No More Charity Computer Repairs!!!


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
Girl at work had BSOD's and other problems. I offered to take a look at it for her. Four evenings later, found a failing video card, and reinstalled her operating system and all software. Fine tuned it into a real performer. Way more than needed; but heck, I'm a nice guy.

The minute she gets it back, she screws it up by forcing her PS/2 keyboard connector into the socket wrong, popping the connector loose from the motherboard. BAM! CMOS errors, keyboard inop, failing to boot. Had the nerve to ask if there was anything that I might have done! Never again... :|

Share your story, make me feel better...


Mar 3, 2000
I fixed my roommate's girlfriend's computer once. I spent an hour uninstalling spyware and removing viruses and other crap. The computer works fine. A few days pass and it craps out. She wants me back ASAP to fix whatever I did wrong. I told her I did her a favor and that didn't obligate me to provide her with tech support at her beck and call.

Now, whenever I help people out, I tell them ahead of time that there are no guarantees and to not blame me if something goes wrong.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
I only do stuff for family now....or my cousins fit friends....they are an exception

My aunty used to blame me everytime their PC went wrong after I had upgraded the memory in it, they kept praising this guy who lived next to my we are a few years later and they praise me for being so IT literate and realise that guy didn't know anything really and helped cause their problems.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
That's why I stopped recommending friends and family have cheaper custom-built systems made (either by me or a small computer shop.) Because inevitably, I am the one who ends up doing free tech support. Now when someone asks me, I just tell them to get an inexpensive system from someone like Dell or Gateway so they'll have somebody else to handle their tech support. Plus, for most people's needs these days, even an entry level system has more than enough power for the tasks they'll need to perform on a daily basis. That wasn't always the case several years ago.

Family and my CLOSEST friends are the only ones I'll help out now and that's only as tech support. I'll no longer help them build a system other than recommend a few things before they call Dell/Gateway.


Golden Member
May 23, 2003
The only "free" computer repairs I do now, are for my family and close friends.

Outside of that, I ned payment, and I tell them if it was something that they did to jack up the system that I just fixed.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Sideswipe001
The only "free" computer repairs I do now, are for my family and close friends.

Outside of that, I ned payment, and I tell them if it was something that they did to jack up the system that I just fixed.

i am the same way, except my family will not let me do it for free, they always insist on paying me.. not that im complaning or anything


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
Haha. This isn't exactly "charity" goes.

A lady from my temple called me, as my MOTHER gave her my #. She was having problems with her computer. So I told her I would have to come and look at it, so I made an appointment to come to her house on a saturday.

My worst fears were confirmed. Home-built computer. Cheap parts, cheap motherboard, athlon (cheap), cheap everything. Windows 2000. Spyware/adware/bonzi buddy/IE toolbars/pop ups on startup out the WAZOO. This was causing many problems, and every few minutes a message would pop up asking me if I wanted to keep previous version of some files (windows file protection.) Ok..I didn't have a Win2000 I just found a way to disable the message. Problem solved. I get paid.

3 days later. Called again. The computer won't boot up. Apparently disabling that message has caused problems, and now the computer doesn't boot up. I forget the message I got, but the computer indeed would not boot up. I decided to format. She was OK with that, and since I didn't have Windows 2000...I said screw it, and loaded up Windows ME. I get paid.

1 week later. She is experiencing random lockups. I come over, and I have no idea what is locking it up. It HARD froze, out of nowhere. I updated bios, updated drivers, did everything I could think of. Seemed to work fine. I get paid.

3 days later. Same thing, locking up all the time. I confirm this, and try to fix it again. No pay this time, I refused.

I come back later sometime..I stopped keeping track of days at this point. She then offered me the information that the guy who built the computer (a friend of their son, who no longer lives in the area) told her that that Windows ME would not work, as it locked up. Of hardware, AMD based system (not slamming AMD but the cheaper stuff always seems to be much more incompatible), it made sense. I told her I did not have Windows 2000 (I lied), and I couldn't load it on the computer. She then asked the question I was waiting for the whole time..."Would it be easier if I just bought a new computer?" THANK GOD!! I told her yes, go to Best Buy or whatever and just get a new one. She did, and I have not heard from her since.

