No Man's Sky release date announced.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
It was kinda missed because of all the Fallout 4 love..but this game looks promising after watching it on Colbert. I don't know what to think about this game, but the concept seems sound, and it looks fantastic. On the other hand, lots of games like this promise have failed to live up to the hype from alpha versions that failed on Steam, huge worlds, no content. Its been in development for a LONG time i've heard.

I hope it is a great game though!

June 16.
Reactions: Concerned Citizen


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Damn. That looks really cool. I could see some potential problems with it though. Like it being too focused on discovery and not having much other content. Even so, if it's Moddable it could be the next Minecraft.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I want that game to be good, but I somehow doubt it will be.

I remember watching a video from IGN, I think it was called "IGN First", about No Man's Sky. I'm not sure if it was a modified demo for the cameras but the version that was shown had me worrying about the "exploration" aspect of the game. You could see Sean Murray playing it, and with the press of one button (on the controller) he scanned an entire planet's worth of "points of interests". I know that I'll see a lot of disagreement on this but so be it. In exploration-based games, Points of Interests are a bane and it needs to die, or at the very least needs to be dramatically decreased.

Having PoIs on your compass/radar or just blatantly "being there" on-screen up to the horizon telling you "Look, there's something over there!" is essentially the developers doing the actual exploration work (and fun) for you. All you have to do is hop on your ship, "go there" because you already know there's something to be "discovered", land, "discover" whatever it is that the PoI was so gentle in doing for you, go back in your ship, rinse and repeat until you clear the planet's PoIs.

It didn't start with No Man's Sky, it's quite an old concept in gaming, but I always disliked it, especially starting (well, starting for me) with Oblivion, but it lasts to this day, up to The Witcher 3 to Fallout 4. Another example indeed, in the The Witcher 3, at first the map is empty of PoIs, good, right? You'll get to actually explore to actually discover things on your own, right? Nope. If you dare reading notes on the notice boards of various villages you'll magically have interrogation points (Points of Interests) appearing on your map. Sure, you don't know what exactly is there, but you now have the coordinates, screw exploration (side note, I still adore Witcher 3, don't get me wrong here, it's overall definitely a masterpiece in my book). Now, at least, Witcher 3 is story-driven, so I can tolerate PoIs to a degree.

In a game like No Man's Sky, however, there's going to be no sense of direction except your own. There's going to be no cut scenes, no scripts, no dialogue, etc. The only thing that No Man's Sky truly offers (on paper) is pure infinite exploration (literally). The problem is that PoIs in that game specifically is the highest contradiction that could have happened. If ALL I have to do is literally make my space jump to spawn next to a planet in high orbit and press A on my controller to reveal every locations with things to discover then what's the ultimate point? It will become a "chase the PoIs on every planet" game and I sincerely don't want that. What I want is to land on an unknown planet with absolutely zero indication of what actually is on that planet, much less receiving directions as to where to go. If I land next to a lake I DON'T want to know ahead of time that there's actually nothing in it or around me on land for another 55 kilometers. And if I decide to take off and leave that planet behind and in doing so "missing" a couple of artifacts and whatnot because I didn't explore it enough then so be it, like true explorers.

But anyway, as I said... perhaps they only had a specific version to show for the guys of IGN and the mass of gamers waiting for it. And maybe the final version of the game will be very different when it comes to PoIs (maybe they will be very limited, maybe the type of scanners you have will yield different scanning results, maybe scans won't be global, etc). Time will tell. I just don't want the devs to do the exploration work for me.
Feb 4, 2009

Sounds cool but when you actually see real game play videos it look to be a step above Facebook games in complexity.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2011
I can't think of anything more boring than endlessly exploring planets of algorithm-generated sameness without a purpose. What's the game?


Dec 12, 2001
I want that game to be good, but I somehow doubt it will be.

I remember watching a video from IGN, I think it was called "IGN First", about No Man's Sky. I'm not sure if it was a modified demo for the cameras but the version that was shown had me worrying about the "exploration" aspect of the game. You could see Sean Murray playing it, and with the press of one button (on the controller) he scanned an entire planet's worth of "points of interests". I know that I'll see a lot of disagreement on this but so be it. In exploration-based games, Points of Interests are a bane and it needs to die, or at the very least needs to be dramatically decreased.

