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Jun 24, 2001
Go ahead and use the source you provided. The U.S. is certainly competitive, but does not LEAD some other European nations in daily per capita testing.

Due to questions with the data we can't be sure who continues to lead, but even this chart shows the US leading for a moment a couple days earlier. Regardless, the USA is still doing more daily tests than any other country. That much is undeniable. Daily testing per capita was not part of my initial claim and the only reason we ever switched to talking about that is because PMV said that was the only metric he would accept and it seemed like I was able to oblige.

That said, it turns out that Germany has started blood testing (serology/antibody) which seems to be why their testing jumped 50,000 a day. This is great news, but it's apples to oranges if we want to know who is testing more for active cases. PCR tests whether or not you have it and blood tests determine whether or not you ever had it.

Repeating yourself ad nauseum doesn't make a false statement true, any more than Trump repeating his verbal diarrhea make any of that true. No, we aren't actually trying to compare you w/ the liar in chief. You've made your point that the U.S. is a lot better than it was, and stacks up well enough with most peers. THAT point is supported by the data.

Nevertheless, claiming we are best in class on a daily basis is not yet true. Nor is saying that if I lie about my symptoms, then I can get a rapid test extrapolate to the rest of the country.
I stopped claiming that the moment you showed otherwise.

Anyone who genuinely needs a test doesn't have to lie about it. I only mention lying to get one since I don't need one, yet now we are hung up on that pointless detail. If you were around a confirmed case or need to know before caring for someone immunocompromised or had recently returned from traveling to a risky area or show symptoms or any number of reasons then, yes, you can get tested right away in the USA. It does extrapolate.

As an aside, Nate Silver had a great piece about COVID-19 testing and reporting that explains why it's almost impossible to compare one country to another:

Regardless of how the US compares to other countries, I still think it's useful to look at how the rate of daily increase in testing has changed:

Last I checked we topped out at 230k then slipped back now to 163k. That's when I started seeing articles about labs with twice the capacity they were using and free test that no testing centers would accept because their computer systems weren't set up to talk to the lab that made the tests. It seems that we have huge untapped capacity and that we are meeting enough demand that they aren't even bothering to deal with those to increase testing capacity. Maybe it's time to blow the doors off and open up testing to everyone instead of just those who need it?

I'm not too sure about that though. It's not a competition and I don't think people should be encouraged to leave their homes for frivolous testing just because the testing capacity is there. Surely, some of the people administering the tests could be helping with the real crunch (hospitals, PPE, etc).

No you didn't. It's clearly trailing pro-capita in total, and the evidence is that it's trailing a number of countries in daily-pro-capita. I don't understand why you are saying you 'showed' this, when you did nothing of the kind. You showed it leads Senegal and India in that metric, but I just explained my reasoning for saying it appears to be trailing Denmark in daily-per-capita tests, among others.

I wrote that before manly showed me that a few other countries may be ahead in daily testing per capita. Never saw that stuff you wrote about Senegal and Denmark since I was already writing my response when you edited it in. At that point I was still under the impression that my response showed that. Guess you'll want me to go back and respond to the edit I missed:

Edit - ah, some or all of those are shown but only as total tests rather than daily. Hmm. Do you have a reason for believing if the daily testing numbers were shown they will all fall below that US line?
They are already below the US in total testing, and total per capita is not a metric we can use to determine who leads on testing. That metric will always give an edge to smaller populations that are easy to test thoroughly, like Luxembourg and Iceland. There's a reason Luxembourg and Iceland have significantly more cases per capita than any other countries. They had more early visibility due to their advantage of being able to test more thoroughly without a huge rollout for a huge population.

Attempting to work that out based on the changes in culmulative test numbers for those countries, suggests most of those would be higher than the US daily testing you have reason to say otherwise?

Is there anything wrong with the following reasoning? Denmark, for example, culmulative tests per thousand went from about 4 to about 11, over the 10 days at the start of the month. So about 0.7 tests per thousand per day. Does that not imply a daily testing rate of 0.7 per thousand, i.e. consistently higher than the US figure?
Well, the US has hit 0.7 daily tests per thousand even though many states only report the number of people tested. Since Denmark also reports people tested instead of tests performed that does put them ahead per capita. Regardless, it is substantially easier for smaller countries that are similarly well-developed to test more per capita. That is why I don't exclusively consider daily tests per capita when I judge testing capacity.

Is that wrong reasoning (I accept it could be), or in saying the US 'leads the world' are you just looking at countries like Senegal?
If anything, a country's testing ability should be rated on how fast it ramps to meet daily need/demand. We failed that early on due to bad tests and rejecting the WHO tests but we have since caught up extremely fast. That's why the chart looks like this:

We can continue to judge based on how well testing keeps up with need/demand. Looking at the chart, it seems we might have already plateaued if we don't change something to boost demand. It looks like the testing backlog was cleared with 230,000 daily tests last weekend and then fell back down to the sustained demand for current need (~163,000 and below). Among developed countries that have reached this balance I don't feel it's a stretch to call the one doing more daily testing than any other country a "leader."

