NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by: theloneraven
Just FYI, for anyone who hasn't requested a refund yet, here's the email address for CW refund process, Mr. Almighty CEO has also claimed that he has "authorized" Paypal to give refunds to anyone who asks for it. I'd suggest that you go to Paypal directly. If my refunds are not processed by CW soon, I am gonna file for direct Paypal refund too.

how do u file a refund from paypal?...i didn't see any links..
i have $15 i want back...
2 accts with them...will close one and let the other one sit...

Kwad Guy

Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
Well, I have to say that after visiting RSG2's link. there really cannot be any question that
CEO is on the up-and-up. There's photographic proof. And it does look to me that the new
facility is bigger than the old, just as CEO promised.




Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
BTW, I found it curious that RackShack has issued a notice that the 10 day delinquent account rule will be enforced. Chmod 000 anyone ?

I think that's the next domino to fall. Shawn has already said that the servers in RackShack would be "moved", and that those customers on those servers should backup their data ASAP.

If I can be so presumptuous as to engage in some rampant speculation, gazing into my crystal ball I see:

the account at RackShack has the plug pulled on it also
all CW accounts are now offline, including the CW status site
Shawn, when he finally surfaces, blames the RackShack termination on some sort of conspiracy, threatens to sue RackShack, and once again appeals for support and understanding from his "community".

Oh yeah, and then he'll add that the servers in Virginia will be up by next weekend


Senior member
Jun 25, 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiles, Jamie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: Information Request - n/a

> They have indeed placed an order with us, not certain if it has been
> activated yet, but if not will be in the next week or so.
> Thank you
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:46 PM
> To: Cogent Communications
> Subject: Information Request - n/a
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The following information was sent as part of an information request
> the form located at
> If a question appears at the end, the form location is
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: contact name
> Title: n/a
> -------------------
> Company Information
> -------------------
> n/a
> address
> Suite:
> city,state zip
> (555/0 555-5555
> FAX:
> Website:
> -They are an ISP
> -Their primary business activity is: n/a
> -Their primary use of Internet access is: Web Browsing
> -Their internet connection is:
> -How fast is their internet connection? Greater than 1.54 Mbps
> -How many employees at their location? 1 - 50
> -------------------------------------------------
> ***OPT OUT*** User wishes to opt out of receiving further information from
> Cogent
> -Their question is:
> As you may or may not be aware of, Cyberwings recently "temporarily" shut
> down its hosting service. They haven't provided an adequate explanation,
> but have noted that negotiations with Lightship have failed, and have
> them to have to relocate.
> Their current claim is that they are relocating to an unspecified location
> in Virginia with T-3 lines provided by AT&T and Sprint, and a 100Mbps line
> provided by you, Cogent.
> As of yet, the CEO of Cyberwings has not provided any concrete evidence of
> this supposed move. As such, many of us, the customers, are rigorously
> trying to find out as much as possible regarding this move.
> Do you know if Cyberwings, or Shawn White have indeed contracted a 100mbps
> line from you and whether or not it is indeed active as Shawn White
> Thank you.



Sep 20, 2001
And just when Wolfgang was about to be alone in the wilderness, along comes that one little speck of hope to string it out ever further (cause I'm really not done being entertained yet)...He just might pull this one out yet...with the 100 or so customers he'll have left...

Kenric Tam

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiles, Jamie" <>
To: (Edited out to protect the buy whe sent it to me from spam and other useless questioning)
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: Information Request - n/a

