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Feb 4, 2009
Not a _pandemic_, but as far as I understand the definition of the world, it's still _endemic_. The virus remains present and circulating in the population, vaccinated or not, and in sufficient quantities (in the nose in particular, as I understand it) to spread to others.

That the vaccine stops people dying is a very good thing, obviously.

Fine the point regarding the original comment is this endemic for the vaccinated isn't that much of a problem.


Jun 13, 2000
NO! It is not. Do NOT spread covid misinformation FUD.

"A new CDC report shows that since July 26, there have been only 6,587 reports of breakthrough infections that resulted in hospitalization or death among 163 million fully vaccinated people — a percentage of 0.01 percent or less."

Endemic not found. Period.

Exactly. It's just tough because those with poor immune systems are going to be at risk. My cousin was a breakthrough infection, but he has some kind of really weird thing going on. The vaccine likely saved his ass.
Reactions: Captante


Oct 20, 2003
Endemic precisely means that the virus remains but normal people with normal immune profiles can “handle it”, not that it doesn’t cause asymptomatic or minor infections. Not being in the hospital is not a guarantee of non-infection. I posted an article where a Hopkins epidemiologist has a little party with 17 others all fully vaccinated and they all got COVID, but avoided the hospital. And the county they are in is highly vaccinated; I live in that same country. 93+% with one shot, 85%+ fully vaccinated except the prepubescent kids.

I don’t fear your mod powers to call you stupid and missing the point. Immunocompromised are walking bodies of fragility, so while the normal person walking into a medical facility might have a little illness, that all that is needed to take someone recovering from chemo or the like out. My article is from 2014 regarding flus, colds, and other endemic illnesses that are not of concern to most “healthy” people.

All it takes is one. NFL is about to start and I expect fully vaccinated players to miss games. In fact, that already will happen with Zack Martin. No, he won’t be in the hospital, but he better isolate if doesn’t want to spread it, a far easier threshold to reach.

Just because a disease is "endemic" unfortunately does NOT mean "normal" people can handle it in any way. (although to be fair that often is the case)

All it means is that like seasonal influenza it comes back every year and/or is always around.

Finally calling people mean names over what was clearly a misunderstanding is NOT cool.



Feb 25, 2004
Well, the rona finally made it into my house. One of my 7 year olds tested positive this afternoon. Her two sisters both had similar symptoms last week but never tested positive. However as the day has progressed I'd say she has it the worst now. I am aware that it is entirely possible that her sisters had something completely not covid. But seeing as we all live in a small house there is little than can be done to isolate, not that I would isolate a 5 or 7 year old anyway.

Sorry to hear this. I read some doctors saying you should make a plan to isolate and who will care for who if this happens. Maybe they have multiple guest houses and kitchens or something, but I don't. I thought about it and any plan I can come up with just won't work, especially as some one would need to care for the sick.

A guy at my work had his wife catch it last January. They wore masks in the house and tried staying separated, it was them and a couple of adult/late teen children. Everyone caught it. If adults with non-delta couldn't avoid spreading it then its it sounds pretty hopeless to avoid. I guess wearing masks and keeping some separation might keep the viral load down and stagger the sicknesses but believing you could escape is nonsense unless you have a bubble boy suit.
Reactions: Muse and Captante


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
If adults with non-delta couldn't avoid spreading it then its it sounds pretty hopeless to avoid. I guess wearing masks and keeping some separation might keep the viral load down and stagger the sicknesses but believing you could escape is nonsense unless you have a bubble boy suit.

That is pretty much how I see it. So far we are on day three and no one else has shown any symptoms. The other kid that shares a bedroom with the sick one is still fine and my wife who has been very exposed caring for a sick kid is also fine so far.


