New Nintendo Console Debuting At E3 This June, Launching In 2012 Update: New Details

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Dec 30, 2004
Big mistake IMO, has anyone mentioned that this completely feels like Dreamcast? I think both Sony and MS are going to completely ignore it seeing as it's so early and we're in the middle of a recession.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2004
I guess it's an obvious choice, really. If Nintendo were to make a badass console with specs similar to a current high-end gaming PC, who would develop for it? No developer would spend their budget to target that system. They'd rather spend less to target the 360 and PS3, especially after seeing how poorly third-party titles sold on the Wii.

Your logic doesn't track there. You're saying if the next console from Nintendo is very powerful, devs will choose to not work on it? (Don't get me started with what's wrong with that statement.) But of do realize the games don't have to take advantage of all the horsepower the console will have to offer. Multiplatform games will probably look the same across the board of the three. How can being too powerful possibly hurt Nintendo if they won't sell at a loss?

I singled that part out, but at the start of your post, you bash Nintendo for riding their company on a fad, implying they should have gone with a graphics powerhouse this gen.

So to recap, in your mind:

If Nintendo releases an epicly powerful console = fail.
If Nintendo releases another underpowered console with gimmick = fail.

I think I'm going to stop replying to your posts entirely. You contribute nothing worthwhile to this discussion.
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Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
Your logic doesn't track there. You're saying if the next console from Nintendo is very powerful, devs will choose to not work on it? (Don't get me started with what's wrong with that statement.) But of do realize the games don't have to take advantage of all the horsepower the console will have to offer. Multiplatform games will probably look the same across the board of the three. How can being too powerful possibly hurt Nintendo if they won't sell at a loss?

Why bother making a more powerful and more expensive system if most devs won't bother to take advantage of it? That's what I mean, and I believe that is part of the reason Nintendo chose to make a system similar to the 360 in power and in its architecture. Because third-party devs won't bother to optimize their games for Nintendo systems after seeing the abysmal third-party game sales on Wii (and to a lesser extent on the Gamecube and N64).

I singled that part out, but at the start of your post, you bash Nintendo for riding their company on a fad, implying they should have gone with a graphics powerhouse this gen.

Not necessarily. I would've considered the Wii a true "Revolution" and not just a fad if it actually worked the way people expected it to. i.e. 1-to-1 motion controls in real time.

Instead, the Wii controls were so laggy, imprecise, and inconsistent that they were practically useless for games that require skill and accuracy. That's why we saw so much of the "collection of minigames" waggle garbage that prevailed on the Wii.

It's no coincidence that most of the great Wii games barely used motion controls at all (Super Mario Galaxy, New SMB, Smash Brothers, Zelda, etc.)

So to recap, in your mind:
If Nintendo releases an epicly powerful console = fail.
If Nintendo releases another underpowered console with gimmick = fail.

To recap in your mind:
R700-based GPU on par with the 360 in terms of performance = "OMG HD4800-class graphics!!! This is truly next-gen!!"

See? I can do it too. And no, I don't necessarily think Nintendo Stream will fail for being on par with current-gen consoles. The controller with built-in screen might actually be damn cool for multiplayer games.

This whole line of discussion started because you have some serious delusions about just how powerful their new system will be. You remind me of all the Nintendo fanboys who kept trying to find the "secret sauce" that somehow made the Wii more powerful than just an overclocked Gamecube. They were wrong then, and (if the current batch of rumors is true) you are wrong now.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
holy shit you guys will bitch about fucking anything. how about giving them the benefit of the doubt and waiting until the thing is actually out to shit all over it. because TBH Nintendo hasn't served up a stinker since the Virtual Boy


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
What did you expect? Nintendo decided to target the Wii squarely at people who didn't ordinarily play video games. The Wii fad caught on and made Nintendo a ton of money, but it's a lousy thing to try and base your long-term revenues on. It's no surprise that the Wii is seeing a big drop-off in sales. Fads don't last forever.

