NOT HOT! BestBuy's new PM policies

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Senior member
Jun 8, 2004
Okay, normally I just skim through this forum and read the great deals, but this post just really pissed me off. So I joined just to say what's on my mind.

I work at Best Buy. I've been there for over a year now, and I feel that those of you who talk bad about the stores are either babies because you didn't get your way on something you shouldn't have anyway, or that you just live near a bad store. I love working at the store I work at (in Houston). The managers are all really nice and work to make the customers happy. In fact, that might be a reason why we are one of the top stores in the company. Anyways, very few people that I know that work at my store are not knowledgable on at least the products in their departments. Yeah, some of them do talk to eachother when customers are around, but not all of them. The sales reps all have (well, are supposed to be, anyways) to be at least 18 to work the sales floor as well.

I just feel like the view of Best Buy is overall skewed because of the people who love to complain. Then again, that's how views are always distorted. It's easier to point out the mistakes and downsides than it is to do the opposite. In the entire time that I have worked at best buy, I have seen less than five customers get very upset because of lack of service, and I have only had simple problems (customers who were just mean in general) with a couple of people.

As to the PM policy, our managers have us call the store that's located closest to us everytime if it even goes that far, as most the time they just have us take the ad and do the PM. They have us PM on internet ads after we log onto the site ourselves to check and verify that there is no shipping costs, because otherwise that would be factored in to the total PM cost. Other than that, PM at our store as well as a couple of others in the Northwest Houston area that I have been to for that purpose has not been a problem either.

I just get very annoyed when I read all these posts about people complaining and wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Thanks for your time!


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: faZZter
"Best Buy, as is any major corperation, is in the market to make money, plain and simple. If tdepartments do not make money, managers are fired. So it is in the best interest of themselves and te company to turn down any deal that would loe the company money." - Namtaru

Not always. If you piss people off they may not ever shop there again.

I would think being cool to the customer and let them get a good deal will pay itself back in continued business with them.

Like I said in my reply I haven't had many issues with BB in my area, in fact they have worked with me many times to pricematch or cut a deal somehow. I'm sure they have sold me some stuff at cost or slightly below, but I still buy other stuff there for close to normal prices occasionally, but if they would have ever really ticked me off I would rarely shop there anymore.

Anyway the point is that a store is better served in the long run by not pissing off customers over a few dollars and one incident.

They piss off people who are trying to rip them off and get something for less than cost? I don't think they will miss em too much....probably would tell them to let the door hit em in the ass on the way out?


Senior member
Nov 17, 2003
Best Buy is one of the worst companies I have had the experience of dealing with!


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
Refer to my post responding to the same thing below. Also, I don't see the point in saving a few bucks when it is going to be a huge amount of hassle on my part that is what I am saying. I would rather not have the item than deal w/ the hassle.

But one of my major points was, that the "hassle" comes from the fact that their are so many loopholes in the "guarantee". My point is that there shouldn't be a hassle trying to take advantage of their pricematch policy, in the first place. It should be a cut-and-dried transaction, and the store should facilitate that, by providing all of the terms up-front, in writing. Maybe just a page that the customer has to sign, or something.

Seems reasonable to me, at least.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2004
Originally posted by: bman46
Best Buy is one of the worst companies I have had the experience of dealing with!

Circuit city has the worse customer service out of any of the stores I have been to.
I was doing the memory deal, and the general manager of the store came over and told me we only price match the price after the rebates are factored in, (which would make CC have the cheaper price after rebates) and then I talked to him for all of 1 minute and was like yeah whatever, just either do the pricematch or do the rebates.

and I actually have had the CSR's at CC lie to me saying they won't pricematch and raise their voice to me and get an attitude, then I calmly pull out a reciept where they pricematched the day before and they shut their mouth and do the pm.

it just depends on the people you deal with, some choose to follow policy like they have been taught, others make up their own policies just to deny customers.


Apr 25, 2001
I agree Best Buy sucks and I hate Best Buy too, and yes, I agree that much of the griping comes from people who did not get their way. On the other hand, as competitive as the retail tech sector is, BB would be well advised to remember that they need to not only get but retain customers. It's just so easy to walk across the parking lot to Circuit City, Good Guys, CompUSA, etc. (Yes, I know they have their problems too.)