> They have indeed placed an order with us, not certain if it has been
> activated yet, but if not will be in the next week or so.
> Thank you
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:46 PM
> To: Cogent Communications
> Subject: Information Request - n/a
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The following information was sent as part of an information request
> the form located at
> If a question appears at the end, the form location is
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: Kenric Tam
> Title: n/a
> -------------------
> Company Information
> -------------------
> n/a
> Cut.
> Suite:
> Chopped
> Sliced
> FAX:
> E-MAIL:Edited again...same reason
> Website:
> -They are an ISP
> -Their primary business activity is: n/a
> -Their primary use of Internet access is: Web Browsing
> -Their internet connection is:
> -How fast is their internet connection? Greater than 1.54 Mbps
> -How many employees at their location? 1 - 50
> -------------------------------------------------
> ***OPT OUT*** User wishes to opt out of receiving further information from
> Cogent
> -Their question is:
> As you may or may not be aware of, Cyberwings recently "temporarily" shut
> down its hosting service. They haven't provided an adequate explanation,
> but have noted that negotiations with Lightship have failed, and have
caused them to have to relocate.
> Their current claim is that they are relocating to an unspecified location
> in Virginia with T-3 lines provided by AT&T and Sprint, and a 100Mbps line
> provided by you, Cogent.
> As of yet, the CEO of Cyberwings has not provided any concrete evidence of
> this supposed move. As such, many of us, the customers, are rigorously
> trying to find out as much as possible regarding this move.
> Do you know if Cyberwings, or Shawn White have indeed contracted a 100mbps
> line from you and whether or not it is indeed active as Shawn White claims?
> Thank you.


Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: slycat
Originally posted by: theloneraven
Just FYI, for anyone who hasn't requested a refund yet, here's the email address for CW refund process, Mr. Almighty CEO has also claimed that he has "authorized" Paypal to give refunds to anyone who asks for it. I'd suggest that you go to Paypal directly. If my refunds are not processed by CW soon, I am gonna file for direct Paypal refund too.

how do u file a refund from paypal?...i didn't see any links..
i have $15 i want back...
2 accts with them...will close one and let the other one sit...

Log into your paypal account then click here.


Sep 20, 2001
I'm getting too slow...

And by the way (Back to routing loops) - why wouldn't the links go down all at once? Labgeek proposes a theory that fits, sure enough, but I don't see why the links just don't get shutdown at once...Was that supposed to be a warning shot across the bow? I'm not sure how likely that is...I still tend to believe that they had some of their own problems that they aren't fessing up to either. Whether that explains this whole mess, I don't know (and don't find likely, but it could be possible...)

Any way, the order is in to Cogent for that fiber (probably SpiderWire braided monofilament for redundancy), so all should be good soon...


Jan 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Brasscat
OK - everyone -- this will help straighten out the HARD DRIVE MESS....

You can see the actual HDD product picture HERE and HERE.

It does exist. I guess score ONE for Shawn!



Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Wait, we were told the connection is up and running? Why is Cogent lying?!?! It's a conspiracy!!!

Looks like those triple super secret nondisclosure agreements arent as airtight as they used to be.


Senior member
Nov 22, 2000
I can't believe I read through every post on this thread when I have no idea how to web host, nor do I have an account with CW.

I stopped reading my New York Times and Wall Street Journal papers so I can find time to read this's a lot more entertaining.

I can't believe I post also...


Senior member
May 5, 2000
PPL, Shawn is right, about the super Data Center shared with the government !!!
"I CANNOT take new pictures of the NEW DC due to FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVERS being on this site with us. Period. If you do not like that, sorry, it's the way it goes."

From inside CW sources, I was notified ----

"...that Shawn will post an approved picture of the facility shared with NASA and the CIA. ... "For all the Naysayer, I ignore you..." but to show you that my word is a true word, I have taken pictures by the servers while shaking hands with Yasser Arafat (another good client of the facility), a good friend of mine, a man that speaks the truth, all the time, and always, same as I do....

Before I go, I would like to mention that the $1 life time dedicated server offer, is still available, and only 1,000,000 of them left. Since Paypal is in Cahoots with our paying customers and stopped cater our company, I would suggest to rush your payments IN CASH, (this way you would not loose any service or down time, and your order will be expedited). Also, *I* need volunteers to get all the naysayer off my back. Each such volunteer will get the next issue of - "How to drive at 20 mph on the fast lane, while you loose weight at the rate of 10000 rpm - and still beat up the cops" all FREE.

All this information will be posted on OUR website - today, not later then by next month."