Having PoIs on your compass/radar or just blatantly "being there" on-screen up to the horizon telling you "Look, there's something over there!" is essentially the developers doing the actual exploration work (and fun) for you. All you have to do is hop on your ship, "go there" because you already know there's something to be "discovered", land, "discover" whatever it is that the PoI was so gentle in doing for you, go back in your ship, rinse and repeat until you clear the planet's PoIs.

It didn't start with No Man's Sky, it's quite an old concept in gaming, but I always disliked it, especially starting (well, starting for me) with Oblivion, but it lasts to this day, up to The Witcher 3 to Fallout 4. Another example indeed, in the The Witcher 3, at first the map is empty of PoIs, good, right? You'll get to actually explore to actually discover things on your own, right? Nope. If you dare reading notes on the notice boards of various villages you'll magically have interrogation points (Points of Interests) appearing on your map. Sure, you don't know what exactly is there, but you now have the coordinates, screw exploration (side note, I still adore Witcher 3, don't get me wrong here, it's overall definitely a masterpiece in my book). Now, at least, Witcher 3 is story-driven, so I can tolerate PoIs to a degree.

In a game like No Man's Sky, however, there's going to be no sense of direction except your own. There's going to be no cut scenes, no scripts, no dialogue, etc. The only thing that No Man's Sky truly offers (on paper) is pure infinite exploration (literally). The problem is that PoIs in that game specifically is the highest contradiction that could have happened. If ALL I have to do is literally make my space jump to spawn next to a planet in high orbit and press A on my controller to reveal every locations with things to discover then what's the ultimate point? It will become a "chase the PoIs on every planet" game and I sincerely don't want that. What I want is to land on an unknown planet with absolutely zero indication of what actually is on that planet, much less receiving directions as to where to go. If I land next to a lake I DON'T want to know ahead of time that there's actually nothing in it or around me on land for another 55 kilometers. And if I decide to take off and leave that planet behind and in doing so "missing" a couple of artifacts and whatnot because I didn't explore it enough then so be it, like true explorers.

But anyway, as I said... perhaps they only had a specific version to show for the guys of IGN and the mass of gamers waiting for it. And maybe the final version of the game will be very different when it comes to PoIs (maybe they will be very limited, maybe the type of scanners you have will yield different scanning results, maybe scans won't be global, etc). Time will tell. I just don't want the devs to do the exploration work for me.

They did say that every animal or environment you discover can be destroyed and attacked. You will be able to name the areas and planets you discover first and you can engage in battles with other players at will.

My biggest concern is the game being boring. Just mindless flying around looking at new stuff is going to be super dumb after the first two or three. Especially if you don't see a lot of other people to interact with.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2015
There was an interview a few months ago with Sean that talked about the mission system and side quests. It was enough to get me hooked on it and I'm anxiously awaiting its release. The June release date made me sad panda when I heard it.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
There was an interview a few months ago with Sean that talked about the mission system and side quests. It was enough to get me hooked on it and I'm anxiously awaiting its release. The June release date made me sad panda when I heard it.

Do you recall where that interview was, I have been intrigued by this game as well but was waiting to know if there was more to it than what was shown


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2015
Do you recall where that interview was, I have been intrigued by this game as well but was waiting to know if there was more to it than what was shown

I want to say it was one of the video interviews where he sits with a reporter or two and takes them through some gameplay and then into the behind the scenes. Maybe one of IGN's? He's done quite a few in that style, so I'll have to see if something stands out to me.


Aug 11, 2005
I like what they are trying to do with this, i'll give it a try when it's released


Jan 8, 2010
With no true motivation, peoples interest in this will wane quickly. Maybe they'll make some sort of autopilot and you can use it as a screensaver


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Anyone who remembers spore will probably know to be skeptical of this games success, there's a limited amount of different things that procedurally generated content can provide, once you've seen that planet A is the same as planet B but with 20% taller grass and is yellow instead of blue and has 1/2 the amount of lakes, it becomes boring very quickly.

