NOT HOT! Just FYI: Cyberwings - Received an email from

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Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
well theres something at thats a start!

Yeah, they managed to install Modern Bill.

Their "service" is down over 3 weeks and the first thing they install is the billing software. Irony or Arrogance? You make the call.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: mccall
well theres something at thats a start!

Yeah, they managed to install Modern Bill.

Their "service" is down over 3 weeks and the first thing they install is the billing software. Irony or Arrogance? You make the call.

well thats the first thing the public has been able to see. has been there for a few days, but it wasnt until now that the billing software showed up. So maybe its the last thing they installed.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
but it wasnt until now that the billing software showed up. So maybe its the last thing they installed.

Well the all elusive questionnaire is not yet available so it's not the last thing ... assuming the questionnaire ever show up that is.


Senior member
Apr 28, 2001
maybe the "Flux Capacitor" will need to be replaced? thats my bet!

No, its the dilithium crystals. He needed to go to the Gamma Quadrant to get some.
[Patrick Stewart Voice]
Warp 10. ENGAGE!
[/Patrick Stewart Voice]



Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
All the CW supporters should be very proud:

After announcing that Shawn was on the IRC channel and would make an announcement:
"<Apacapacas-Notabot>This channel is being moderated until Shawn can make an announcement about the questionnaire and/or the servers. He is in the channel now and will be making an announcement this evening."

They made everyone wait 45 minutes or so and then they banned some and kicked everyone else in the room:

"CEO-Shawn is clearing the room - please come back in 15 minutes."

Then they made the channel invite only. Oh, and I forgot to add that the channel was moderated at the time they did this. Actually, the channels been moderated all wek if I remeber right.

There were about 190 people in the room when they did that. And they're so intelligent they started doing it one by one instead of a mass kick. Now I just don't know if they meant 15 minutes our time or 15 minutes in Shawn time.

EDIT - They must have meant Shawn time as it's been over 40 minutes now


Sep 20, 2000
This guy has some nerve. He kicked everyone out of the room. A room that he set up to share info in. This is rich. Thank goodness I got the bulk of my money back. This is incredible. I can only imagine what is going to be revealed tonight. Perhaps the [taadaaa] THE TRUTH????



Golden Member
Jan 5, 2002
I can't believe that people are still thinking that this guy will get the sites back up again. Maybe after he asks for more money?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Some more entertainment from Shawn. I didn't make any of this up. Shawn posted the following messages on usenet.

How about....

* 2 Megabytes of Storage Space!
* Your own FTP Account!
* CGI-BIN Access! (Java Applets, Forms, etc. all included!)
* Unlimitted Kilobyte Transfer per Month!
* Unlimitted Traffic!
* S3 Internet Connection!
* Excellent Customer Service via E-Mail and Phone

for only $10/month? How much better can it get!?

How about....

* 2 Megabytes of Storage Space!
* Your own FTP Account!
* Your own POP E-Mail Account! <----- a definite plus!
* CGI-BIN Access! (Java Applets, Forms, etc. all included!)
* Unlimitted Kilobyte Transfer per Month!
* Unlimitted Traffic!
* S3 Internet Connection!
* Excellent Customer Service via E-Mail and Phone

for only $13/month? *!*!*!* WOW *!*!*!*


If you'd like more information or would like to know how
to setup your account, please send e-mail to:

Subject: Investor Information Wanted
Newsgroups: misc.invest.marketplace

Hello there. My name is Shawn White and I'm looking to get information
in regards to acquiring investors for a new start-up company. I'm involved in
the start-up of a new company in Maine, called The WebBank (not sure if this
will stay this or not), and we're in need of funding. We have a business plan
and are beginning to submit it to local area banks, but I 'm really doubtful they will aprove u
approve us based on our ages. I'm 19 and my colleague is 16. I've styarted
a business before, we've really thought this out, and we're very excited, yet
we're very pessimistic that we'll be able to find the funding, so that's why I'm
turning to the newsgroups for some assistance. We have scheduling for workers done,
we even have 4 volunteer employees at this point. Does anyone out there have
any ideas?

Shawn White
(our domain, we're trying to get the site setup now, bear with us!