Total hours spent at her house : 13 hours
Total cost of repairs: $270.00

Yea..I know, cheap. I didn't charge her for alot of it, I was trying to be nice. I no longer do sidework for anyone, except family and family friends.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
LOL, I've spent a few Sundays helping my uncle fix a WIN98/2k dual boot. I would re-load the OS from scratch for him and install some drivers and such for his Zip disk and some legacy Creative soundcard. A few Sundays later, he comes over again and says he got a new 80GB HDD... can I help him install it. Sure, no problem... easy right? No. I try to Ghost the existing partitions onto the new drive and WIN2k decides not to like it and not boot (even though the boot.ini was pointing to the right place). So I spent another entire Sunday installing WIN2k again.

So then a few weeks later, he calls me up and says he's getting errors on WIN2k. I instruct him to just re-install the OS again because all resolutions I could think of didn't work.

So much wasted time I've spent on that machine...


Mar 18, 2003
i only do that stuff for my immedaite family and my g/f.

no one else.
i tell them get an HP or a Dell.


Jan 23, 2001
Man Saul, reformatted her 2k machine and loaded ME? I would have just loaded ad-aware, spybot, etc and let them take care of her problems.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
Originally posted by: skace
Man Saul, reformatted her 2k machine and loaded ME? I would have just loaded ad-aware, spybot, etc and let them take care of her problems.

Would have re-loaded 2k if I had the disc on me at that time. Besides, I don't think 2k is as forgiving as Me when you have stupid users who know nothing. I know Me is a piece of crap, but..its all I had at the time


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
Originally posted by: skace
Man Saul, reformatted her 2k machine and loaded ME? I would have just loaded ad-aware, spybot, etc and let them take care of her problems.

Would have re-loaded 2k if I had the disc on me at that time. Besides, I don't think 2k is as forgiving as Me when you have stupid users who know nothing. I know Me is a piece of crap, but..its all I had at the time

It is if you set them up as a restricted user...


Feb 15, 2000
My first x86 PC that I could call my own was a Packard Bell P133. I learned on it. Ended up selling it to my dad. Who went out, and bought three games that needed 400MB each to run, and it had a 1GB HD (which wasn't bad for the time). I did tech support on it the entire time. My dad sold it to his brother 400 miles away. I did tech support on it, including having it shipped up to reinstall windows. He eventually gave it to my dad's other brother for his niece to use. I did tech support on it the last time I was there.

Thanks to those unlimited long distance calling plans, I was on the phone for an hour trying to guess how a piece of software I have never seen works. (getting images from a digital camera to a CD-r)


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Parrotheader
That's why I stopped recommending friends and family have cheaper custom-built systems made (either by me or a small computer shop.) Because inevitably, I am the one who ends up doing free tech support. Now when someone asks me, I just tell them to get an inexpensive system from someone like Dell or Gateway so they'll have somebody else to handle their tech support. Plus, for most people's needs these days, even an entry level system has more than enough power for the tasks they'll need to perform on a daily basis. That wasn't always the case several years ago.

Family and my CLOSEST friends are the only ones I'll help out now and that's only as tech support. I'll no longer help them build a system other than recommend a few things before they call Dell/Gateway.

I'm the same way, little things I will help friends fix, I'm putting in a new hard drive for a friend (just for storage) but she is taking me out to dinner, so we are all square, for the most part anything that requires me to open the case I don't do for free any more, too many times you'll get to trouble shooting and end up something seriously wrong that needs either a fresh install or a new mobo (and a fresh install) I'm not spending 5-6 hours of my time working for free just so they can call me up when the screw it up next time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: ATLien247
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
Originally posted by: skace
Man Saul, reformatted her 2k machine and loaded ME? I would have just loaded ad-aware, spybot, etc and let them take care of her problems.

Would have re-loaded 2k if I had the disc on me at that time. Besides, I don't think 2k is as forgiving as Me when you have stupid users who know nothing. I know Me is a piece of crap, but..its all I had at the time

It is if you set them up as a restricted user...