The staff as a whole don't know sh!t about the products they sell and don't really care as long as you buy something. That comes down to being an educated consumer and those who frequent a forum like AT will almost always know more than the salesperson. I do feel badly for people who go there not knowing jack about some electronic gizmo and being fed BS by the salesperson.

I just vote with my wallet. I rarely buy anything from BB. The last thing I bought was a $14 Case Logic case. For the serious tech stuff I go to other places.


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
Refer to my post responding to the same thing below. Also, I don't see the point in saving a few bucks when it is going to be a huge amount of hassle on my part that is what I am saying. I would rather not have the item than deal w/ the hassle.

But one of my major points was, that the "hassle" comes from the fact that their are so many loopholes in the "guarantee". My point is that there shouldn't be a hassle trying to take advantage of their pricematch policy, in the first place. It should be a cut-and-dried transaction, and the store should facilitate that, by providing all of the terms up-front, in writing. Maybe just a page that the customer has to sign, or something.

Seems reasonable to me, at least.

yes it does, I was just responding to that other guys general comment not necessarily about you.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
and stop being a friggin jackass. I am posting non-sarcastic straight responses and you have to post like a little child with posts full of asshole sarcastic remarks. Maybe you acted this way at best buy and didnt get your discount because of that.

"asshole" (from a previous post)
"frigging jackass"
"posts full of asshole sarcastic remarks"

Those are all things that you have called me.

Not to mention, agreeing with M0RPH about me trying to "cheat" BestBuy somehow, which I am certainly not. Several other posters commented about how inaccurate your accusations of me thus far, were.

Were you offended by my sarcastic modified AYB reference? I think it was accurate, because you again launched into an ad-hominim attack with this very post that I am replying to right now.

I thought that was a subtle hiint to stop, as it seems to degrade the thread, but I'm starting to think that you don't care, and are doing it on purpose. If you want to accuse me, fine, but at least have your facts straight, and ad-hominim attacks serve no purpose in an intellectual discussion. Have I called you/ any of those things that you called me that I listed above? I don't think so...


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Bird222
Exactly. These stores should follow there policy TO THE LETTER. If there policy somehow allows them to be taken advantage of, then they need to hire some new lawyers and change their policy. But they probably won't do that because it is a form of bait to get you to shop there. Giving me lame excuses about 'the price being too low' doesn't not cut it. If I am following your OWN stated policy and I get a killer deal, to bad (actually you should probably thank me and welcome me back again). To me this stuff is about as bad as false advertising a price.

Did you read my "Coffee & Doughnuts Policy" analogy? What did you think?

Originally posted by: Bird222
One of the reasons, I shop at Wal-Mart is that they are good about refunds. When you buy something you are accepting not only the store's price but also their policies.

A lot of people don't know this, because they don't have a huge sign plastered up in the front of the store like the other chains, but WalMart does have a price-match policy. In fact, you don't even need to go up to the customer-service desk to do it, they told me both times I did one to simply go through the actual checkout line, and bring the ad flyer from the competitor. At that point, most cashiers probably have never done a pricematch in their short "career" at WalMart, so they usually end up calling over a person from the customer-service desk to help them process it. But overall, the process is pretty painless, the two times that I've done it, there was no "debate" like at some of the other stores. They ring it much like a discount coupon, and want to cut out or keep the ad for their drawer.

One thing that WalMart will not do, however, is price-match other WalMart stores, nor WalMart's online site. Each store is independent, and competes with each other, apparently.

I agree with the comments about their refund policy, they tend to be more on the generous side. So does Sears. Both of them "bend over backwards" to give you good customer-service. (That being said, I feel bad for some of the customer-sevice people at WalMart. I've seen so many people, try to "scam" them by returning things, that have been clearly used for quite some period of time. I saw one person returning a computer, in its orignal box, all beat-up. It looked like a model that was nearly a year old. I think that they took it back. Wow.) I think that of everything that I've returned at WalMart, most items were unopened, one was a DVD movie that I got as a present, and one was a defective item that I exchanged for same. They did seem somewhat suspicious about me returning the unopened DVD movie without a reciept, they only gave me store credit (fine with me), but I think that they thought that perhaps I stole the DVD or something. I assume that WalMart, being as large as it is, has a fairly decent amount of "shrink" to contend with. Every time I shop there, while I'm waiting in line, I always hear the "boung" sound of their "inventory-control" system going off at the door, as people walk out, usually multiple times, as long as it is that you have to wait in line there.

