Nine year old black girl is bullied with racist taunts from classmates, hangs herself.

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I don't, I judge people by who they are, not skin color. But that isn't to say that certain brands of racism and bigotry tend to affect different groups. If the racism is anti-white, it was likely from a leftist source. If the racism was anti-minority, it can vary.



Jan 8, 2010
You absolutely do; to you, dead children are tolerable so long as you get to keep playing with your toys. And sorry, it's not a talking point. I just look at the rest of the world and notice that countries with more sensible gun laws and less gun fetishism don't have this problem.

Eh, I don't agree with him on many things, but I agree with him in regards to that part. That is in no way 'saying mass killing children is fine' and for you to say that is as extreme a single minded naive thing to say as the opposite that you are trying to vilify. Just like 'putting up a wall' isn't going to stop illegals from entering the country, no gun laws are going to stop the problems in this country because it is a cultural thing, not a gun thing.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Eh, I don't agree with him on many things, but I agree with him in regards to that part. That is in no way 'saying mass killing children is fine' and for you to say that is as extreme a single minded naive thing to say as the opposite that you are trying to vilify. Just like 'putting up a wall' isn't going to stop illegals from entering the country, no gun laws are going to stop the problems in this country because it is a cultural thing, not a gun thing.

So to be clear your argument is that the United States is unique in the entire world and no gun laws can reduce gun violence?

This is an extraordinary claim that doesn’t fit with the empirical evidence I’ve seen. What’s the research basis for this?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Eh, I don't agree with him on many things, but I agree with him in regards to that part. That is in no way 'saying mass killing children is fine' and for you to say that is as extreme a single minded naive thing to say as the opposite that you are trying to vilify. Just like 'putting up a wall' isn't going to stop illegals from entering the country, no gun laws are going to stop the problems in this country because it is a cultural thing, not a gun thing.

It's not so much that he thinks it's fine as that his priorities are messed up. If you asked him to choose between sensible gun laws and dead children, he'd likely choose the dead children every time. And this isn't a "won't someone please think of the children?" complaint. It's that he genuinely can't imagine gun laws getting stricter without it being the death of the 2nd Amendment (it wouldn't), and he's willing to sacrifice everything and everyone to keep things as they are.

Also, I think it's just as naive to assume that gun laws wouldn't work at all as it is to assume they'll fix everything. How the hell are you going to find out if they'll work if you don't even bother trying? They have to be crafted intelligently, of course, but I refuse to believe that the US is so deeply broken that no laws will help, like you do.

Part of how you change gun culture is by giving it different treatment under the law. You don't have to require something like registration, but you do have to treat a gun as an extremely serious responsibility that requires tough screening and realistic limits on firepower. Right now, the NRA is bribing politicians to make sure those two things don't happen.
Mar 11, 2004
I just want to applaud you guys for ignoring the OP's garbage and partaking in genuine discussion, even though there seems to be some staunch disagreement, but you guys looked through even a fairly inflammatory statement (the dead children thing) that arguably was not on topic even, and added nuance and discourse (on both sides, people that agreed with the comment looking to explain it, and people taking issue with it). Let's get more of this! And while there's still a lot to take issue with, I have been noticing more of this type of behavior all over the place (ok so not everywhere, but in places where I was expecting it to just escalate or devolve into worse), and there's actual attempt to partake in and offer legitimate discussion and argument. (And yes, I need to myself as well!)


Nov 4, 2004
This is certainly tragic. My own experience with school districts definitely influences my opinion of the situation. I wouldn't trust the schools own all.

Oh, and OP gave away any semblance of sincerity with the BLM reference. Pretty sad and pathetic.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jul 2, 2005
if the situation been reversed, a white kid killing themselves after being bullied by white kids for having black friends the OP would never have posted it, his motives are transparent.
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Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 4, 2004
if the situation been reversed, a white kid killing themselves after being bullied by white kids for having black friends the OP would never have posted it, his motives are transparent.

I read the wapo and fox links. Did I miss a description of the accused bullies? Was she bullied by other black kids?


Jan 12, 2005
This is certainly tragic. My own experience with school districts definitely influences my opinion of the situation. I wouldn't trust the schools own all.

Oh, and OP gave away any semblance of sincerity with the BLM reference. Pretty sad and pathetic.

