Nice little Christian old man...lolwut

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Dec 14, 2000
So I am pulling into a hardware store's overflow lot that borders a church and this old dude jumps in front of my car about 20 feet up. As I try to go around him he keeps on moving with me, as I slow to about 3mph he starts waving his arms each way and totally blocking me. I finally roll down my window and ask him WTF is going on.

He yells, "so you were going to run me over?"

I told him I am trying to park. He tells me the parking lot is off limits to non-church folk until was about 12:50 at the time. I told him I didn't see any signs, he tells me "because I already took them down.".

I told him to go fuck himself and parked.

My good deed was giving $10 to the boy scouts in front of the store and told them to sell the kettle corn pack to someone else.

Funny thing was many of the church people had parked in the hardware stores lot to begin with because it's easier for them to get out when church is over.

I really don't get people, personally if it were my hardware store I'd have them all towed...the guy at the counter said the owner is a church member so doesn't want to cause conflict.

Kettle corn is $20.00. Whatcha gonna do, donate half a box?




No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000

You are dumb as shit. The fact that you were told that you were not allowed to park there is more than enough to get your dumbass towed. Wow, you are a fucking stupid twat.

Church gets out at noon, and all those churchgoers that parked in the hardware store lot to "get out of there faster" were still hanging around at 12:50?

When will you realize how fucking stupid you are?

I don't know about you guys, but I always keep my CASHIERS informed of all my specific financial transactions, and make sure to have them announce them to every customer, you know, to avoid confusion.

Since I know it went over your head, I'll state it more specifically: The cashier doesn't know shit other than to hit buttons, take your money, and give you exact change.

Your parents should have been sterilized at birth.

while i am not one of alky's fans. in fact think he is a dirtbag.

as a ex-small business owner let me step in. IF the church had his car towed (wich would be very doubtfull since they don't own the land) alky would get his money back. Why?

A) its not the church's property
b) alky would sue the the store and church.
c) store would not want the bad publicity

any of them would do it.

While alky is a jackass and i agree with others in the truthfulness of his story as a whole he is right on that.

i do find it funny that he thinks 100lbs of fertilizer is a lot and needs help loading it.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
100 pounds of fertilizer? wtf for? That's a lot of fertilizer. But, assuming your lawn is large enough to need 100 pounds, haven't you posted pictures of how "buff" you are? I'm out of shape. Quite out of shape. But carrying 100 pounds of feed is pretty routine. When I go to Tractor Supply, I don't even think twice about where to park if I'm picking up some items like that - I simply carry them to my parking spot. But, 100 pounds is so heavy for you that you needed assistance? LOL! (And, I've been offered "need help taking that out to your car?" And the answer is "no thanks."


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2003
while i am not one of alky's fans. in fact think he is a dirtbag.

as a ex-small business owner let me step in. IF the church had his car towed (wich would be very doubtfull since they don't own the land) alky would get his money back. Why?

While I'll agree that you might have more insight into this than I have, but I doubt being a small business owner grants you a law degree. I will go ahead and throw a few things out there up for debate:

A) its not the church's property

As I said, I was making the assumption that it was either a) the Church's property that they leased to the hardware store for the times outside church services or b) It's the hardware store's property that they lease to the church during service time. I used to go to a church in a large downtown area that had a similar arrangement, and yes, they can tow you.

b) alky would sue the the store and church.

He would have to hire a lawyer, because he's too much of a fuckwit to come up with a court-worthy case, so sure, go for it. Spend that $1k on a lawyer to potentially save $300.

c) store would not want the bad publicity

Depending on the town/area, the store owner might not care. I grew up in a small town, and I guarantee they wouldn't give a crap about bad pub, because 75% of the town would have direct contact with the owner, and the owner would tell them what happened and make Alke look like an asshole. In that town, it'd be more likely that Alke (if he were semi-rational) wouldn't make a big stink about it because it would make HIM look bad.

any of them would do it.

