Nintendo Sucks!

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Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2002
Originally posted by: CPA
I wish they'd do a remake of Tecmo Bowl.

Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES was one of the greatest games ever made. I still play it from time to time, via emulator.


Aug 24, 2004
I'm a huge hardcore gamer.

The best game I've ever played was Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.

Nintendo rocks.


Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Nintendo is just not good anymore, face it people.

we'll probably all agree with this foolish statment if the new Zelda flops, which is highly unlikely.


Senior member
Aug 19, 2004
Everyone FREEZE!!!! My name is MrYAK, *shows WWGA(world wide gaming authority) badge*, and i'm here to inform all of you about what is being debated here. We are debating Nintendo, PS2, XBOX, and any other form of console and a handheld. Now plz, put down the consoles and handhelds, back up slowly, and do all gaming on a PC.

Now, i'll see yall at the next lan party WITH a PC. BYO:beer:. Be there.

*puts hands on hips looks around and slowly turns around and walks out like a moive cop. once outside puts on console flaim suit, sits on the hood of the cop car with a beer waiting*


Jan 6, 2002
Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64 is bad ass, Nintendo's systems have always had good games that didn't involve Plumbers or Link, a lot were just over looked.

I seriously think Conker is one of the best games I've played, fun fun fun, and totally unlike anything else on a Nintendo system.


Oct 24, 2000
Conker was fun, but c'mon man... it's definatley not one of the best games made, particularly because they tried to get too much out of the 64 and it played like crap most of the time. Hopefully the new Conker will be as good if not better than it's predecessor. I loved the movie tie-ins for the original, but that mountain of poop? c'mon that's a little too much (and not even funny)


Senior member
May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: MrYAK
Everyone FREEZE!!!! My name is MrYAK, *shows WWGA(world wide gaming authority) badge*, and i'm here to inform all of you about what is being debated here. We are debating Nintendo, PS2, XBOX, and any other form of console and a handheld. Now plz, put down the consoles and handhelds, back up slowly, and do all gaming on a PC.

Now, i'll see yall at the next lan party WITH a PC. BYO:beer:. Be there.

*puts hands on hips looks around and slowly turns around and walks out like a moive cop. once outside puts on console flaim suit, sits on the hood of the cop car with a beer waiting*

Yeah RIGHT!!!
When have you heard ANYBODY say "Darn. My Gamecube needs a new $500 video card in order to play this new game?" I happen to LIKE consoles because you can purchase one for much less than the price of a high-end video card. And then, you are set for at least three years before having to upgrade. Yes, the graphics are not at good on a console. But, to me, all of the extra graphics is reaching a point of diminishing returns. Does it really affect game play if the blood looks extra-photo-realistic? I don't think so. You need a certain amount of graphics in order to be playable. Anything above that is just optional eye-candy.

I also find that the TYPE of game differs on PC vs. Console. PC is great for RPG's, strategy, and FPS. But when was the last time that you saw a platform game on the PC? I happen to like platforms.

I have a decent PC too, with an Athlon 64 3000+ and a GeForce 5900. Not the top dog anymore, but it can play anything recent. But, if I am NOT in the mood for an RPG, games on my GameCube just seem more FUN than PC games.

For the record, I am not much into FPS. I am not that interested in HL2 or Doom 3. And I would NEVER buy HL2 anyways just because of Steam. But if you live for either of these titles, then the PC is for you! To each his own. If you like Doom 3 and other like it, keep on the upgrade treadmill, and spend $300 every year on a new vid card. Be my guest. Just don't expect me to follow.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: GhettoFob
I :heart: Nintendo.

me too.... BUT the OP has a REALLY good point... and that's why the console market is really between Sony and MS nowadays... i hate how cartoony the gamecube looks and feels and its target audience HAS to be younger than the other 2 players....

really, i think the mario series are pretty good, like mario tennis, mario golf, kart, but yeah they are getting old and yeha a new mario party all the time is getting really annoying...

i think for their next-gen console they should team up with ATI or anyone really to shake things up a bit and up the ante as far as graphics etc are concerned...


Sep 11, 2003
I think it's fair to say Nintendo is definitely playing to a different demographic from Sony and Microsoft. While most of their stuff is definitely more Japanese flavored (Nintendo rox sox over there folks - remember, there is more to the world market than the US), I think that many of the more recent titles from them have been rather memorable. The Metroid Prime games, as well as the new Resident Evil both looked very interesting to me. That is to say nothing of Zelda's continuation.