I feel it's more important to use our extra testing capacity for other countries than to drum up more demand by mandating testing or opening it up frivolous testing to everyone who's curious... which you could argue we've already done since anyone can say they feel bad, testing areas are all over, and there don't seem to be lines any of them.

You seem to be attached to a desired conclusion that you refuse to let go of, despite not having evidence for it, and in fact having evidence that contradicts it. Hence your tendency to slip back-and-forth from absolute numbers (meaningless) to per-capita ones. Then you say weasel-worded things like "It's still fair to say that the US may be on top".
The people attached to their conclusions are the ones failing to acknowledge that testing has improved in the US, which is what I have been arguing against for two weeks now before anyone could claim that the US leads the world on testing. You pressed me to support that claim with per-capita daily numbers and I thought I found the info you were asking for.

As soon as manly pointed out that the data did show the US lagging other countries I agreed and noted that it was still fair to say that the statistical disadvantage in the way tests were counted means that the US may still have higher daily per capita numbers than the countries we were discussing. Are you saying that it was not fair to point that out?

It may not appear that I acknowledged this right away simply because my reply to you came after his post. That keeps happening because I can't finish composing a post before another comes in. It doesn't mean I'm slipping back and forth.

As we've established, neither absolute nor per-capita numbers can really reflect how well or poorly the US is doing since there are more factors for larger countries that can't be statistically eliminated by comparing per-capita. This is why it would not be fair to say that Luxembourg or Iceland are leading the world in testing.

The evidence is that the US is way behind on total testing numbers,
You sure about that?

...yeah yeah... you mean per capita. I know.

Still: "way behind?" I look at that and I see something worth acknowledging regardless of whether or not we still have a long way to go to compare to Luxemboug and Iceland or whether Denmark is slightly higher per-capita even though that's not as big of an accomplishment considering their size (hence why no one would say any of them "lead the world").

Do you see my point? If anything, I think it weaseling to exclusively consider per capita metrics that can't possibly apply to a larger country since the smaller ones will forever be ahead in percentage of population tested without ever needing such daily per capita testing. The goal was never to test everyone or to test a higher daily number per capita. The goal was to increase daily testing capacity to meet/exceed daily testing needs. With the number leveling off after a spike that seems to have been from catching up to the backlog, it seems we've done that. True daily capacity is something more than that 230k spike/peak from a week ago... we just aren't using it.

...but is competitive, probably in the middle of the pack somewhere among the wealthier countries, on daily per-capita tests, now. That may be good-enough, as it's not a sporting competition. What matters is having a thought-out strategy for minimising the devastation caused by the virus.

Why do you have such a need for the US to be Number One, that you wriggle around avoiding admitting the evidence doesn't support that?
I admitted it readily each time though I was always one post behind between you and manly so it looks like I ignored one of you when replying to the other.

I don't think the comparison focus should be on "wealthier" countries (again: Luxembourg?). I'd ask what country of similar size could test as many? Obviously none, since we can see that no country comes close in total daily tests (163-230k) regardless of size.


Jun 2, 2002
Our freaking churches are having drive-in type of services and one encouraged people to decorate their cars and drive around town honking their horns and waving to people for good friday. Nothing like gathering up your familiy in a small space to sit for a long time to spread infection. Fucking idiots should be sued.

Not only that they are doing phone calls to members and using social networking to their full advantage. Gotta keep that money coming in somehow even though many people are hurting.
What's wrong with having drive-in type of services? Seems like a good way to do it as opposed to going into the church. As for driving around with family, don't they already live together?
Reactions: Sgt. York


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
My friend's grandma just passed away (natural causes). They can't have a traditional funeral because of the current situation. So many things affected by this virus...


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
What's wrong with having drive-in type of services? Seems like a good way to do it as opposed to going into the church. As for driving around with family, don't they already live together?
Quite a difference between a family being in a 21,000 cubic foot space versus 16. Not only that is it really essential for people to go to church? They are still sitting with their windows open next to other families which is an unnecessary, irresponsible and selfish risk to themselves and others in the community. The picture in my newspaper also shows people getting out of their vehicles.


