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May 19, 2011
Dracula (1958) (aka. Horror of Dracula)

I went in with fairly low expectations (though I was hoping to see some acting by Christopher Lee) and my expectations were met, mostly. CL had something like two lines of dialogue in the whole film, not really much for an actor to get their teeth into (honk honk). Peter Cushing had all the heavy lifting to do to keep the film semi-engaging. A young-er Michael Gough was surprising to see (1989 Batman, Alfred the butler).

Facial expression of emotions seems to be something this film is generally missing, especially by the guy who played Harker at the start, so I don't think it's just one actor's issue. It's almost like the director asked the actors to play their lines deadpan.

It was interesting to notice that the music used in this is the same music used at the start of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1993).

The whole trope of Dracula being alluring to women could have originated from this film, but if it did, IMO it simply is a testament to how women in the 50s really needed more outlets for sexual expression.
Reactions: igor_kavinski


Senior member
May 7, 2015
Dr. Strangelove. serious novel turned into a dark comedy. George C Scott and Peter Sellers (3 roles) are excellent.

Seven Days in May. Kirk Douglas in good in a scary situation movie.

Both available on YouTube Movies.

Fail Safe will be watched next.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Strays - 4/5 - just a stupid raunchy comedy. I laughed out lout quite a bit in this movie especially at the beginning. I'd give it a 5/5 if it didn't try to be serious/sappy like every comedy tries to be now, and just stuck to the stupid dumb raunchy family guy humor the entire movie.

If you like stuff like Ted and Family Guy, you'll like this. And the same if you dislike stuff like that.


Jun 3, 2011
Dr. Strangelove. serious novel turned into a dark comedy.
TBH i see the "comedy" as being a thin veil for a scathing attack on the at-the-time current stance on war. Stangelove was barely 2 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis and everyone's uncle at the time was yelling "we need to nuke the reds" so maybe smart people had a reasonable fear of .. going extinct.
As I understand it, critics at the time claimed that Dr Strangelove was straight-up soviet propaganda.


Jan 14, 2013
Barbie - streaming for rent

I thought it was pretty good, and also stupid. It was laid on pretty thick, as it had to be, but peppered with some great little sly references and some laugh out loud moments. Barbie the actual product is a laid on very thick concept, so it makes sense a movie about the product would also be laid on thick. With two hours to tell the story, not too much time to be subtle, though the movie still does. I think it made important commentary and in a super silly goofy package, which is the giant pink world of the actual Barbie product - which is lots of silly goofy things.

6/10 but gets higher emotionally because it pissed off snowflake conservatives
Reactions: pcgeek11


Feb 6, 2002
Dracula (1958) (aka. Horror of Dracula)

I went in with fairly low expectations (though I was hoping to see some acting by Christopher Lee) and my expectations were met, mostly. CL had something like two lines of dialogue in the whole film, not really much for an actor to get their teeth into (honk honk). Peter Cushing had all the heavy lifting to do to keep the film semi-engaging. A young-er Michael Gough was surprising to see (1989 Batman, Alfred the butler).

Facial expression of emotions seems to be something this film is generally missing, especially by the guy who played Harker at the start, so I don't think it's just one actor's issue. It's almost like the director asked the actors to play their lines deadpan.

It was interesting to notice that the music used in this is the same music used at the start of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1993).

The whole trope of Dracula being alluring to women could have originated from this film, but if it did, IMO it simply is a testament to how women in the 50s really needed more outlets for sexual expression.
In Bram Stoker's Dracula his attention was focused on one woman who looked so much like his deceased wife.

I remember some of the 60's CL Dracula movies where the acting was more involved. I'll have to go back and watch one along with the '58 version if I can find it.

I highly recommend the '93 Bram Stoker's version. Gary Oldman is the man.
Reactions: Pohemi


Jun 3, 2011
What is the best modern Dracula (or just vampire) movie?
.. i thought that the Netflix Dracula was pretty damn good. The vampire is closer to what i imagine an undead would be - smarter, ruthless, and violently compelled by his hunger.
the ending can be a bit meh, depending if you accept it or not, but regardless, everything leading to it is phenomenal.


Jun 3, 2011
Black Crab -10/10. Holy shit who authorized this?
well, fuck.

I watched Svart Krabba -

mostly because i know Noomi Rapace has a penchant for picking roles where her character has nasty sex, and instead found myself watching a pretty damn good war film.