This letter and the information is really encouraged me to stay and support (along with Wolfi) CW in all of their up coming business venture.


Apr 20, 2002
Brass: it's funny but not that funny to post twice, not funny funny. Thank you wolfgang for your fervent dedication to trying to see the optimism in this quagmire. It seems that perhaps the muck has gotten so thick that even you can no longer see a way out.

Looong long ago in a galaxy far away in June I first got embroiled in this by thanking CEO for joining AT and then asking him to provide proof as in articles of incorporation. This was after him detailing to us how he was an child genius who never graduated from college, was multilingual, owned ~6? houses, several corvettes, and countless other grande details of his personal life. He also said he had a gilrfriend and we all now see that is likely false, although no wonder he would tell a farse in this case when you see the juvenile homophobia popping up in some AT responses to the fact he could be (gasp) gay.

It would be difficult to keep track of the litany and exact statements from CEO over time that have not come to pass but here is just a smattering. I simply do not have that much hard drive space to dedicate to IRC logs nor time pouring over all their rubbish.

[*]Not filed as a corporation of any form until mid-June. Denied by CEO repeatedly. I personally filed a complaint/inquiry but have heard nothing.
[*]Selling newsgroup spam items from Cyberwings as late as September last year, and from CEO's email account. Denied by CEO although the proof is in the archives.
[*]CEO took donations to alleviate an upstream shortage in March? How independently wealthy or solid in your business plan can you be to need to take paypal donations to fix a weekend shortage?
[*] CEO used to state in chat that Cyberwings was profitable on its ownsorry no chat logs for proof), lately he has stated Cyberwings is a pit of money loss adn he uses figures ranging from 100k to 144k out of his personal account.
[*]30 new servers, 10,000rpm 120gig drives that dont exist and repeatedly have been affirmed as 10,000rpm 120gig WD drives.
[*]was in process of transferring assets all last week to VA, this week we find out that was simply not true
[*]he is unable to disclose the datacenter location or pictures of the site due to privacy concerns?
[*]what other things have I missed in detailing this debacle?

Note that I have left off things like his emotional deterioration calling people pathetic, petty, threatening to shut down if he didn't feel the love kind of stuff. It just goes on and on and on...


PS- I would officially like to take this moment to tell the multiple Cyberchrist church members who flamed me through email, pm, and on the forum for raising questions about the messiah... thank you for being you


Senior member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: RSG2
See, you just have to have a little faith...and since Kwad isn't keeping us posted enough (Is he out of the loop now? Must have decided to join the naysayers...) I have had to turn to alternate source of info - one who finally has posted the proof that we all need to keep the faith (pics and all). It was the customer testimonials that really convinced me though...No more naysaying - now is the time to buy! Pay now by Paypal and recieve a tube to the righteous sweat of indignation to spinkle upon yourself and be cleansed...

Click here now! Don't delay - you'll be sorry if you don't do it now!

That's freakin' brilliant!

Originally posted by: Night201
Funny web site - just posted on irc a little while ago:


I know this thread covers a lot of pages, but you're missing out in some good posts here


Senior member
Dec 21, 2000
Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting tired of this "CEO-Shawn" crap? We get the picture, he is the CEO of Cyberwings. Is his entire staff named Shawn? Is that why the clarification is needed? Is there perhapse a CSO-Shawn, CTO-Shawn, and CFO-Shawn? This guy is really full of himself. To be honest, he could own a lemonaid stand on a street corner and elect himself as CEO and the title would still fit. Enough already. With a staff of arround 10, I wouldn't think that his CEO title could be taken seriously. I don't know, my opinion of course.

Anyhow givin his last little spat on the CWSTATUS site, he answered the question of :

"shawn- you promised that the servers would be up last Saturday.. and ip's released Friday.. why should we believe you now?"


"Because if you have EVER built a data center, you know that TECHNICAL PROBLEMS are ABOUND in a DC."

I would answer that with:

Well if You have "built" a data center before, then why the heck did you tell us it would be up last Saturday? Shouldn't your "expertiese" in the matter had helped you define a more conservative date?