While alky is a jackass and i agree with others in the truthfulness of his story as a whole he is right on that.

i do find it funny that he thinks 100lbs of fertilizer is a lot and needs help loading it.

Give him a break, he came up with what he thought was a big, impressive number.


May 19, 2003
Reminds me of a couple years back when i had a car with louder exhaust, people would always think your going faster than you are. So im driving down the street i live on (mind you it's a horseshoe shaped street so there is no through traffic) probably going 15-18mphs definitely below the 25mph speed limit, and this lady RUNS out into the street SCREAMING at me to "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS A FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD" because her dumb children are playing on the side of the street (and i didn't get close to them or do anything to cause concern). So I turned around and told her that "If your really that concerned then the probably shouldn't be playing in the street because i was going 15 and you can go **** yourself" the look on her and her kids faces was priceless.

I've gotten that too. My car is rev happy, and low torque. I can sometimes cruise along streets at ~5-6kRPM. People think I am going a lot faster than I usually am.


My good deed was giving $10 to the boy scouts in front of the store and told them to sell the kettle corn pack to someone else.

Notice this little gem the OP threw in. (seems pretty made up)

Remember, pretty much telling an old man to fuck off is all okay as long as you give some random kids $10 right after.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001

You are dumb as shit. The fact that you were told that you were not allowed to park there is more than enough to get your dumbass towed. Wow, you are a fucking stupid twat.

Hmm the law would look at that much differently here. Also this was a place I normally parked at on busy days. Without signs this was just some old dancing man feeding me a line of bullshit.

Church gets out at noon, and all those churchgoers that parked in the hardware store lot to "get out of there faster" were still hanging around at 12:50?

When will you realize how fucking stupid you are?

They have brunch and sunday school.

I don't know about you guys, but I always keep my CASHIERS informed of all my specific financial transactions, and make sure to have them announce them to every customer, you know, to avoid confusion.

Since I know it went over your head, I'll state it more specifically: The cashier doesn't know shit other than to hit buttons, take your money, and give you exact change.

Your parents should have been sterilized at birth.

I complained about it when I walked in...this is a small hardware store. Many other people I am sure asked about the same issue in the past (why a pickup truck was blocking the access to the side lot)...I'd think many also have asked in the past if the signs were up "is it ok to park there".

You definitely picked the right screen name.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Notice this little gem the OP threw in. (seems pretty made up)

Remember, pretty much telling an old man to fuck off is all okay as long as you give some random kids $10 right after.

Actually it's not uncommon for me to donate $20-50 over a weekend...I was just reporting the story.

Two weeks ago I went to give $5 to some Grayhound Rescue...I asked if they had change for a $20 and the asshat blew up at me saying there was no way he was giving me back $19. I told him to fuck himself too.

He made about as much sense as this old man running around in front of my car.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Kettle corn is $20.00. Whatcha gonna do, donate half a box?


I donate to the girl scouts too without getting all the cookies I would have paid for. It helps them better. However the 3 pack of kettle corn (microwave stuff) was $10.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
100 pounds of fertilizer? wtf for? That's a lot of fertilizer. But, assuming your lawn is large enough to need 100 pounds, haven't you posted pictures of how "buff" you are? I'm out of shape. Quite out of shape. But carrying 100 pounds of feed is pretty routine. When I go to Tractor Supply, I don't even think twice about where to park if I'm picking up some items like that - I simply carry them to my parking spot. But, 100 pounds is so heavy for you that you needed assistance? LOL! (And, I've been offered "need help taking that out to your car?" And the answer is "no thanks."

It was for my garage and wasn't all fertilizer. 40lbs was Weed and Feed and I used half, 40lbs was Turf Builder and I will use it next time, again half...then repeat. I got 4 10lb bags of pesticide and used 2. I have about 5000 sq ft of turf to cover, I spread at the max recommended for 4 applications per year.