Nintendo will continue to be perfectly healthy as a company because they appeal more to gamers overseas - a smaller market, but one where there isn't nearly as much competition.

I think it's unfair to call them "bad" though. They may not try to be as "adult" as other systems (which means assuaging gamer insecurity by having titles with violence), but that's not a mark against them. If you're not self-confident enough to play a game without a gun as your proxy dick, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your lifestyle.

Nintendo doesn't play by the typical rules, no, but that results in some great games. People need to broaden their horizons - so many great games get left behind because they don't have Big Guns (tm). Every now and again, one breaks through (Lumines, for the PSP, is a recent example of this) but for the large part, if you're not killing (or some other competition, e.g. sports), don't expect to sell.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: VIAN
Not every console, I believe the PS2 is utter horse crap.

Wow VIAN, put the crackpipe down, 2 wrongs don't make a right. First the GC now the PS2. What next, you are going to tell me Xbox has a long list of high caliber games?


Golden Member
Apr 5, 2001
I only have a GC so i can play all the mario and zelda games on it. Those games alone make it worth buying a GC, and its cheap too!


Senior member
Jun 15, 2000
owner of gc, ps2, gba, DS here... thinking about getting psp but warcraft takes up enough time!

i enjoyed all of these systems.
gc for: eternal darkness, metroid 1, zelda, fzero, and tales of symphonia

ps2: madden online (even though i went 1-13)

i do agree that the DS sucks. I bought it on the first day with mario and madden. These games are okay, but they're just rehashes (excusable for madden since that's all they do).. so i heard that a final fantasy is coming out for DS, and doh.. it's rehash of the SNES one (correct me if i'm wrong). mario kart DS is a rehash of the n64 one.. you know what, i have an n64 and already own these games. i want something new and fun, not something i played 5 years ago.

the metroid demo was cool though and i plan on buying that... in august :roll:

Zero Plasma

Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Nintendo is just not good anymore, face it people. Hey, I still have issues and issues of some of the first Nintendo Power magazines right about me on the shelf, but I had to move on after N64. Super Nintendo was great, and probably the greastest console ever made considering the time period, etc.. and I'm a huge FF fan but even their director had to leave Nintendo, that must say something about the direction their going. Playstation is always one-step ahead in my opinion and their release of PSP will eventually take over the DS and is a testiment of what I just wrote.

PS always one step ahead, jesh. It's hardware is inferior to the gamecube and is blown away by the xbox. And the fact that they only build in two controller ports is cheap. The PS3 is oing to have to have alot more then the cell processor for my to buy it.

The PSP while interesting and looking pretty good is by far not the best that could be made at nearly the same price level. Hopefully someone will make a handheld right, soon.

Go Nintendo go. And while I don't love Microsoft they did make a dam good system, they got dam good games onto it, and xbox live is the best online play console now.(I know not very stiff competition) From what i;ve heard of the xbox next and it's new version of live it's going to blow everything else away if only 50% of it's true.

As a side not I'm not a "fanboy". When the next-gen systems are out i'm buying which everone is all around best for me.


Sep 28, 2002
um you said the Xbox2 is going to blow away everything if only 50% of it is true...and then you say you aren't a fanboy? You have tendences then

As for nintendo sucking...I don't think they do. its a damn fun console to play on...but i do agree with the problem of stale games. but this isn't just a nintendo problem, it is an industry problem.

games like final fantasy are fine becuaues it is just the name~ each story is different totally and they try to mix up the systems and the times they take place in

sports games are fine because you can only keep adding and editing so much~ its not like you can change the rules of football or something. though i would prefer seeing sports games come out on a two year basis with just roster updates because the "new" stuff really doesn't warrant 50 dollars. or in stuff like gran tourismo...thats fine also...these games come out once every 4 years, not every year..

but the problem is stuff like mario party 123123, devil mary cry 3, resident evil whatever etc. etc....i mean these games don't come out yearly (well save for mario party ) but the leaps in between each one usually consisten of NOT MUCH save for graphics. Mario is a game that comes out every few years or so, but the differences between each version beyond graphics is not much! In sunshine on paper the idea of a water cannon thing should add to the gameplay immenseley but in practice it really doesn't amount to much. What i want to see isn't redefining the genre, but just making it MORE enjoyable! There are not all that many differences between crash 2 for the psx and crash 4 for the ps2/gc/xbox and that is where I see a problem!
But there ARE differences between games like crash2 (made by naughty dog) and JAk and DAxter (The first which was more platform in nature whereas the new ones seem like a blowup fest...but its fun still ) and that is the type of chanegs we should be striving for.
And that is what nintendo USUALLY isn't doing, or they are doing it wrong. To make a game fun, I don't need a freaking bongo to play donkey kong and make it fun (and face it guys...that while can be fun for a while feels more like it is geared towards children). I mean look at super smash brothers...absolutely crazy fun n the n64, but on the gamecube it felt like a pretty facelift more than anything else. i think there is a way to keep the spirit of games intact without making it the same damn game...

