NIGHTLINE - US Rep. Murtha says he wouldn't join military now


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record), a key Democratic voice who favors pulling U.S. troops from
Iraq, said in remarks airing on Monday that he would not join the U.S. military today.

A decorated Vietnam combat veteran who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Murtha told ABC News' "Nightline" program that Iraq "absolutely" was a wrong war for
President George W. Bush to have launched.

"Would you join (the military) today?," he was asked in an interview taped on Friday.

"No," replied Murtha of Pennsylvania, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees defense spending and one of his party's leading spokesmen on military issues.

"And I think you're saying the average guy out there who's considering recruitment is justified in saying 'I don't want to serve'," the interviewer continued.

"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

At the time, White House spokesman Scott McClellan equated Murtha's position with surrendering to terrorists.

Since then, Bush has decried the "defeatism" of some of his political rivals. In an unusually direct appeal, he urged Americans on December 18 not to give in to despair over Iraq, insisting that "we are winning" despite a tougher-than-expected fight.

Murtha did not respond directly when asked whether a lack of combat experience might have affected the decision-making of Bush, Vice President
Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and their former top deputies.

"Let me tell you, war is a nasty business. It sears the soul," he said, choking up. "And it made a difference. The shadow of those killings stay with you the rest of your life."

Asked for comment, a Defense Department spokesman, Lt. Col. John Skinner, said: "We have an all-volunteer military. People are free to choose whether they serve or not."

"Our freedom of speech in this country allows all of us the opportunity to voice an opinion. It's one of our great strengths as a nation," he added in an e-mailed reply.

The White House had no immediate comment.

Commie-Pinko-Lefty-Homosexual-Anti Christian-Pencil Neck Geek!



Sep 15, 2002
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.



Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.

Good to know you served, most who have Patriotic views tend to be chickenhawks who would never really serve. Like Rush Limbaugh, Bill Oreilly, Dick Cheney, etc.

I personally don't think the war is worth coming home in a body bag or without my legs. Some of that is because the people who are so fervent over the war are not and never have served. If George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield had actually been through a war I wonder if we would have been in Iraq today.

I didn't see Saddam as a threat to the USA.

The odd thing is Saddam actually excepted Bush's offer to flee Iraq and go into exile but they apparently wouldn't let him.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.
Why would you want to join when we have an idiot as Commander in Chief who is willing to mislead the American People into supporting a FUBARed Military action and in turn use you as pawns for his horribly misconceived Foreign Policy? Most of us feel duty to our country but aren't willing to sacrifice ourselves for this fools folly or for those assholes in Iraq.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Shuxclams

Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record), a key Democratic voice who favors pulling U.S. troops from
Iraq, said in remarks airing on Monday that he would not join the U.S. military today.

A decorated Vietnam combat veteran who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Murtha told ABC News' "Nightline" program that Iraq "absolutely" was a wrong war for
President George W. Bush to have launched.

"Would you join (the military) today?," he was asked in an interview taped on Friday.

"No," replied Murtha of Pennsylvania, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees defense spending and one of his party's leading spokesmen on military issues.

"And I think you're saying the average guy out there who's considering recruitment is justified in saying 'I don't want to serve'," the interviewer continued.

"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

At the time, White House spokesman Scott McClellan equated Murtha's position with surrendering to terrorists.

Since then, Bush has decried the "defeatism" of some of his political rivals. In an unusually direct appeal, he urged Americans on December 18 not to give in to despair over Iraq, insisting that "we are winning" despite a tougher-than-expected fight.

Murtha did not respond directly when asked whether a lack of combat experience might have affected the decision-making of Bush, Vice President
Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and their former top deputies.

"Let me tell you, war is a nasty business. It sears the soul," he said, choking up. "And it made a difference. The shadow of those killings stay with you the rest of your life."

Asked for comment, a Defense Department spokesman, Lt. Col. John Skinner, said: "We have an all-volunteer military. People are free to choose whether they serve or not."

"Our freedom of speech in this country allows all of us the opportunity to voice an opinion. It's one of our great strengths as a nation," he added in an e-mailed reply.

The White House had no immediate comment.

Commie-Pinko-Lefty-Homosexual-Anti Christian-Pencil Neck Geek!


if you had ended with meathead instead of geek, you could have been mistaken for Archie Bunker. I have to respect Murtha for his honesty, and I wouldn't join the military either to fight Bush's illegal Oil-for-Money wars.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.
Why would you want to join when we have an idiot as Commander in Chief who is willing to mislead the American People into supporting a FUBARed Military action and in turn use you as pawns for his horribly misconceived Foreign Policy? Most of us feel duty to our country but aren't willing to sacrifice ourselves for this fools folly or for those assholes in Iraq.

If nobody enlisted, what kind of force would we have to protect us? If nobody enlisted you'd see a draft as never before seen. It's necessary for people to voluntarily enlist.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.
Why would you want to join when we have an idiot as Commander in Chief who is willing to mislead the American People into supporting a FUBARed Military action and in turn use you as pawns for his horribly misconceived Foreign Policy? Most of us feel duty to our country but aren't willing to sacrifice ourselves for this fools folly or for those assholes in Iraq.

If nobody enlisted, what kind of force would we have to protect us? If nobody enlisted you'd see a draft as never before seen. It's necessary for people to voluntarily enlist.
Well let those who agree with the Dub's dubious Foriegn Policy enlist. It doesn't make them any more patriotic than those who refuse to be used as pawns by not enlisting. If we were attacked and had to defend our own soil they wouldn't have enough uniforms to outfit all those who'd be lining up to enlist.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.
Why would you want to join when we have an idiot as Commander in Chief who is willing to mislead the American People into supporting a FUBARed Military action and in turn use you as pawns for his horribly misconceived Foreign Policy? Most of us feel duty to our country but aren't willing to sacrifice ourselves for this fools folly or for those assholes in Iraq.