Wish we could do that at work, would save lots of errors, best we can do is hide known extensions, at least that saves us from getting people calling us up who deleted the extension off their word document and now can't open it.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
Haha. This isn't exactly "charity" goes.

A lady from my temple called me, as my MOTHER gave her my #. She was having problems with her computer. So I told her I would have to come and look at it, so I made an appointment to come to her house on a saturday.

My worst fears were confirmed. Home-built computer. Cheap parts, cheap motherboard, athlon (cheap), cheap everything. Windows 2000. Spyware/adware/bonzi buddy/IE toolbars/pop ups on startup out the WAZOO. This was causing many problems, and every few minutes a message would pop up asking me if I wanted to keep previous version of some files (windows file protection.) Ok..I didn't have a Win2000 I just found a way to disable the message. Problem solved. I get paid.

3 days later. Called again. The computer won't boot up. Apparently disabling that message has caused problems, and now the computer doesn't boot up. I forget the message I got, but the computer indeed would not boot up. I decided to format. She was OK with that, and since I didn't have Windows 2000...I said screw it, and loaded up Windows ME. I get paid.

1 week later. She is experiencing random lockups. I come over, and I have no idea what is locking it up. It HARD froze, out of nowhere. I updated bios, updated drivers, did everything I could think of. Seemed to work fine. I get paid.

3 days later. Same thing, locking up all the time. I confirm this, and try to fix it again. No pay this time, I refused.

I come back later sometime..I stopped keeping track of days at this point. She then offered me the information that the guy who built the computer (a friend of their son, who no longer lives in the area) told her that that Windows ME would not work, as it locked up. Of hardware, AMD based system (not slamming AMD but the cheaper stuff always seems to be much more incompatible), it made sense. I told her I did not have Windows 2000 (I lied), and I couldn't load it on the computer. She then asked the question I was waiting for the whole time..."Would it be easier if I just bought a new computer?" THANK GOD!! I told her yes, go to Best Buy or whatever and just get a new one. She did, and I have not heard from her since.

Total hours spent at her house : 13 hours
Total cost of repairs: $270.00

Yea..I know, cheap. I didn't charge her for alot of it, I was trying to be nice. I no longer do sidework for anyone, except family and family friends.

Please give me your name so I can ensure that no one I know ever uses you. You disable the notification of a problem and you consider that problem solved? Rather than solve anything you format and *downgrade* the woman to Windows ME, and that's problem solved?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Little pice of advice. Ghost and / or Drive Image is your friend. I make now images of clean install and make em on self bootable autorestore CD-r's that I hand over with the Computer.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
Hell yea. After sitting at that piece of generic crap computer for 3 hours, you would be looking for an easy fix too. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. As for the "downgrading" what else was I supposed to put on there? It was all I had on me at the time, and the computer would not boot up, no matter what I tried. I thought Me was a better solution than driving all the way home to dig around for a Windows 2000 Cd..and like I said, I think 2k is less forgiving than Me, especially after all the crap I know they are going to load on it. Set them up as a restricted user? What am I, the god over their PC? I hardly know the people, and I am not about to take over their computer lives and decide what is good for them. I did what I thought was best, and in the end it all worked out for everyone.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Originally posted by: Descartes
Please give me your name so I can ensure that no one I know ever uses you. You disable the notification of a problem and you consider that problem solved? Rather than solve anything you format and *downgrade* the woman to Windows ME, and that's problem solved?

True. Argh...


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
Please give me your name so I can ensure that no one I know ever uses you. You disable the notification of a problem and you consider that problem solved? Rather than solve anything you format and *downgrade* the woman to Windows ME, and that's problem solved?
Those are some pretty horrible troubleshooting skills. How hard is it to just come back later on with a win2k cd and a spybot/virus cd? I would only consider installing ME on an enemy's computer.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Karsten
Little pice of advice. Ghost and / or Drive Image is your friend. I make now images of clean install and make em on self bootable autorestore CD-r's that I hand over with the Computer.

Hey that's not a bad idea at all.
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