They got me a cart, but since the truck was blocking the access road and the ramp on that side, I had to go all the way to the opposite end of the entrance, backtrack and then all the way around out the parking lot and down to the next road entrance. Not a big deal, I handled it just fine. The point was as much as Joe Asshat was making a big deal I was using their unmarked spots that would have been fair game in 10 mins, there were 3 people walking from the church and getting into their cars in the hardware stores lot. I am sure there were more. By the time I got out of the store the parking lot was practically empty and there weren't many inside the store to begin with.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Depending on the town/area, the store owner might not care. I grew up in a small town, and I guarantee they wouldn't give a crap about bad pub, because 75% of the town would have direct contact with the owner, and the owner would tell them what happened and make Alke look like an asshole. In that town, it'd be more likely that Alke (if he were semi-rational) wouldn't make a big stink about it because it would make HIM look bad.

You act like this old dude did nothing but tell me I couldn't park there. He was practically trying to get ran over and acting like a child. He could of motioned me and then told me at my door that the lot was reserved until 1pm. I would have probably told him now that people are leaving and it was 12:50, along with many going to the main lot for their cars; if he was truly serious over the 10 mins.

Instead he says nothing until I park about it, keeps going on about how he can't believe I was trying to run him over, and that I was not a church member.

He was a giant dick which was why I told him to fuck off.

You must just accept being punked so much that you don't understand how grown ups should communicate.


Jan 3, 2006
It was for my garage and wasn't all fertilizer. 40lbs was Weed and Feed and I used half, 40lbs was Turf Builder and I will use it next time, again half...then repeat. I got 4 10lb bags of pesticide and used 2. I have about 5000 sq ft of turf to cover, I spread at the max recommended for 4 applications per year.

They got me a cart, but since the truck was blocking the access road and the ramp on that side, I had to go all the way to the opposite end of the entrance, backtrack and then all the way around out the parking lot and down to the next road entrance. Not a big deal, I handled it just fine. The point was as much as Joe Asshat was making a big deal I was using their unmarked spots that would have been fair game in 10 mins, there were 3 people walking from the church and getting into their cars in the hardware stores lot. I am sure there were more. By the time I got out of the store the parking lot was practically empty and there weren't many inside the store to begin with.

That's a long story for saying you are weak.


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2003
Hmm the law would look at that much differently here. Also this was a place I normally parked at on busy days. Without signs this was just some old dancing man feeding me a line of bullshit.

You really do think highly of yourself, don't you? You came to a conclusion, and to fuck with everyone else, you're right.

They have brunch and sunday school.

I usually stop for brunch when I'm in a hurry, too.

I complained about it when I walked in...this is a small hardware store. Many other people I am sure asked about the same issue in the past (why a pickup truck was blocking the access to the side lot)...I'd think many also have asked in the past if the signs were up "is it ok to park there".

So, since you think that they should know, they do. Since the almighty Alke thinks the cashier at his neighborhood hardware store should know all of the owner's finances and agreements, they do.

Do you even think about shit before you post or do you just throw the same shit against the wall, hope some of it sticks and hope nobody calls you out on the BS your are flinging?

You definitely picked the right screen name.

So I've "got issues" because I think you are a dipshit? Hey, I'm just calling a spade a spade, and let's be honest here, even the single person that stuck up for you called you an asshole that's full of shit. Sorry, "having issues" isn't telling off an asshole on the internet, having issues is raging at some old guy in a parking lot and telling him to fuck off.

Your reputation is well deserved.

Dumbass? Check.
Asshole? Check.
Fabricates story details to try to make himself look like less of an asshole? Check.
Thinks waaaay too highly of himself? Check.
Thinks anyone that disagrees is obviously crazy or an idiot? Check.

Be careful not to strain yourself carrying 100lb bag of bullshit around with you everywhere.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
You really do think highly of yourself, don't you? You came to a conclusion, and to fuck with everyone else, you're right.

It's par for the course here.

I usually stop for brunch when I'm in a hurry, too.

Think 300 people getting out 2 exits, not in a hurry to get out of church vs trying to get out when it's over.