If nobody enlisted, what kind of force would we have to protect us? If nobody enlisted you'd see a draft as never before seen. It's necessary for people to voluntarily enlist.
Well let those who agree with the Dub's dubious Foriegn Policy enlist. It doesn't make them any more patriotic than those who refuse to be used as pawns by not enlisting. If we were attacked and had to defend our own soil they wouldn't have enough uniforms to outfit all those who'd be lining up to enlist.

I like that!


Senior member
Jan 12, 2001
i think murtha is a pawn for the anti-war gang. and he will probably run for a higher office.


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: slyedog
i think murtha is a pawn for the anti-war gang. and he will probably run for a higher office.

Spoken like a good Rush-bot.

Yer throwing out the terms just as much as he might. .


Apr 8, 2002
The guy is like 83 years old. I dont think the military wants you either pal.


Senior member
Dec 27, 2005
I'm honestly disgusted that he represents my state... he's touted as some huge hero because he "stood up to bush"

he didn't do anything except run his mouth and make pennsylvanians look like a bunch of pansies

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Joining any armed forces------in any country in the world puts you under wierd rules. You obey orders or else.
Any time there is a war-----one group of my country is right vs another group of my country is right battles it out.
Members of each group die, one country usually wins, and the victor gets to write the history books. The great part of modern wars is that the civialian population gets to pay the price too---they can be bombed, see their countries infrastructure destroyed, and all that is usually involved with the lot of being a soldier.

Yet each country must have an armed forces----if nothing else than to be not too weak and therefore a temtation to their stronger neighbors. Even more important are alliances with other groups of countries.

In another recent thread on this forum was covered the topic and question of has GWB and the Iraq war destroyed our military--------the answer was somewhat in the affirmative------Rep. Murtha is simple stating the same conclusion in his own way.

And when a 37 year career military type says that I listen with respect.-----after all---elements in our military
told the administration that they had better not go light when we invaded Iraq---and they got shunted aside or fired.--------and there is nothing more dangerous than an army consisting of only yes men saying can do to every crazy scheme hatched by the fearless leader.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: AragornTK
I'm honestly disgusted that he represents my state... he's touted as some huge hero because he "stood up to bush"

he didn't do anything except run his mouth and make pennsylvanians look like a bunch of pansies
His career military experiance should give him credibility no? arent we supposed to look up to these types of people?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Combat arms Military is for broke fools anyhow - unless you're an officer. Read "war is a racket" by two time CMH winner Marine core general Butler and you'll begin to understand.

Most people relise this which is why Navy and Air Force has 105% slots filled with qualified HS graduates while Army is suffering massive shortages while even scraping the bottom of the bell curve in ASVAB, accomplishments and character.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: TallBill
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: slyedog
i think murtha is a pawn for the anti-war gang. and he will probably run for a higher office.

Spoken like a good Rush-bot.

Yer throwing out the terms just as much as he might. .

Calls'm as I sees'm. Don't like it? Don't read it.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: Tab
"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

I want everyone to read that, Murtha isn't requsting any kind of immediate withdrawl of troops. If you look at his previous annoucements concerning this, he does infact want a capable "Iraqi-Force" to take over when the U.S Forces leave.

Wouldn't that be what we want, unless we want to have "double egg on the face, over hard"?

I'd join today, if I were young enough, as I did when I first enlisted. My views of duty to country have not changed. yeah, I guess I'm a bit patriotic.

If we were to leave Iraq, we wouldn't want to leave the country in Civil War would we?


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003

Perhaps you missed that NCO's and enlisted are the vast majority of soldiers? Maybe you also noticed that the ones getting the hardest jobs in the most extreme places are the NCO and Enlisted?

Maybe you did some research and found that Special Forces are mostly NCOs? Could YOU qualify to be in the SF? I somehow doubt it. Look up the qualifications sometime. Then read about the failure rate.

Unless your ATPN hero is a certain poster that likes all-caps and shrieks that the sky is falling about all matters military, you should do your OWN research. You might try speaking to some of the active/reserve soldiers on this very forum.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: AragornTK
I'm honestly disgusted that he represents my state... he's touted as some huge hero because he "stood up to bush"

he didn't do anything except run his mouth and make pennsylvanians look like a bunch of pansies
His career military experiance should give him credibility no? arent we supposed to look up to these types of people?

Only when they agree with you...jeez, get with the program already

Strong leader: Draft dodger who agrees with me.

Weak pansy: Former soldier who served in wartime who doesn't agree with my views.

See how this works? Murtha's service (or the service of ANY member or veteran of the armed forces) isn't what people like AragornTK respect. Their service is simply a nice stick to wack the opposition with, and when THAT doesn't work, who gives a rat's ass about their sacrafice and service? Personally I'm a lot more impressed by the guy who gives up his first class airline seat to a soldier returning home, even if the guy is personally against the war. THAT is respect, a concept some people don't quite seem to grasp.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: AragornTK
I'm honestly disgusted that he represents my state... he's touted as some huge hero because he "stood up to bush"

he didn't do anything except run his mouth and make pennsylvanians look like a bunch of pansies
His career military experiance should give him credibility no? arent we supposed to look up to these types of people?

Bush is "The War President". Among his flock, that means he has more military experience than anyone, EVAR!!! They have infinite faith in his boutiful wisdom and all who oppose him, despite their decades of real military experience, are cowards and sissies.
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