Sometime in the immediate future, there is A War. Cleverly the film doesn't muse over who The Enemy is, all that we know is the war is going disastrously bad for "the good guys", and the tone in which this information is delivered, implies that if the war is lost, everything is lost.
Rapace is a conscript who has more than one reason to hate The Enemy. He daughter was abducted and/or killed recently by The Enemy.
At the beginning of the film, we are explained that Edh (Rapace) is one of the few soldiers who can carry out an extremely risky mission, whose potential is to end the war. She and a a selected team are to skate over the frozen sea to a research base in the north, to deliver a package of an extremely sensitive nature, which could turn the tide of war from imminent loss to definitive victory. As a bonus, the objective base is also hosting none other than Edh's own daughter, recently rescued from a refugee camp.

.. i loved everything .. but not the end. I'm sorry but the end sucks balls, i was leaning on a 7.8/10 because of how skillfully the director sets up this grim world of tragic loss and desperation. But when it comes to sticking the landing, the film completely shits its pants. there is a very tenuous hook to tie the protagonist's actions to her motivations, but it's just not believable.

I would not blame you for turning this off at around 20 minutes before the end, because it is otherwise a very good dystopia/postapocalyptic/war film with excellent acting but a great big fucking plot hole at the very end.

My vote 6.7/10 - it could have been SO much better.

Oh btw... it's all in Swedish ...


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
well, fuck.

I watched Svart Krabba -

mostly because i know Noomi Rapace has a penchant for picking roles where her character has nasty sex, and instead found myself watching a pretty damn good war film.

Sometime in the immediate future, there is A War. Cleverly the film doesn't muse over who The Enemy is, all that we know is the war is going disastrously bad for "the good guys", and the tone in which this information is delivered, implies that if the war is lost, everything is lost.
Rapace is a conscript who has more than one reason to hate The Enemy. He daughter was abducted and/or killed recently by The Enemy.
At the beginning of the film, we are explained that Edh (Rapace) is one of the few soldiers who can carry out an extremely risky mission, whose potential is to end the war. She and a a selected team are to skate over the frozen sea to a research base in the north, to deliver a package of an extremely sensitive nature, which could turn the tide of war from imminent loss to definitive victory. As a bonus, the objective base is also hosting none other than Edh's own daughter, recently rescued from a refugee camp.

.. i loved everything .. but not the end. I'm sorry but the end sucks balls, i was leaning on a 7.8/10 because of how skillfully the director sets up this grim world of tragic loss and desperation. But when it comes to sticking the landing, the film completely shits its pants. there is a very tenuous hook to tie the protagonist's actions to her motivations, but it's just not believable.

I would not blame you for turning this off at around 20 minutes before the end, because it is otherwise a very good dystopia/postapocalyptic/war film with excellent acting but a great big fucking plot hole at the very end.

My vote 6.7/10 - it could have been SO much better.

Oh btw... it's all in Swedish ...

I was bored out of my mind. Only reason I even started to watch it is because of Noomi...


Jun 3, 2011
i need to explain that .. i'm reasonably ok with the end of Edge Of Tomorrow being as shit as it is, because throughout the whole film, the tone implies that there is going to be a grandiose risk-it-all scene where the Good Guys triumph. That the end is really badly done doesn't really affect the awesome parts that came before it.

In Black Crab, the entire film creates this bleak atmosphere of despair where the protagonist is ready to *kill everything* because she has lost everything. Having a final "i've fu'ken changed my mind" scene just sucks balls. It impacts everything we've seen before in a negative way.
..i suppose you could frame this in a way that it makes sense, if the narrative was aimed at that character arc, or even if it framed the Journey of the Hero in a way where she's doing all this for her daughter, but instead teh film constantly reminds you that Edh is fully aware of what she is going to do and fuck everyone, BUT THEN she magically changes her mind as if nothing happened.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
i need to explain that .. i'm reasonably ok with the end of Edge Of Tomorrow being as shit as it is, because throughout the whole film, the tone implies that there is going to be a grandiose risk-it-all scene where the Good Guys triumph. That the end is really badly done doesn't really affect the awesome parts that came before it.

In Black Crab, the entire film creates this bleak atmosphere of despair where the protagonist is ready to *kill everything* because she has lost everything. Having a final "i've fu'ken changed my mind" scene just sucks balls. It impacts everything we've seen before in a negative way.
..i suppose you could frame this in a way that it makes sense, if the narrative was aimed at that character arc, or even if it framed the Journey of the Hero in a way where she's doing all this for her daughter, but instead teh film constantly reminds you that Edh is fully aware of what she is going to do and fuck everyone, BUT THEN she magically changes her mind as if nothing happened.
You understand my score is minus ten out of ten right?