I've speculated in other places that the game will just become about the grind and the leveling to get the center of the galaxy, and that ultimately people will be dissatisfied with the game. Spore was built around this very same concept and it was delayed about 3 years while they desperately tried to make a game out of this concept, and it still failed.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
Anyone who remembers spore ....... Spore was built around this very same concept and it was delayed about 3 years while they desperately tried to make a game out of this concept, and it still failed.

Yes, as much as I am interested in this game, as you have pointed out spore had the same amount of possibilities but did not meet them


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Haha, saying that model is a $60 value is funny. Resin POS probably costs $3 to make.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2015
Haha, saying that model is a $60 value is funny. Resin POS probably costs $3 to make.

I don't see where it says the model is a $60 value. The only reference to $60 is the game code. The model is die cast metal as well (so, a bit better than resin).

That being said, I won't be getting it. Don't really care about "collectors" editions. I'm sure someone will, but 10k kits seems like a high limited run as well. Still interested in the game though. Seems like a refreshing arcade alternative to a shallow galaxy simulator (aka, Elite).
Last edited:


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
In exploration-based games, Points of Interests are a bane and it needs to die, or at the very least needs to be dramatically decreased.

It's part of a broader trend, but I agree completely. I don't really even like maps unless they are incrementally revealed. There were a few old school RPGs that filled the map in as you discovered places, as if you were making the map as you went along.

More importantly, doesn't No Man's Sky rely heavily on procedural content generation? So you get a universe full of Fallout 4 containers with 5 rounds of .38 in them.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
So what can you actually do in this game apart from exploring?
More exploring?
Can you gather ressources?
Upgrade your ship?
Build structures on planets?
Battle in space?
Land on asteroïds?
Crash in stars?
Destroy worlds?
Is there an economy?
Objectives/missions/bounties given by a Galactic Council?


Oct 9, 1999
It's part of a broader trend, but I agree completely. I don't really even like maps unless they are incrementally revealed. There were a few old school RPGs that filled the map in as you discovered places, as if you were making the map as you went along.

More importantly, doesn't No Man's Sky rely heavily on procedural content generation? So you get a universe full of Fallout 4 containers with 5 rounds of .38 in them.

N00b. Take the ammo finder perk so you can find 8 rounds of .38.



Oct 9, 1999
So what can you actually do in this game apart from exploring?
More exploring?
Can you gather ressources?
Upgrade your ship?
Build structures on planets?
Battle in space?
Land on asteroïds?
Crash in stars?
Destroy worlds?
Is there an economy?
Objectives/missions/bounties given by a Galactic Council?

There's been some minor news coming out. Sounds like the goal is starting at the edge of the galaxy where things are nice and habitable, and making your way to the center where it's far more inhospitable. There is crafting and upgrading from the sounds of it, plus land and space combat. I'd guess there's no economy per se, since you're only running into people periodically, and constantly on the move. There's no central galactic auction house.

I'm very interested, though I'm sad there's no Xbox version planned at this point.


Jun 26, 2009
If this turns out to be an anti-game of sorts, I would still have no problem with that. I feel like this would actually be a relaxing experience in gaming, rather than how so many games are just a facade on top of a series of stressful jobs.

If there winds up being a VR component so you can walk around these worlds... that, to me, would be a killer app for a VR experience. I could probably sucker myself into ponying up for that experience.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
I suspect like most uber ambitious games it will fall flat, but I will watch from the sidelines with interest and pick it up in a few months if it reviews well.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
So what can you actually do in this game apart from exploring?
More exploring?
Can you gather ressources?
Upgrade your ship?
Build structures on planets?
Battle in space?
Land on asteroïds?
Crash in stars?
Destroy worlds?
Is there an economy?
Objectives/missions/bounties given by a Galactic Council?

Pretty much all of that. Read this ign article to get a better idea, their gameplay part starts a bit down the page:

Tldr: start with little, have to try and hack or gain resources to do much, things will kill you.

In past examples they have shown off some space battles, which are obviously a bit basic but in there. Ultimate goal to reach the center of the universe, won't say why. Little details about actual quests.

I've been excited about it since the original e3 debute and hope it can live up. Will play it on ps4 though.
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