(The one thing that I DONT like, is the reciept-checker guy at the door, some big black dude that always gives a sort of evil-eye when I leave the store without buying anything. Most of the time, that's because I only stopped in there to check out their electronics clearance deals, in search of some sort of bargain. No respect for "window shoppers" these days, I guess.)

Originally posted by: Bird222
If they try to change the game AFTER you have purchased, I think that is fraud. On occasions I ask what the refund policy is before I buy just to make sure I agree with it. And sometimes business take a hit in the name of customer service. I had a raincheck from an out-of-town OM for a $30 UPS. The manager told me that they don't usually honor rainchecks from other stores and went to investigate it. He discovered that it was a price error but STILL gave it to me at that price because he said 'THE STORE ACTUALLY ADVERTISED IT AT THAT PRICE'. Will I still shop at OM, of course I will.

Sounds like you had a good experience at OM. My experiences there have been mixed. My local store, mostly good, some bad. Another store not far, mostly bad. Asked CSR to check computer for inventory on item, had SKU number on me, he refused to bother checking the computer, gave me the standard line "if we had any, they would be out on the shelf". However, at that same store, I once got an older CSR, was asking about the clearance CD-RW drives, mentioned "Lite-On", and with that, he offered to go check in the front security lock-up area for any drives, and spent about five minutes looking. I think he must have been a AT Hot-Deal'er himself.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Namtaru
I did not read this whole thread but did read the first post.

I work at Best Buy and will absolutely agree that sometimes our managers can be complete tards and won't pricematch anything.

But that's sort of part of the irony here - I went to BestBuy initially to buy this product, because previously, I had recieved, what I would term at least good customer-service. I had no problem PM'ing several times, and was shot down once prior, for what turned out to be a valid reason. (Along with once being told off-hand by a young CSR "we can't match that, that's too [low]" and subsequently quickly ignored. I asked for the manager, showed him the ad, and five minutes later I was paying cash for the item. He know the policy, and PM'ed no problem.)

Originally posted by: Namtaru
But there are a few things i wanted to point out.
Best Buy, as is any major corperation, is in the market to make money, plain and simple. If tdepartments do not make money, managers are fired. So it is in the best interest of themselves and te company to turn down any deal that would loe the company money.

Even if that "deal" is (apparently) offered to the customer, as a "guarantee" in big letters on the wall at the front of the store? Isn't that misleading to customers, if there is an unwritten additional clause, "as long as we don't lose money on the deal - in that case, all guarantees are void"? Effectively, if that's the case, then that's false advertising.

All that policy on the front wall says, is to bring in "verification" of a competitor's price. There is no further explaination what constitutes a valid form of "verification". I think CC's policy mentions a competitor's printed ad explicitly. My beef with BB's policy is that it is ambiguous, that that can lead to debates because of those ambiguities, and those are unproductive from both a customer-service as well as an employee-time POV. The policy should be clearly spelled out, in enough specific detail to foreclose on any debate in the manner, and made available to the customer in writing, or scrapped entirely, IMO.

Originally posted by: Namtaru
Secondly, about your "new" PM policies.

I worked there for 3 years and started 5 years ago.

What you described in your post was in NO way any different from what they have taught me and showed me in the last 5 years. The practices are still the exact same.

Well, I was told differently, by a current manager at my local store - that CSRs are "no longer" allowed to call competitor's stores. That would imply that the policy has changed.

This was interesting to me, because previously, I have had BB CSRs phone other stores for PM purposes.
I've also had other stores, like CC, phone or check a competitor's web site, to verify stock.

I've also had both CC and BB check competitor's web sites, to verify a PM. So it's clear that they can do so. Whether they are willing or not is another matter.

The point is - up until now, I've recieved a certain level of customer service, that including BB CSRs checking web sites and phoning other stores during the verification process of a PM.