I guess it's an obvious choice, really. If Nintendo were to make a badass console with specs similar to a current high-end gaming PC, who would develop for it? No developer would spend their budget to target that system. They'd rather spend less to target the 360 and PS3, especially after seeing how poorly third-party titles sold on the Wii.

The drop in revenues for Nintendo is being blown out of proportion I think, and I mean it's really what you'd expect at this point in time. It's not a matter of "Uh oh, they're selling fewer systems" but rather "Of course they're selling fewer systems." They simply aren't seeing the same sales pace as they did a few years ago, but you can't possibly be surprised by that as their market saturates and interest fades in products the public expects to EOL (Quarterly figures for the 360 and PS3 aren't as easy to find as the Wii but dollars to donuts they aren't selling as many consoles as they did 2-3 years ago either). New consoles or no new consoles, the public is accustomed to new ones every 5-6 years, so it affects the perception of current consoles are and what kind of life is still in them.

Further, Nintendo's financials are also subject to the fluxes in their foreign cash holdings due to the relative strength of the Yen. Stronger yen means their foreign holdings/investments are worth less, bringing less revenue. It's not all sales.

I don't see it as a move of 'desperation' at all. The timing is right in every sense of the word, and the fact that current consoles are slowing down means the market is ripe for a new one. We're not in the middle of a generation, we're at the end of one.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
Should be a solid product if it has good backward-compatibility with the established Wii base. Think of this like a new iPod generation; it does the same things, only better and 'shinier'

I don't know enough about the new functionality, but if it looks solid, people will buy it. Look how much $$$ people are forking-over for the 3DS. If anything, this is a gamble that could pay-off for Nintendo. The console market is already penetrated by MS, Sony, and Nintendo that a new product could ignite interest. My Wii has been collecting dust as of late, so this does interest me especially if better third-party titles will be available.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
The drop in revenues for Nintendo is being blown out of proportion I think, and I mean it's really what you'd expect at this point in time. It's not a matter of "Uh oh, they're selling fewer systems" but rather "Of course they're selling fewer systems." They simply aren't seeing the same sales pace as they did a few years ago, but you can't possibly be surprised by that as their market saturates and interest fades in products the public expects to EOL (Quarterly figures for the 360 and PS3 aren't as easy to find as the Wii but dollars to donuts they aren't selling as many consoles as they did 2-3 years ago either).

No it wasn't what they expected at this point in time. The whole reason it was big news was because their profits fell short of analysts' estimates. So it obviously DID surprise a lot of people, because their profits dropped off even faster than they were expecting.

I'm not saying that they are rushing out this console out of desperation. If anything, it was probably delayed because the Wii was selling far better than anybody expected. I am merely saying that you seem to have misunderstood the recent financial news.

If Nintendo is desperate for anything, it's getting third-party devs to come back.
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Oct 9, 1999
I think we can all agree that the wii's success had everything to do with the controller and the unique games for it. To the point where it can be a smashing success despite it's weak hardware and online presence.

Clearly they won't have the hardware advantage for very long, so they'll be in the same situation. One look at the wiimote and you could have imagined the possibilities, and even though it didn't fully deliver on it's promise, it was unique and special enough to drive sales despite the system's flaws.

Assuming the rumors are true, that they're going for a traditional controller with an embedded screen as the gimmick, does anyone think this is enough to set the world on fire again? It just doesn't seem like enough to me.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Assuming the rumors are true, that they're going for a traditional controller with an embedded screen as the gimmick, does anyone think this is enough to set the world on fire again? It just doesn't seem like enough to me.

Depends on how it is used. Also, depends on whether or not Nintendo includes an upgraded Wiimote option.

If Project Cafe is truly at least two gens ahead of the PS3/Xbox 360 GPU then it should be able to output 1080p graphics just fine. The next PS and Xbox will be more powerful but they won't be able to surpass the 1080p limit.

Nintendo is going to have to have another hook though and my guess is that Nintendo will attempt to do that with a networking service.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
No it wasn't what they expected at this point in time. The whole reason it was big news was because their profits fell short of analysts' estimates. So it obviously DID surprise a lot of people, because their profits dropped off even faster than they were expecting.

