No evidence for global warming


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001

As global temperatures increase, Antarctic snowfall should increase. There has been no variability over the past 50 years in Antarctic snowfall. I think global warming is a big hoax, and this reinforces my view.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
I don't see just warming, what I see is extremes. Where I live we have seen record lows and record high's for the last 4 years.

Last year I witnessed it go from 111F in July down to -14F in December.. I've been here over 2 decades and I have never seen that before. I don't know that it's caused by humans.. I would not be suprised if it was, but it could also just be how the earth works.

Over 4.5 billion years I'm sure this stuff has happened many times and for many reasons.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Interesting. Did you even understand what you read?

This doesn't mean there is no Warming, it just means that predictions, this one in particular, as to what will result are not necessarily right(wrong in this case).


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: sandorski
Interesting. Did you even understand what you read?

This doesn't mean there is no Warming, it just means that predictions, this one in particular, as to what will result are not necessarily right(wrong in this case).



Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
I read this

U.S. researchers say the most precise record of Antarctic snowfall ever generated shows no real increase in precipitation during the past 50 years.

and this

most computer models assessing global climate change call for an increase in Antarctic precipitation as atmospheric temperatures rise.

According to the computer models, rising atmospheric temps = increased Antarctic precip. No real increase in precipitation during the past 50 years = no global warming.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Computer models are always right. :roll:

just like all the 'scientists' that say global warming exists, right? Scientists are ALWAYS right.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: TaggartI think global warming is a big hoax, and this reinforces my view.
If that's what you think, you need to think a lot more. The one short article in your link provides absolutely no data, only a reference to the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University. You didn't do your homework so I did it for you. From this page at the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University
Columbus Monthly, July 2006. Global Warming Superstars. "Much of the scientific evidence used to document global warming comes from two pioneers in the field, Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson. Spouses and collaborators, they have spent their entire careers ? more than 30 years ? at Ohio State University, advancing knowledge and understanding in the relatively new specialty of paleoclimatology."

News outlets around the world covered recent research from Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson which shows a massive climate shift to a cooler regime that occurred just over 5,000 years ago, and a recent reversal to a warmer world within the last 50 years. The evidence also suggests that most of the high-altitude glaciers in the planet's tropical regions will disappear in the near future.

"[Thompson's] research ? just published in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) ? posits that the earth experienced a major shift to a cooler climate 5,000 years ago, and is currently in the throes of a shift back to a much warmer climate."
CNN, April 23. Ellen Mosley-Thompson and Lonnie Thompson were interviewed extensively about their work studying how changing climate has affected glaciers around the world. Their findings suggest global warming is a growing and serious problem.
National Geographic, March 30. Antarctica's Atmosphere Warming Dramatically, Study Finds. "David Bromwich, a meteorologist with the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University in Columbus, said there's 'no doubt this [warming] is real'. But, he added, the finding only 'deepens the mystery of what's going on over Antarctica."
The Columbus Dispatch, February 21. Glacier melt worse than feared, OSU pair says. "A new study suggests that Greenland's glaciers are melting at a rate three times as fast as 60 years ago. As scary as that sounds, two scientists at Ohio State University warn the situation is even worse. Jason Box and David Bromwich, of the OSU Byrd Polar Research Center, say figures published in the current issue of the journal Science are too conservative."
Newswise, February 13. Snows of Kiliminjaro Disappearing, Glacial Ice Loss Increasing. "For Lonnie Thompson, professor of geological sciences, his third expedition to the summit of Kilimanjaro was all too much like visiting a sick friend in failing health."
There are more quotes on the page along with a lot of links to the full articles that are the sources of these quotes, and for a little icing on the icecake, try this from
The woes of Kilimanjaro

The fabled glaciers on Tanzania's majestic mountain will soon be gone. Its forests are disappearing, too. For local farmers, this could mean disaster. For the rest of us, it's another unbearable loss on an overheating planet.

