. That is unless someone can do a serious amount of hackery to get it to work.

EFI = Extensible Firmware Interface

due to Apple's use of the extensible firmware interface (EFI) rather than BIOS, current Windows releases will not run on the systems.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Dark Jedi
Although I dont know for sure, there has been rumored to be some kind of hardware protection that ensures you only install the os on a mac. There is also the fact that it would be pretty hard to find drivers for all your pc parts.

I can't recall which article it was, but the BIOS on Intel based Macs is not a conventional X86 BIOS. This difference prevents Windows XP to be installed. This was confirmed by the guy who wrote the article who tried to run Windows XP with a CD. However, Vista is said to be compatible which these Macs due to some new feature.

Sorry for the vagueness, but I can't recall the link or the specifics.

EDIT: Dark Jedi beat me to it. It was EFI.



Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
Originally posted by: MicroChrome
I wonder HOW much faster these are then a Regular 2x core Intel chip?

I doubt that they are faster then AMD. I guess the only reason to buy one would be if you hated Microsoft Windows.

As, if you just hated Microsoft, well, Microsoft owns a lot of apple stock when Apple was about to go under billybob bought up a huge chunk of them.

Tho, don't expect to get the latest games or gaming GPU since they are behind in that arena. I do like MAC OS tho. But I also like Linux OS.

So....... unless you just a hard core mac junkie this moke likely is not for you.

Remove your head from the time warp cavern and look at what they're offering. Brand new Core Duo, outperforms prior Dothan core Pentium Ms and gets equal or better battery life while doing so. Both of which outperform the AMD mobile chips and get better battery life. They've put the brand new Radeon x1600s in the computers, those aren't "old" by any standard.

The reason to buy one is that it's finally a fast Mac laptop.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: MicroChrome
I wonder HOW much faster these are then a Regular 2x core Intel chip?

I doubt that they are faster then AMD. I guess the only reason to buy one would be if you hated Microsoft Windows.

As, if you just hated Microsoft, well, Microsoft owns a lot of apple stock when Apple was about to go under billybob bought up a huge chunk of them.

Tho, don't expect to get the latest games or gaming GPU since they are behind in that arena. I do like MAC OS tho. But I also like Linux OS.

So....... unless you just a hard core mac junkie this moke likely is not for you.

You know why Apple went with Intel right? Think hard. Done?

It's because Intel could provide the complete solution: CPU, motherboard, wifi, and other components. AMD can't. Not to mention it doesn't have the resources.


Platinum Member
Dec 14, 2004
ok i probably shouldnt waste my time responding to you. These are basically dual core Pentium ms which are very fast for there clock speed and very effecient. Probably the best chip intel has produced at this point.

They are as fast or faster per clock than the amds or the g5s at most tasks. AMD still is probably the best for gaming. You can also run windows on these.

Microsoft owns no apple stock. That was sold years ago.

This also comes with an x1600 256mb so i dont see how you can say it is behind.

And on price it was already mentioned that the same config with apple is as cheap or cheaper than dell.

Originally posted by: MicroChrome
I wonder HOW much faster these are then a Regular 2x core Intel chip?

I doubt that they are faster then AMD. I guess the only reason to buy one would be if you hated Microsoft Windows.

As, if you just hated Microsoft, well, Microsoft owns a lot of apple stock when Apple was about to go under billybob bought up a huge chunk of them.

Tho, don't expect to get the latest games or gaming GPU since they are behind in that arena. I do like MAC OS tho. But I also like Linux OS.

So....... unless you just a hard core mac junkie this moke likely is not for you.



Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: robertk2012
ok i probably shouldnt waste my time responding to you. These are basically dual core Pentium ms which are very fast for there clock speed and very effecient. Probably the best chip intel has produced at this point.

They are as fast or faster per clock than the amds or the g5s at most tasks. AMD still is probably the best for gaming. You can also run windows on these.

Microsoft owns no apple stock. That was sold years ago.

This also comes with an x1600 256mb so i dont see how you can say it is behind.

And on price it was already mentioned that the same config with apple is as cheap or cheaper than dell.

You know what? That's a good point. Don't you love it when people say "Why does Windows run like crap? I bought this $299 Dell PC, it should run great." Apple, up to this point, has had excellent control of their hardware. They generally design their software to run well on the hardware they release it for. You don't see Apple selling OS X on a 300mhz G3 system, but you do see companies selling low-end Celerons with 256mb of ram and Windows XP. I think that's one of the reasons people have the perception that Macs are typically stable and have good system performance.

Add to that that Mac usually doesn't offer crappy system/software packages and you'll understand the pricing structure. Like you said, a hot new Apple computer is just as pricey as a comparative Dell or other computer. Apple makes sure you get a good system rather than a poor one, and if you like Apple computers, you pay for it. I know if I had a few grand to blow, I'd definately be all over one of these new machines. With my recent (partial) switch to OS X, I'm happy to have something that "just works."

My 2¢



Platinum Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Kaido
Originally posted by: robertk2012
ok i probably shouldnt waste my time responding to you. These are basically dual core Pentium ms which are very fast for there clock speed and very effecient. Probably the best chip intel has produced at this point.

They are as fast or faster per clock than the amds or the g5s at most tasks. AMD still is probably the best for gaming. You can also run windows on these.

Microsoft owns no apple stock. That was sold years ago.

This also comes with an x1600 256mb so i dont see how you can say it is behind.

And on price it was already mentioned that the same config with apple is as cheap or cheaper than dell.

You know what? That's a good point. Don't you love it when people say "Why does Windows run like crap? I bought this $299 Dell PC, it should run great." Apple, up to this point, has had excellent control of their hardware. They generally design their software to run well on the hardware they release it for. You don't see Apple selling OS X on a 300mhz G3 system, but you do see companies selling low-end Celerons with 256mb of ram and Windows XP. I think that's one of the reasons people have the perception that Macs are typically stable and have good system performance.

Add to that that Mac usually doesn't offer crappy system/software packages and you'll understand the pricing structure. Like you said, a hot new Apple computer is just as pricey as a comparative Dell or other computer. Apple makes sure you get a good system rather than a poor one, and if you like Apple computers, you pay for it. I know if I had a few grand to blow, I'd definately be all over one of these new machines. With my recent (partial) switch to OS X, I'm happy to have something that "just works."

My 2¢

glad to hear someone with some common sense. Now we can compare apples to apples which hasnt be possible in the past
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