I dunno, I looked at a few reports from 2009 and 2010 and the majority of them were "Nintendo fails to meet such and such estimates" or "Profits fall". I still think Nintendo is in a great position, it's just that between price-cuts and dependence on big first party titles, it's difficult to maintain the kind of momentum they had with the Wii in 2008. Ironically that still sounds quite negative in spite of the fact they had a great 2009 and a good 2010 still, you just can't expect banner years every year, and the Wii has gotten such good press that I think people still expect it to fly off shelves. It sells certainly, and still quite well, but it's no longer flying.


Oct 9, 1999
I dunno, I looked at a few reports from 2009 and 2010 and the majority of them were "Nintendo fails to meet such and such estimates" or "Profits fall". I still think Nintendo is in a great position, it's just that between price-cuts and dependence on big first party titles, it's difficult to maintain the kind of momentum they had with the Wii in 2008. Ironically that still sounds quite negative in spite of the fact they had a great 2009 and a good 2010 still, you just can't expect banner years every year, and the Wii has gotten such good press that I think people still expect it to fly off shelves. It sells certainly, and still quite well, but it's no longer flying.

Well, even more importantly, from the gamers perspective, the quality and quantity of software has dramatically decreased over the past few years. The first few years had epic releases like zelda, brawl, prime and galaxy 1, whereas the last year or two has been characterized by a few subpar first party titles, the only real outlier being galaxy 2. The entire platform basically feels dead at this point IMO. Between now and whenever the stream releases, the only wii title that I'm even slightly looking forward to is skyward sword. Usually a healthy platform has an abundance of great games for a solid year through when it's successor is out. Can't say that at all about the wii....whatever the financials, to the gamer it feels like it's on life support at best.


Oct 9, 1999
If he's talking about controllers, storage, and anything else on the periphery that can be added on that doesn't actually determine what games can be made for the system than he's missed the entire context of the conversation up until this point.

If he really believes what he said on an internal hardware level, than he's just wrong.

In either case, there's no truly definitive definition of generation beyond what someone wants to arbitrarily label it. Yet there is a general one when speaking of general console power that most normal people can understand. Im trying to work within that basic common sense without trying to score points in some stupid semantic argument.


Nintendo just made it official for 2012. No news other than that it now officially exists.

No you aren't. You are limiting the definition of a new generation to one thing, graphics. The real difference between generations are significant changes in hardware and capabilities. That could be graphics. It could also be new control paradigms, online capabilities, additional functionality, like blu-ray.

The Wii differs from the Gamecube majorly in terms of controls and sensors, online gameplay, wifi, sd card storage, downloadable games and dlc, web browsing.

Lots of those things do significantly change what kind of games can be made, if that's your standard.

Until the Kinect and Move, what changes in games other than updated graphics, have actually materialized for the ps3 or 360 ?
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Oct 9, 1999
No you aren't. You are limiting the definition of a new generation to one thing, graphics. The real difference between generations are significant changes in hardware and capabilities. That could be graphics. It could also be new control paradigms, online capabilities, additional functionality, like blu-ray.

The Wii differs from the Gamecube majorly in terms of controls and sensors, online gameplay, wifi, sd card storage, downloadable games and dlc, web browsing.

Lots of those things do significantly change what kind of games can be made, if that's your standard.

Until the Kinect and Move, what changes in games other than updated graphics, have actually materialized for the ps3 or 360 ?

I was talking about graphics and basic computing power, which was the context of the discussion at the time. I wasnt trying to force a definition of a term, just using the word generation in that context as a shorthand. You clearly missed the point the first time, and youre still taking shots over the definition of a word, and still completely missing the point. Yes, we all understand there's more to games than graphics, and generation can mean lots of things in a number of contexts. Its still besides the point. Give it a rest.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2004
No you aren't. You are limiting the definition of a new generation to one thing, graphics. The real difference between generations are significant changes in hardware and capabilities. That could be graphics. It could also be new control paradigms, online capabilities, additional functionality, like blu-ray.