Editor's note:
Early Signs: Reports From a Warming Planet is a joint project of the U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Salon and NPR's "Living on Earth." The series runs Fridays through May 5 in Salon, and you can find radio versions of each story on "Living on Earth's" Web site. Read about how the series came into being here.[/i]

By Kate Cheney Davidson

This is not the place William Kiwali remembers from when he was a child. A thin man with good posture and stained teeth, Kiwali gestures to the steep hillside below him, where rows of parched cornstalks lean at oblique angles, brown and shriveled under the equatorial sun. "Our corn is very dry now," says Kiwali, "because the winter rains did not come." This is the third year his community has gone without the crucial late-autumn rains. A generation ago, the area was characterized by reliable rain, thick fog and generous streams. "The rivers were full," Kiwali says, and his family's coffee, corn and bananas thrived. Now the rains are irregular, many streams run dry, and the corn, a staple food for Kiwali and his neighbors, doesn't thrive as it once did.

Kiwali looks over his shoulder at the sleeping volcano, which looms more than 14,000 feet above his village of Kifuru Juu, just half a mile from the trekkers' paradise of Kilimanjaro National Park. For over 250 years the legendary snows, rains and forests of Mt. Kilimanjaro have sustained families living along the verdant slopes in the mountain's rain shadow. Now, Kifuru Juu and hundreds of other communities that blanket the mountainside are suffering from the changes to their environment. "When I was little, there was a lot of snow on the mountain," Kiwali says. "Now there's not much snow and the water has dried out."

Within the next 15 years, the glaciers atop Kilimanjaro are expected to disappear completely, and with them, some climate experts and government officials fear, a crucial portion of the region's water supply.
If you're going to tell us what you think, I think you may want to go home and practice thinking before you do it again.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Taggart
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Computer models are always right. :roll:

just like all the 'scientists' that say global warming exists, right? Scientists are ALWAYS right.

The fact that you put '' around 'scientists' tells me all I need to know.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Taggart
I read this

U.S. researchers say the most precise record of Antarctic snowfall ever generated shows no real increase in precipitation during the past 50 years.

and this

most computer models assessing global climate change call for an increase in Antarctic precipitation as atmospheric temperatures rise.

According to the computer models, rising atmospheric temps = increased Antarctic precip. No real increase in precipitation during the past 50 years = no global warming.

Illogic 4tl.


Jun 23, 2004
Glaciers will continue to melt until the next ice age. They always have, they always will. This is regardless of humans. Kilimanjaro?s glacier is nothing in the scope of things, except proof of what we already know. It?s a fact the surface temperatures are warming.

What has not been proven to me, is that the temperatures would stay the same if not for us.

As for the expectation of increased precipitation in the Antarctic. We?re wrong on many things, that?s just another.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
There are only two real sides on the issue of global warming:
Side 1: Global warming is happening, humans are the major cause.
Side 2: Global warming is happening, humans are not the major cause.

People who say "global warming is not happening" rank up there with the people who think the moon landings were a hoax.

also, for what it's worth, from here: here
Signs of global warming are three times more apparent in Antarctica than across the rest of the planet, a new study shows... Analyzing nearly continuous data collected from nine weather stations over the past 30 years, the researchers concluded that Antarctica's air is indeed heating up.
Turner warns that the warming could affect Antarctica's snowfall and sea level in ways not predicted by current models.
"Current climate model simulations don't reproduce the observed warming, pointing to weaknesses in their ability to represent the Antarctic climate system," he said. ?Our next step is to try to improve the models."

I don't think they ever concluded that global warming doesn't exist; just that their models aren't working perfectly. Only the OP seems to have concluded that global warming doesn't exist based on these scientists' research.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2004
Originally posted by: DrPizza
I don't think they ever concluded that global warming doesn't exist; just that their models aren't working perfectly. Only the OP seems to have concluded that global warming doesn't exist based on these scientists' research.
The OP seems have have utterly missed that its easier to predict long term trends over the entire planet than it is to predict localized trends over a specific area. They are simply two different types of simulations only partially connected.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Aegeon
Originally posted by: DrPizza
I don't think they ever concluded that global warming doesn't exist; just that their models aren't working perfectly. Only the OP seems to have concluded that global warming doesn't exist based on these scientists' research.
The OP seems have have utterly missed that its easier to predict long term trends over the entire planet than it is to predict localized trends over a specific area. They are simply two different types of simulations only partially connected.

107 here today before the heat index stuff.

18 straight days over 100 degrees. None of the locals ever remember it doing that.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Harvey
If you're going to tell us what you think, I think you may want to go home and practice thinking before you do it again.
That's actually the funniest thing I've ever in my life read.:laugh::laugh:
BTW, don't blame him (completely), it's what his President, his Congress, his Senate, and every other member of his political party keeps telling him.