Jun 2, 2002
Anyone who genuinely needs a test doesn't have to lie about it. I only mention lying to get one since I don't need one, yet now we are hung up on that pointless detail. If you were around a confirmed case or need to know before caring for someone immunocompromised or had recently returned from traveling to a risky area or show symptoms or any number of reasons then, yes, you can get tested right away in the USA. It does extrapolate.
Not necessarily. I live close enough to Erie Co. PA that's where i get local news. As of last week, in Erie Co., if you lived in the same house as a confirmed case & you started getting symptoms, you were considered to have Covid-19 & no test would be given. During the press conference they said there were a shortage of test kits so they didn't want to use one up in a situation like that. Maybe things have changed in the last week though.

As of yesterday, my local hospital has done 368 total tests so you can get testing done. It just says on their website that it's up to (i'm assuming)your doctor if you can get a test done.


Jun 24, 2001
Not necessarily. I live close enough to Erie Co. PA that's where i get local news. As of last week, in Erie Co., if you lived in the same house as a confirmed case & you started getting symptoms, you were considered to have Covid-19 & no test would be given. During the press conference they said there were a shortage of test kits so they didn't want to use one up in a situation like that. Maybe things have changed in the last week though.

As of yesterday, my local hospital has done 368 total tests so you can get testing done. It just says on their website that it's up to (i'm assuming)your doctor if you can get a test done.
Yes. I don't think it's smart to waste a test on a clinical diagnosis if their instructions would still be "stay home and isolate for 14 days" just like they'd say with a positive test result.

Still, if you found that someone you were exposed to at work had it but you had no symptoms and still needed to know before exposing yourself to your family, they'd probably test you. Saw a story recently about a family who lied about symptoms to get the cable guy to come inside and finish his install. They later felt guilty and told the company so now he's out of work since they can't send him into any other houses. I guess cable = essential telecommunication services so they keep working.


Jun 2, 2002
Quite a difference between a family being in a 21,000 cubic foot space versus 16. Not only that is it really essential for people to go to church? They are still sitting with their windows open next to other families which is an unnecessary, irresponsible and selfish risk to themselves and others in the community. The picture in my newspaper also shows people getting out of their vehicles.
I guess i'm using the assumption that the cars are spaced apart too as that's what im hearing about local churches doing these type of services.
I live alone but if i did live with other people on a daily basis i don't think i'd have a problem driving around with them. But i wouldn't be doing useless driving around either & as for church being essential, not in my opinion but i understand there are a lot of people that do. Not that there's anything wrong with that

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
What's considered "Crown land"? Anything not privately owned? Or is it basically Provincial Parks?

It's basically public land that you are allowed to camp, hunt or just explore on. Essentially most bush is crown land. You can go down a dirt road, find a nice spot, and setup camp. Of course you'd want to make sure you're ACTUALLY on crown land before you do that, and not on someone's acreage property. I think there are some restrictions to how far you can camp from water as well. There are limitations to what you can do, like no permanent structures, and you can only camp in one spot for 21 days (only really enforced at popular areas). But essentially it's more or less land you can freely go on.

For popular areas I can kinda understand them not wanting people to go to those places as there won't be much social distancing. But if you have a camping spot that is private then imo you should still be allowed. If you own land in the bush then not sure how this is even enforceable tbh. I want to eventually buy land and setup a permanent camp and eventually even live there. If it's my only place to go and they tell me I can't be there then not sure where I would be suppose to go.


Jun 2, 2002
Yes. I don't think it's smart to waste a test on a clinical diagnosis if their instructions would still be "stay home and isolate for 14 days" just like they'd say with a positive test result.
I guess that makes some sense.

Still, if you found that someone you were exposed to at work had it but you had no symptoms and still needed to know before exposing yourself to your family, they'd probably test you.
I'm not sure how that works around here. Hopefully i won't firsthand either.
One of our larger manufactures just had someone test positive & they're temporarily closing. Don't know if they'll test any employees. Maybe just the ones that worked near them?
I'm trying to keep track on local testing but it's hard as no one entity is doling out info.

Saw a story recently about a family who lied about symptoms to get the cable guy to come inside and finish his install. They later felt guilty and told the company so now he's out of work since they can't send him into any other houses. I guess cable = essential telecommunication services so they keep working.
Yeah, i saw that too. I guess in some situations phone might be tied to cable.


Jun 2, 2002
But if you have a camping spot that is private then imo you should still be allowed. If you own land in the bush then not sure how this is even enforceable tbh. I want to eventually buy land and setup a permanent camp and eventually even live there. If it's my only place to go and they tell me I can't be there then not sure where I would be suppose to go.
That article said no camping on Crown land. I don't think they'd be able to stop you from camping on your own land. I hope.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
My friend's grandma just passed away (natural causes). They can't have a traditional funeral because of the current situation. So many things affected by this virus...

Yeah that has to suck for major life/family events like funerals. Can't exactly plan that or postpone it. I feel sad for anyone that has lost a loved one to covid-19 or really any illness where they died in the hospital or nursing home as you could not even be with them in their last moments. And I get it, if they start allowing visitors to hospitals it would only make the situation worse, so it's a really crappy situation really.