The Wii differs from the Gamecube majorly in terms of controls and sensors, online gameplay, wifi, sd card storage, downloadable games and dlc, web browsing.

Lots of those things do significantly change what kind of games can be made, if that's your standard.

Until the Kinect and Move, what changes in games other than updated graphics, have actually materialized for the ps3 or 360 ?

Well put.

Although the PS3 did bring Blu-ray to mainsteam, PSN is pretty successful (when it works) and the Sixaxis controller changes things up a bit. Upgradable hard drive too. I give Sony credit at keeping us frothing at the mouth with awesome hardware.

And that's what I find annoying about the 360. The 360 didn't revolutionize anything except bringing PC gaming to your living room...which could've been easily done anyway by putting a pc in your living room. I owned one for a long time then sold it to buy a 4890 (this was a year or two ago) then grabbed myself a Wii and honestly have no regrets. I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything except for Sony's offerings. If i had the disposable income, I'd be on that shit too.

So GCN > Wii, introduction of IR gaming, wireless controllers standard, built in wifi, sd card slot, flash memory built in, etc.

Xbox 1 > 360 > Uber 1337 graphics... standard wireless controller?

Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. The 360 has been wildly successful and Microsoft has got its business and marketing practices on lock, good for them. But for you to argue there isn't a generational leap between the Wii and GCN, you could easily argue the same for the 360 and Xbox 1.

I was talking about graphics and basic computing power, which was the context of the discussion at the time. I wasnt trying to force a definition of a term, just using the word generation in that context as a shorthand. You clearly missed the point the first time, and youre still taking shots over the definition of a word, and still completely missing the point. Yes, we all understand there's more to games than graphics, and generation can mean lots of things in a number of contexts. Its still besides the point. Give it a rest.

Yeah...we're arguing over the definition of the term. Why are you bringing that into question? This whole discussion started because you weren't satisfied with the Wii being a current gen console, or the stream being a "true next gen console."

And what point is that btw? Because gigaflops didn't quadruple it's not a generational leap? That is what you're saying, right?
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Oct 9, 1999
Yes, that in terms of basic computing power and past console cycles, where you'd see an order of magnitude leap between generations, the wii and GC are fairly similar, and not even close to the leap between the xbox and the 360.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
I just wanted to single this part out and say, "yes, please." I don't know who decided consoles should have "10 year life cycles" but they're wrong. The PS2 was supposed to have that long of a cycle, but the PS3 came out six years after the PS2. Yeah, they still made PS2 games, but for all intents and purposes the PS2 was "dead." The PS4 and new Xbox should release next year, not 20-goddamn-14.

MS and sony both took such a loss upfront on the ps3 and xbox360 that they may need that long a period to recoup (including interest).

frankly i'm surprised the wii has gone this long without a major upgrade. figured N's strategery would have been upgrade more often but keep it profitable.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
MS and sony both took such a loss upfront on the ps3 and xbox360 that they may need that long a period to recoup (including interest).

frankly i'm surprised the wii has gone this long without a major upgrade. figured N's strategery would have been upgrade more often but keep it profitable.
While the 360 and PS3 took losses, the companies have other means to make up for it, which Nintendo doesn't. They just have the gaming machines. Luckily, some people will buy anything with Nintendo on it.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
I dunno, I looked at a few reports from 2009 and 2010 and the majority of them were "Nintendo fails to meet such and such estimates" or "Profits fall". I still think Nintendo is in a great position, it's just that between price-cuts and dependence on big first party titles, it's difficult to maintain the kind of momentum they had with the Wii in 2008. Ironically that still sounds quite negative in spite of the fact they had a great 2009 and a good 2010 still, you just can't expect banner years every year, and the Wii has gotten such good press that I think people still expect it to fly off shelves. It sells certainly, and still quite well, but it's no longer flying.

Failing to meet analysts' estimates is THE very definition of doing worse than expected. I don't understand why you keep trying to spin it to make it mean something else.


May 18, 2001
What a typical fanboy driven sack of crap this thread has become. What a shame nobody can discuss anything without taking polar opposite views and sticking to them like glue come hell or high water.