I don't know, I would suggest that maybe we should start taking bets on how many more days of this will go on until CEO-Shawn has a nervous break down and has to go see DR-Bob. Oh and if you guys want, you can all call me CAPTAIN-Steve. So let the bests begin! I say he gets admitted to a psychiatric ward by Monday.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: schuang74
Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting tired of this "CEO-Shawn" crap? We get the picture, he is the CEO of Cyberwings. Is his entire staff named Shawn? Is that why the clarification is needed? Is there perhapse a CSO-Shawn, CTO-Shawn, and CFO-Shawn? This guy is really full of himself. To be honest, he could own a lemonaid stand on a street corner and elect himself as CEO and the title would still fit. Enough already. With a staff of arround 10, I wouldn't think that his CEO title could be taken seriously. I don't know, my opinion of course.

Ever seen the cult sci-fi movie, "Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th dimension"? All of the "bad" aliens ("Red Lectroids"), were all named "John". (They were from another planet, and landed on earth in 1947 in NJ. Watch the movie for more info.) Considering all the speculation about "CEO-Shawn", and the comet thing... maybe it is true...



Senior member
Jul 12, 2001
Night. That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. I got a genuine ROFLMFAOOOOOOOOOOoooofffffffff reading that. I give it a Huge THUMBS up and a MUST SEE.

As for the above comments about Wolfgang. I dont think he has disappeared. I also believe he will claim that he never said that this 'wouldnt' happen. Just that he was being fair and even-handed of his overview of the course of events.

Personally I originally thought Wolf was Shawn in disguise. However now I am just of the belief that wolf wanted things to be the way that he saw them.

Finally I still think CW is going to appear. Whether it be hosting by cable modem or whatever. I think the CEO has a cult following that will stick with him regardless of the service.



Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Night201
Funny web site - just posted on irc a little while ago:

<a class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="" target=blank>Link</A>

that was super he and his company has become a parody.
if the GoldenFleece did that for them...i wonder what it can do for me too!


Sep 20, 2001
As for the above comments about Wolfgang. I dont think he has disappeared. I also believe he will claim that he never said that this 'wouldnt' happen. Just that he was being fair and even-handed of his overview of the course of events.

I would be willing that he hasn't disappeared either...and if you read his posts, he never did say that it wouldn't...he was all the time presenting a view that could have worked, even though it may not (It sure doesn't look like it at this point, but it was somewhat possible, however unlikely it may have been...)

It's even possible that it may have played oout the way Wolf has spelled it out - if CEO wasn't on the verge of having a meltdown. Being benevolent is fine - but business is business. Some people will like you and some will not, no matter what you do. In has antics Shawn has ensured the enrighing of his competitors (Gary Harris is outright laughing all the way to the bank as he is preparing to order two more servers to handle all of the new traffic from CW castoffs). Hell, some of these guys will be able to finance their own datacenter before its over...of couose, he may wind up forcing some of them out of the game as well, when they find that they don't scale up well. Imagine that - the whole scenario will possibly clean up some of the mess in web hosting. Of course, it'll be temporary - someone else will be along to try to make the same model work...

It's been a heck of a ride, that's for sure. And in my opinion, well worth the 4 bucks I spent (Better than anything on Pay-per-view or the movies).



Jun 9, 2002
I've filed a compliant with PayPal -- and it takes 10 days for chargeback or a "resolution" to happen...

Anyone get their refund back yet from Cyber? Is so, how long did it take, and was it through PayPal or from Cyberwings?


Senior member
Mar 11, 2000
The ultimate diet one is especially funny and convicting. Go here to see the domain registration info.. created over a year ago In fact, it's expired! Another bill Shawn has not paid!!

Anyways, this is a fun thread, but I'm still waiting for a refund


Senior member
Nov 8, 2000
Originally posted by: schuang74
Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting tired of this "CEO-Shawn" crap?

It's just a one-man company. When Shawn is cleaning the toilets, his nickname becomes "Janitor-Shawn".
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