Hi there! My name is Shawn, I'm a 19yo GWM in Portland, Maine... I'm looking
for some really neat, honest, open people to talk with... no matter the race,
orientation, creed... I enjoy poetry, travelling, walking on the beach, late
nights talking, and am a hopeless romantic at heart. I've been through a lot
in my life, and am a very understanding and comforting person. If there are any
good people left out there, write It's hard to find decent people now-a-days....

Waiting and hoping....

Shawn in Maine



Oct 21, 2001
Everyone and I mean EVERYONE who has hosted with Cyberwings and gotten screwed, should ask for a refund, no matter how little he owes you, be it $1 or $100, he's counting on the fact that people wont ask for it.

if only i had thought of it sooner. i would be in the caribbean, with o' say 300 dollars at the rate he charged...


Sep 20, 2001
Well, looks like all Pro-cyberwings channels have been locked for the past 1-2 hours...this is the way to communicate with customers...From what I understand, even some of the staff can't get in...Not volunteers, but staff (the one's that still had Op Status). This is just wonderful. I wonder how long before one fo them tells Shawn to go scratch as well as the rest of the customers?


Oct 26, 2001
"EVERYONE who has hosted with Cyberwings and gotten screwed, should ask for a refund... he's counting on the fact that people wont ask for it."

People are asking for refunds, they're just not getting them.

Current Total

Also, MacSamurai was just informed by payapl that they can't process any refunds because there is no money in the acount.


Sep 20, 2001
The fanboys are learning from the CEO...being in certian other channels will get you locked out of the fanboy it was put to me, "We are customers and choose to run our room as we want"..SO the money I spent doesn't make me a customer? The utter contempt that the CEO has shown his customers is amazing - and now he has managed to get his sheep to turn on each other. I guess they don't want too many customers on so they don't have to share their bandwidth. It would have been different if I had been flaming someone, but I wasn't even at the keyboard (Got up to fix the kid a bittle, came back to a kick). What a bunch of crap. I can see the end of this company - the outage will be forgotten, and all anyone will be able to talk about is the horrible treatment of people who PAID MONEY - I don't care if it was 50 cents. No one deserves to get pissed on. If I didn't have a newborn, I'd take macsamurai up on her bounty and go serve Shawn with the papers myself. Ba$tard...


Sep 20, 2001
Well, about 3 am or so the CW channel finally got open (I think the last person holding it open got dropped). So a frenzy breaks out, the IRCops come in and moderatie, and then suddenly Jan shows up (B....y woman). Gets particulary mad at one IRCop for being there (Maybe he was the one who klined them), and then announced to the channel:

This was a CLOSED channel. And you are NOT to be here. Now please leave immediately. Everyone. Anyone who'd been foling this sordid tale knows what happened next - that's right, methodically kick everyone out of the room, one at a time. What a bunch of losers. Jan needs to grab some Midol or something - she's crabby all the time. And then they try to hide in another room and listen in on other channels - got caught by the same IRCop who doesn't seem to like them much. Meanwhile - #CW-supporters (for people who like taking it up the rear end from the ceo) is locked too. What childish and stupid behavior.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
After the events of the last 12 hours even the most ardent supporters of Shawn and Cyberwings must now admit that this fiasco goes way past the point of "bad business" or that his actions can be interpreted as solely ineptness.

For those of you who missed the train wreck last night, Shawn logged onto the Cyberwings channel on IRC, the only means of communication between the staff of CW and it's customers (and the word communication doesn't acurately describe the situation since the staff have moderated the channel all week, meaning no one can speak but them). Once word spread that Shawn was there the room swelled to close to 200 people. The staff issued an announcement on the channel that Shawn would speak "sometime that evening". As if letting your customers twist in the wind with such an announcement wasn't the height of arrogance, roughly 40 minutes later they issued a second announcement, telling everyone they were "clearing the room" and to come back "in 15 minutes". The staff and Shawn then "kicked" everyone from the IRC channel and made it invitation only. As you can probably guess, they didn't invite anyone back, nor did they issue a statement on their web site explaining their actions. This took place shortly after 8 pm EST. As I write this the room is still invitation only and their placeholder page on their web site has not been updated to explain their actions.

It shows a complete lack of empathy for your customers (who have, at this point, been dealing with over three weeks of downtime) when even after your servers are "up" you refuse to release at least an email address so staff can address their concerns. But their behavior last night goes beyond even disrespect and into the relam of outright arrogance.