Oct 9, 1999
While the 360 and PS3 took losses, the companies have other means to make up for it, which Nintendo doesn't. They just have the gaming machines. Luckily, some people will buy anything with Nintendo on it.

Theyve got a ton of cash, and that was their traditional model up until the Wii. Its not like they couldnt do it if they wanted to. Frankly, when the competition is willing to take that risk and theyre not, they risk falling behind after a few years. Tech and graphics isnt everything, but it does make a difference. They had such a great start with the Wii that on balance theyve done just fine with it, but if the controller hadnt really caught on with the masses, their strategy would completely have backfired. Their risk paid off, and theyre a company that takes a lot of risks that often pay off. Worst case scenario they could end up as a sega that just makes games, and seeing how shit their hardware has been of late, I wouldnt entirely be opposed to that.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
Theyve got a ton of cash, and that was their traditional model up until the Wii. Its not like they couldnt do it if they wanted to. Frankly, when the competition is willing to take that risk and theyre not, they risk falling behind after a few years. Tech and graphics isnt everything, but it does make a difference. They had such a great start with the Wii that on balance theyve done just fine with it, but if the controller hadnt really caught on with the masses, their strategy would completely have backfired. Their risk paid off, and theyre a company that takes a lot of risks that often pay off. Worst case scenario they could end up as a sega that just makes games, and seeing how shit their hardware has been of late, I wouldnt entirely be opposed to that.
I know what you mean. I haven't been wanting a Nintendo system for a long time.
Dec 30, 2004
"Merged threads. New info on page 5.


mods #posts/page can be modified this means nothing to me, a post # would.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Failing to meet analysts' estimates is THE very definition of doing worse than expected. I don't understand why you keep trying to spin it to make it mean something else.

I don't understand why you assume analysts are infallible oracles. Do you think the weatherman is right every day and your bookie really knows who's going to win the big fight every time?

For at least 5/5 of the last fiscal quarters Nintendo has failed to meet/barely met analyst revenue estimates and N (I'm guessing because it's a foreign held company) only receives estimates from a small handful of sources (2-5) whereas Microsoft and EA both see 20+ estimates per quarter. Sony actually exhibits a similar trend as it only shows 5-7 per quarter, and it is foreign held as well. Further, while EA and MSFT have both met or beat their estimates for all of the last 5 quarters, Sony and N have both barely met or underperformed their estimates in that same time period. Surely there's more variables at play here, but the point I'm trying to make is that I think a domestic analysis of a small sample size (10-25% as many estimations for SNE and N compared to EA and MSFT) is prone to being substantially less accurate and meaningful.


Junior Member
May 3, 2007
I agree with the Dreamcast comparisons- however, I think that Nintendo will garner enough support to keep the software machine churning.

The push to recapture the more hardcore audience makes sense. But will more-than-Xbox 360 power make sense? In two years, Nintendo will be in the same situation as they are now in the specs war. If Nintendo can have the best of both worlds- a capable system AND innovative play, they are golden.

If the rumoured specifications are true, there are more a few ways to look at how performance will improve. I don't see the processor performance as being a big leap, maybe a 30% increase CPU wise as clock speed limitations dictate. The GPU is a different story- an R700 derivative would probably have 3x the transistors that the Xbox 360's 48 ALU, R500 derivative graphics core does(This is comparing an RV740/ HD 4770 with the Xbox's Xenos GPU).

Such a console would certainly be capable of 1080p and 3D. 3D support isn't going to happen this generation. But I suspect a paradigm shift like the PS2 to PS3/Xbox to Xbox 360 style leap in processing power is not in the cards for Nintendo.

As compared with current consoles, we can expect to see higher resolution, some limited anti-aliasing, and more complex geometry and shaders. However, to really warrant a "generational leap" I think a new system would have to be an order of magnitude more powerful to make use of cutting-edge techniques implemented by developers. As such, I think we can only expect Microsoft and Sony to give really raise the ceiling and give developers the breathing room they so desire.
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