Leftist-born racism created this bullying that lead to this girl's suicide. Had it been rightist Nazi bullying we would all agree that is worthy of discussion while on the topic of the girl's suicide, no? Of course we would. But this time because it is leftist racism you guys want to brush it under the rug, like it doesn't count in the big picture. Because in your world view racism only comes from the right. Too bad for you and most of AT P&N that reality doesn't care about your bubble.


Nov 4, 2004
Leftist-born racism created this bullying that lead to this girl's suicide. Had it been rightist Nazi bullying we would all agree that is worthy of discussion while on the topic of the girl's suicide, no? Of course we would. But this time because it is leftist racism you guys want to brush it under the rug, like it doesn't count in the big picture. Because in your world view racism only comes from the right. Too bad for you and most of AT P&N that reality doesn't care about your bubble.

None of that is in the articles you posted, so it's merely conjecture and a fair bit of projectionist denial on your part. I mean, you're not even replying to my post, just reiterating your original motivations to posting this.

Feel free to post some objective articles to support your assertion. YouTube videos not welcome.
Reactions: dlerious


Jul 2, 2005
I read the wapo and fox links. Did I miss a description of the accused bullies? Was she bullied by other black kids?
i may be wrong but to me it was implied they were in the post article.


Jan 12, 2005
I read the wapo and fox links. Did I miss a description of the accused bullies? Was she bullied by other black kids?

I'm looking for a link I had earlier that wasn't posted (there are many on this story, and I wasn't allowed to post here when I first saw the story, it is weeks old now). It said it was mostly black kids bullying her, but in the links I'm seeing now as I'm looking for that other link, it looks like it could have been from both black and white kids. A sad situation, really.
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Nov 4, 2004
i may be wrong but to me it was implied they were in the post article.

I'll reread it.

Edit: is this what people are confused by?

“She was being bullied [by] the entire school year, with words such as ‘kill yourself,’" the 9-year-old’s aunt, Eddwina Harris, told the Tuscaloosa News. She was also told, “you think you’re white because you ride with that white boy,” Harris said, and called “ugly” and other unprintable epithets.

If so, I don't necessarily see that coming solely from other black kids.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
Conservatives violently oppose both of those solutions, which is sort of my point.

Conservatives violently oppose good solutions. Lefty response: Whelp, I guess we can't do this one because conservatives don't like it.
Conservatives violently oppose shitty bans that won't even produce measurable results (but screws righties!!!): Lefty response: let's shit it down their throats anyway raaah!!!

^^ This makes me wonder if the left is more concerned with fixing the issue or with fucking conservatives. This is sort of my point. Let's go for the BEST solution first. We can still vindictively fuck the conservatives but let's focus on saving lives and making the world better first, k?

Seems like he was specifically saying that an unwillingness to adopt common sense laws amounted to toleration, not your desire to address underlying issues.

Dealing with the underlying issue is common sense. Putting stupid bandaids on broken arms is NOT common sense. Attaching the phrase "common sense" to your bad solution doesn't impart actual "common sense"™ to your solution. Bad solutions are bad no matter which branding you use.

The restrictions you mentioned above are common sense ones, for example.

They are common sense because they will work, not because someone condescendingly and insecurely labels them as "common sense". Banning assault rifles doesn't statistically accomplish anything other than fucking conservatives and forcing them to make an unfair choice.

As for your other questions the great news for you is that there is a large body of empirical research dedicated to doing exactly this, using cross-border state by state results to make these measurements!!!! I’ve even linked a bunch before.

Well maybe you and I should talk.

Regardless, I appreciate your response. While I personally would take things much further solutions like yours would be an excellent start.

It would be an excellent start because it would likely eliminate more gun deaths with exactly zero cost to innocent gun owners than any other solution I've seen proposed. I just think we should deal with the low hanging fruit first. I don't understand the rush to collect the statistically irrelevant high-hanging difficult to reach fruit outside of an attempt to make as many conservatives miserable as possible.

The crap fruit at the top of the tree can be dealt with and bickered over after we get the good stuff.


Nov 11, 1999
I'm looking for a link I had earlier that wasn't posted (there are many on this story, and I wasn't allowed to post here when I first saw the story, it is weeks old now). It said it was mostly black kids bullying her, but in the links I'm seeing now as I'm looking for that other link, it looks like it could have been from both black and white kids. A sad situation, really.

So, your premise for posting this topic was jumping to conclusions, right? And the Alabama Leftists are a figment of your deranged alt-right imagination?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Conservatives violently oppose good solutions. Lefty response: Whelp, I guess we can't do this one because conservatives don't like it.
Conservatives violently oppose shitty bans that won't even produce measurable results (but screws righties!!!): Lefty response: let's shit it down their throats anyway raaah!!!