I've been told that those are no longer allowed. Therefore, I've been told that I will now recieve a lower level of customer-service from here-on out. So yes, something has clearly "changed". I'm sure that my personal shopping habits will probably also change because of that.

Originally posted by: Namtaru
Also, 99% of situations like yours, where people want to come in and PM to a rediculous price, is because of mail in rebates, special circumstances, and other things, which is CLEARLY stated in their policy they do not cover.

So just because you didn't get your way and screw over a company, don't be a cry baby and whine on the internet about it.

Oh, ok, here come the insults, thanks.

I wasn't asking them to match a competitior's MIR, or anything like that. I was simply asking them to PM a local retail competitor's out-the-door price on an item, which was $60. BB has the same item, with effective after-rebate price of $70. So how is asking them to sell me that product at $60 OTD a "rediculous price" [sic]?

And how am I acting to "screw over a company" over trying to take advantage of their stated price-match policy?

My impetus for my initial post, was motivated by my refused PM, but what was really more interesting, was why , and I thought those facts were very relevant information to the AT HotDeals community. If it hasn't been, I apologize, but it seems to have sparked a fairly lively conversation here.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
yes it does, I was just responding to that other guys general comment not necessarily about you.

Oh, sorry. Maybe I take things too personally at times, especially when quoted when my name's on it.

Edit: Ok, let's agree to not insult each other, ok? I did read your other post about your experiences in retail, it was interesting, and not an attack on anyone. I thought that you were just posting in this thread to attack people, and I apologize for that. Perhaps my false impression of that was what fueled some of my sarcastic remarks.

(And no, I wasn't sarcastic nor insulting when trying to do the PM, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible. Unfortunatly, I was mostly ignored.)


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: chrisbtx
Okay, normally I just skim through this forum and read the great deals, but this post just really pissed me off. So I joined just to say what's on my mind.

I work at Best Buy. I've been there for over a year now, and I feel that those of you who talk bad about the stores are either babies because you didn't get your way on something you shouldn't have anyway, or that you just live near a bad store. I love working at the store I work at (in Houston). The managers are all really nice and work to make the customers happy. In fact, that might be a reason why we are one of the top stores in the company. Anyways, very few people that I know that work at my store are not knowledgable on at least the products in their departments. Yeah, some of them do talk to eachother when customers are around, but not all of them. The sales reps all have (well, are supposed to be, anyways) to be at least 18 to work the sales floor as well.

I just feel like the view of Best Buy is overall skewed because of the people who love to complain. Then again, that's how views are always distorted. It's easier to point out the mistakes and downsides than it is to do the opposite. In the entire time that I have worked at best buy, I have seen less than five customers get very upset because of lack of service, and I have only had simple problems (customers who were just mean in general) with a couple of people.

As to the PM policy, our managers have us call the store that's located closest to us everytime if it even goes that far, as most the time they just have us take the ad and do the PM. They have us PM on internet ads after we log onto the site ourselves to check and verify that there is no shipping costs, because otherwise that would be factored in to the total PM cost. Other than that, PM at our store as well as a couple of others in the Northwest Houston area that I have been to for that purpose has not been a problem either.

I just get very annoyed when I read all these posts about people complaining and wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Thanks for your time!

I don't think that BB in general is bad, but I do believe they have some issues with their policies that need to be addressed. I have no problem believing that you have good manages at your store, and that they were very good when it comes to PMs, but you can't just assume that every other BB is the same way. Unfortunately, some stores do NOT have good management, and do NOT do very well with Pms. That is the problem that needs to be addressed, in that it just depends on which BB you go into whether you will get a PM or not. They need to just make a clear, set policy, that every store follows the same way, so people will not be confused and wonder why one BB won't give them a PM, but the one down the street will.

By the way which store do you work at, I shop at several BB in Houston, but I might as well come to the one that I know has good service!


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: bman46
Best Buy is one of the worst companies I have had the experience of dealing with!
Amen! Preach it Bro! And you can add Gateway to that list of seriously FLAWED companies.If you shop long enbough at Beast Buy you WILL get screwed, you will have NO recourse because the COMPANY just doesn't GIVE a DAMN!