Jan 25, 2000
That is pretty much how I see it. So far we are on day three and no one else has shown any symptoms. The other kid that shares a bedroom with the sick one is still fine and my wife who has been very exposed caring for a sick kid is also fine so far.
Hope the kid is doing all right and recovers fully.
Reactions: Captante

JM Aggie08

Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Honestly seems a matter of time here in Texas, with our little one in daycare. They have all of the requisite precautions in place, but they're toddlers...they're all over each other and everything. Just hoping for authorization for 2+ sooner than later for the jab.
Reactions: Muse


Jun 13, 2000
Honestly seems a matter of time here in Texas, with our little one in daycare. They have all of the requisite precautions in place, but they're toddlers...they're all over each other and everything. Just hoping for authorization for 2+ sooner than later for the jab.
I hear you.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Think the vaccine IDs are only for vaccines? Think again. I knew this was coming.

This is probably going to be a universal ID app. Way I think it will work is that the app itself will have a sort of ID to identify you then interfaces with the government servers any time you open it by sending out a request with that ID. When you use the app it will show a 1 time QR code which the establishment your at then scans. Their side will ping the government servers with that one time ID then it will have all the info about you that they need (health card, if your old enough to drink, vaccines, SSN, credit card, credit score etc.) There will probably be limits to what the establishment can see so depending on where you go they will have different accesses. Will probably be used to check if there is a warrant out for your arrest or if you are overdue on bills etc too. If you have an overdue parking ticket for example, the ID will be rendered invalid until you pay it. They'll be able to dynamically decide if you can get into specific types of stores etc. At least that's my guess. Basically you won't even be able to get into anywhere without a phone and the app.


Senior member
Dec 4, 2011
DavidE. Martin testifies at the German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th,2021

That video is the most idiotic thing I have ever listened to. I can't imagine anyone listening to that and not seeing the obvious intentional mistakes he is making over and over again.

1. He constantly conflates the originally recognized coronavirus, and the specific iteration of COVID-19, and ignores the mountains of evidence and research showing that they are distinctly different. He conflates the research into treatment for the first and pretends that it applies to COVID-19. Here's a question: if we knew how to cure coronavirus, why did millions of people die to this pandemic? Oh yeah, because COVID-19 is distinctly different. Different treatments. Different infectious capabilities. Different mortality rate.
2. He has the audacity to say that 'Anthony Fauci financed research to create the coronavirus' when, of course, he did no such thing. He read one inflammatory research title which had nothing to do with creating the virus (which already existed, obviously), and decided to go after one of the leading experts on infectious desease. He even says that 'we' created the coronavirus. Did he think that infectious desease scientists don't study existing viruses?
3. He again talks in generalities, saying that there are all of these patents published from 2008-2019 that specifically discuss modifying the virus to include features found in COVID-19. Oh, so now we are to take his word that he discovered all of these patents showing COVID-19 is a manufactured virus, but somehow NO ONE ELSE has pointed this out? No other experts in the field have NOTICED that we PATENTED creating COVID-19? Sorry, but that defies any semblance of truth. Why hasn't he published all of this information? It would obviously make us accountable for the pandemic! Right? Just ignore all of the peer reviewed studies into COVID and take him at his word that HE has found out this truth, and which patents are those that show we developed the virus/well we won't talk about any specific patents, just say that they are there, right?
4. He quotes a very normal person who says that we need more research into the coronavirus from 2017, and makes the allusion that the person was talking about creating a pandemic, not developing a treatment for the already existing coronavirus. Only someone who already believes there is a conspiracy afoot would read into a quote like that and think it has anything to do with creating a pandemic and not developing a better treatment for the already existing virus. (30 minutes)
5. He has some problem with the NIH appropriating the right to research a coronavirus vaccine in 2019, after just saying that it was their right under US law. Here's a hint, if the pandemic were a planned operation they wouldn't have needed the patent in 2019, because the vaccine would have been ready to go.
6. He has some problem with Moderna amending some patents in March 2019 pertaining to Coronavirus vaccines. Here's a hint, Moderna has been doing research into coronaviruses (and many other viruses) for a long time, and is constantly filing patents relating to their research into virus treatments and vaccines. So I guess a corporation doing what it already was doing, what it has been doing for a long time, now means that the pandemic was a conspiracy.

He doesn't understand that the CDC, the NIH, and big pharmaceutical companies are doing research into treatment and vaccines all the time. Everything he brings up was already known, and the specific evidence that he thinks proves COVID-19 was a manufactured virus was of course for his eyes only.