Some of Shawn's earlier "updates" have contained some pretty bizarre language, even for the dot-com industry where many "executives" don't follow established business protocols. His behavior has been downright childish. His repeated references to himself as CEO Shawn even after he admitted he had a "staff" of four. Most businesses don't have a CEO unless they also have a board of directors. Is it not enough to say you're the "owner"; wouldn't "general manager" suffice if he found the need to give himself a self-aggrandizing title? His references to "naysayers" and "troublemakers" and repeated challenges to customers to "pick a side" and "you're either with us or against us" would be laughable if so many weren't negatively affected by his behavior. This isn't a high school popularity contest. These people paid for a service and they've been waiting weeks for it's resumption. If he felt the need to address the rumors and speculation that develop in the vacuum that exists when there are no timely updates (a vacuum that he himself created I should add) he could certainly have done it in a more mature way.

You now have a front row seat to one of the more spectacular dot-com collapses of the year. Oh sure, you can read about the Enron's and Worldcomm's after the fact, but here you get to see daily the palace intigue. His company is circling the drain as we speak. He might get his servers functioning. He might get a questionnaire posted. And he might even "rebuild" some accounts. But after this spectacular flameout how in the hell is he going to attract new paying customers? Ask yourself, "Would I send him my money"?

And even when the inevitable happens and his company becomes no more the story won't end. Because out of the rubble will come the survivors. I'm talking about the "staff" and "volunteers" that have worked with Shawn these last few weeks. I can't wait to hear the stories they're going to tell. If he is is in private anything even close to his public persona, their stories are going to be fascinating.


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Wolfgang? Largo? CEO? SOMEBODY?!?! Please explain this all to us. I'm sure that things aren't as they seem.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm not sure why everyone is refering to Cyberwing as a "company" and Shawn as the "CEO', because Cyberwings was NEVER a company legally, only in the minds of those who fell for this ponzi sheme. And Shawn was a Con Artist, not a CEO.

"You now have a front row seat to one of the more spectacular dot-com collapses of the year"...hahahaha please.....How can you call Cyberwing a .com when it has never been a legal entity and it was a one man, ponzi scheme operation. Please don't blow this up bigger than it was.



Sep 20, 2001
Let me just touch on a couple of mccall's points...

The room briefly got opened around 3 AM or so - not by choice - the person that had been holding it dropped off, and the +i (well, the whole channel) went away. So a free-for all takes place...Then the IRCop shows up and mods it before it got out of hand (I can understand it from their point of view - I can't see why CW has been moderated off and on all week though by the staff (Per CEO's orders). Then Jan makes this ultra arrogant statement...

This was a CLOSED channel. And you are NOT to be here. Now please leave immediately. Everyone.

And the kicking started again. Meanwhile, the supporters got in on it too - kicking people from their channel, with more arrogant language (I was told that I need to realize that they are customers and they chose to run their channel their way - nevermind that I had spent money too...) At one point it was shown that ocsurfer (who would let Shawn bend him over at any time on command) said that "the fags in #wingtalk need to grow up." Now who's being childish? All of the people that they kicked/banned were idle and not causing any trouble (which was their first excuse). Then they deopped a volunteer (probably one of the few that has stood with the customers - and then people started jumping off the comet in droves. I guess they think by giving the CEO a rim job he'll move faster.

Meanwhile the staff was discovered hiding in another room, spying on their customers in secret (there some use to having an upset IRCop on your side. Too bad they didn't try to evade the ban from #wingtalk - there's another reason for killing/klining...

The fact that Shawn would keep everyone hanging on like the Wizard behind the curtain is galling - As much as I'd like to see people get the hosting they deserve, I'd like it even more to see him get what he deserves.

By the way - Geek4Rent is the general manager (there was a good choice :roll. He, Shawn, and the rest of the members of the inner circle (all of his staff isn't even in that list) are arrogant to no end, and richly deserve all the lawsuits and jail time that can be extended to them.

And you don't have to be a huge company to be a .com or have a spectacular flameout - the small size make it easy to get up front and watch. My personal take is that Shawn didn't feel loved enough as a child, therefore the need to surround himself with fawning bootlickers. Anyone not tossing the salad please move along...
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