I notice the BB employees have joined the thread to support their crappy company. You are in a dead end job and i accept your wasted effort and time in trying to defend an INdefensible and arrogant company.



Oct 26, 2000
Good lord, how much collective time has been wasted in this crapfest?

Don't like best buy? Don't shop there. Seems easy enough.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Sifl
Good lord, how much collective time has been wasted in this crapfest?

Don't like best buy? Don't shop there. Seems easy enough.
It seems about every 6 months there is another mega - hateBB thread that surfaces in OT or here.

must be some TRUTH that BB is a rotton company to deal with . . .

I post here as a WARNING those who haven't been burned - YET - by Beast Buy's horrible customer "service" and incomprehensible PM/refund/exchange "policies" that are designed to suit themselves.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: chrisbtx
Okay, normally I just skim through this forum and read the great deals, but this post just really pissed me off. So I joined just to say what's on my mind.

I work at Best Buy. I've been there for over a year now, and I feel that those of you who talk bad about the stores are either babies because you didn't get your way on something you shouldn't have anyway, or that you just live near a bad store. I love working at the store I work at (in Houston). The managers are all really nice and work to make the customers happy. In fact, that might be a reason why we are one of the top stores in the company. Anyways, very few people that I know that work at my store are not knowledgable on at least the products in their departments. Yeah, some of them do talk to eachother when customers are around, but not all of them. The sales reps all have (well, are supposed to be, anyways) to be at least 18 to work the sales floor as well.

I've seem young people working at my local store, that I would be hard-pressed to assume that they were at least 18. I don't hold that against them, certainly not. But I do expect at least a certain level of professionalism from them. I actually haven't ever seen any direct correlation between unprofessionalism and youth though, although I have seen a correlation between knowledge/experience and youth.

I was also fairly impressed with the knowledge that most of the guys working in the computer (video cards/HDs/etc) section had on products and computers in general. Then again, I'm on the east-coast, and with all of the corporate downsizing that happened the last few years, there's a surplus of knowledgeable computer people to go around, it seems.

Originally posted by: chrisbtx
I just feel like the view of Best Buy is overall skewed because of the people who love to complain. Then again, that's how views are always distorted. It's easier to point out the mistakes and downsides than it is to do the opposite. In the entire time that I have worked at best buy, I have seen less than five customers get very upset because of lack of service, and I have only had simple problems (customers who were just mean in general) with a couple of people.

Hmm, point taken. I did not start a thread, each time that BestBuy did give me a sucessful price-match, but to be fair, most of them were deals that I learned about on ATHD, and I did post about my PM success inside the thread(s). I suppose more motivated by human-nature to brag about getting in on the deal, than to heap kudos on BestBuy, but the reader is free to intepret it either way.

Originally posted by: chrisbtx
As to the PM policy, our managers have us call the store that's located closest to us everytime if it even goes that far, as most the time they just have us take the ad and do the PM. They have us PM on internet ads after we log onto the site ourselves to check and verify that there is no shipping costs, because otherwise that would be factored in to the total PM cost. Other than that, PM at our store as well as a couple of others in the Northwest Houston area that I have been to for that purpose has not been a problem either.

See, to me, that's good customer-service, and the type and level of customer-service that I had been recieving. I was happy with it, which is why I went back to BestBuy. I know it sounds so basic and simple but treat a customer right - they'll want to go back. Treat a customer wrongly, or raise their expectations and then disappoint them, and they'll most likely leave and not come back.

(As an aside - Dell understands that, that's why those insane rebate deals, they usually come through in the end, because Dell understands customer-service on a long-term scale.)

Originally posted by: chrisbtx
I just get very annoyed when I read all these posts about people complaining and wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Thanks for your time!

Well, I honestly didn't start this as a "bestbuy sucks thread", more of a "look - new PM policy issues, check this out!"

It's interesting to contrast your post with Namtaru's post, because he claims that my store's "new" policies are the ones that he's had all along, and yet my store's "old" policies match up nicely with what you've described as the working policies at your store. I find it interesting that your store PM's internet sites - does the PM policy on your wall, have a clause "(excludes internet offers)" or something like that?