He's a quack. Very obviously. He presented no evidence of specific acts that would prove his claims, but instead just brings up interesting circumstances-circumstances that go on ALL THE TIME in this field. He of course can't prove anything.

And then the panel goes on into more conspiracy theories, such as saying that COVID is a 'population control' tool. Serious people don't talk about such things. Serious people would ASK HIM FOR HIS EVIDENCE instead of listening to him and accepting him at face value.

He says that the COVID-19 vaccine is a 'pathogen stimulating' treatment (51 minutes). I'm sorry, what? Of course, it only makes sense to a conspiracy theorist that the vaccine that has saved countless lives somehow is 'pathogen stimulating'.

53 minutes-he says 'there is no such thing as different variants of COVID-19'. WHAT? He is OBVIOUSLY WRONG. What is WRONG with his brain? Of course there has been documentation of different variants of COVID-19. I could link literally dozens of peer reviewed studies showing the different variants. We have in this thread statistical analysis of the effectiveness of the vaccine against different variants.

I can't take any more. He is spreading conspiracy theories, that are obviously false. He has presented no EVIDENCE of his claims. And this panel just takes him as an expert at his word without any requests for evidence.
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Oct 20, 2003
Think the vaccine IDs are only for vaccines? Think again. I knew this was coming.

This is probably going to be a universal ID app. Way I think it will work is that the app itself will have a sort of ID to identify you then interfaces with the government servers any time you open it by sending out a request with that ID. When you use the app it will show a 1 time QR code which the establishment your at then scans. Their side will ping the government servers with that one time ID then it will have all the info about you that they need (health card, if your old enough to drink, vaccines, SSN, credit card, credit score etc.) There will probably be limits to what the establishment can see so depending on where you go they will have different accesses. Will probably be used to check if there is a warrant out for your arrest or if you are overdue on bills etc too. If you have an overdue parking ticket for example, the ID will be rendered invalid until you pay it. They'll be able to dynamically decide if you can get into specific types of stores etc. At least that's my guess. Basically you won't even be able to get into anywhere without a phone and the app.

Relative of yours?
Reactions: nakedfrog

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012

Relative of yours?
The Squirrel is actually beyond sensible. China's already well past "tightly monitoring" and the only reason it hasn't here is that the lawyers and politicians that cooked up the American system intentionally cripple the system so your governor isn't the biggest bitch in a suit for your locality.
Reactions: Red Squirrel


Jul 11, 2001
I'd say that his advice has been largely solid.

Take masks: at the start of the pandemic, there was a multi-fold issue: unclear transmission routes (contact transmission, pure aerosolization [like measles], or some intermediate state), mask shortages, and some mediocre studies on mask usage/disease transmission in general populations. Those mediocre studies suggested that masks were neutral to negative for general users, as many users would not wear masks properly, and the effect of constant face touching would increase exposure to contact pathogens, rendering general mask use ineffective. Coupled with the massive mask shortage for trained people in known high risk environments (read: people working in healthcare and trained to use masks properly) and a relatively unclear understanding of the primary methods of transmission, it made sense AT THE TIME to suggest that masks aren't needed for the general population, both from a scientific perspective and a public health perspective. As we understood more and the situation evolved, the guidance changes.

People are griping about changing guidance because hindsight is 20/20 and a lot of people have decided to completely politicize pandemic.
Fauci's a smart guy. He's not saying what people told him to say. But he is digesting the public discussions, parsing what he says, aware of his influence. But he's not an informed person's oracle. If you want to know what's going on you don't look up what Fauci's saying. He's way terse because that's his role.


Golden Member
May 14, 2011
Wondering, how much do you trust the official # from around the world? To me I can mostly trust Canada/US/Aussie/NZ/EU(union)/UK/Singa/Taiwan/Jap/SK, the rest are crap shot. Like how can India go from 400k to 40k in a matter of couple weeks? Africa/Brazil/Peru/Mexico/South Asia/China/Russia/East EU likely way under report.


Jul 11, 2001
Apparently I missed that little gem?