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
.. ermm. YES OF COURSE.

But actually no. Would you want to explain what your problem with the film was ?
Utter waste of time. Should have skipped it completely and slept more. The script is utter garbage.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched The Ninth Gate -

Roman "i had anal sex with a 13-yo girl" Polanski directs, won a bunch of awards too, including best score, which was good but a bit insistent.
Jonny Depp plays detective Corso, a .. well, a scummy book seller, but thinly veiled private investigator character. A rich collector, Boris Balkan (Frank Langella) has recently acquired a book that - we're shown, not told - causes suicide. He wants Corso to investigate.
Corso finds that there are 3 copies of the book, and by reading all 3 he can find mystical clues that are somehow magic-related.

Well, the film is both simple, and also well made. Polanski shows character under a certain light only to later show he lied to us. The story is fairly well paced, and the actions the character take are reasonable and appropriate. Sets are nice, dialogue is good; Frank Langella is excellent in his delivery, by far the star of the show.
It's a mystery / horror without falling too much into the horror aspect of .. horror.

The ending is kinda meh. I mean the "spoiler" bit of the ending.
I liked the film overall, it's less sensationalistic than, say, The DaVinci Code, but in the same vein. Would do for an afternoon.



May 19, 2011
i watched The Ninth Gate -

Roman "i had anal sex with a 13-yo girl" Polanski directs, won a bunch of awards too, including best score, which was good but a bit insistent.
Jonny Depp plays detective Corso, a .. well, a scummy book seller, but thinly veiled private investigator character. A rich collector, Boris Balkan (Frank Langella) has recently acquired a book that - we're shown, not told - causes suicide. He wants Corso to investigate.
Corso finds that there are 3 copies of the book, and by reading all 3 he can find mystical clues that are somehow magic-related.

Well, the film is both simple, and also well made. Polanski shows character under a certain light only to later show he lied to us. The story is fairly well paced, and the actions the character take are reasonable and appropriate. Sets are nice, dialogue is good; Frank Langella is excellent in his delivery, by far the star of the show.
It's a mystery / horror without falling too much into the horror aspect of .. horror.

The ending is kinda meh. I mean the "spoiler" bit of the ending.
I liked the film overall, it's less sensationalistic than, say, The DaVinci Code, but in the same vein. Would do for an afternoon.


I love this film, I probably watch it every other year. It's generally seriously under-rated IMO.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
i watched The Ninth Gate -

Roman "i had anal sex with a 13-yo girl" Polanski directs, won a bunch of awards too, including best score, which was good but a bit insistent.
Jonny Depp plays detective Corso, a .. well, a scummy book seller, but thinly veiled private investigator character. A rich collector, Boris Balkan (Frank Langella) has recently acquired a book that - we're shown, not told - causes suicide. He wants Corso to investigate.
Corso finds that there are 3 copies of the book, and by reading all 3 he can find mystical clues that are somehow magic-related.

Well, the film is both simple, and also well made. Polanski shows character under a certain light only to later show he lied to us. The story is fairly well paced, and the actions the character take are reasonable and appropriate. Sets are nice, dialogue is good; Frank Langella is excellent in his delivery, by far the star of the show.
It's a mystery / horror without falling too much into the horror aspect of .. horror.

The ending is kinda meh. I mean the "spoiler" bit of the ending.
I liked the film overall, it's less sensationalistic than, say, The DaVinci Code, but in the same vein. Would do for an afternoon.


-All I remember about this movie is how awkward it was to watch with my parents and then the sex scene outta nowhere near the very end.
Jul 27, 2020
My jaw just dropped to the floor!

So THIS is where Valve got the idea of how Gordon Freeman should look like

Now I have a serious craving for a Half Life movie starring Captain Jack Sparrow
Reactions: Pohemi


Jun 3, 2011
don't watch Daisy Diamond -

A very intense story of a single mom who is trying to be actress, but keeps failing because her baby is weighing her down - crying at auditions, sleepless nights, stress and a sense of failure.
I suppose it's a very well executed docu-drama deigned to .. uh .. raise social conscience .. ? but i wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't currently in filmschool.
Like, yeah, it's well made, but convince me to watch it? Give me a reason to go to the theatre and make myself even more miserable. No thanks.

Reactions: igor_kavinski
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