I have nothing against stores not pricematching random sites on the internet, but IMO they should PM prices of a local retail competitor, even if those prices are advertised on that competitor's web site. The issues at hand are the store, and the prices of the items, not whether those prices were conveyed via the internet, radio or television ads, or printed ads. As long as the store is a retail competitor, and the price is good to go (and in-stock), and all of those are verifiable, then it seems quite reasonable to assume that a PM should be forthcoming, especially if presented to a customer as a "guarantee".

The CSR handling the PM, should have the responsibility to verify all of the above, and in that process of verification, if the CSR needs to call another store, or check a web site, they should do that, IMHO.

As you describe, chrisbtx, your store apparently does that. That's excellent! A very commendable level of customer-service.

But it's clear from the varied responses, that the level of service presented to the customer at BestBuy (and other stores, certainly), is very much a YMMV, and there seems to be a small but sad number of cases of CSRs that enjoy "power-tripping" on the customer, to deny them things, just for the sake of denying them. (Not just at BB, I've read anecdotes in this and other threads about the same things happening at CC and Staples and OM. too.) Btw, for the record, I did not encounter that behaviour at my store, all of the CSRs were amiable, although some seemed to have a minor "attitude", but I attributed it to working a long day on a Saturday and nothing else, certainly not spite.

It might surprise some of the people attempting to criticize me, that I've also been on the other side of the price-match issue, when I worked for some time for a smaller computer reseller that did computer shows. So yeah, I've worked "retail" too, and I do know what it's like to deal with customers, and theft.

Anyways - during the heydays, we used to get all kinds of customers coming in asking if we would price-match, usually with a web-site printout. Now, for those that weren't around on the internet when started - they had a very unique pie-in-the-sky business model. Their business model, was to sell computer products at retail, intentionally below cost. Really, they were trying to screw all other (mostly B&M at the time) retailers, by using their extremely inflated wad of cash to absorb any losses, while they attempted to grab aggressive market-share. The "loss" that they encountered on items, was to be made up for by internet advertising. (Remember, this was before the "crash", and internet advertising was the Next Big Thing, with ad revenues projected to exceed even television advertising, IIRC.)

Eventually, the crash happened, changed their business model to be something a bit less "extreme", and hey, they survived the crash. (It's pretty clear that their pie-in-the-sky business model, like most dreams, was in the long term unsustainable. You can't stay in business selling goods below cost.)

Another thing that people should know, if they've never been to a "computer show", it's sort of like a flea market, but with most sellers mostly selling new goods, a lot of OEM stuff too, moreso than retail-box kit.

This is a short-term, hyper-competitive environment, with emphasis on making lots of sales, quickly. Price-matching in this environment, is almost a way of life. It's kind of like a stock market. For most common items, a customer can go to any number of dealer booths to get, and at any number of range of prices. This is where customer-service, in some cases, can be a clear differentiator as well. The fellow that I worked for, was one of the larger, and more legit dealers. He offered warrantees, had a fairly generous return policy, etc. Unlike some of the other dealers, many of whom didn't speak much english at all, some fly-by-nighters, etc. Unfortunately, because he bought legit goods, from legit distributors that backed up their goods with dealer warrantees as well, his prices were sometimes higher than some other dealers.

Here's where comes in, and why customers asking to price-match's "below cost" prices really was a PITA. See, was actually started by/owned by, one of the largest wholesale distributors, one of whom this dealer purchased wholesale goods from. Literally, retail customers could purchase the same goods directly over the internet, for less than he could get them for wholesale, in quantity It was quite frankly a rediculous situation, he was effectively in a channel price-war with his own distributor for customers. So I had to tell customers that no, sorry, we simply can't match's price, oftentimes that was literally below our cost. I tried to explain how their price model was flawed, and how that was hurting other smaller retailers, including outselves. I would also try to suggest to the customer that they could save the time and extra expense of mail-order, by purchasing the product right then and there, and I usually offered them a discount. Some customers simply didn't want to pay more than's artificially-low price for the item, and walked away. Some of them recognized the value of the customer-service that a local dealer with legit warrantees and reasonable prices could provide, and purchased things there. It was a tradeoff.