I recall reading something related to the term "Plandemic" but I don't believe it was here .... could be mistaken.
It doesn't take much to get some people into the Q-verse. Just one article can give them a bum steer into WTF-ism.
Wondering, how much do you trust the official # from around the world? To me I can mostly trust Canada/US/Aussie/NZ/EU(union)/UK/Singa/Taiwan/Jap/SK, the rest are crap shot. Like how can India go from 400k to 40k in a matter of couple weeks? Africa/Brazil/Peru/Mexico/South Asia/China/Russia/East EU likely way under report.
They're saying 40,000,000 confirmed cases in the USA so far. I don't think we'll ever know how many cases, either here or world wide, not even ball park. Just guesses.
Reactions: Captante


Jul 11, 2001
Of course, now it seems we're in far worse shape because everyone is burned out and many are ignoring the risk. There's also this issue with people not fully understanding the role masks and vaccines play.
Saw on the news tonight that we have 4x as many people in ICUs right now (I presume with covid) in the USA than we did at the same time last year. We are NOT doing well.
My wife has patients all the time that get sick with COVID and they say, "I feel really bad. Can I get vaccinated now?" She has no sympathy for them because she's been warning all of her patients of the's not like they've never heard of the vaccine or had multiple opportunities. But's a choice they made and get to live with...or not.
If I were a doctor I'd get as tough as I could in trying to convince people to get vaccinated against covid. I'd have conversations with them, ask hesitant people what concerned them and speak my mind frankly to their concerns. People are afraid to speak their minds about things they don't understand. Most will be reticent to do that with a doctor unless the doctor is persistent.
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Reactions: Scarpozzi


Jul 11, 2001
I must say that I'm no longer giving much credence to what "the powers that be" in general have to say about this sort of thing anymore, no special lack of credibility for Fauci.

The reason for this in my case however, is that I just don't believe anyone really "knows" what the hell they are talking about anymore when it comes to Covid.
I wouldn't be so cynical. There are highly trained hard working people who are putting major efforts into figuring out what's going on with this pandemic.

This discussion between two doctors on Sunday is pretty impressive:

Immunity Is The Only Way Through A Pandemic (w/Dr. Monica Gandhi)



Jul 11, 2001
I think I did get it in Nov 2019. I’ve told my story before. I was struck down by the most odd of fatigue and unwillingness to do anything, along with a nasty shortness of breath. It was literally two weeks of just literally sleeping as much as possible and just trying to get up to do some physical activity.

Since I did test positive this year, with some similarities in symptoms(especially the LACK of nasal irritation) and the fact that my infection was close to the edge but not over the edge, I think natural immunity mitigated the alpha variant infection I likely got.
I came down with something (upper respiratory) on Nov. 12, 2019 and next day I emailed my doctor complaining of a strange very intense stabbing pain in one leg, just above the knee that would come and suddenly go (very scary). It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. A month later I wasn't over whatever infected me. I'm in the SF Bay Area, a travel hub from Asia, etc. I think it's possible I had covid-19.

My first cousin died of the "worst cold" he'd ever had in Feb. 2020. Probably in his late 50's. He was living in Manhattan and mingled with people who had traveled internationally. His sister asked he be tested for covid-19 and authorities told her it wasn't in NYC at that time. That was likely quite untrue. She believes he did die from covid-19.


Oct 20, 2003
I wouldn't be so cynical. There are highly trained hard working people who are putting major efforts into figuring out what's going on with this pandemic.

This discussion between two doctors on Sunday is pretty impressive:

Immunity Is The Only Way Through A Pandemic (w/Dr. Monica Gandhi)

You and I have been following this on here since the beginning .... what I'm getting at is that the "official best advice" has changed multiple times based on some fairly sketchy reasoning especially with masks.

Remember when it comes to the American public a SIGNIFICANT % are so freaking stupid and ignorant they will literally believe ANYTHING.

Mixed messaging at this point is doing more harm than good.
Reactions: Red Squirrel

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
I came down with something (upper respiratory) on Nov. 12, 2019 and next day I emailed my doctor complaining of a strange very intense stabbing pain in one leg, just above the knee that would come and suddenly go (very scary). It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. A month later I wasn't over whatever infected me. I'm in the SF Bay Area, a travel hub from Asia, etc. I think it's possible I had covid-19.