^^ This makes me wonder if the left is more concerned with fixing the issue or with fucking conservatives. This is sort of my point. Let's go for the BEST solution first. We can still vindictively fuck the conservatives but let's focus on saving lives and making the world better first, k?

I have no desire to screw any conservatives and if they were unhappy that wouldn’t make me feel better.

Liberals, generally speaking, don’t look at issues in the same way as conservatives do so making conservatives angry doesn’t do much. That’s why the professional political troll business is overwhelmingly on the right and why ‘owning the libs’ is a thing and ‘owning the cons’ is not. All I care about is solving the problem.

Dealing with the underlying issue is common sense. Putting stupid bandaids on broken arms is NOT common sense. Attaching the phrase "common sense" to your bad solution doesn't impart actual "common sense"™ to your solution. Bad solutions are bad no matter which branding you use.

Dealing with the underlying issue sounds great but it is often largely impossible. While ending the war on drugs would most certainly reduce gun violence large quantities of gun homicides and suicides are just from people having an argument or someone having a depressive episode. (This is why owning a gun actually makes you less safe)

The only way to fix that is to get rid of the guns.

They are common sense because they will work, not because someone condescendingly and insecurely labels them as "common sense". Banning assault rifles doesn't statistically accomplish anything other than fucking conservatives and forcing them to make an unfair choice.

Oh to be clear I don’t care about banning assault rifles. I would go for vastly stricter rules on possession and carrying of handguns, which are the real problem.

Well maybe you and I should talk.

Sure, what would you like to discuss?

Generally speaking research shows that greater access and prevalence of guns leads to higher rates of homicide and suicide. When states have tightened restrictions gun deaths have gone down and when states have loosened them gun deaths have gone up.

So international comparisons aside (even though they are very informative!) even within the United States the common sense answer holds true: limit gun ownership and limit gun deaths.

It would be an excellent start because it would likely eliminate more gun deaths with exactly zero cost to innocent gun owners than any other solution I've seen proposed. I just think we should deal with the low hanging fruit first. I don't understand the rush to collect the statistically irrelevant high-hanging difficult to reach fruit outside of an attempt to make as many conservatives miserable as possible.

The crap fruit at the top of the tree can be dealt with and bickered over after we get the good stuff.

I think our gun laws are so ridiculously lax at this point that we need to get whatever we can. We can’t afford to put artificial limitations on what good restrictions to enact.


Nov 11, 1999
Banning assault rifles doesn't statistically accomplish anything other than fucking conservatives and forcing them to make an unfair choice.

I'm sure the ammosexuals made the same argument when the FFA was passed in 1934. I mean, who didn't want a Thompson or a BAR?


Jan 12, 2005
I'm sure the ammosexuals made the same argument when the FFA was passed in 1934. I mean, who didn't want a Thompson or a BAR?

You are equating two very unequal situations.

*edit - Let me explain a bit.

Depending on the year, over recent years gun homicides are somewhere in the 11000-13000 range per year. Out of that number, ALL rifle (including "assault" weapons like the PTSD-creating AR15) deaths are <500. I believe the actual number is closer to 400, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. If we are going to make a tangible difference in gun homicides, the answer does not lie in any action we take on long guns (assault rifles or otherwise). On the other hand there are quite literally millions of lawful owners of semi-auto guns that could be considered "assault rifles" depending on which liberal you ask.
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Nov 25, 2013
I'm looking for a link I had earlier that wasn't posted (there are many on this story, and I wasn't allowed to post here when I first saw the story, it is weeks old now). It said it was mostly black kids bullying her, but in the links I'm seeing now as I'm looking for that other link, it looks like it could have been from both black and white kids. A sad situation, really.

Aww, troll pretends to give a damn.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
I'm sure the ammosexuals made the same argument when the FFA was passed in 1934. I mean, who didn't want a Thompson or a BAR?

How are you going to take away 60,000,000 assault rifles without killing people to get them, risking the lives of cops who are tasked with taking them, and turning people violent by putting them in jail for being caught with them? How many murders will these newly violent people commit when they get out of violence training camp (prison)? And what is the exact benefit you expect? There is a maximum fairy-land upper limit of 150 lives saved per year (the annual TOTAL amount of people murdered by assault rifles). Assuming you can literally get ALL the assault rifles and also assuming alternative weapons will never be used instead of assault rifles. Both assumptions are unrealistic and illogical, and shouldn't form the basis of any legal policy. Beware the unintended consequences lest they be worse than the problem you are attempting to solve.