personally the only intersting to come out of nintendo in a long time was pikmin...and then they had to go and make a sequel that wasn't all too different...

ah well

this is why i like playing KOTOR, WOW, Final Fantasy and the occaisonal FPS...and only buy console games when i really think there is somet kind of step foreward rather than "watch mario say woo hoo in 128bit sound as his feet actually bend the grass!"


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Pick yourself up copies of Eternal Darkness, MetroidPrime(first and second) and RE4- play through them- and then come back and post your thoughts.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Wow VIAN, put the crackpipe down, 2 wrongs don't make a right. First the GC now the PS2. What next, you are going to tell me Xbox has a long list of high caliber games?
I have beef about every console.

GC: Game library could use some work. As always Nintendo hardware is always made great, but I noticed that the picture on my tv when using the GC with S-Video wasn't as clear compared to other consoles. Seems like artifacts. Happens on my bro's TV as well with different GC and wire setup. I also didn't like is part of the controller with the freakin Z button and the placement of the D pad and C stick.

PS2: Talk about the crappiest hardware possible. A console riding the popularity wave the PS1 left behind with some of the crappiest launch titles ever assembled. The Hype Machine also suffered many hardware problems and recalls. The graphics suck because the hardware is so limited. The only game that I give praise for graphics in PS2 is GT3 & 4. Those are the best car graphics I've ever seen. I really kills me that this thing killed the Dreamcast with shtty titles & worse graphics. Only good titles were seen a year after the release of the console and I believe they could have been better if the console wasn't so limited. In my opinion, the PS2 ruined all the good titles because I know they could have been done better on other consoles. And the goddamn loading times!

... oh and they only have 2 controller ports. Come on, get with the freakin program, you can't place another 2 there. And I really hate their analog sticks, oooo, I hate them, they get in the way of the controller feel. I love the original. And their prices are always the last to come down, like their hardware is something to write home about. That is why I waited so long to buy the PS2, because I wasn't gonna pay too much for a console that came with an engineering defect. "We'll make the Graphics memory super fast, we don't need more of it, the quickness will make up for it." Weren't you so wrong on that one buddy.

XBOX: WTH is wrong with the hardware & software. Tell me why I spent 50 dollars on a game that I couldn't finish because it kept crashing on me. Tell me why the DVD drive can't read my disc. Tell me why half-way through Shenmue II, it had to completely stop reading my discs. No cleaning would help.

PS always one step ahead, jesh. It's hardware is inferior to the gamecube and is blown away by the xbox. And the fact that they only build in two controller ports is cheap. The PS3 is oing to have to have alot more then the cell processor for my to buy it.
Hopefully, since the XBOX2 will release first, they will have a good enough head start to head Sony off at the pass.

Pick yourself up copies of Eternal Darkness, MetroidPrime(first and second) and RE4- play through them- and then come back and post your thoughts.
Eternal Darkness was cool until I couldn't beat this crazy monster coming out of the ground. Unbeatable I say. Even with walkthrough. Metroid Prime I played a bit and looked good, but I'm not to keen on FPS for console. Resident Evil 4 I have no doubts about, it looks awsome.

You know what I'm surprised that a lot of you don't mention. One of the MOST fun games I've ever played on the GC is Luigi's Mansion. Come on that game was so freakin awsome. Cutscenes sucked though. Which reminds me of Mario Sunshine, another cool game, but I don't remember much of it anymore. It seemed to be taken straight out of Mario64 however, only he has a new toy. The layout, I'm talking about. A main level and then you have the weird portals you jump in to go to other places. I would like something grand. A huge world, something like Mario world. Another great game that was fun while it lasted was Wind Waker, which seemed kind of like a rip off of Ocrina of time with the stupid wand, but that was easily overlookable with the great story, new amazing world painted by awsome graphics and sense of adventure. Yeah, I'd like to beat every person, including myself for doubting that dude in charge of zelda, miyamoto or something. I frankly don't like the new graphics as much, looks good, but the cell shading of wind waker looked so amazing.
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