On the whole, it was an exciting experience working in that sort of an enviroment, but it was also very, very stressful. While there was a large pressure to make sales quickly, I tended to sometimes chat with customers about technical issues, and often gave them simple tech-support advice for free. My boss wasn't always happy with me doing this, but I also we also had quite a few solid repeat customers that we would always see at the same show locations, and some of them even came back and personally thanked me for my suggestions and helping them choose a product or fix an issue that they had with something. So I know that customer-service does mean something, and repeat customers can often be your best customers. I also know what it's like to work in a crazy, fast paced environment, where price-matching is the word of the day. It was fun.

Btw, we didn't have an sort of explicit price-match policy, generally it was understood that all of the dealers at a computer show would "deal", more or less. It is a very purely-capitalistic supply-demand setting. We did have a printed return/warrantee policy that we gave to customers, either with a purchase or if they asked for it.

So that's the story of my background/experience, on the "other side of the fence", on these issues.


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
and stop being a friggin jackass. I am posting non-sarcastic straight responses and you have to post like a little child with posts full of asshole sarcastic remarks. Maybe you acted this way at best buy and didnt get your discount because of that.

"asshole" (from a previous post)
"frigging jackass"
"posts full of asshole sarcastic remarks"

Those are all things that you have called me.

Not to mention, agreeing with M0RPH about me trying to "cheat" BestBuy somehow, which I am certainly not. Several other posters commented about how inaccurate your accusations of me thus far, were.

Were you offended by my sarcastic modified AYB reference? I think it was accurate, because you again launched into an ad-hominim attack with this very post that I am replying to right now.

I thought that was a subtle hiint to stop, as it seems to degrade the thread, but I'm starting to think that you don't care, and are doing it on purpose. If you want to accuse me, fine, but at least have your facts straight, and ad-hominim attacks serve no purpose in an intellectual discussion. Have I called you/ any of those things that you called me that I listed above? I don't think so...

Well here comes the sarcasm again! I only posted those words after you posted sarcastic remark after sarcastic remark and you simply cannot deny that fact. What aree ad-hominim remarks? Shoot, you could call me ad hominin and it wouldn't bother me in the least. Being a sarcastic jerk is a completely different story....


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Originally posted by: lMlHuxley
yes it does, I was just responding to that other guys general comment not necessarily about you.

Oh, sorry. Maybe I take things too personally at times, especially when quoted when my name's on it.

Edit: Ok, let's agree to not insult each other, ok? I did read your other post about your experiences in retail, it was interesting, and not an attack on anyone. I thought that you were just posting in this thread to attack people, and I apologize for that. Perhaps my false impression of that was what fueled some of my sarcastic remarks.

(And no, I wasn't sarcastic nor insulting when trying to do the PM, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible. Unfortunatly, I was mostly ignored.)

I can be nice if you stop being so sarcastic. Extreme sarcasm drives me absolutely nuts! I can handle being civil and would much rather act that way and don't blame me for your sarcastic remarks. You have a deal, we will be nice


Jan 16, 2000
Employee cost is 5% over cost. If the price is lower than 5% margin, employees get no discount (closeout items and 9.99 cds for example).

These prices ARE accurate, as GMP is tracked by department and you can see % change according to what you would expect.

Notebook margin is on avg 6%- Desktops are about 7%. This is BEFORE rebates. If you get $350 rebates on a package deal or $250 on a notebook BB OR ANY OTHER RETAILER IS LOSING MONEY. So come in and buy that $2500 Sony Media Center Package with nothing else on it. You will tank a departments numbers for the day.

Some costs are recuipted through weekly adds though (manufactures pay to be in the ads and on sale to increase exposure).

Just keep bitching about the policies- Or maybe you could stop bitching, buy some BB stock, and make more money than you would have saved with your little PM rip offs-


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
The horror, sarcasm drives lMlHuxley nuts! No kidding! You insulted VirtualLarry, insunuated he wanted to scam Worst Buy, etc., etc., and now you insist that no sarcastic remarks be posted here. I think VirtualLarry is being too nice and patient with you. To quote Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, "lMlHuxley, you're a jerk... an absolute kneebiter" (the British edition has a slightly stronger insult but I'll leave it at that).