My first cousin died of the "worst cold" he'd ever had in Feb. 2020. Probably in his late 50's. He was living in Manhattan and mingled with people who had traveled internationally. His sister asked he be tested for covid-19 and authorities told her it wasn't in NYC at that time. That was likely quite untrue. She believes he did die from covid-19.
I would definitely count it as a strong possibility based on that. While COVID's neural system attacks usually takes out taste and smell, my unique experience was also via my sense of pain, but by actually numbing it out my aches like a painkiller(but it was not a pleasing numbing). My teeth were in desperate in the need of cleaning and the gum inflammation/periodontitis caused very painful sensitivity to cold water on teeth 26; that disappeared during my infection. The neural "highway" has connections you don't expect(referred pain occurs a lot in therapeutic massage, for example).

Yeah, my first major experience was late November 2019. Might have really started on Nov 24, 2019 and didn't end even by the 7th. I was so unwilling to engage in thought, I was ignoring all emails and phone calls, not even from my own mom. Didn't even bother reading an email from my Hong Kong cousin that my aunt had a stroke; that's how so far I was "out of it". The long symptoms actually did not stop until the next February or March. My focus was limited and "tight" and I felt a sense of desperation that my mental powers need to be allocated most efficiently or else I would be gassed. I recall that January I was spacing out and had to make a trip and I was extremely gassed and irritable at having to travel that far. I don't know if somehow that was merely long symptoms or an extremely fast reinfection.

I've been sleep deprived before but that was another level of fatigue I had never felt in my then-30 years of life. And I was sleeping A LOT for those two weeks, so it should have cleared if it was just sleep deprivation. The stairs? I felt like I ran ten marathons just walking up and down them twice, and then back to bed.

December 20, 2020, my mom had a sudden deterioration of mental capacity and vomited, along with weakness. She could barely hold it together as there was an eviction scheduled that morning. After they left. Then she was driven to the hospital that day(the closest one, Shady Grove, is a place where folks are shipped off to death so I drove her to Holy Cross in Silver Spring). They really couldn't find anything and she recovered. Only potential confounding cause would have been running a Mr. Heater in the living room. Doubt it though, since I personally ran it overnight often in an enclosed bedroom in that same house(with leaky windows, so O2 always came in from the outside) with no ill effects for myself.

As an aside, I do not believe COVID will ever be reduced to the level of a cold or flu if an "endemic" state is reached. It may reduce its severity to that of mumps if certain evolutionary pressures lead to that. But that depends on its unique genetic code.
Reactions: Muse


Dec 15, 2015
Wondering, how much do you trust the official # from around the world? To me I can mostly trust Canada/US/Aussie/NZ/EU(union)/UK/Singa/Taiwan/Jap/SK, the rest are crap shot. Like how can India go from 400k to 40k in a matter of couple weeks? Africa/Brazil/Peru/Mexico/South Asia/China/Russia/East EU likely way under report.
Humans aren't perfect, don't expect official counts anywhere to be accurate... Mostly accurate in some places, not even close in others. Watch for yearly excess deaths, that's where your closest tally comes from, and much harder to fudge those numbers.
Reactions: Muse


Jul 11, 2001
You and I have been following this on here since the beginning .... what I'm getting at is that the "official best advice" has changed multiple times based on some fairly sketchy reasoning especially with masks.

Remember when it comes to the American public a SIGNIFICANT % are so freaking stupid and ignorant they will literally believe ANYTHING.

Mixed messaging at this point is doing more harm than good.
I highly recommend the zDoggMD & Dr. Monica Ghandi ~58 minute video I linked a few posts above. They assiduously make that very point, that the messaging has been highly inconsistent and often proven wrong in short order and that this has served to create hesitancy to accept official recommendations. They also dive into information that's deep and revelatory that addresses questions any 1/2 intelligent person should have at this point. I have started watching it a 2nd time and I'm understanding some important points that eluded me on first watch:

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