However, we could take a more realistic approach of dealing with the underlying issues (war on drugs and mental health), using logic and reason, while abstaining from using emotional and condescending words like "ammosexuals" in attempt to move hearts and minds.


Nov 11, 1999
You are equating two very unequal situations.

*edit - Let me explain a bit.

Depending on the year, over recent years gun homicides are somewhere in the 11000-13000 range per year. Out of that number, ALL rifle (including "assault" weapons like the PTSD-creating AR15) deaths are <500. I believe the actual number is closer to 400, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. If we are going to make a tangible difference in gun homicides, the answer does not lie in any action we take on long guns (assault rifles or otherwise). On the other hand there are quite literally millions of lawful owners of semi-auto guns that could be considered "assault rifles" depending on which liberal you ask.

So what? I'm sure not very many people were killed by machine guns & the rest of it in 1934 but they passed the FFA anyway.


Nov 11, 1999
How are you going to take away 60,000,000 assault rifles without killing people to get them, risking the lives of cops who are tasked with taking them, and turning people violent by putting them in jail for being caught with them? How many murders will these newly violent people commit when they get out of violence training camp (prison)? And what is the exact benefit you expect? There is a maximum fairy-land upper limit of 150 lives saved per year (the annual TOTAL amount of people murdered by assault rifles). Assuming you can literally get ALL the assault rifles and also assuming alternative weapons will never be used instead of assault rifles. Both assumptions are unrealistic and illogical, and shouldn't form the basis of any legal policy. Beware the unintended consequences lest they be worse than the problem you are attempting to solve.

However, we could take a more realistic approach of dealing with the underlying issues (war on drugs and mental health), using logic and reason, while abstaining from using emotional and condescending words like "ammosexuals" in attempt to move hearts and minds.

Nobody is suggesting confiscation of guns but rather limiting what can be sold OTC. And, uhh, you pulled that 60M number right out of your ass, huh?

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
I have no desire to screw any conservatives and if they were unhappy that wouldn’t make me feel better.

Liberals, generally speaking, don’t look at issues in the same way as conservatives do so making conservatives angry doesn’t do much. That’s why the professional political troll business is overwhelmingly on the right and why ‘owning the libs’ is a thing and ‘owning the cons’ is not. All I care about is solving the problem.

This sounds awesome. I want to believe it. Yet if that were true, I would expect liberals to not use arguments such as "conservatives will never support ending the war on drugs so let's not try" while at the same time saying "conservatives want their guns and will never support gun control but let's do it LOL". Especially when ending the war on drugs is a far superior method to reduce gun violence, violence in general, tax money spent, and people's lives ruined. Search your feelings on this.

Dealing with the underlying issue sounds great but it is often largely impossible. While ending the war on drugs would most certainly reduce gun violence large quantities of gun homicides and suicides are just from people having an argument or someone having a depressive episode. (This is why owning a gun actually makes you less safe)

No, it reduces the violence levels because it eliminates the lucrative black market dominated by the most violent individuals and groups, who have massive incentive to be violent.

The only way to fix that is to get rid of the guns.

You. Can't. It is impossible. In magical fairy land you can get rid of 300,000,000 guns in a country that believes it is allowed BY GOD to own these guns. Good luck. Good luck doing it without killing anyone, getting cops killed, or imprisoning people who never harmed anybody (which likely will now make them actually violent because that's what prison does).

Oh to be clear I don’t care about banning assault rifles. I would go for vastly stricter rules on possession and carrying of handguns, which are the real problem.

You. Can't. How would you even accomplish this without badly fucking shit up? Has any nation ever accomplished this in history? Any comparable nation that had lots of private ownership of guns?

Generally speaking research shows that greater access and prevalence of guns leads to higher rates of homicide and suicide. When states have tightened restrictions gun deaths have gone down and when states have loosened them gun deaths have gone up.

This is not a true statement and the U.S. is a blatant counterexample. When the U.S. allowed the assault rifle ban to expire (loosened restrictions), gun deaths dropped steeply over the next decade and beyond, while gun ownership skyrocketed. This leads me to believe that there are more powerful and important variables at play.

We gotta look at ending the war on drugs, investing tax money into mental health, and implement licensing strategies for purchasing/owning guns. Prison raping non-violent people because they own a tool is not going to be the answer.
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