So, since you think that they should know, they do. Since the almighty Alke thinks the cashier at his neighborhood hardware store should know all of the owner's finances and agreements, they do.

Do you even think about shit before you post or do you just throw the same shit against the wall, hope some of it sticks and hope nobody calls you out on the BS your are flinging?

I don't know what financial arrangements matter. The whole store knew about the church parking, I doubt they know if they are paid for it or not.

I asked why was the access road blocked and was told it was so people from the hardware store don't use the side lot until 1pm.

So I've "got issues" because I think you are a dipshit? Hey, I'm just calling a spade a spade, and let's be honest here, even the single person that stuck up for you called you an asshole that's full of shit. Sorry, "having issues" isn't telling off an asshole on the internet, having issues is raging at some old guy in a parking lot and telling him to fuck off.

Your reputation is well deserved.

Dumbass? Check.
Asshole? Check.
Fabricates story details to try to make himself look like less of an asshole? Check.
Thinks waaaay too highly of himself? Check.
Thinks anyone that disagrees is obviously crazy or an idiot? Check.

Be careful not to strain yourself carrying 100lb bag of bullshit around with you everywhere.

Nothing was fabricated. You are delusional.


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2003
It's par for the course here.

Hmm. Touche.

Think 300 people getting out 2 exits, not in a hurry to get out of church vs trying to get out when it's over.

Reminds me of high school, except replace 2 with 1.

Except you are still full of shit. Anyone in a hurry isn't going to be there to the last second. They are at brunch, in a hurry, they'll be out by 12:30 to avoid traffic anyways.

I don't know what financial arrangements matter. The whole store knew about the church parking, I doubt they know if they are paid for it or not.

And you told the old man to F' off, when the church could very well be paying for the priveledge to use the parking lot and not deal with hardware store customers. You = douchehat in this scenario

I asked why was the access road blocked and was told it was so people from the hardware store don't use the side lot until 1pm.

Well, other than you.

Nothing was fabricated. You are delusional.

Oh, my mistake. "Creatively interpretted."


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Except you are still full of shit. Anyone in a hurry isn't going to be there to the last second. They are at brunch, in a hurry, they'll be out by 12:30 to avoid traffic anyways.

I don't know Karnac the Great. Most of the parking lot was empty. It seems the hardware store is more or less preferred parking for many though.

And you told the old man to F' off, when the church could very well be paying for the priveledge to use the parking lot and not deal with hardware store customers. You = douchehat in this scenario

Well if I believed everything people told me, I wouldn't be where I am today. First, this lot was where I had parked many times before. Second, there were no signs. Third, the guy wasn't in any kind of uniform nor had a badge/ID card...he danced around my car like an idiot instead of getting my attention and letting me know they had reserved spots. Then the first thing he stated was "were you trying to run me over?" and then went into non-church member bullshit. When I said there were no signs, he said it was because HE took them down...then when he added they have the lot until 1pm and it was 12:50pm plus everyone seemed to be leaving was when I told him to fuck off.

Had he acted normal, I'd have never said that.

I think it's funny outside of the insults you don't spell out profane words like you are trying to act holier than thou and lose it in rage when it comes to name-calling.

I should start photo-blogging my donations here, but then I'd be called a bragger and asked by the mods to not make this a blog.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Here's my take: What if alky was going to attend the service for the first time? He was not known and therefore did not belong? What WOULD Jesus do?

That is a good question, except he did see me exit the hardware store and drive around.

Not very Christian like though when there were no spaces left for me and they had plenty.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
How do you know he was christian? He could have been a little old atheist man who gets paid by the church to watch the lot while everyone else goes to church. He might have even been jewish. Ask him next time you see him. I'd like to know.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
How do you know he was christian? He could have been a little old atheist man who gets paid by the church to watch the lot while everyone else goes to church. He might have even been jewish. Ask him next time you see him. I'd like to know.

Well the holy bible he was carrying was a good bet.

I felt bad I didn't take a picture of me giving $10 to the boy scout so I leave you with this:

I just did it for the lulz.
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