I guess for funerals you can still have the cremation/burial done with no one else around then have a proper ceremony at another time, but it's not the same.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
That article said no camping on Crown land. I don't think they'd be able to stop you from camping on your own land. I hope.

There was another article saying not to go to the cottage as well. Though I guess it's not technically law, they're just discouraging it. Of course it *IS* a bad idea if your cottage is down south somewhere far, or if you live down south and your cottage is here.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Reminds me of the spot i lived out in southern Arkansas closer to Hot Springs, i lived up on a hill in this duplex sorta deal and i had nothing but pine trees when i would sit outside. The smell and the constant sightings of squirrels sure was nice. I kinda miss the place. The view and price i paid for it was out of this world i think.

Not much outdoorsy here in California, i miss fishing a bunch. Meh maybe i could see about Big Bear if this blows over, i never been there but i hear things.
Big Bear is great if you want to get out in nature with no one but four hundred thousand of your closest friends. We used to use a forest fire at Big Bear as a table top disaster response exercise. Based on that, I’ve never had any desire to go there.


Jun 24, 2001
It seems that the Canadian Big Brother contestants were unaware of the outbreak until well after it was declared a global pandemic. Of course the cameras were rolling when they let them know:

Shortly later they canceled the season and sent everyone home. I assume their production crew wasn't deemed "essential." Ironically, the contestants were probably safer isolating there without production crew.

On another note: WOW. That show is garbage. Glad I don't normally watch it. Look at the horrible editing choices, like where they have people saying "Oh my God" when the only thing they've heard is that the big brother voice has "news from the outside.

"Hey everybody, let's hug."


Thanks to terrible editing they never even told them it was deadly. WTF?!

Edit: Update video. This one is much better.


Jun 24, 2001
Uhh, where was this genius in January when China still wasn't letting the WHO, American CDC, or other doctors in while parroting China's lie that there was still no evidence for human to human infection? There was... and China knew.

The USA announced travel restrictions literally the same day that the WHO finally acknowledged that it was a "global health emergency." Even after China locked down Wuhan/Hubei and it became impossible to hide, WHO and China insisted that it was not a global concern and that travel restrictions were not necessary. Insane!

Even after declaring a global pandemic the WHO never revised their recommendation against travel restrictions since it was supposedly late then. That's why it was important to cut through China's BS and announce it as early as possible. They failed, even though many governments were waiting on their pandemic declaration to restrict travel.

According to their own history with past pandemics they were notably late to make that declaration. They knew countries were waiting on their word and yet they still dropped the ball. Their chief's own country (Ethiopia) was waiting on that. Heck, here's a clip I just took from a 2005 Australian documentary about "The Coming Pandemic" where they say Australia would also be waiting for that declaration:
(it's currently on Amazon for streaming free to Prime members in the US)

They knew about the weight on their shoulders and yet they totally let China call the shots to protect China's economy. This is not a new narrative. They've been getting called out for this since January.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
It seems that the Canadian Big Brother contestants were unaware of the outbreak until well after it was declared a global pandemic. Of course the cameras were rolling when they let them know:

Shortly later they canceled the season and sent everyone home. I assume their production crew wasn't deemed "essential." Ironically, the contestants were probably safer isolating there without production crew.

On another note: WOW. That show is garbage. Glad I don't normally watch it. Look at the horrible editing choices, like where they have people saying "Oh my God" when the only thing they've heard is that the big brother voice has "news from the outside.

"Hey everybody, let's hug."


Thanks to terrible editing they never even told them it was deadly. WTF?!

Edit: Update video. This one is much better.
No clue what in those 5 minutes of clips makes you say this show is garbage. Talk about being shallow in a moment like this.
Nov 8, 2012
Supposedly people are starting to report that stimulus direct deposits have gone out for a large chunk of people.

Personally I haven't seen it, but I also don't bank with a mainstream Big bank, and also my amount is only going to be a portion, not the full amount.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Supposedly people are starting to report that stimulus direct deposits have gone out for a large chunk of people.

Personally I haven't seen it, but I also don't bank with a mainstream Big bank, and also my amount is only going to be a portion, not the full amount.
Was on a zoom chat with my family and my sister said hers was pending. I then checked mine and didn't have anything. But I don't even know if I qualify for it or not I have no clue what the prerequisites are.


Sep 2, 2006
Was on a zoom chat with my family and my sister said hers was pending. I then checked mine and didn't have anything. But I don't even know if I qualify for it or not I have no clue what the prerequisites are.

less than ATOT minimum wage if you're single

single phaseout range is 75-99$k

married phaseout range is 150-198$k
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