Senior member
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Aegeon
Originally posted by: DrPizza
I don't think they ever concluded that global warming doesn't exist; just that their models aren't working perfectly. Only the OP seems to have concluded that global warming doesn't exist based on these scientists' research.
The OP seems have have utterly missed that its easier to predict long term trends over the entire planet than it is to predict localized trends over a specific area. They are simply two different types of simulations only partially connected.

107 here today before the heat index stuff.

18 straight days over 100 degrees. None of the locals ever remember it doing that.

Just like last July was the hottest July since Temp recordings started in 1706 in The Netherlands


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: myocardia
Originally posted by: Harvey
If you're going to tell us what you think, I think you may want to go home and practice thinking before you do it again.
That's actually the funniest thing I've ever in my life read.:laugh::laugh:
BTW, don't blame him (completely), it's what his President, his Congress, his Senate, and every other member of his political party keeps telling him.

McCain, Chafee, Snowe, and Collins seem pretty reasonable on this point. Voinovich too . . . maybe. It's just the GOP has more than its fair-share of closed minded, ignorami when it comes to science.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
McCain, Chafee, Snowe, and Collins seem pretty reasonable on this point. Voinovich too . . . maybe. It's just the GOP has more than its fair-share of closed minded, ignorami when it comes to science.
BaliBaby, please don't pretend as if the Republican party has more than one person in it that isn't an ignoramus. And if McCain were truly smart, he never would have signed up with those imbeciles in the first place.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
The journalist writing this article screwed up and basically said stuff that is wrong. The journalist lacks a basic understanding of statistics.

From your own article, this is what the scientist said: ""The year-to-year and decadal variability of the snowfall is so large that it makes it nearly impossible to distinguish trends that might be related to climate change from even a 50-year record," said Andrew Monaghan, a center research associate and lead author of the study."

Antarctica is the driest place on earth. It get's less precipitation than any other desert on earth. From year to year, a small absolute change in precipitation can be a huge percentage change. So it's really tough to identify a real trend in a system with such a high standard deviation. It'd be better to try to gauge worldwide rainfall which should also increase with global warming.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Taggart

As global temperatures increase, Antarctic snowfall should increase. There has been no variability over the past 50 years in Antarctic snowfall. I think global warming is a big hoax, and this reinforces my view.

Well its common practice nowadays to politisize scientific research. Antactic climate reasearch is a very complex subject. Ozone history etc. is making it quite a dynamic field.

This kind of co-opting of research for ad hoc second-hand interpretations (non original investigator) and armchair science should always bring up red flags.

It happened to Peter Doran in 2002, where media outlets ran crazy with his reaserch--and then political hacks and whores jumped on findings that were figments of their own greedy little imaginations.

It would be comic stuff if it were not so potentialy harmful to advancing a serious understanding of the natural world.

Peter Doran interview


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Yeah there's no evidence, I guess that's why the coal industry is mustering their forces to supress this and instead insert their own propaganda.

Leaked Internal Memo

Their solution: ?support the scientific community that is willing to stand up against the alarmists.? (The memo also refers to people who believe in global warming science as those ?whose true motivation is to stop growth, develop renewable resources [and] discontinue the use of fossil fuels, especially coal.?)
Feb 16, 2005
And the tobacco companies tried to rally against the fact that smoking causes cancer, shocking that someone with billions would want to protect them any sleazy way possible. Let me ask this to the people who DON'T think global warming is a real issue, do you think that humans have (a) provided beneficial environmental practices to the earth since the industrial revolution or (b) raped the earth with clearcutting, extinction of species through mindless hunting, and choking the atmosphere with our billions of tons of pollution?
If you vote (a) please check in with your local mental health facility, they'd love to study that level of delusion.


Jun 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
And the tobacco companies tried to rally against the fact that smoking causes cancer, shocking that someone with billions would want to protect them any sleazy way possible. Let me ask this to the people who DON'T think global warming is a real issue, do you think that humans have (a) provided beneficial environmental practices to the earth since the industrial revolution or (b) raped the earth with clearcutting, extinction of species through mindless hunting, and choking the atmosphere with our billions of tons of pollution?
If you vote (a) please check in with your local mental health facility, they'd love to study that level of delusion.

You are not offering all of the options. That is like asking if a person is retarded or homosexual, and telling the person that they have to choose one. All of the options are not there so the answer is meaningless.
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