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Dyre
Employee cost is 5% over cost. If the price is lower than 5% margin, employees get no discount (closeout items and 9.99 cds for example).

These prices ARE accurate, as GMP is tracked by department and you can see % change according to what you would expect.

Notebook margin is on avg 6%- Desktops are about 7%. This is BEFORE rebates. If you get $350 rebates on a package deal or $250 on a notebook BB OR ANY OTHER RETAILER IS LOSING MONEY. So come in and buy that $2500 Sony Media Center Package with nothing else on it. You will tank a departments numbers for the day.

Some costs are recuipted through weekly adds though (manufactures pay to be in the ads and on sale to increase exposure).

Just keep bitching about the policies- Or maybe you could stop bitching, buy some BB stock, and make more money than you would have saved with your little PM rip offs-

Well like I said earlier I personally don't ever PM and usually don't do rebates either. I mainly buy dvds and things like that from BB, but if they want to give rebates on things that loses them money, than that is their problem. If they are losing money, than they shouldn't offer the rebates, if it's a manufacturers rebate, than they aren't paying for it, so how can they be losing money? And how is a PM a rip off? I don't see why people are getting bitched at for taking advantage of a corporate policy. If the policy is so bad, then why don't they get rid of it? If they don't, then why should people get bashed because they want to take part in a legitimate offer?

(Just to make it clear I'm not bashing you, I just don't see why you say getting a PM is a rip off)


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by: fornax
The horror, sarcasm drives lMlHuxley nuts! No kidding! You insulted VirtualLarry, insunuated he wanted to scam Worst Buy, etc., etc., and now you insist that no sarcastic remarks be posted here. I think VirtualLarry is being too nice and patient with you. To quote Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, "lMlHuxley, you're a jerk... an absolute kneebiter" (the British edition has a slightly stronger insult but I'll leave it at that).

shut up asshole, your quiddish english term for "i love you" is real tasteful.


Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Dyre
Employee cost is 5% over cost. If the price is lower than 5% margin, employees get no discount (closeout items and 9.99 cds for example).

These prices ARE accurate, as GMP is tracked by department and you can see % change according to what you would expect.

Notebook margin is on avg 6%- Desktops are about 7%. This is BEFORE rebates. If you get $350 rebates on a package deal or $250 on a notebook BB OR ANY OTHER RETAILER IS LOSING MONEY. So come in and buy that $2500 Sony Media Center Package with nothing else on it. You will tank a departments numbers for the day.

Some costs are recuipted through weekly adds though (manufactures pay to be in the ads and on sale to increase exposure).

Just keep bitching about the policies- Or maybe you could stop bitching, buy some BB stock, and make more money than you would have saved with your little PM rip offs-

maybe one day you'll see the real numbers..


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry

.. snipped - lots of gibberish -

So that's the story of my background/experience, on the "other side of the fence", on these issues.

You ramble on way too much. You need to be more succint with your arguments.


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Sifl
Good lord, how much collective time has been wasted in this crapfest?

Don't like best buy? Don't shop there. Seems easy enough.

Gotta go with Sifl thought. As much as I hate to add to this mess, I agree ... say your mind with your money.

Everyone has had bad experiences somewhere and you as an individual have to determine if it is bad enough to make you change your habits in the future. If so, shop elsewhere and if not go to BB if you choose.

Most aggravating are the employees that are responding. Do me a favor and let your bosses know you said anything to anyone on any board about your employment at BB and tried to defend the company. If they care, they will probably be angry at you as it isn't your job (unless you are PR and you definately aren't if you are posting statements here). If they don't care (most likely) they will say that there are customers that have good experiences and they come back and there is no need to talk to the nay sayers. Note to employees of BB: You will change no opinions here.

To stay on topic though, BB has the craziest pricematching policy that I know of. I am sure there are other companies in that short list too but you would figure that BB would pricematch there own website which on two separate occasions they have not done for me. I wasn't trying to cheat them or game them and in fact, I made many retail full-price purchases from them around the same time. At the end of the day, it is a crazy policy which some BB stores don't honor even in it's most conservative read. Make the policy clear and make it make sense and I won't question or complain. To some extent, I won't complain anyway, I will just spend my money elsewhere.

Now back to your regularly scheduled flaming.
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